Author Topic: Intro-dee  (Read 15042 times)

Offline dee

  • Posts: 6
  • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
« on: January 26, 2006, 05:16:26 am »
I am glad to be here and to have found your website.  Thank you
Currently I am living in Southern California, seems like everywhere I turn there is a 'shaman' somewhere, they must be handing out those certificates like candy.
That is sad enough, what gets me even more is that there are so many 'gullible' hurting people who believe these dime a dozen therapists who hand their 'shaman' certificate on the wall.

Wesselman, Harner and Vilvaldo are names that are dropped all over the place.  
The more I read your site, the more I have to shake my head in disbelief about what is taking place not just here, everywhere.

There is so much harm that is being done to so many people.  Where has respect gone?

I have been invited to attend some of these conferences or workshops.   Luckily I have passed on them.  Although I do confess, that I have met my share of wannabees.

thanks for all the information