Author Topic: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman  (Read 128715 times)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #45 on: April 04, 2010, 06:13:42 pm »
People have always made claims about our pipe, the pipe is not like
whitemen's rules, who inherit it, it is who it choose What I mean is there were
many descendant of Elk Head but the pipe did not go there because it was meant
to be where it is. No one can claim it. In case anyone who don't know Avrol has no
money lives in an old trailer with a rez car that breaks down all the time and feeds                             many people.
Maries is a direct descendant but so ar many others. The pipe doesnot belong to a family but to the people.
In Spirit

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #46 on: April 04, 2010, 07:10:28 pm »
I agree with apukjij . . . This thread needs to be moved to Etc. As Ingeborg said . . . This is a Lakota issue. These are not men we need to question or a topic we need to investigate.

I merged this topic with the older one of Dupree/Looking Back Woman, under the Frauds section. It's fairly clearcut that Dupree is a fraud and an incredibly prolific and unprincipled liar who seemingly doesn't care what damage and offense she causes.

Issues with the sacred pipe are, of course, separate and should be left entirely to Lakota to decide. It's not for us to investigate and make pronouncements, way out of issues we usually investigate, though more than a few have tried to manipulate us into doing so.

I'm certainly not including you among those, MrPlz. Your request was simply for information. But the interview is pretty much based on Dupree's claims and what she is, is not really in doubt.

Offline Oglala Lakota82

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #47 on: February 25, 2014, 07:00:32 pm »

I provided a link of Suzanne Dupree claiming she was raped by Russell Means, she is so messed up beyond psychiatry that no amount of therapy can help must have been all the LSD she took. I researched Suzanne Dupree and some folks have called her a hippie who clung to indians.

Offline jpwade

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #48 on: September 15, 2016, 12:06:03 pm »
Suzanne Dupree is the daughter of Calvin Dupree, for those who are unaware it was Mr. Calvin who Frank Fools Crow entrusted with securing his bundle in Canada, and returning it to Mr. Frank when he called for it on states side, during the days of AIM's reign of terror back in the day. That would be Mr. Calvin who was a direct participant of Fools Crow's White Buffalo Calf Woman revival sundances back in 70-74 (or there about) . That would be Suzanne who was mentored by Phil Lane Sr. (not to be confused with his Seattle Bahais Phil Lane jr. (Daybreak Star Centerr now the Seattle Native American Center which was initiated by affiliation with James Abourezk as they jointly created the indian child welfare act ICWA) , jr. who became a hereditary chief after John Denver gave him a head dress during Denver's Windstar Foundation humanitarian award.

just a few notes about LBW that none of the replies herein mention, do your homework people .... for example ....

Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog -

AND TO CATCH UP A BIT MORE TRY ----> Was the Truth Buried at Wounded Knee? ....

yes, i know Suzanne personally , and it is too bad most all porting replies here are still stuck in the dark within deception and lies, not unexpected for those who have been duped into confiding with those who think they can keep one foot in the shadows while pretending to walk in the light as per the expectations of ancestry .... Que Sera Sera.

Offline jpwade

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #49 on: September 15, 2016, 12:21:50 pm »
Oglala Lakota82 ----> you might want to note, keep in mind who you disrespect without any personal knowledge of who you speak about :) .... you might want to do some real research by sourcing events such as that at the link below , it might be a bit much for you to comprehend and absorb , try ----> newspaper archives saved by an elder in her piano bench, forwarded to Suzanne and uploaded to the net in recent yrs .... check it out .... 

Offline jpwade

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #50 on: September 15, 2016, 12:55:15 pm »
 educatedindian ---> in closing , perhaps you can correlate how that below relates to some of the uninformed comments within this thread of discussion to try and discredit Truth .... whether you see it or not, the history and dynamics of that below ties directly to WHY some people continue to play the game of creating avenues for creating self-genocide .... a bit on the Dakota Pipeline today , that ties directly to yesterday of the Ohae irrigation project, that Abourezk used AIM for , along with Arvol and Leonard Crow Dog.

What's the gig here with trying to discredit LBW , her research and topics of concern to this day continues to set fear toward those who continue to push smoke and mirrors up in front of her research and voice ... of course

As Abourezk sits an arms length away from Obama today, people should keep in focus .... the burial grounds are under oahe lake created by the dam that AIM's puppet master James Abourezk (former senator of s. dakota) manipulated land sales on to transfer title to his team of corruption after AIM burned land and family genealogy records in the BIA building back in the day of the oahe dam's development process.

it should be noted also that syrian peddler's son Abourezk (who declares himself a Lebanese orthodox christian, what a JOKE!) during the same days also coined himself as the "Syrian Sioux" as an advocate for 1st nations with his side kick russel means after release from prison, was lobbying to create cattle trade with the arab states and cuba, that supply to come in on the heels of the completion of the irrigation project that hijacked the lands of the 1st Nations while Abourezk continued in those days to deteriorate treaty rights (water resources).

try doing your homework people to fully understand how you are being USED and ABUSED to support the Agenda's of those who do not give a flip about 1st Nations Identity and preservation of original 1st nations cultural traits and beliefs .... How does it feel to be government groomed puppets for a few sick government handlers like Abourezk and team ....

[Loooong bigoted anti Arab and anti Muslim conspiracy theory follows]

« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 01:53:27 pm by educatedindian »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #51 on: September 15, 2016, 01:22:33 pm »
so what does this have to do with the topic??  :o

and i yes i am on the ground here on the rock
In Spirit

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #52 on: September 15, 2016, 01:50:35 pm »
educatedindian ---> in closing , perhaps you can correlate how that below relates to some of the uninformed comments within this thread of discussion to try and discredit Truth .... whether you see it or not, the history and dynamics of that below ties directly to WHY some people continue to play the game of creating avenues for creating self-genocide .... a bit on the Dakota Pipeline today , that ties directly to yesterday of the Ohae irrigation project, that Abourezk used AIM for , along with Arvol and Leonard Crow Dog.

What's the gig here with trying to discredit LBW , her research and topics of concern to this day continues to set fear toward those who continue to push smoke and mirrors up in front of her research and voice ... of course...

try doing your homework people to fully understand how you are being USED and ABUSED to support the Agenda's of those who do not give a flip about 1st Nations Identity and preservation of original 1st nations cultural traits and beliefs .... How does it feel to be government groomed puppets for a few sick government handlers like Abourezk and team ....

[Long anti Arab and anti Muslim conspiracy theory follows]


Yes, Wade, it truly is amazing how people like yourself allow themselves to be used in such sick and deeply bigoted and wacko conspiracy theories.

What Senator Abourzek has to do with a loony exploiter like Dupree, a hairdresser with no contact with her people claiming to b a sooper spirchul leader, is not clear to anybody but you.

Your bigotry doesn't help convince anyone, just the opposite. Same thing with completely out there theories of yours. Between you and Dupree, we really have to wonder which of you is in more need of professional help.

No more sidetracking this thread. If you have any evidence on Dupree, let's see it. If you want to spout hatred, you belong on the Stormfront message board. For wacko theories, go to Alex Jones or David Ickes boards.