Author Topic: Wa Nai  (Read 15564 times)

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Wa Nai
« on: December 31, 2005, 03:40:03 pm »
Just found this on a flyer today in Devon, UK. It's so creepily bad I thought it deserved posting in full - bad punctuation, repetition and all. Is it a joke? I think probably not. What does everyone else think? A Google search for the mobile number turns up a classified ad in a newage monthly selling 'Handheld elk and deerskin drums, made in a sacred way and NATIVE AMERICAN PRODUCTS'. It mentions a defunct website The trail goes cold for me there. Any Indian folks in the UK who might want to give Wa Nai a call?

Sacred work in the Dreamtime. Lighting the fire within. Discovering your true creative gifts. Where you'll be heard for who you truly are. With Wa Nai.

I like to see people's true colour. To see you for who you truly are. I have a deep inner knowing of what stops you seeing and being your true self. Do you know how much life there is? For your soul to live in the body. If you're not being true to yourself, where do you go? You lie now. What is your life's goal and purpose? Do you want to live? To live your soul's dream. To find your higher purpose? You'll get more fulfilment, you'll start to learn there's more to this life, a higher purpose with old ways and memories renewed. Like a dream of what's to come you'll come within to love. You'll start to live from your true self. You'll start to close old doors. You'll start to live from your true self. You'll let the light of who you are shine. You'll be known for what you are born to be, to live your true soul self. I will light the way for you, help you learn to listen, I see your higher self and the magic that lies within you. Your souls gifts lie in wait dying to be uncovered, seen, heard, expressed and lived. Your gift needs to be shared. Don't let yourself pass by. Don't lose yourself doing what you don't want to do. You'll do well to take the step into the beauty way. To see clear horizons, to see the day through...if you'll come and look at you. You'll be here with me if you need to be you won't try to think your hearts intent. You'll no longer feel alone in this life. You'll feel safe. You'll let your mother comfort you. Let her know of your pains. You'll go back to your mother and you'll stay. You won't want to be alone any longer. You'll stay wanted, you'll let love come into your heart and you'll start to be happy. You're all you've looked to find. When can I meet you? So we'll say you'll call me? You're not going to let yourself go by another day. You'll come and learn to say your prayers with me. That will be all now. You'll like the beauty way. You'll stand close to the fire again. You'll love to dance your prayers. So, you're not letting your life go by now? Together we'll say our prayers. The great mystery is calling you home and you'll stay. Let me help you become a friend one that you can talk to and that stays. We won't stay alone another day. I will come to see your heart, like brothers and sisters and we'll start a new way of living.

My name is Wa Nai. I am from the Indian nation. I have come back to my people. My people are in need of some true, honest, soul nurturing. True love will light the way forward at this time on Earth.

Contact mobile no 07971 179086



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Re: Wa Nai
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2005, 10:30:51 pm »
She forgot her last name: Bee

Wa Nai Bee


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Re: Wa Nai
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2006, 12:46:19 am »
According to an Internic 'whois', the registration request for the domain is being processed as of November 2. Viewing the source code at, it appears that the site will be affiliated with Both sites are registered by the same company, GJohn Online.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: Wa Nai
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2006, 12:43:14 pm »
Aha - I did a whois search but didn't take proper notice of the dates. Thanks. I also searched on but didn't see a connection between that domain and GJohn Online aka GJ Internet Marketing Services in the results other than that they are in the same city.

My guess is that this Wa Nai character is a client of GJIMS, rather than them being the same person.

U_Guest_It, have you encountered this person before?

Edit D'oh, never mind! Sorry, it's the morning after the night before.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »


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Re: Wa Nai
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2006, 03:36:18 pm »
Wa Nai Bee, erm... wanabee?

This has got to be a joke, right?

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Wa Nai
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2006, 12:00:18 am »
Reading the ads in the link posted by Barnaby I see there is somebody doing Hopi ear candle training..
Courses & Groups - General
HOPI EARCANDLE COURSES. Quality teaching, insurance, candle discounts. Telephone: 01943 817879.