There's currently a response to this thread from the tribeofmanycolors website owner here:
It makes the attempt to explain her legitimacy and distance Crowther from claims that she's a Sioux or Salish shaman... 10 seconds.

This 'Urgent Message' response is not from the website owner, the first little part is written by Kiesha Crowther and the other part is made by an anonymous writer, i don't know who it is. I think this person also writes the other 'Urgent Messages'. It's not the website owner though, his style of writing is very unique, i would recognize it.
While I'm sure her followers would more than likely take this information at face value...
Yes, many will. I've just read it... to someone who wants to believe, it will probably sound 100% accurate and true.
Again, these elders and particular tribes are never named. Readers are advised to listen to what their heart tells them. An attempt is made to discredit NAFPS based on topics present about Adam Yellowbird and Drunvalo Melchizedek, which they apparently perceive as completely truthful people. Even the thread on the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers is mentioned, even though it's in the 'research needed' forum. All the good work people here have done at exposing fake ceremony sellers and impostors, and all the credible websites, people and groups that cooperate with NAFPS or use it for information, are left out of the loop ( Basically NAFPS is portrayed as one of the evils of the internet. It feels like a low blow to me. How convenient to mention this 'non-native shaman' story now... fact of the matter is; Kiesha's talks, workshops and interviews have been advertised with this "shaman for the Flathead reservation tribe of the Sioux and Salish" story, many many times. This is very misleading.
I don't know Yellowbird but i do have some of Melchizedek's books, i think he does have some credible & unique knowledge and theories but also lots of really wild and ridiculous fantasies (like teaching Thoth - the Egyptian god of the moon, magic, the calendar, literacy and wisdom - his personal meditation technique). Before calling himself Drunvalo Melchizedek he called himself Akbar... strange story. I'm pretty certain he's as human as anyone else and from my experience, his meditation technique is not really superior to basic relaxing and being still. I haven't read the thread about him yet, i'm curious as to what people here at NAFPS think about him. Anyway, back on topic.
[A little notice - skeptics may frown upon what i say now but i consider this a truth, and i'm posting this in hope that someone who is active on will read this] I do believe Kiesha Crowther may indeed have a good intuition/certain abilities. For example she may very well have been speaking a language she otherwise couldn't speak. Fact of the matter is, during transpersonal regression therapy sessions, this stuff happens quite often. I can imagine that the trance-like state she must be in when receiving supposed messages from the other side must be very similar to, if not the same as, a regression trance. To me it isn't even that special anymore. This occurrence, if it really happened, is not supposed to be used as a yardstick for truth, and
especially not to be used as proof of 'the good side'. It can originate from anywhere and from what i've learned so far with regression therapy, most of the time it occurs there, it isn't something good.
as always, when questions arise and there is no valid legitimacy to a claim, then it
is deemed as 'negative' to look further and try to uncover the truth.
Yes, i am now considered to be a bringer of low energy.