Author Topic: "The Inca Secret"/Elizabeth Jenkins  (Read 25246 times)

Offline educatedindian

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"The Inca Secret"/Elizabeth Jenkins
« on: October 27, 2007, 06:35:31 pm »
I put this one straight into Frauds because it's not even a close call. The woman is European and has admitted never even visiting South America. Thanks to our translator.


They offer seminars etc with Jenkins; I saw a price tag reading € 600
EXcluding accom & meals, participants limited to 30. If my maths don't fail
me big time, that's quite nice a sum.
The .de-site belongs to two persons in the vicinity of Cologne. There is
another site maintained by a lady claiming she's a singer and healer who
either has deficiencies in geography or her text might speak of thieves
falling out - she claims she's the *first* person offering Inka healing in
the federal state of Northrhine-Westfali a and the second one in Germany.
However, the first site mentioned above claims to be Jenkins' official site
in Germany, and they're located in the very same federal state.

Jenkins is also active in Austria and Switzerland.

http://www.rimay. at/

"We organise courses with Elizabeth Jenkins. Elizabeth Jenkins is known for
two books: "The Return of the Inca" and "Journey to Q'eros"

In these books, she describes her own initiation into the mystical tradition
of the Q'eros. This people is of Inca descent and lived in isolation from
their surroundings in the mountains of Peru. Spiritual knowledge of the Inca
was passed on from generation to generation."

http://www.rimay. at/?sh=seminare

"Evening of introduction to Inca shamanism by Elizabeth Jenkins
Entrance free
Sunday, June 10, 2007 7 p.m.
Om Esoterik, Vienna

Tue June 12 - Wed June 12, 2007 [sic]
Fee: € 253
Introduction into the spiritual world view of the Inca

Intensive Seminar Inca shamanism
with Elizabeth Jenkins
Tue June 12 - Sun June 17
Fee: € 622
This intensive seminar teaches the content of Levels I to III
In this course you will advance on the Andean path"


Also an account of a speech in the Netherlands where she made some surprising admissions.

"one of my Peruvian collogues asked me if I would be able to attend a presentation at the university sponsored by the Latin American student's club. It was by a woman who wrote a book called, The Inca Secret.  She could not be there so she wanted me to listen in.  Unfortunately, it was mostly in Dutch so I missed much of what she said.  The Peruvian ambassador to the Nederlands did speak for a bit, in English, and I really liked what he said.  He said it was very nice what this woman had written, but that people needed to know that there was 20,000 more years of deep culture in Peru other than the Inca.  Also that Inca was a misnomer, and is misused to indicate a lost culture, which is untrue since there are many descendents of these peoples still living rich cultural live in Peru today. 

When she opened it up to questions there was a wide variety of questions, and no good answers.  She is a very, very, new aged counselor who uses "ancient Inca spirituality and ceremony" to heal people.  What I found interesting was that she admits that she speaks no indigenous language, has never been there, and only spoke once to one elder who travels in Europe but still feels she has the right to cash in on Inca knowledge.  She said to one of the Peruvians there, "I don't have to travel there to know and understand the spirituality. " To everyone else who criticized her she just said that it was obvious that they had not read the book and to not bother her until they had. 

I don't think she was very happy with some of the Indian contingent there, (mostly me - I made my displeasure known) but she was still selling books to the new agers who were there.  She also owns and operates the largest homeopathic medicine distributer in the Nederlands and Belgie.  She said about 6 different times that she makes no money on the books, but then how many times have we heard that one.  "We don't have our 501 (3) C yet, but we are non-profit." Right!  She also made some comment about not being able to help the people in Peru since it is so expensive to get them Llamas etc.  One woman said, well I'll help.  Just give me the address! It was very, very strange.  The whole thing just gave me an oggy feeling. 
I still can't believe someone saying you don't have to have any contact with an indigenous community, speak the language or go to the sacred lands to use their spirituality.  The biggest problem was an Peruvian "performer" there that was giving her big hugs and telling her how sorry he was that her good work was being questioned - of course he had a business deal for her."



"She has a business www.inkaspirit. nl (sorry its all in Dutch) that promotes spiritual seminars along with Marja Arons who leads tours to Peru. www.incaknowhow. nl (also known as the Bureau Inca Vision) They will take you to the jungle and set up a male initiation ceremony or just about anything else you want.  Their schedule here in the Nederlands has such wonderful classes as: Traditional Knowledge Training, (advanced training 1-2-3, Inca Yoga Intensives, and Inca Yoga in the forest....Carl loves them.

They both "follow" Don Juan Nunez del Prado and his son Ivan Nunez del Prado.  They also offer things like how to work with energy, light, and your troublesome relatives...During the presentation they showed all these pictures of the people they had dealt with in Peru.  One shot was of the back of a man in a Tommy Hilfiger jacket that got lots of giggles.  Not One of those twinkies thought that, here are good honest people trying to live their lives in a traditional way, wearing some rich white person's cast off clothes being photographed by some rich woman that is spending more money on this one trip than they will make in their lives.  It really offended me.  All they saw was a Tommy jacket in the "wilderness. " 

When Flora (Peruvian) mentioned that is was wrong to sell the information for huge amounts when the locals that should have the information could not afford to know it and therefore pass it down and mentioned that she had never even been to the region, Ms Ambrosia stated in a rather offended way that she certainly didn't need to go there to be a complete human - Now what is that supposed to mean.  It was just ugly, and I hated seeing some of the Peruvian men there really playing into the whole thing.  This one guy (who Flora says organizes dancers and all) got up and said he could answer all of the questions she has about knowledge she doesn't have yet, but she will have to buy his video to hear it...It was all in Dutch, so maybe I did get all of it, but that is basically what Flora say he was saying. "

Offline Kantuta

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Re: "The Inca Secret"/Elizabeth Jenkins
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 06:21:04 pm »
There is a new Swedish book, Inkamästarnas arv, by a woman called Anna E. Southerington.

She also has an organisation called Inka Spirit (in Swedish) and I found some really disturbing things there...

Shortly it says, that there are “indian legends saying that long time ago, the white people worked together with the indians with these traditions, like brothers and sisters. We, of the white race, then decided to work with other things, and made over the knowledge to our brothers and sisters until we returned. Now more and more indians from the younger generations are turning away from the old traditions, and at the same time we white people are starting to feel a longing back again. It is now our time to return, and become the new trustees of the ancient knowledge, and, one day in the future, return it to the indians. Don Benito Qoriwaman was the first one who saw that the new time had come and acted thereafter, by accepting the non-indian Juan Nuñez del Prado as an apprentice. Juan has spread the tradition to other whites; among his students was the writer Elizabeth Jenkins whose book has sold all around the world.

They have absolutely no shame about making up stories that legitimate what they're doing!

Offline MikePutfus

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Re: "The Inca Secret"/Elizabeth Jenkins
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2007, 04:36:13 pm »
Perhaps the person should read Prosopopeia by Bento Texeira Pinto (1601) or El Indo by Gregorio Lopez (1935) for a better understanding of how they worked with the White People at the time.

Offline Greenwood

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Re: "The Inca Secret"/Elizabeth Jenkins
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2007, 01:10:58 am »
I have a question here: Is Jenkins herself being marked as a fraud or her german representatives? Both maybe? Jenkins is obviously teaching stuff belonging to the Qero, if I understand this correctly, to her pupils. That obviously is not that correct thing - except: what about the projects she claims to finance?


Neil Greenwood
Dwn-'nwj - "He who unfolds two wings": Himmiherrgotzaggramentzefixallelujamilextamarschscheissglumpfaregtz!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "The Inca Secret"/Elizabeth Jenkins
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2007, 06:28:40 pm »
Both Jenkins and her German "franchisees" as I'd call them are clearly frauds. Her claim to do projects that do some good is unproven. If she does, that still would not excuse her being an exploiter and imposter. It simply would mean she is not an entirely bad person, which is true of most people.

Offline nemesis

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Re: "The Inca Secret"/Elizabeth Jenkins
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2011, 08:12:28 am »
I'm not sure if this warrants a new thread but I'll let the mods decide.

This Inkaspirit thing is now operating in the UK

Here their main contact person is a woman called Margaret Law-Homewood

Margaret Law-Homewood

Margaret Law-Homewood
Margaret was born in Malaysia in 1944.  Her mother is a Catholic and her father was a Buddhist.  Along her spiritual journey she has worked with and learned from many teachers of different faiths and has come to a personal practice of holistic spirituality not tied to a specific religion.

In the late 1960s she trained as a Samaritan with Chad Varah, when he introduced the telephone listening service to Malaysia. This led her to study psychodynamic psychotherapy in Malaysia and from the late 1980s she trained in the Carl Rogers person-centred approach. This has informed her work  as a psychotherapist and counsellor ever since.

She emigrated to the UK in 1975.  She has also worked as a lecturer in counselling and psychotherapy at Thames Valley University, as Deputy Director and Head of Counselling Service at HAGAM, a voluntary sector alcohol and drug addiction agency, and for the NHS as Deputy Chief Officer of Ealing Community Health Council.

Over the last two decades she has been learning about shamanism from teachers such as Leo Rutherford, Sandra Ingerman and Alberto Villodo.  She recently completed the Shamanka training for women with Eliana Harvey, which provided an introduction to Inka energy medicine and led to her connection with Don Juan and Iván.

Margaret is a co-founder of the Foundation for Holistic Spirituality with William Bloom and a trustee of the Spiritual Crisis Network.  She is also an active member of the Spirit Release Foundation.

She has a holistic counselling and psychotherapy private practice. She also facilitates workshops in self development and spiritual development.

I have googled for more info re this woman and she is not properly trained or accredited to work as a counsellor or psychotherapist.  She claims to work to the BACP code of ethics, but she is not a BACP registered member.  

William Bloom is an old timer on the UK newage scene and has been running workshops (IMMIC on angels) for decades.  Recently his activity on social networking websites indicates that he has befriended some very dodgy people involved in human trafficking, which is unsurprising as he is a frequent guest at the Alternatives events as St James' Church, Piccadilly where many dangerous and criminal people have been busy making contacts and alliances.

I am interested that Ms Law-Homewood is also involved in the Spirit Release Foundation as it has links with people at the Royal College of Psychiatrists.  The former chair of the Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Dr Andrew Powell, promoted "spirit release" in his academic papers and at one point the Spirit Release Foundation was listed in the Royal College of Psychiatrists website as an educational resource.  

anyway, back to Inkaspirit....

They are running 3 x 2 day workshops at Heythrop College (previously a prestigious London college in the Judeo-Christian tradition - now their premises hosts workshops for just about every cult going) as follows:
Juan and Iván
Inka Spirit UK will be running workshops with Andean masters Don Juan Núñez del Prado and Iván Núñez del Prado from 2011.

These workshops will reawaken, attune and harmonise your energy systems using traditional Inka and Q’ero practices. You will also be introduced to some Quechua terminology.

The next set of three sequential two day workshops (Inka Path 1, Inka Path 2 and Inka Path 3) will take place in October 2011, from 27th October to 1st November. It will be held at Heythrop College, 23 Kensington Square, Kensington, London W8 5HN.

Each workshop is offered standalone, but as a whole the three form the foundation of the Inka Wisdom Teachings. A paqo (Inka tradition practitioner) certificate will be awarded on completion of the foundation training. A certificate of attendance for continuing professional development (CPD) will be awarded for attendance of individual workshops.

These teachings come from the ancient Inka lineage passed down through Don Benito Qoriwaman Vargas, the last great master of the Andean tradition and his other maestros Don Andres Espinoza, and Don Melchor Deza.

On completion of the foundation workshops participants will be able to attend the Advanced Level Masterclass which will be held in 2012.

The cost is £240 for one workshop, £440 for any two workshops or £600 for all three workshops.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 08:14:32 am by nemesis »

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Re: "The Inca Secret"/Elizabeth Jenkins
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2011, 04:55:37 pm »
This reminds me of this old book I remember reading. It was in the fiction section (I do remember that) and it was about this archeologist who finds a Inca "codex" with secret wisdom. I just can't remember the name of the book.

Online Sparks

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Re: "The Inca Secret"/Elizabeth Jenkins
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2019, 01:16:17 am »
This reminds me of this old book I remember reading. It was in the fiction section (I do remember that) and it was about this archeologist who finds a Inca "codex" with secret wisdom. I just can't remember the name of the book.

My best guess:

See also: