Author Topic: Naomi Love - Shamanic Practitioner  (Read 2317 times)

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Naomi Love - Shamanic Practitioner
« on: June 29, 2019, 04:18:22 am »
from here:
Naomi Love is a Wisdom Keeper. She has been in the healing arts for over 25 years and has worked with over sixty thousand clients, and trained over fifty practitioners through her Living School, Wise Womb Medicine Path™. Naomi is a Ceremonialist and Facilitator. She is Master Body Worker, Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Clinical Nutritional Therapist, Flower Essence Practitioner, Aromatherapist, Shamanic Practitioner, Womb Whisperer, Evolutionary Alchemist, Yoga Instructor, Birth & Postpartum Doula, Medium and Channel, Tao Tantric Priestess, Sacred Feminine Facilitator, Medicine Maker, Intimacy & Relationship Coach. Naomi weaves her twenty five plus years of education masterfully with her life experiences, and is able to track the unseen realms to support the people she holds space for, to return home, to the truth of themselves, to the remembrance of why you are here. Naomi truly meets you, in loving presence and from there, anything is possible.

from here:

Tending to the Heart : Shamanic Restorative Journey

With Naomi Love

Location: Inner Path : Nevada City 

The sacred place of the heart needs tending, nurturing and presence brought to it in order for us to truly live our lives from the place of the heart. Join us for an experiential workshop to tend to your heart space and dissolve the heart walls.

Come, rest on the earth, be held in the sacred container and remember the truth of your hearts essence. The drum will guide us the as we journey to the heart space and tend to the places that need to be witnessed, honored, healed and integrated.

Heart walls often form from past hurts, traumas and experiences, heart breaks from the subtle hurts to the big ones. When the heart isn’t tended to - the walls get stronger creating more and more of a barrier from feeling, from connecting to the heart which ultimately effects our capacity for true deep connection with the ourselves and others.

Dissolving the heart walls supports us in living from an authentic place within our hearts to  cultivate a deeper resonance of self-love and compassion.

This is a gentle and powerful restorative practice. No experience required. You will be held in a beautiful container and receive a beautiful heart healing. Naomi brings plants, sound, smells into her teaching and is an incredible space holder. Tears and laughter are both welcome.

Meet Your Facilitator

Naomi Love is a Wisdom Keeper and Masterful Facilitator. Naomi teaches internationally and has been a Pioneer in the healing arts with over twenty-five years of experience working with over sixty thousand clients and trained over seventy practitioners through her Living School Wise Womb Medicine Path™. Naomi has a gift to meet you in presence and from there, anything is possible. Naomi has been featured on Self Cervix, Dream Freedom Beauty Podcast, Purely Balanced Podcast, and Susan Weed’s Blog Talk Radio to name a few. She has an ability to orchestrate deep transformation both in one on one sessions and in her teaching. Be prepared to go deep, laugh, cry and fully come home to yourself.

Class Cost: $45.00

Boulder : Cacao Ceremony with Naomi Love

Friday, July 26, 2019
It is time for humanity to step into the space of the heart, to tend to the places within that need healing so we can walk on this great earth in remembrance of our true nature.

Beloved it is time for us to WAKE UP from the dream.

It is no surprise that humanity is so out of harmony with nature, as this is only a reflection of the collective being out of harmony with their own inner nature. As within so without.

Join Naomi Love, Ceremonial Facilitator, for a special evening of introspection, prayer and movement to support the integration of the heart and body.

Ceremonial Cacao is made by hand for three days with prayer - the special formula is blended with other beautiful heart opening plants to support the opening of the heart, the unravelling of the perception of separation and cultivates the reconnection with self and creation.


Each Ceremony Naomi offers is unique as she works with those that have gathered in circle. This is a special event as Naomi has never offered this ceremony to the public, it is usually saved for her students.

We will Gather at 6:00 in sacred circle, we will sip ceremonial cacao, share our prayers and move our bodies.

We will complete the ceremony around 9pm.

We look forward to seeing you.

The cost is $65.00 Per Person : Preregistration is Required ends July 21st.