Author Topic: Enolia Foti aka "Changing Times Woman"  (Read 5987 times)


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Enolia Foti aka "Changing Times Woman"
« on: July 25, 2017, 08:00:45 pm »
Mentioned here

Enolia is a graduate of Alberto Villoldo’s Four Winds Light Body School where she received the 13 Rites of the Munay-ki from the Q’eros Indians of Peru.

(Albert Villoldo info and elsewhere throughout forums )

Enolia has traveled around the world to study with many native medicine people.  Spanning the Ojibwa nation of Canada; Lakota, Yaqui, Hopi, Apache nations of the U.S.; the Q’eros of Peru, the Mapuche of Chile, the Toltec of New Mexico and the Luhya of Kenya just to name a few. Bringing back the gift to heal the luminous body at an energetic level.

 Enolia, Orator has received the spirit name Changing Times Woman from her Ojibwe Elder. She walks the path set before her to Teach, Counsel, Heal and Empower.

She says she is a "Modern Day Medicine Woman".

Infinite Possibilities, Journey to Empowerment

Language of Light began to spontaneously channel through Enolia. Her first experience of it was a blessing from an elder while attending a ceremony. One year later, it spontaneously came through. Enolia does free transmissions as well as one-on-one healing sessions globally. She also initiates others to access the special gift of Language of Light.

Ideographic Cybernetics are the language of light symbols working with more than 2 dimensional forms of language.  They are geometric pictures and symbols or “picture codes” which work on many levels of consciousness through a person connecting the brain and electrical networks.  These teachings of wisdom allow communication with higher intelligence.

Lecture topics on native teachings:

    Empowerment: (Re)Defining Fear, Releasing Judgement, Power of Words, Why forgive, Reclaiming Your Power

    The Medicine Wheel

    Sacred Geometry

    Earthkeepers Wisdom


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Re: Enolia Foti aka "Changing Times Woman"
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2017, 08:14:23 pm »
On a past website she listed several people she says are her teachers:

Shaman Doña Bernadina and Don Humbérto

Grandmother Isabelle Meawasige

Lench Archuleta; Yaqui Indian Traditional Native Healer, Southern Arizona

Medicine Woman Marcela Lobos


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Re: Enolia Foti aka "Changing Times Woman"
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2017, 08:37:22 pm »
Enolia Birdie Foti registered her company Infinite Possibilities: Journey to Empowerment, LLC in 2016, California. Company address is in West Lake, CA. Mailing address Santa Monica. (LLC name search here