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An interesting article appeared on my site this morning....referencing this:

my posted reply to this is after the

Message for the Blue Star, from Hopi Elders 8-20-05
Sat, 20 Aug 2005 10:37:18 EDT

Hopi Elders Say Earth Changes Are Upon Us

from Simon Hunt

During the past week there have been a few events that deserve
our attention, thought, and examination.....


Okay... first of all, this "message" is an old one.  To the best of my knowledge this "interview" occured on November of 2004

Wednesday, November 17, 2004
"This is the Hour"

Your message referenced this article:

Article by: Simon Hunt   (no date)

Hopi Elders Say Earth Changes Are Upon Us

Secondly, these people are either known frauds, scam artists or otherwise very dubious.  

"Dr" Robert Ghost Wolf
ROBERT GHOST WOLF Author, Artist and Shaman of the Metis People  Wednesday, May 27, 1998 Robert Ghost Wolf was on the Art Bell show.

I don't about a "Henry Franzoni" but one Robert Frances Franzone is who "Robert Ghost Wolf" is. He has also gone by the names of Robert Parry, Bobby Wolfe and Robert Wolfe.
He isn't a Native American either; he's Italian. "Robert Ghost Wolf" is what you call a phony-baloney plastic injun, and yes he has been on Art Bell a few times. The reason I know all this is because I'm in touch with some of his past victims he's scammed.

Council Master Guide Kirael

Rev. Fred Sterling .....
Fred Sterling is a master medium, a minister and a messenger—a shaman of Native American ancestry who walks between the third dimensional world of human and the boundless realms of spirit.
Reverend Fred Sterling, who has served as a trance medium for Kirael for more than 15 years here in Hawaii.

Fred Sterling has been honored to act as his medium.
Honolulu Church of Light

Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Master Kirael and Fred Sterling:
(Do not access these links as they are virus infested)

Gordon Michael Scallion,
You see, before 1999, he was predicting that all the "Earth Change" disasters would have been fulfilled by 2001. Then for some unexplained reason, he went right on to replay all the predictions to be fulfilled by 2012! I guess changing dates keeps his popularity afloat, and people don't seem to mind it--

GMS is actually a prophetic industry that he calls The Matrix Institute. One of his more popular items for sale is a map of the future Earth as seen by GMS. On this map - which he once claimed would be the true map of the world by at least the year 2002 - California is nothing but a few islands in the Pacific and Denver is where the ocean front property sits. (This is a revision of an earlier prophecy that also proved false.)

Even though I disagree with just about everything else on your website, I'm glad to see there's some healthy skepticism when it comes to the truly destructive frauds like Franzone. Be warned, he and his followers can be vicious, they spent over a decade using smear tactics against a late member of NAFPS.

Thanks for the list of links. We've recently been in touch with a Hawaiian activist. I'll ask her about Sterling.

Some entertaining debunking of Scallion. Scallion's stuff makes him a good candidate for Looniest Nuager.

Well, I don't expect eveyone to agree with everything on my site,  but there is one thing I very much dislike and that is "posers".  No one has to like who I am either, but at least I do not pretend to be anything other than who I am.  I'm glad those links will be useful to you.

I hope you'll take a good look at our sites for information on the OTHER posers as well, ones you have on your site that you might not realize are also frauds. Just in alone, you have these imposters:

Hunbatz Men- he's actually not Mayan, and neither is anything he teaches.

Ed McGaa- ex lawyer posing as an elder, we have an ex member of his cult in here.

Brooke Edwards (AKA Medicine Eagle)- white imposter posing as a Crow elder, denounced by the Crow as a fraud

Charles Storm (AKA Heymeyohsts Storm)- German-American with a little bit of distant Crow ancestry, poses as Cheyenne elder, denounced by Cheyenne elders and tribal council as a liar and a racist and his teachings are considered a desecration of actual Cheyenne ways.

There is someone else, "Aluna Joy Yaxin" who is (to Natives) also a fairly obvious fraud.
Selling "spiritual tourism".

I laughed out loud at this silly quote from her book sales:
"The indestructible coil binding and laminated cover will last through a few galatic shifts and many steamy jungle jaunts."

And this part of her website is a laugh a minute, one of the craziest hodgepodges of contradictory pseudo beliefs I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure that her selling "MT SHASTA ESSENCES The Essence of Mother Mary" would offend the tribes who hold Mt Shasta as their sacred site.

Her listed on a Junk Science site.

BTW, you have "Ghostwolf" listed as an "expert" on UFOs elsewhere on your site.

Are you sure you are at the right site(s)?  

Except for the link to which was NOT posted by me and to which I clearly state "these people are either known frauds, scam artists or otherwise very dubious." ,I don't have these links or any references to these people.  

I do go through your sites often and find useful information....I try to steer clear of controversial people and there are some I avoid altogether.  

"ghostwolf" an "expert" on UFO"s?  I don't think so.


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