Author Topic: Harry Gawlinski AKA Harry Josiah AKA Brother Bear  (Read 5716 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Harry Gawlinski AKA Harry Josiah AKA Brother Bear
« on: March 25, 2018, 12:39:02 am »
Leaching off NoDAPL, recently turned exploiter.

Hello my name is Harry. I am a Conduit, that channels higher dimensional energy to cure Sickness. My mother, and I run a spiritual clinic out of our home on donation based payments, in Delta, Colorado, the western slope. Our work is to assist in re-uniting the Mind, the Body, and the Spirit. To recalibrate your energy/auric fields, and chakra centers, which will re-establish your intimate connection to your True Self, and all things....

My Medicine Bundle includes:
.Sound Therapy .Drum Circles .Crystal Energy/Crystal Grids .Smudging .Fire Ceremony
.Space Clearing/Feng Shui .Auric Baths .Chakra Baths .Drumming .Singing/Chanting
.Sacred Pipe Ceremony .Sweat Lodge .Healing Touch .Singing Bowls .Manifestation Tools
.Throat Singing .Meditation .Vision Quests .Plant Medicine .Water Therapy
.Tinctures and Elixirs .Aromatherapy .Water .Spiritual Guidance

....Please contact 720 208 8656. You may text or call to set up a time that we can meet here in Delta and get to know each other and how we can further progress in the healing you need. My email is also if that is more convenient!

Just a final bit of information about the set and setting. The Butte that I live by is the Gunnison Gorge where I will facilitate the Calling for a Vision. The sweat lodge will also be on my property with a Tipi. The Tipi is where we will do most ceremonies. It is a sacred structure, and will be set up as such. It was gifted to me at Oceti Sakowin in Standing Rock, North Dakota, during my time with the Native Americans protecting the Earth. It is a powerful canvas with much prayer and energy in it. I need 14 poles before i can set it up again. I am hoping to acquire them soon. Until then we will work with the Earth and my space at home.
I am wanting to offer it as a place for red tent ceremonies for the Divine Feminine to activate their full potential during their moon time! My Mother will be the one leading and facilitating that space. So calling out to all Feminine energy that feels drawn to exploring this experience, please contact us! As well as the Masculine energy! I wish for us to be in sweat lodge next to the Tipi, while the women pray and
unite with us, any sweaters out there wanting to join please contact us! I am new to Delta and I am very excited and stimulated to get to know this community, and begin connecting with you all! Thank you for your existence, and your vital part in the Embodiment of the Spirit and the Ascension of the Human Race!
Harry Brother Bear Josiah

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Harry Gawlinski AKA Harry Josiah AKA Brother Bear
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2018, 01:16:26 am »
[The tipi] was gifted to me at Oceti Sakowin in Standing Rock, North Dakota

Some of the women had their lodges stolen by white people. It sounds like we may have found one of them.


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Re: Harry Gawlinski AKA Harry Josiah AKA Brother Bear
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2018, 08:44:39 pm »
I am wanting to offer it as a place for red tent ceremonies for the Divine Feminine to activate their full potential during their moon time! My Mother will be the one leading and facilitating that space. So calling out to all Feminine energy that feels drawn to exploring this experience, please contact us!

Red tent ceremonies

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Harry Gawlinski AKA Harry Josiah AKA Brother Bear
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2018, 01:03:06 am »
Claims to be part of a Nuage group posing as community activists, Energy Collective. So far no sign it's anyone but him and his stage name, Ankh Elixir.

Created in January
Mission We are here to spread consciousness, awaken the minds of the people, and prepare our Earth Family for this coming event that will shift us into the new world! 5D
Call (720) 208-8656

Healing, counseling, multi-media, jewelry, hemp creations, photography, space clearing, ceremonies, retreats, crystals, fossils, clothing, medicines, and lots of Love!
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Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Harry Gawlinski AKA Harry Josiah AKA Brother Bear
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2018, 07:12:03 pm »
Both Harry Josiah (aka Harry Gawlinski) and his mother are non-Natives. Neither has ceremonial permissions. They are selling fake ceremonies of their own invention to gullible people. The canvas tipi covering he has is not special, and it is stolen.

While these two non-Natives spent some time, along with many other non-Natives, at the large overflow camps at Oceti Sakowin, they were kicked out due to their appalling behavior. Also like many other nons who were there, they are now lying about what they did.

Harry Josiah and his mother are now banned from all the legitimate Water Protector and ceremonial camps due to offensive behaviour in camp, as well as for their current exploitative, appropriative behaviour.

We spoke to Lakota elders and leaders in the Ocetic Sakowin and related Water Protector camps (that this dude claims to be connected to). There are quite a few, rather hilarious but appalling stories about this guy. The tipi Harry stole is neither "blessed" nor was it gifted to him. He stole it. He also has a fake eagle feather he claims he was gifted. Akicita took it from him and inspected it. They gave it back because it's fake. They told him it's fake but he continues to lie about it. Harry was also found to be smoking weed in a now-desecrated chanupa.

Harry attempted to go up on the hill and failed outrageously. He came screaming down halfway through, crying that the Lakota are trying to kill him. :D

Once again, this guy and his mom are referred to by the legitimate leaders as banished wasicu. Neither are Native. Neither have permission to do ceremonies and neither were gifted anything from Oceti or any other legitimate water protector camp. They are considered bad medicine and to be avoided.