Author Topic: Tata Pedro Cruz  (Read 17869 times)

Offline mysticknt

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Tata Pedro Cruz
« on: June 21, 2008, 03:13:44 pm »
found a little bit about him and i not to sure some of his biddies got mixed pedigrees ... rkers.html
 any info greatly apprieciated   

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tata Pedro Cruz
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2008, 03:55:48 pm »
Besides spending a lot of time with "lightworkers" he also is listed as an "elder in residence."

Our "Elder-in-Residence" will be Mayan Elder Tata Pedro Cruz from the Highlands of Guatemala. Tata Pedro is a prominent member of the Mayan Council of Elders Atitlan, the 2005 World Ambassador of Peace and is featured in our new book, 2012: From the Love of Power to the Power of Love. Tata Pedro will conduct his sacred Mayan ceremonies, share his people's ancient wisdom and each night address the gathering before the music begins. Or just chat with him on the path!


He'll also been in Britain very soon.

Let ceremonies be filmed by a very pompous white guy calling himself Yes I. (I swear I'm not making that name up.)

And he's posting ceremonies all over youtube. Interesting comments.


typhon3808 (1 month ago)
Just more New Age Wiccan crap. Now they (New Agers) are trying to appropriate what they THINK are Mayan traditions and "Wiccanising" that too. How sad...

ajaxfilms (2 months ago)
 I live in Central America. Though I usually am not part of group ceremonies, I hope this group in the video achieves what they are after. Guatemala is full of magic.

sharalynel (4 months ago)
I am a crystal skull guardian who has worked in Mexico and Guatemala and know the shaman in this video. While you may look upon this as neo-traditional crap, what you dont realize is how powerful the sacred sites are and how coming together in ceremony changes you, sometimes in small ways, sometimes HUGE. The world is quickly changing and the Maya have quieting been holding much that is sacred for us to open up to in the days to come. Many Blessings to you.

RevAlChitlin (6 months ago)
Utter crap!! These neo-hippies are lost, the locals exploit it, and laugh all the way to the market. 1st- the energy has moved due to electro magnetic polar shifts. 2nd- This is TRULY Anunaki/Goddess worship. 3rd- the light these people talk about isn't divine.


Also does ceremonies at a hotel for foreign tourists, where the hotel also gives classes in Mayan medicine. The hotel says no charge for ceremonies, but yes for "activities."

Offline megalithic

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Re: Tata Pedro Cruz
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2008, 09:55:53 pm »
 The supposed Mayan elder Tata Pedro Cruz was recently implicated in damage to the prehistoric Castlerigg Stone Circle. As you say he was on a recent visit to the UK, to the Liverpool Holistic Circle:

Photos of the damage and more details are here:

Digging and lighting fires at a scheduled Ancient Monument is an offence under the British Ancient Monuments Act.


Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Tata Pedro Cruz
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 06:14:16 pm »
Welcome to the forum and thanks for letting us know about this.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Tata Pedro Cruz
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2017, 01:56:30 am »
Quoting the only post in a thread named "any one from germany". Belongs here:

not sure if it the right place but here goes

Tata Pedro Cruz
this guy is lighting fires all over the place and now he heading for Germany he seems to have no respect for other peoples sacred sites

Offline Sparks

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Re: Tata Pedro Cruz
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2017, 03:20:28 am »
I started looking at this old thread because I am searching for information on the couple I just opened a new thread about:
(Tata Pedro and Nan Maria Faviana - Maya'n Elders & spiritual leaders?)

I cannot find any last (third) name of that Tata Pedro. Is it possible that he is Tata Pedro Cruz ?

Offline Sparks

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Re: Tata Pedro Cruz
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2017, 10:42:21 pm »
I cannot find any last (third) name of that Tata Pedro. Is it possible that he is Tata Pedro Cruz?

I now find that very unlikely, having compared pictures with recent videos of the subject of the present topic.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Tata Pedro Cruz
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2017, 01:48:56 am »
And he's posting ceremonies all over youtube. Interesting comments.

The man in that foolish video is still very active (my emphasis):

Uplift Connect
March 22 ·
The Water Blessing Song by Nalini Blossom
Filmed at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala with Mayan elder Tata Pedro, during a fire ceremony on the anniversary of Fukushima. To see more watch the Free film 'Water is Life' at
For mantra and translation, and more from Nalini Blossom, go to:
#BlessTheWater #WaterIsLife

Check the links in the quote: — New Agey or what? And then:


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Re: Tata Pedro Cruz
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2017, 09:47:16 am »
found a little bit about him and i not to sure some of his biddies got mixed pedigrees ... rkers.html
 any info greatly apprieciated   

Part of the was archived, not all. A 2007 archive does have this:

Sacred Maya Fire Ceremony:

December 15th - 19th
6 a.m. - 10 a.m.
El Remate Lakeside Ceremonial Center

Facilitated by Tata Pedro Cruz

Solstice Procession
through Tikal

Sacred Mayan Fire Ceremony:

21 de Diciembre
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Plaza Mundo Perdido, Tikal

Facilitated by Tata Pedro Cruz

Offline Sparks

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Re: Tata Pedro Cruz
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2017, 03:09:57 pm »