Author Topic: William Two Feather AKA William Schober  (Read 156192 times)


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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #75 on: October 07, 2012, 10:09:09 pm »
Skin tone/colour is a really unreliable way to determine ancestry these days, as myself and many other Métis can attest. If he is claiming to have ancestry then he'd better have the official documents to prove it - which he doesn't sound like he does - and even if he did, he sounds shifty as all get out anyways and should not be in a mentoring/teaching role.

Offline Superdog

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #76 on: October 08, 2012, 05:01:14 pm »
Schober's questions about his ancestry are directly attributed to two things:

1.  The stereotypical Hollywood Indian archetype he uses to represent himself.
2.  Public comments from several individuals who attest they are blood relatives (and who gave us his real name, Schober), grew up around him and confirm that his ancestry is German and Mexican and the "Apache" persona is completely fabricated.


Offline Cedar Tree

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober- SHOWMAN SHAMAN
« Reply #77 on: March 23, 2014, 04:37:19 pm »
Dear Educated Indian
Sorry...i can't figure out how to start a new topic... this is FYI and please re-post if you like.

Am attaching the front and back of this man's flyer... he is in my community now.
Am writing to let you know that the grandmas here will be discussing this with our mens side
because the last time he was here he hurt 2 younger people.... ( not our children, however i do not like when
anyone is taking advantage of people). My concern about this man is that one of the people he hurt - he claimed to be doing peyote ceremony with. The symptoms this younger person had after this so called nothing that i have ever seen with peyote...and very very bad. If he is NOT Mescalero or Jicarilla Apache...or any other indigenous Peoples of the state of New Mexico, nor belongs to the NAC... he can not be
giving these medicines to people and claiming "ceremony".

yesterday he disrespected one of our pregnant women, and gave his flyer to another
"new woman" in our community....i told her to stay away from him and give me the flyer. He is not traditional... if he was he would have known the "protocol".

Doubt he would ever be able to set foot on the rez... however the county that surrounds the rez
is where a lot of our intermarried peoples live...and the new comers that move here or are tourists
with no or very little knowledge that we actually have a culture that is off rez....get fooled by these types
of passers through that come to fleece "seeker" people.
Take care everyone.
Thank you for listening.

Cedar Tree

Offline Cedar Tree

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober - SHOWMAN SHAMAN - Correction
« Reply #78 on: March 24, 2014, 05:45:25 pm »
Sometimes am amazed about how the "new age" movement of "no judgement" has created an apathy among people to have healthy boundaries or any discernment at all.... i think that spiritual tourism is founded in people having broken heritage and knowledge of the effects of colonization or very little cultural knowledge about where they came from, or who's cultural region they may be living in.....

So this is my correction, because we have names that are similar - the feather men are both claiming Apache heritage... so my apology for the confusion....

Greg Robs - in Taos jail at the moment, with priors in CA - "we hope he will go back to CA to answer
to his charges for inappropriate ceremony and stalking and womanizing"- anonymous community member.
D. Crowfeather is the man's name in regard to a "bad peyote ceremony"
This man does not advertise and he may be married and live in Arroyo Hondo
and is keeping quiet.
William Two Feathers aka William Schober - known womanizer and ?
He is all over our community at the moment.

and this is another awful report on 2feathers

Please consider the grief that comes to any woman who speaks out about abuse and violence toward them...usually in the form of : you did did something to deserve it, you are a woman scorned, you must have been having an affair...etc etc
Also please consider that native women / women of color experience a higher percent of abuse, murder, etc..
Note this: no person "does healings", no one has a magick wand - healings are contingent upon a person's ability to receive healing - in whatever context they are able to innerconnect with the life energy to do so along with a lot of personal commitment to Self.  Yes there are "helpers" - however they do not "Do it for you".

Personally do not care about the excuses.
Our community is watching, and aware. If he moves on will try to remember to let you know.
Take care everyone.
Cedar Tree


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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #79 on: March 25, 2014, 12:27:06 am »
Is this our guy?

Name:    William Anthony Schober
Event Type:    Birth
Event Date:    27 Mar 1955
Event Place:    Los Angeles, California, United States
Gender:    Male
Mother's Name:    Ramos

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #80 on: December 27, 2017, 03:25:19 pm »
Schober sent this long letter, the usual empty legal threats to sue, etc. This is completely unaltered except for the attachments not included. Typos and broken sentences are all his.

Your suite has been a nemesis for many years

Now I will break my silence

William Two Feather

 Reluctantly but I am who I say I am

And now I will prove it to those not fit to even know

So Be It

William Two Feather  AKA William Schober

My Dad was Austrian  blood line

and my Mom Apache blood line

Inline image 1
I just hope I am allowed to Post things

Like My DNA from on My Native American Bold via science, Somehow I don' belie that will be permitted to tell the truth, because its not sensational Like words Like Fraud

I do not wish to pose my ceremonial stance in this world its private if your Org  could possible respect such a thing?

you  could say 1st amendment rights

and I call on the Law of Creator and The universe.

recognize such a humanly request to keep

my spiritual alter private as I rarely speak of that, Basically because its no ones business!

I been to Sundance many years as Eagle Dancer

and gave my flesh and blood

in a traditional sanctioned sundance

 Have you?

I have sheets of word docks, Many More than here!

Inline image 2

I have written 5 books on Faith Healing ans Spirit

have you or any of my accusers or harassers?

and they are already published in other langues

Inline image 5

Juventud means youth

I teach  Native American ways to all Spanish speaking  cultures and countries and is already text book in Mexico at Alternative Schools.

& their are plenty more but I am making a ponit I can back up ever thing I say because Honor matters to me as a honorably Discharged USMC Vet says so

Why because to the Unborn, so they know of Native American ways

what do my accuses do to assist such dissemination of Indigenous Information and tradition so it dont get lost when I go 6 feet under ground gratefully

I wonder, they only condemn me, hate me and talk

very harshly of me.

Sheets (word Docks)  of the Books I have written and Published in many languages

And published 6 Native CDs

Inline image 3

I was one of the 1st Voting members in The Grammy Music Awards! in The new native American catagory which took many years to finally accomplish

And lobbied hard with my Mothers inheritance to get a Native American category in the Grammy Music Awards

and was nominated in about  2001 as a top five nominees in the NAMMYS

With Red Medicine Dance

I have trained Healers on the world for decades spreading the good ways of Native American History gaining respect for our culture at my expense of My best years of life

given freely

Inline image 4

And photos from events that I have officiated over, never demand a cent,

Never turned anyone away from Ceremony for money ~ ever! Why is my car a 1998 if I made all that money? because only enough came in to get to the next place and so on  and so forth for all my adult life and has not stopped me. i shop at thrift stores and am grateful to be able to do that.

 I could have sold out for money so many times I cannot even  count anymore. I don't t necessarily like low income but every dog has their day, I will pray and ask Creator for the truth and for whatever is right. I don't demand of the Universe but I can fight for sure.

I still do healing work and most over the last 20 years didn't even  say  thank you  let alone feed me. Never stopped me and hasn't stopped me to this day. Over 60.

I have never turned any human being away from Ceremony

for money as I have been accused at your  site and they never even met me.

and to get to Serbia and Australia it take airplane tickets transport food a roof so I accept donations never demanded ever!

Those who condemn me cant even walk to the liquor store and I don't drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes at over 60.

In an effort to establish the truth

Instead of Ppl who have nothing better to do

Than attempt to ruin someone’s life for what?

I have dedicated my adult life to help sick ppl & now I have to prove it because of a site like yours

I am sure your Org.  Had the right intentions at the inception

But look at  what your Org have done to countless people lives like mine.

There is a karmic force in place in the Universe

And I pray that the right thing come to the one who deserve such return.

And this is what I receive in return

Labeled a fraud by who?

For all my years of sacrifice, in service to others

Ppls who never seen my face.

How Would I post Proof like this:

Done by respected, Accolated Scientists?

Your Org allow anyone to say harsh words but what does your Org do to allow proof otherwise?

Like the  given links below and attachments?

I don't  really  know much about blogs I guess that's what your Org dose is Blog?

Don’t get the sensational fix this way Huh telling the truth from Real source of pain and suffering over more than a decade?

Respectfully William Two Feather


How would I post a 30 Minute scientific Organizations presentation of Scientific proof Like Noetics below? On your site ?

Of Traditional  Native American  Faith Healing

Like this Noetics Sciences *

Or other Researchers who command respect as top in their respective fields

like this * Attached DOCUMENT??



This science stuff cant be made up its easily referenced

Now That I have made it my business to show the truth lets see how  your

 site deals with this?

I reluctantly do this at the request of my Attorney

to fight back.

Attorney Kelley Joseph of Houston

I see as an Initial step:

Inline image 1

Reputations on the net have real value.

Now it is past 6 Am and another chunk of my life goes to your blog as in the years in the past when gigs I had  painstakingly lined up with great sacrifice and effort get wind of your site and cancel the engagements.

you must realize your blog effects not only

  Teaches and Ceremonial Leaders

 but the ones who were deprived of me being  in their country and ready to carry on the Teachings so many in the word cant get for reals just by real phonies and I came across

more that a few over the last 20 + years

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #81 on: December 27, 2017, 03:45:40 pm »
He really doesn't help himself. Noetics is a philosophy. He's actually referring to "noetic science" which is pure pseudoscience and Nuage gibberish.

So is the quack bio-energy site he quotes.

Karmic law? That's sure not Apache. Is he admitting to being Nuage yet again?

"Native American ways" with no mention of which tribe.

His DNA test attached, assuming it is his, shows "1/3 Native." How would that work? It more likely shows his mother was Mexican with lots of mixture really far back. And it's been covered a lot in this forum, DNA tests don't show or prove which tribe.
His alleged law firm does family practice and personal injury, not libel suits. Haven't heard from them, and no idea why he'd contact one based in Houston until I found this.

Seems he was arrested after he shot someone in a fight in Houston. He's been trying to get money for his legal defense on the new criminal charges. He claims self defense, the police didn't agree.

Two Feather  Legal ‘Defense Fund’ ~  AKA Wm Schober, was attacked by a stranger.

At a strip mall parking lot / Houston. In self-defense, he was arrested and now  faces felony Charges                         

     ESQ Kelley Joseph, a Top Lawyer in Houston says:  “If we go to trial This could take 4 to 6 Months” and $50K. The attacker sucker punched TF to the ground. While TF was  attempting to get away to his car, the attacker proceeded to beat him severely. At 60+ years this was not easy to take. While half way in the car the attacker repeatedly slammed the car door into TF’s rib-cage, displacing and breaking 4 ribs, and dragged him form the vehicle. In concern for his life and due to the viciousness of the attack, TF reached behind the seat and got his registered handgun and shot the assailant in the leg {non-lethal shot} at point blank range. As a  USMC Vet with an Honorable Discharge, TF asks;

Why shoot a total stranger in the leg under severe threat of life? Self-defense is the answer.


Imagine This...

Two Feather was going to a lecture on Angels. The fee was $25. At the front door is where the attack happened. TF’s Lawyer has advised him not to get into details, so for the sake of  legal counsel, this is what can be said about the incident at this time: When the police arrived, TF’s comment was,  “Thank God for the Houston Police Dept.”. TF was arrested. At the jail intake the medics noticed blood from the head wounds & said. A  2nd opinion was needed. TF was taken to St Joseph’s Hospital. The medical report stated “Chest & Chest Wall Contusions – Multiple Lacerations of the scalp & body. Multiple Fractured & displaced Ribs. Positive for neck pain with movement, pain at rest. Pain with breathing of the left breast, ribs and abdomen.



TF says:  “This is clearly a fight of Light VS Dark”. TF has prepared for the launch of a series of books entitled  “The Book of Spirit” a collection of Light Workers Knowledge and Training. The launching has been set back and back mostly for personal reasons. The time is fast approaching now. To assist in the legal fees now involved, this project has been accelerated. At first TF thought the attacker was the enemy? Later,  upon consultation with a Top Psychic, in another Country, the real enemy was identified with names. The ‘Demonic Archons’, a break off of “The Saturnian Cronian”, according to her. She asked her name to remain private,  however the real 'Psychic Readers' mostly keep their heads low has been his experience, TF states.
Some day Two Feather believes a series of Esoteric Healing Schools will flourish the world wide {curriculum all ready set up}. Might be difficult to accomplish in prison. So please dig where the sun don't shine and say what it is...

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #82 on: December 27, 2017, 04:04:59 pm »
And it gets even stranger...Seems Schober shot him four times in the belly and chest, not once in the leg in self defense as he claims.

Super Soldier Duncan O'Finioan vs. Spiritual Teacher William Two Feather (Updated)
Updated - June 23, 2017

I received an email from Super Soldier Duncan O'Finioan this evening.  He sent me his public statement which was not included in the initial article.  Duncan sets the record straight on a show he did with Randy Maugans which you can view at this link here or watch the embedded video below.  Mr. O'Finioan specifically linked to the 1:02:21 mark of the YouTube video about said events.

I apologize to Mr. O'Finioan as I did not see this video statement at the time of writing this article and present it as public record so we have a more balanced report.

Super Soldier Duncan O'Finioan
YouTube Channel:

You just can't make this stuff up!  So here is the story that is unfolding as of this moment.

Do you remember the recent report about Super Soldier Duncan O'Finioan being shot?  On May 22, 2017, AscensionWithEarth.Com reported on this situation as we were all trying to figure out what had happened to Mr. O'Finioan.  Randy Maugan reported that the facts of the shooting are as follows.

"Duncan O'Finioan was shot by an attacker Thurs. evening, May 18, at the Healing Center, where he was working, between 7:30 and 8:00 PM CST. He received at least four bullet wounds,none life threatening. He was admitted to a local hospital where he is now recovering. He is stable, talking, and in good spirits."  ~Randy Maugans via Facebook

Super Soldier James Rink did a post concerning updates that William Two Feather shot Duncan O'Finioan but Randy Maugans said it was speculation and requested that James Rink pull the posting off of his website.  James Rink complied with Randy's request.

Now we have new information about this shooting via Benjamin Fulford and looks like James Rink was correct in his reporting.  Today on June 22, 2017, Benjamin Fulford released a public notice for his good friend William Two Feather.  Below is Fulford's request for help.

"My good friend William Twofeather needs funds for trial after being attacked by the dark side. Twofeather stayed in my house in Tokyo for six months many years ago and I can vouch for his character as being non-violent and spiritual in nature."

There are lots of questions that need to be answered.

Why would Super Solider Ducan O'Finioan attack a complete stranger?
Is Duncan still under mind control from his dark cabal handlers?
If Duncan was under mind control, Duncan would be considered a victim himself as he was not in the right state of mind.
Why was Two Feather arrested if his claims of self defense is valid?
Why would Two Feather hire an esquire, an agent of the Crown to defend his case on Republic land?
Randy Maugans stated as fact that Duncan was attacked at a healing center, where as Two Feather states he was attacked in a strip mall parking lot.  Who is telling the truth?
Was there an exchange of dialog before the attack happened?
Has Ducan O'Finioan made a public statement about this attack?
What motivation would TF have to attack Duncan?
What motivation would Duncan have to attack TF?

Now just in case you need a refresher about who Super Solider Ducan O'Finioan is and what he is capable of, I would suggest that you listen to an interview from Project Camelot.  Kerry Cassidy and Ducan O'Finioan go into detail about his life as a mind-controlled super soldier assassin.  Posted below are some quotes from Ducan O'Finioan and his video testimony about his super soldier abilities.

Duncan O’Finioan: This guy grabs me by the throat and I just snapped sideways, threw my hands palm down, just threw them down, and screamed inside my mind. The guys goes up and back. I never touched him. I looked over and there was George Jr. sitting at the bar with a secret service body guards, drunk as a skunk with the secret service trying to get him to calm down. Now that’s when I snapped awake. I don’t remember driving there.

Duncan O’Finioan: Like I said, we’re supposed to live in a civilized free society. We don’t. When they can walk in, take you as a child, turn you into a killer and then use you, abuse you, and when they are done, throw you away. It shouldn’t happen.
Kerry Cassidy: Were you an assassin?
Duncan O’Finioan:  Yes, I was.
Kerry Cassidy:  How did you assassinate people and what kind of people would you be assassinating? Do you have any idea? Were they people in war time?
Duncan O’Finioan:  No.
Kerry Cassidy:  Were they Americans?
Duncan O’Finioan:  Some, yes. One, that I remember vividly because it was the last one, the last time I ever did anything for the government, was in D.C. and I put three rounds through the heart of a very high intelligence official.
Source: Project Camelot
This is a very strange case and find it interesting that these two men, William Two Feather and Duncan O’Finioan will be going to court especially with the background information that at least Duncan has attached to his personal legacy.  Is it possible that the courts will entertain Duncan as a former mind controlled assassin?  Will such personal testimony be allowed to be entered into a court of law?  Why would Duncan O’Finioan want to pursue charges against William Two Feather with his self involvement with black ops programs and his claims that he has previously killed high ranking individuals?  Is this a cry for help or an attempt at disclosure?

Again this is some crazy shiznit and would like to see how this plays out in the court of Admiralty Law.

The man shot ("Super Soldier") claims he was defending a woman from Schober, who shot him first and then was disarmed and beaten by "Super."
Re: The Shooting of Duncan O'Finioan on May 18th 2017
Quote Posted by Kimsing Lacey, May 19th

You guys know Duncan O'Finioan, the super soldier guy? He was shot 4 times today. He's going to be ok. He disarmed and beat the man who shot him. Duncan was protecting the woman that was being targeted by the gunman, my friend Grendl. (
Quote Posted by NATE YPX GREY, May 20th
"Just what jason told me. Grendl (Maria) started a psychic tarot shop called Centerpoint in Texas. She set up shop and hired many people to help. She booked people to do lectures, meet and greets, and book signings. One of those was Duncan. He eventually stayed on there and was good friends with Grendl (Maria) and her husband, Jason. Jason explained to me last night that the shooter came to have a reading. Grendl put him off because he had a reputation of being a problem.

While the shooter was outside in front of the store Duncan saw that the shooter was pacing and had a gun. Duncan told everyone to get to the back of the building. He then went out to confront the shooter. The shooter shot 6 bullets and 4 hit Duncan. Duncan then disarmed the shooter and beat him with the gun. Duncan's wife ran out to help her husband. She sat on the shooter and held him down until authorities got there." -Kimsing

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #83 on: December 27, 2017, 09:40:08 pm »
So.... spiritual  ??? :o :-\ 


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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #84 on: December 28, 2017, 10:44:10 pm »
Some discussion on our William Anthony Schober concerning a car accident: Someone there posted info also on Schober's more recent assault charge, that is the source of the court image I uploaded here.

So we know his full name and birth date. He is listed as white.

That means his mother's birth name is Ramos:

Name:    William Anthony Schober
Event Type:    Birth
Event Date:    27 Mar 1955
Event Place:    Los Angeles, California, United States
Gender:    Male
Mother's Name:    Ramos

(This info from, they now require a free account membership before records can be seen)
I believe I found his parents:

William Schober, age 22, married Aurora Maria Morales 21 Aug 1954, Los Angeles CA. His parents Ralph Schober and Rose Morales. Her parents Hilaria Ramos and father unknown.

William Schober born in California, his parents both from Mexico.

Aurora Maria Ramos born in New Mexico, her mother from New Mexico.

Both William and Aurora listed white on this marriage certificate.



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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #85 on: December 28, 2017, 11:17:24 pm »
Some past media clips:

Spring Creek Ranch near Jackson, Wyo., has rustled up a women's wilderness trip for June 16-22.

 Called the Native American Spiritual Quest, the trek includes two nights at the ranch and four at a remote campsite reachable only on horseback, where Native American spiritual leader William Two Feather will help the group build a sweat lodge and conduct traditional ceremonies. The $2,165 fee covers accommodations, all meals and activities on the trail, horse hire and one dinner at the ranch.

Chicago Tribune; Chicago, Ill. [Chicago, Ill]19 May 2002: 12

Finding strength in water; Opening day of Indian Summer Festival connects through traditions

 Vendors also connected with the American Indian spiritual traditions surrounding water.

At the Santa Fe Outfitters booth, Apache musician and healer William Two Feather explained the meaning of stone Zuni fetishes, carved in the form of water dwellers.

"The swimming snake represents health. The turtle represents Mother Earth and tenacity. The beaver represents people who hold everything within them," he said. The fetishes are intended to bring spiritual power to the owners.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; Milwaukee, Wis. [Milwaukee, Wis]10 Sep 2005: B6.


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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #86 on: December 28, 2017, 11:22:17 pm »
El apache William Two Feather compartirá a los regios técnicas de sanación tradicionales de Norteamérica y presentará su serie de tres textos titulada "Book of Spirit".

La asociación Rueda de Medicina, que promueve la tradición nativa, en coordinación con el Municipio de San Pedro, invitó a México a Dos Pluma, como él se presenta en español.

"Mi especialidad son los huesos. Es sabiduría tradicional nativoamericana", explica Dos Pluma, quien radica en Nuevo Mexico. "Mis profesores me dijeron que debía estudiar (sanación) 10 años, curar 15 años y cuando acabara, enseñar a profesores y escribir libros".

Sus maestros, dice, le dijeron que era su responsabilidad redactar sus conocimientos, pues aunque la tradición nativa norteamericana pasa de padres a hijos de forma oral, actualmente muchos adolescentes indios parecen desdeñarla.

Durante su presentación, Dos Pluma tocará la flauta y también participará el grupo regio Huasteca Viva. La cita es hoy a las 20:00 horas en el Centro Cultural Plaza Fátima. Entrada gratuita. Mayores informes: 1365-5900.

 El Norte; Monterrey, Mexico [Monterrey, Mexico]14 Sep 2010: 13

Machine translation for part of this:

Apache William Two Feather will share to the regal techniques of traditional sanación of North America and it will present its series of three titled texts "Book of Spirit."

The association Wheel of Medicine that promotes the native tradition, in coordination with the Municipality of San Pedro, invited Mexico to Two Feather, as him he/she shows up in Spanish.

"My specialty is the bones. It is wisdom traditional nativoamericana", he/she explains Two Feather who resides in New Mexico. "My professors told me that he/she should study (sanación) 10 years, to cure 15 years and when it ended up, to teach to professors and to write books."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #87 on: May 11, 2018, 10:58:24 pm »
Schober's court case is coming up in 10 days. His GoFundMe for his legal defense disappeared. He made bail. Either he's made a lot of cash as a shame on or there are people who chipped in a lot.

Listed as white. He's facing 2-20 years for aggravated assault deadly weapon. His atty issued motions trying to suppress prior history and character, including aliases. There's also a motion to suppress Schober's confession saying it was coerced. Finally there's over two dozen subpoenas for witnesses, including several from out of state. This includes one who was videotaping, though it's not clear if the shooting was taped.

Case   155209101010 - 3
File Date   5/19/2017
Case (Cause) Status   Active - CRIMINAL
Last Instrument Filed   Felony Indictment
Case Disposition   
Case Completion Date   N/A
Defendant Status   BOND MADE
Bond Amount   $30,000.00
Next/Last Setting Date   5/21/2018
Defendant Details
Race/Sex   W / M
Eyes   BRO
Skin   MED
DOB   3/27/1955
US Citizen   Yes
Height/Weight   5'06 / 150 LBS
Hair   BRO
Build   LGT
In Custody   N
Place Of Birth   CA

The Current Presiding Judge
Current Court   185th
Address   201 CAROLINE (Floor: 12)
JudgeName   Susan Brown
Court Type   Criminal

Offline Sparks

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #88 on: July 15, 2023, 01:59:29 am »
Schober's court case is coming up in 10 days. His GoFundMe for his legal defense disappeared. He made bail. Either he's made a lot of cash as a shame on or there are people who chipped in a lot.

My bolding in the quote. That would be this:
Two Feather  Legal ‘Defense Fund’ ~  AKA Wm Schober, was attacked by a stranger.

It's now at this URL:

"Two Feather Legal Fund william schober. 1 Campaign |. Galveston, United States. $9,325 USD 175 backers. 18% of $50,000 Flexible Goal. THIS CAMPAIGN IS CLOSED" — All the rest is already quoted by educatedindian.

I tried to find more about his trial, but could find no news items and no official references. Instead I found three e-mails quoted at a conspiracy site:
Two Feather Says ~ Pray for me Please
ByBenjamin Fulford - November 25, 2017 - 8 Comments

Two Feather Says  ~ Pray for me Please

Now goes to a jury trial after 6 months, for false charges from the “Dark Side.” Hanging over his head is 10 to 20 years in a Federal Penitentiary. This is a final request to those who have compassion for this Native American Healer and Spiritual Adviser to be able to continue these services to the World.

Such Teachers are Diminishing.

Please donate your compassionate contribution to compensate his Lawyer, who is tops and deserves to be paid.

Any Donation Will be Accepted with Great Gratitude.  An E-book can be sent to you when they come out soon, as a thank-you.

At    Two Feather Legal fund   

This $50 Thousand dollar ‘Bill’ can be hit by small & well-intentioned contributions from the  “World” ~

“Thank You Very Much,” says Two Feather, and Many Blessings.  Please make a difference.

 Bless you, Ben, and Thanks for your backup;  it really made a difference.

Two Feather is in hot water
ByBenjamin Fulford - February 10, 2018 - 2 Comments

Greetings Ben:

Hope all is well.

I am in a hot spot with my lawyer.

For the first time he’s asking for money.

The endorsement you gave a month or two ago went really well.

This is not a forever story.

In a few days we go to trial with a jury.

Really men like me–Light Workers and Elders–are getting fewer and fewer by time.

When we are a thing of the past, what then?

I have vowed to be in service to “The People.”

If ya could just one more time post a short video on your site.

That would be the last time I can ask such a favor;  it will be over.

I am so indebted to you already.

It’s been 6 long months, for defending myself.

Here is the link:

    Two Feather Legal Fund
Support ‘Two Feather Legal Fund’ by donating or sharing today!

The court date is:

Feb 12, 2018 at 9 AM

Judge Susan Brown
Harris County Criminal Court
201 Caroline Street, 12th floor, Room 185
Houston, Texas 77002

Be there on time, as seats go fast.  I get there an hour early and go in the building as soon as they open the security check, then wait outside the courtroom.

Two Feather supporters, wear a red arm band, left arm, above the elbow.

This Trail should take a couple of days for anyone who would show up to support in person.

AHO, Two Feather
aka William Schober

P.S.  I have four inventions to cure thyroids, pancreas, knee replacement, and Alzheimer’s, ready to go and a backer close.

It’s a relief to see some of the Shadow Government getting close to charges!

February 11, 2018

Thank You, Ben!
The contributions are flowing in and well received.  I am just so Grateful.

They’re regular people, individuals who do what they can; those who give from their hearts to assist an Elder & Traditional Teacher are so appreciated.  It’s moving to see and be a part of.

When the Traditional Native American Healing & Spirituality books come out, every single donating person will get an eBook for sure.  All emails are being recorded just for that.  The books will come out this year, 2018.

The masses, standing up for something that makes a difference in the world.

I have been in the lawyer’s office all day getting ready.
And Sunday as well = tomorrow
Then Monday is show time.

My team is ready for a fight.
And fight they will get.
With a capital F.

William Twofeather found not guilty
By Benjamin Fulford - May 28, 2018 - 11 Comments

The following email arrived from William Twofeather:


Finally, the truth as seen by 12 jurors who saw all the evidence.

The jury leader said to the lawyers, “This is an embarrassment to the Houston Police Department,”

…and rightfully so.

They also said, “This should never, never have gone to trial.”

Thanks for your prayers and support.


Two Feather

I cannot see the comments to these posts. Probably they are visible for logged-in paying subscribers only.

So we have his own words that he was found "Not Guilty"? Can this be verified? And then what happened?