Author Topic: Braco  (Read 41320 times)

« on: January 05, 2011, 07:33:04 pm »
I did a search for (BRACO) in your data base, and while I realize that he's not Native American nor does he appear to claim to have any affiliation with Native Americans, I can clearly see that your boundaries don't exclude those outside of that realm of teaching or philosophy.
He's being plastered all over Facebook via personal side bar ads and I have some worries.  I've never heard of him before.

My own research led me down some interesting rabbit holes, and it seems that there are two main points with regard to this guy: 
  • He and his group sell expensive gold necklaces only available at their conferences and
  • I have a feeling that there are some subliminal messages going out to the crowd via the music played at these conferences because the music is NOT available for sale.

Does anyone have any experience, information or otherwise regarding this "healer"?

Offline ShadowDancer

  • Posts: 91
Re: Braco
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 04:33:37 am »
Came across this news video, filmed coincidentally today in Portland Oregon by KATU, which has people falling all over themselves for the gaze of Braco.

A Croatian man who goes by the name Braco draws crowds wherever he goes, crowds that pay $8 a head to gaze into his eyes. No words are spoken, but people claim Braco has healing powers. Anita Kissee took a look.

and another website for him,

Another news station, KPTV, from Portland has a news story on him,

European Healer Attracts Hundreds In Portland
Supporters Say Croatian Man Heals With His Eyes

POSTED: 11:21 pm PST January 4, 2011
UPDATED: 8:54 am PST January 5, 2011

PORTLAND, Ore. -- A Portland hotel ballroom hosted a man who supporters say can heal physical and emotional ailments with his gaze.

Norae McRae says she suffers from 10 physical ailments, including multiple sclerosis, and traveled from Seattle to see Braco, a Croatian healer who allegedly draws crowds of 10,000 people in Europe.

“I’m going to give myself three days to feel completely different and not need this walker,” McRae said.

She made that statement after several so-called "gazing sessions," where Braco stood on a platform in front of the crowd and stared out in the audience for about the length of two instrumental songs.

“Originally, it was a lot of tingling and like, ‘Oh wow, I know something’s going on,'" McRae said.

Nearly 600 people attended the session that FOX 12 observed Tuesday afternoon at the Sheraton Hotel near the Portland Airport.

Organizers say they did no advertising and relied on word of mouth and viral Internet videos to draw the crowd. They say Braco’s gaze alone has healed diseases such as cancer, and has also led people to experience greater emotional well-being.

“I saw gold all around him and I saw something come out of him and come over the group,” said Mary Anderson, of Oregon City. “I mean, there’s definitely divine work going on.”

It was hard to find doubters at the event, but several passersby tell FOX 12 they are skeptical about the healing powers of Braco. Organizers acknowledge their critics.

“I can’t convince anyone to come and (Braco) doesn’t want us to convince anyone to come. If they don’t want to come, they don’t come and that’s OK,” said Jane Sibbett, who organizes Braco’s American events.

Sibbett is a former actress, who had a supporting role on the sitcom “Friends." She met Braco a year ago when hired to do a documentary about his healing. She says she’s heard remarkable testimonials from people who have been healed that seem inexplicable.

“I don’t know how it works. No one really can explain it. He doesn’t explain it,” Sibbett said. “He actually stopped talking to the press eight years ago. He says it’s too big to explain, so he lets the people talk.”

The sessions cost $8 each, but organizers say Braco doesn’t profit from the event. They say the fee goes toward the costs of the event itself, however, workers are selling books and DVDs.

The sessions continue Wednesday.

They also have a video with the article, but no link is available directly to it.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 04:49:10 am by ShadowDancer »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Braco
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 05:46:39 pm »
That's really a tribute to gullibility. Just stare, and people think they might be healed.

Some doctors found no evidence he actually healed anyone.

Yet Another Healer
Reader Slobodan Blazeski has news for us:

Unfortunately I have bad news from Macedonia. After we got used to the local paranormal miracles, now we have organized tours to Zagreb, capital of Croatia. Buses full of people paying 35 Euros — in a country where the average wage is ~200 Euros and 40% of the population is unemployed — and crossing 500 miles and four borders, are seeking help from the Croatian healer Braco.

None of the doctors have seen any of the ill people getting better, but that's no obstacle for them to visit the healer several times, and buy books and crucifixes starting at 110 Euros, to protect them from evil.

Re: Braco
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2011, 02:58:30 pm »

If gold jewelry is being sold at Braco's gatherings, it would be interesting to know whether it is real gold.

And Braco's website is given on his flier as

That means it is a for-profit entity and with closed books, unlike non profit entities.

As of today (September 16, 2011) one ounce of gold  = 1,792.02 USD

Since most of us dont have the liquid cash needed to buy one of Braco's gold necklaces, that will make it difficult to obtain one and then test its purity.

In any case, it is suspicious the recruiters and PR material state its 'only' 8 dollars to go see Braco and not mention the jewelry sales angle that reportedly forms part of the evening.

I am pleased to see that Braco is being discussed here. He may be getting publicity via the Plastic Shaman/New Wage circuit.

They say he charges just $8.00 for his public appearances.

Nothing is said in his promotional material about gold necklaces. And with gold currently at

Here is an encounter I had with one of Braco's adoring recruiters.

Some time ago, I fell into a conversation with a beautiful young woman. She was eager, very sweet, long blonde hair--exactly the kind of young person who would elicit trust and make any project look good.

She insisted on telling me about Braco. I said something personal about my life (mistake!!) and she saw it as a way to mention  Braco and gave me a flier.

* I bitterly regret that I did not have the presence of mind to ask,

'You have given your heart to him. Have you checked to see whether what he he has told you about himself is true? If he ever asked you to do something against the law, would you be able to say no?

Have you checked to see if he has a criminal record?

Is he sleeping with you?

If he is sleeping with you, could he also be sleeping with other young ladies and telling them the same endearments he has said to you?'

Here is the flier given by this young person:

It reads:

"Braco in X City


Many people believe Braco is the most significant conduit of divine energy on the planet, transforming lives with a simple, silent gaze.

Millions call him a healer.

He humbly shares his gift from the heart to all who seek it, and you are invited.

Braco is coming to X City at the (X Holiday Inn).

Info: or Braco, America Facebook

Tickets $ 8.00 a session.

This young lady said that astral forces are congregating at an increased rate. Our conversation had started when she told how she had picked up a mail delivery--a parcel from the post office.

She said it was a ceremonial object made especially for her by an alleged Native American from some butterfly group. She babbled that she 'felt her crown chakra opening' as work proceeded on the object that she had commissioned.

It is a contradiction in terms to describe someone as 'humbly sharing his gift' and for gold necklaces to be sold as part of the shindig.

Do not pay to pray.

It is also noteworthy that his website is a dot com 

Re: Braco
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2011, 03:09:20 pm »
I want to clarify that these are questions I wished I had asked the young lady.

None of this may be happening. But I wished I had thought to ask her this--if only to get her to think a bit about what kind of future she may have with this person.

I did not like it that she said nothing about selling jewelry being part of the event. And again, this makes it all the harder to test the situation. Gold is so  expensive now that most of us cannot afford to buy a sample of Braco's jewelry to go get it tested.

Re: Braco
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2011, 02:33:20 pm »
Go to the Braco website. Several things:

You are told how to behave before you even see him.

You are told you can expend to stand for thirty minutes in the room full of people during the gazing session while special music is played and someone 'introduces Braco'.

Now why does this guy need such a build up? People are already there because of him, so why the need for props and prep?

And just how many people are in that room?

(They warn that doors are shut during the gazing sessions. If they pack lots of people into that gazing session room, add music and that introduction, it can greatly amplify whatever passionate expecatations people already have.

By the time Braco arrives, people will be projecting all kinds of wild hopes and fantasies onto him. And when an entire group does this its powerful social psychology.

Its also called controlling the room environment and giving people instructions to give up their adult autonomy bit, by little bit. Staying standing is whatcha do in the presence of authority figures--especially when being given orders.

Eastern Europeans-Bracos main following have been following orders for centuries.

This environment is different from that of a First Nation ceremony, where all sit in a circle and can leave at any time.

Here is another article.

Croation ‘mystic’ and healer, Braco, has discovered the answer to that question: you bypass the costly manufacture process entirely and sell 100% unadulterated nothing at all to your credulous victims .

This is how it works. Braco (pronounced ‘braht-zoh’) merely walks into a room full of people and stares(i) at them. To understand the true magnitude of the vacuousness of this, you might like to watch Braco in action:

This kind of thing just makes me want to throw up my hands in despair.(ii) Just take look at that audience of predominately white, affluent middle-aged women who probably owe everything they have to modern science, and wonder how it is that they have quite so comprehensively dropped their brains on the floor.

Braco’s website is a treasure-trove of idiocy and banality:

Experts are impressed that Braco has been able to have such a strong impact on his visitor, and began his work at the extraordinarily young age of 26

He began staring at people at the age of 26. Yep, that sounds like an extraordinary achievement. Why, I didn’t master the art of staring at things until last week!

Braco does not take any money for his help, he does not accept donations and the sessions are always free at his Center in Zagreb.

Can I have a job where I get flown all around the world and fêted at other peoples’ expense in exchange for doing nothing at all? Oh, and all those books and CDs I see advertised on the site. They’re free too, right?

“We all carry a seed inside, which can become a beautiful fruit one day.” – Braco.

I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anything quite so profound. I wonder if Braco came up with that all by himself, or if he has a team of writers?

Journalists and scientists who have studied Braco and his energy have been impressed by him and by the impact of his work

Braco’s website fails to give the names of any scientists so impressed. I think we can suppose that when they use the term ‘scientist’ they mean someone like ‘Doctor’ Charlene Werner or ‘Professor’ William Nelson. And as for journalists… yeah, they’re really known for their perspicacity.

Braco is a conduit for the Source energy that is not governed by linear time and space, and it instead unifies us beyond the constructs of the mind.

Or, to put it another way: ‘Baffling phrase appended to vacuous nonsense followed by equivocal waffling equals meaningless conclusion’.

And best of all, from the FAQ:

Children may be overburdened by the energy, so it is required that an individual be 18 years of age or over to attend a gazing session.

I wonder if they would explode?

Braco’s special thirteen-ray gold sun pendant (also sun earrings and rings) are ONLY available at live Braco events.

Oooh. I’d like one of those free pendants! They are free, right? ‘Cos, like, I know that Braco doesn’t make any money out of what he does… What’s that you say? $290??? But…

Braco himself does not explain the energy and the great healing and transformative effect this energy can have upon people.

It’s much easier that way. Provide a whole bunch of nothing at all and then avoid explaining why it works! The homeopathy crowd could really take a leaf from Braco’s book. All they need to do is dispense with all that tricky science stuff – things would be so much simpler!

Braco’s power is so strong that it can be lethal over the internet. Or something.

Picture states that Braco has been given guidelines from the Spirit that no gazing at DVD or other online material can be longer than 7 seconds.

Whatever you do, don’t edit any of those Braco staring sequences into segments longer than seven seconds. Who knows what kind of chaos could be unleashed!

I leave you with this last fact from the Braco blog:

Special Travel Notice: Braco was officially granted an Extraordinary Talent Visa by the U.S. Immigration Department in October 2010. The approval of this specific Visa recognizes the importance of Braco’s work, and enables him to freely enter the U.S.A.

I want you to contemplate this deeply. The US Department of Immigration has given a highly sort-after ‘O’ class visa to some guy who does nothing more than stand on a stage and stare at the audience. That’s defined as an ‘extraordinary’ talent

Elsewhere, Braco’s power is explained as a phenomenon of ‘non local reality’. I think that’s another way of spelling ‘horse shit’.

Commenters wrote:

You know why kids aren’t allowed, right? This kinda stuff is considered 18+ ever since the Emperor got himself a new outfit.

Kids *ask questions*.

And I wish I’d thought of applying for an O-1: they seem to be ridonkulously easy to get. Though it’s an “Extraordinary ABILITY Visa” – it says nothing whatsoever about talent. Abilities considered valuable, according to their FAQ, include: making fistfuls of money; getting journalists to write articles about you; getting your own articles published; being important to your own company; being able to test people on what you do.

The visa is mostly aimed at, and used by, the entertainment industry, though others can use it too. So, he’ll have got it as an entertainer.

DewiMorgan says:
January 31, 2011 at 4:52 am
Thinking about it, I’d love to see his app for that. I bet he’d come out and admit he’s just an entertainer on that.

anaglyph says:
January 31, 2011 at 8:19 am
I mostly work in the US under an O-1. I wouldn’t say that it’s ‘ridonkulously’ easy to get (you have to jump through a lot of hoops) but it does have the advantage of being unassailable; a successful challenge to ‘extraordinary ability’ is hard to sustain. Mind you, if I was a woo purveyor in the US, I’d be a little worried about Mr Braco coming in and stealing all the gullibility dollars.

King Willy says:
February 1, 2011 at 9:18 am
He looks a lot like the foolish middle aged women he’s fleecing!

I love the woman with the crazy eyes holding the microphone – I seem to remember her from the original video NM sent out a while back…

Bravo Braco, you’ve made it to The Cow, it’s all downhill from here my friend.

The King

Re: Braco
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2011, 02:41:17 pm »
Here is an ability that might be valued here in the economically depressed U Ess of A.

All the people coming to see Braco will bring money to the cafes, restaurants and taxicabs that serve the area near the hotels and conference centers.

His hard core devotees will rent rooms for themselves.

All this will stimulate the local economy of any place that hosts a Braco Jamboree.

Security guards will be hired--they have to be hired. You're talking about gold jewelry for sale, and MONEY MONEY MONEY.

He's going to do enough to stimulate the local economies in the US, short term.

That, friends is an extraordinary talent in this day and age.

Re: Braco
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2011, 02:51:27 pm »
Blue Collar Goddess was right to note that it is interesting that the music played during the gazing sessions is not for sale.

This is from B's website. Note that it gives orders.

"Important notes for your session
Key advice and notes for your session with Braco
1. During the session with Braco you will have to stand for about 30 minutes. If you are handicapped or unable to stand for such a period, you should try to send somebody with your photo instead of coming by yourself. Lots of examples and reports have prooved that the effects which have been achieved with photos are as strong as the effects by coming by yourself.
2. The effects of the sessions can be very strong, so children and pregnant women should not attend a session. The sessions are open to adult persons over 18 years and only. For pregant women the sessions are open up to the their third month of pregnancy.
3. We only can take people in wheelchairs, if the individual location is equipped adequately. At this moment this is not the case at a number of locations, so if you are in wheelchairs, please contact us via e-mail for information about a specific location, which you have selected. At this moment we take people in wheelchairs at the Kongresshaus in Zuerich and at the „Pyramide“ in Vienna.
4. For children and for all people who cannot attend a session with Braco personally, other visitors can carry photos with them and keep them in their hands during they are looking into the eyes of Braco. Lots of examples and a number of very impressive reports have prooved that the effecst which have been achieved with photos are as strong as the effects by coming by yourself, specifically if you can send a person which is very close to you.
5. The sessions are in groups only. An individual session or a personal meeting with Braco is not possible and the same rules apply to everybody independent from the personal situation or position of that person.
6. Sometimes people are sending photos to Braco and hope for help on this way. Braco does not touch people or photos, he only works in groups. So in general we recommend not to send photos but to come directly into a session carrying the photos of those persons in your hands. Please understand that we are not able to return photos which have been sent to Braco.
7. Letters to Braco cannot be answered.
8. Some people have a long trip to come to Braco. To enjoy your session you should be in a relaxed mood and we strongly recommend not to go immediately to the group after having a long drive. Have a break, relax and eat and drink something before you go into the session.
9. Braco does not promise cure or help.
10. Braco advises his visitors to see their doctors first and use every possible help and treatment, they recommend. He tells everybody that they should understand his help only as an additional possibility, which does not replace their doctors. Braco points out, that his visitors always should go on using the advise of the doctors and go on following their recommendations also after they have visited him. You should never stop medicamentation or therapies before your doctors advise this to you.
11. All sessions are open to the public and you do not need to register in advance. Just come during the opening times and take a number at the entrance. The groups will be announced by numbers, waiting times vary and strongly depend on the run at each individual location. The sessions with Braco are not related to a specific religion, church or ideology. They are open to everybody independent from religion, race, color and culture
Format during a session
Format during a Gazing Session
People are escorted into the gazing room at the appointed time of the session, and their ticket is collected at the door.
Those in wheelchairs, on crutches or with mobility impairments, the elderly or people of shorter stature may be invited into the first three rows by staff.
Once everyone is seated, the gazing room doors are closed for the session. No one will be admitted after the doors are closed to avoid disruptions for the group.
A 10 – 20 minute introduction will be presented by the event host: abou Braco and offering some foundation information about the gazing and the session structure. For those who have attended previous sessions, an opportunity will be offered for a few to share their personal stories. This introduction is meant to provide everyone who is new with key information and a basis for understanding what is taking place.
At the close of the introduction, the group will be asked to stand for the gazing and Braco will be introduced. (People who cannot stand may remain seated.)
A special music is played for the gazing and Braco will take the stage to silently make the gazing for 5- 8 minutes. As he gazes at us, we may gaze back at him.
Once Braco leaves the stage, the audience will be offered a few more minutes of silence to continue to integrate their experience. People may remain standing or reseat themselves for this period.
In closing the session, the event host will return to the stage and make any final announcements. Everyone will then be requested to exit the gazing room to ready it for the next session."

Again, focus hard on all the stuff done to control the room environment. This is what most journalists miss. It is convenient to play up the surface silliness of the event. The last thing B and his people want is for anyone to notice the manipulation of the crowd and the gazing session.

And thats very likely why they dont want children there. Kids squirm, make comments, babies cry or peep--and all of these are distractions and will disrupt the engineering of the session.

Here are observations from an article on the Skeptics site. items:

One person noted the room was filled "beyond capacity" -- thirty minutes of standing still in a situation like that is very stressful.

The entire article is HERE

ones that…

Braco the Gazer
Get back issues, subscriptions, and merchandise at the CSI store.

The Naked Skeptic
Karen Stollznow
April 26, 2011
The Silent Evangelist

There’s a new pseudoscience out there that doesn’t involve devices, dogma, or even claims—so they claim.

Braco (pronounced Braht-zoh) is a “gazer.” He is a spiritual healer with a difference: there is no consultation, no cold reading, no contact and no paraphernalia; his performance involves standing on a podium and simply gazing at his audience. Moreover, he doesn’t claim to be a healer. (But his advertising does.)

Hundreds of thousands in Europe have already experienced Braco’s silent gaze in the last 15 years. He doesn’t call himself a healer, but up to 10,000 people a day who come seeking his gifts happily say otherwise.

Braco doesn’t call himself a healer because he doesn’t make any claims directly; his claims are made by his staff and devotees. Furthermore, he doesn’t make any claims because he doesn’t speak in public.

It’s all very difficult to explain – that’s why Braco stopped speaking in public 8 years ago - leaving it up to the people to decide for themselves what it was about.

And with the help of his publicity machine, the people have decided that Braco heals with his gaze.

The Non-Healing Healer

Braco’s biography 21 Days with Braco describes him as a “Super Healer” and claims he has “a gift of healing that defies scientific understanding and human comprehension at this time.”1 Nevertheless, Braco’s team has found a few medical practitioners to attest to his “invisible powers.”

Many medical doctors have shared their opinion that Braco’s healing abilities are extraordinary, but cannot explain his work though the conventional scientific process.

However, these doctors dabble in the metaphysical. They include Professor Alex Schneider, President of the Parapsychological Association of Switzerland and founder of the World Healing Congress, and Dr. Wiesendanger, “one of the top experts on healers and healing” and founder of the International Agency for Outstanding Healers.

They all confirm, that those impressive reports from Braco´s visitors proove [sic] his successes and that they show that something flows through Braco, which can change the lives of thousands of people and solve even fundamental problems in health like cancer, epilepsy and psychological problems.2

But these “impressive reports” are anecdotal and Braco’s alleged healing abilities have never been “prooved” under test conditions.

Journalists and scientists who have studied Braco and his energy have been impressed by him and by the impact of his work, which has resulted in an incredible number of documented cases of physical healings and life transformations taking place in those who attend his gazing sessions.3

These “documented cases” are testimonials featured on Braco’s website. Apocryphally, he performs miracles, bringing healing and good luck to those who view his gaze. He has allegedly “cured” countless people of countless chronic conditions: anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, thyroid conditions, asthma, brain tumors and cancer of various kinds. He allegedly restored someone’s sight, healed a paraplegic woman, and even cleared someone’s blocked nostrils.4

He’s a modern-day Messiah, but he’s not affiliated with any religion.

Braco does not relate his successes to any form of religion or to a specific methodology, and he has changed his working-methods over time. He tries to develop his methods further and further to enable as many people as possible all over the world to feel this energy and consciousness.

However, it seems his one and only method is standing in front of a crowd and looking at people. There seems to be a lot about Braco that no one can explain.

The healings are unexplainable, yet undeniable. Reams of documentation recount stories of countless souls remarkably and often spontaneously transformed by standing before Braco’s silent gaze -- and not just physical healings, but emotional, spiritual, mental, and interpersonal healings, too.5

Braco makes many claims for someone who claims to not make any claims.

The Eyes Have It

Braco was born Josip Jelavic in 1967 in Zagreb, Croatia. In 1993 he became a student of the Serbian prophet and healer Ivica Prokic, who bestowed the spiritual name Braco, “Little Brother,” upon his talented protégé. Prokic died in 1995, and now Braco continues his work.

The experts are also impressed that Braco is able to have such a strong impact on his visitors, and began his work at the extraordinarily young age of 26. Braco has reached a level of consciousness now in his fourties, which even the most famous masters did not reach before they were sixty, seventy or eighty years old.

Braco’s gazing sessions usually last five to ten minutes, and during that time he only makes fleeting eye contact with each member of the audience. His powers are so potent that people only need look at his likeness to reap the benefits, but to avoid being “overburdened,” YouTube videos and DVDs of his gazing carry a warning.

Braco has been given firm guidelines from Spirit that no gazing in any DVDs or online can be longer than seven seconds.

It is further advised that people under 18 years of age and pregnant women beyond their first trimester should not view Braco’s gaze, for their own safety.

The energy could overburden children, so the sessions are not open for visitors under the age of 18, or to pregnant women after their third month. For your children and for other people who are not able to attend a session, it is recommended that you bring a photo of that person to a session instead. The power of Braco’s gaze can equally reach people through photos, and the same level of healing and transformation occur through this method.6

Braco also offers a line of Sunce (sun) jewelry that displays his mentor’s symbol: a golden sun with 13 rays. The price of the jewelry ranges from $190 for a pair of earrings to $2395 for a diamond pendant. Website testimonials claim these talismans bring good luck to the wearer.

The Gazing

Braco’s fame has stretched beyond Europe and he is currently on a tour of the U.S.

Braco does not take any money for his help, he does not accept donations and the sessions are always free at his Center in Zagreb. There is only a small fee at international events, when he visits other countries on tour, to cover the event facilities rental and organizational costs.7

Aside from his moneymaking books, DVDs and jewelry, the “small fee” is $8 to attend each session, but he conducts multiple sessions daily and hundreds of sessions annually, with hundreds of thousands of attendees. I attended a session in Denver, and was informed that 3,500 tickets were sold for that day alone.

The room was filled beyond capacity, with people lining the walls. Reminiscent of a Benny Hinn performance, there were many hoping to be healed, including people in wheelchairs. Everyone filed into the hall to the tune of singing glasses and a female vocalist warbling a mesmerizing song.

The female host appeared and conditioned the crowd for Braco, the “healer who doesn’t call himself a healer.” We were told to “take this time to frame your intentions. Everyone’s experience will be different,” but we were to expect healings and miracles. She assured us that after seeing Braco “skeptics become believers.”

There were some “bliss piggies” in the audience—people who had attended Braco’s sessions all day long. This was the final session for the day and we would be rewarded with some “extra gazing.” But Braco would not address us. “He doesn’t speak in public anymore,” the host explained. “He made a promise eight years ago. It’s not important what he says, but what people see.” However, she claimed that “The Voice” is healing.

New Age music began and all those who were able were asked to stand as Braco emerged and climbed the stairs of the podium. He stood before the room awkwardly at first, and then his pose grew majestic, like he was standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon. Everyone watched him expectantly.

Then Braco gazed at the audience. For ten minutes.

He was expressionless, but his eyes scanned the room intensely. His head barely moved but he seemed to make eye contact, like one of those paintings where the eyes appear to follow you. As we all stared back we were looking at Braco for longer than the “safe” seven-second period.

As Braco “gazed,” some meditated or prayed, some rocked back and forth gently, and some were crying. Some held photos of sick or deceased loved ones to their chests. We’d also been told that if we had photos of people in our phones, Braco would heal them too.

Then it was all over.

Braco ceased gazing across the room and then appeared to go slightly cross-eyed. He took a step backwards, tripping slightly as he did so, then he stepped down from the podium and left the room. As he exited an audience member screamed, “Thank you, Braco!”

The After Gaze

Braco’s security guards, known as “guardians,” ran around the room with boxes of tissues for those overcome with tears. Then the host asked that we stand again to listen to “The Voice.” They proceeded to play a pre-recorded speech by Braco—in his native Croatian. Amazingly, some people claimed they could understand Braco! claims:

It was very amazing to see, that even in Germany or other countries, where people cannot understand what Braco is speaking, the reactions of the visitors during the session with his voice are exactly the same as with those people who understand Braco’s words.

There are several possible explanations for these claims. In this context, people may simply guess the spiritual-related themes of Braco’s speech. As for claiming to “understand” Croatian, people may hear cognates: Croatian words that sound familiar because they are historically related to words in English. Also, like Electronic Voice Phenomena and other audio pareidolia, people search for recognizable patterns and perceive sounds they construe as familiar words.

Then the host asked the audience for testimonials. One woman claimed Braco fixed her car before she’d even seen him, so she could attend the gazing. A man who had recently suffered a stroke claimed Braco’s gaze left him with tingling, healing sensations. Others also reported tingling and other non-specific feelings; perhaps they were numb from standing for so long?

It seemed that Braco and his crew practiced a form of stage hypnosis on the audience, given the long periods of standing, the repetitive music, the suggestions of what we “would” experience, the testimonials and the disorienting speech read in a foreign language.

One source reports the following experiences during a session with Braco.

During my first session, people reported seeing Braco’s white and golden aura all around him. Braco submerged in gold; there were vibrant violet colors all around the ballroom. The same violet color was swirling like a whirlpool on the back of the audience. People heard sounds of the universe, comparing it to the ocean and wind. People saw wings behind Braco, and large white wings spread open on the stage. One gentleman saw angels in the ceiling dancing and looking down on the audience. People saw bubbles, light balls touching people one by one and white aura surrounded the audience, everyone seem to be glowing. There was a light emanating from Braco reflecting onto others. People felt electricity, warmth all over their bodies, warmth on their hands, trembling, shaking, moving, skull moving, energy pushing back, blissful feeling, euphoria, tears, a healthier deeper connection, emotional, loving, hot heat, and felt the flow of energy enter their body. Braco’s pupils turned into golden suns, his face morphing and shifting as if he was becoming another being. Everyone felt born again and found a true home for their hearts and souls. Everyone was healed.8

In one of his Youtube videos a viewer also claims Braco “shapeshifts” during his gazing sessions. This is a lot to live up to, so the host made some vague promises instead: “You will experience shifts, transformations and healings.” Like a psychic that encourages clients to connect the dots in hindsight, she said, “But it doesn’t always happen here in the room; it may happen later on when you’ve left.” Finally, she warned us, “There is lots of extra energy about, so be careful tonight!”

Those who arrived in wheelchairs left in their wheelchairs. No one in our large contingent of skeptics reported any healing, miracles or good luck during or after the event. We did have a 17-year-old in our party, but fortunately, he was not “overburdened” by Braco’s gaze.

Navel Gazing

Gazing is best classified as a type of spiritual healing, due to the claim that its major benefit is therapeutic, in conjunction with other ambiguous alleged benefits such as bringing good luck, “shifts and transformations,” and miracles.

Gazing for healing is popular for its simplicity and as a novelty, but it’s unlikely to become as common as other paranormal and pseudoscientific practices. But it’s not new. Will Johnson’s Rumi: Gazing at the Beloved: The Radical Practice of Beholding the Divine describes the “ancient mystical practice” of “intentional gazing” for the purposes of healing. However, this method is different from Braco’s. As seminar leader William Record puts it, eye gazing “involves 2 individuals coming together for the purpose of mutual healing. There is no healer/client distinction.”9

Johnson explains how eye gazing works.

When eye contact between two people is initiated and maintained, an invisible energetic circuit is established between the participants, dissolving the barriers that ordinarily separate them from each other, drawing them ever closer into a shared sense of union.10

Eye gazing is not only used for healing. Eye Gazing parties are events where people sit across from a partner and gaze at them to assess potential compatibility.11 Eye gazing is also a tantric sex technique, whereby couples use gazing to increase intimacy and bonding.12

There is no evidence that Braco’s kind of gazing has any benefits at all, but he takes credit for any perceived successes, and absolves himself of failure by claiming he makes no claims. However, the “no claim” claim is disingenuous; whether the claims come from the public or his crew, the claims are promoted by and therefore made by Braco.


1. Whitecliff, Angelika. 2009. 21 Days with Braco. Awakening Within. [Publisher?-JB]

2. Braco. Description of an invisible power. Accessed 03/30/2011. Available online at

3. About Braco. Accessed 03/30/2011. Available online at

4. Braco America. Testimonials from the American road. Accessed 04/04/2011. Available online at

5. Braco America. Accessed 04/04/2011. Available online at

6. Awakening Within. About Braco. Accessed 04/04/2011. Available online at

7. Braco Pendant. About Braco. Accessed 04/04/2011. Available online at

8. ibid.

9. Healing Through Eye Gazing. Accessed 04/15/2011. Available online at

10. Johnson, Will. 2003. Rumi Gazing at the Beloved – The Radical Practice of beholding the Divine. Vermont USA. Inner Traditions.

11. Eye Gazing Parties. Accessed 04/15/2011. Available online at

12. Tantra: Gateway to Ecstasy. “The Science behind Tantric Eye Gazing.” Accessed 04/15/2011. Available online at

Karen Stollznow

Re: Braco
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2011, 10:46:55 pm »
Yet more information

Volunteers are expected to work a full day, be on time, if not early, but are only served a 'lite lunch and snacks'.

I am half Russian and can tell you that in Eastern Europe, it is considered disgraceful to be skimpy and cheap when feeding people who are your guests.


Volunteer Guidelines


Preparation for a Braco Gazing Event can begin months before the actual event is scheduled to take place in a specific location. We welcome all inspired, openhearted people who wish to join our team to assist with the many ongoing coordinated projects to promote ‘Braco awareness’ in the communities that Braco will visit on tour. There are so many opportunities for people to share and interact in the spirit of service, especially for those who wish to help and support bringing Braco’s gift into more lives by working at a local level.

The first place to begin is to fill out the Volunteer Questionnaire to help us to get to know you. This questionnaire is for anyone who wishes to volunteer during a specific event, and/or to become involved in the pre-event activities and promotional outreach within a community. On this form, please identify the Braco Team(s) which you wish to become an active member. Once we receive your Volunteer Questionnaire, we will forward it to the Volunteer Team Coordinator in your area, who will contact you to see how best we can utilize your talents and enthusiasm, and get you involved as a valued team member in our latest activities and projects.

Volunteer Questionnaire –  PDF Version

Volunteer Questionnaire – Word DOC Version




Events are usually one or two days in length, but sometimes three days

Events usually offer 8 – 10 gazing sessions per day

A Gazing Session lasts 30 – 35 minutes per session


Volunteers must be able to work a full day. You are welcomed and encouraged to work all event days if possible. Many responsibilities accompany each position, and this helps us to ensure the continuity of a knowledgeable staff.


Volunteers are guaranteed two gazing sessions per day. We will do our best to schedule plenty of volunteers each day, so that we may rotate people in for extra sessions whenever possible – but please understand that we must always place the needs of those attending the event first. Ensuring that all positions are fully covered is paramount for the safety, comfort and timely flow of our visitors each session. Those in service are treated as being in service!


There are a limited number of positions for volunteers at each event. Each position is equally important and sometimes we need to move people around during the event. Please be flexible.


Volunteers are expected to be on time for their shifts, and of course you may show up early. We hold people accountable and take service to those seeking help as our top priority. If someone cannot fulfill their duties, exhibits a poor attitude or arrives late (without calling their Volunteer Team Coordinator), they will be relieved of their duties and may not volunteer at a future event.


Food for volunteers at events: A lite lunch and snacks will be catered at Awakening Within events for the volunteer staff – to be served in a specially designated volunteer break room. Most of our venues/event hotels do NOT allow outside food to be brought in or eaten in the banquet area where the event is held. Some hotels are VERY strict on this policy, and we thank you for your understanding. If you have a special diet or needs, we are usually able to make a few exceptions for people in this category. Please consult with your Volunteer Team Coordinator.


Volunteer Dress Code: Volunteers are asked to wear smart and comfortable attire. Our volunteers set the first impression, and visitors will meet you before Braco. Please dress with pride and in the spirit of being a representative for this event. We strongly encourage everyone to wear white items of clothing: shirts, pants, skirts or dresses. But light hues and summer colors are also acceptable. In general, people associate white with purity, spirit and healing, and are soothed and uplifted by lighter colors. Volunteers should NOT wear all black or all dark colors to an event. Prints are OK with modest black or dark background coloration, and khaki and tan pants are an acceptable alternative for men (who may not have many white/light color choices in the wardrobe). Most volunteers will be standing for longer periods of time, so please ensure that you wear the appropriate shoes for your comfort. Absolutely NO torn or stained tee shirts please.


Braco Etiquette: Braco has not spoken for over eight years in public, and he does not interact with people in general. This is because his mission is to gaze, and to offer a silent gift to the people that helps them to transform – this goes beyond words. He is not here to answer people’s questions or to be a guru figure, and he treats everyone equally. Yet, most visitors would welcome a chance to take a photo of him, shake his hand, tell him their personal story or ask for advice. So as a volunteer, you become a guardian of protecting Braco’s privacy and ensuring his security, so that he may do his work without distraction. Please honor Braco’s space, and if you see someone stop him as he is passing in the hall, or attempting to take his photo, make it your responsibility to step in to politely guide that visitor away or inform them not to take any pictures of Braco. Visitors seeing Braco for the first time may not know much about him, so if you see someone approaching him, simply step forward to gently guide them away and explain that Braco greatly appreciates and ‘feels’ their love and support, but does not interact with people to maintain a special wordless purity with the gift being offered.



Volunteer Positions at Events


GREETERS:  This position manages and directs the flow of visitors in the lobby area. As visitors come in the door of the venue, greeters will direct people to the ticket desk, identify the line to wait in for the next session, point out rest rooms, etc. and offer people a brochure or flyer.

TICKET SALES STAFF: Cash Register or Credit Card Machine knowledge is very helpful.

PRODUCT DESK STAFF: Cash register, credit card machine or sales knowledge is very helpful. Volunteers should also become familiar with Braco DVDs, the book, ’21 Days with Braco, and the meaning behind the Sun Jewelry.

AUDIO/LIGHTING SUPPORT: Experience with mixers, microphones, projectors or lighting helpful. Only needed at some events.

SECURITY:  This position monitors the lobby area, to offer assistance if needed.

TICKET COLLECTING/DOOR: New ticket scanners will be used to read the bar codes on tickets printed at home by attendees. This position also ensures that no one enters after a session begins.

MEDICAL SUPPORT: Medical doctors or trained nurses who wish to serve by being on hand to assist in the case that someone is overcome by the energy is greatly needed.

Especially note this item

GAZING ROOM GUARDIANS: We especially encourage sturdy men to assist here – physical strength is needed in rare cases when someone may need to be lifted out of the gazing room. Occasionally, someone may become lightheaded or faint (Fasting is usually the cause here, because the energy is potent and needs the body to have fuel!). People with medical or nursing experience are valued highly in this position. Also, people who are comfortable with crowd management, and can kindly, but firmly direct people for seating. Occasionally, a strong emotional reaction can happen for some in the audience, and we need volunteers who can kindly, but firmly guide someone out of the room if needed for that person’s safety and to ensure a quiet experience for the audience.

Re: Braco
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2011, 10:48:45 pm »
i went to youtube to look at this guy.

my thought was that all he is doing is providing people to believe someone cares.
and their own selves heal their own selves.. IF any healing occurs. sometimes, all
a person needs is to believe someone cares.

i don't find it as offensive as someone creating a religion, or claiming religious
affiliations, or telling people how to live or what to believe, or asking for money.
all he is doing, imo, is standing there and letting people believe that someone cares.

since he advocates that people see doctors and not stop seeing doctors or taking
their medications, i don't really see harm here.

if people want to believe his gaze is from some supreme source above, well, i
don't know that that's exactly harmful as long as he isn't asking them to send
him money every month or join some cult. people believe some statues shed
tears.. is that harmful? i don't know..

as for the dvds, books, and jewelry, well, does he or his hosts claim the jewelry
is good luck charms? or is that just people saying it. i mean, if the list of vileness
is that he sells dvds, books and jewelry.. well.. so do stores. i guess i'd have to
read the book to find out what is in them.. also, it isn't required to purchase.

3500 x 8 = 28,000 that isn't much considering cost of location, airfares, hotels,
meals and other transportation for the crew, and probably liability insurance on the locations
in case someone trips and falls or something.

anyway, as far as scams go, to me, this isn't very harmful. if i'm missing
something i'm sure someone will point it out to me..
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 10:53:49 pm by critter - a white non-ndn person »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Diana

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Re: Braco
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2011, 11:27:48 pm »
I saw this Braco on one of those tabloid tv shows...Inside edition??..I don't remember, but I was struck by how much he looked like an ex-boyfriend of mine. As a matter of fact this ex-boyfriend was also from Croatia. I did a double take when I saw him, but I knew it couldn't be him because this guy is much too young. It's kind of creepy, they could be brothers. LOL!

Lim lemtsh,


Re: Braco
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2011, 03:01:46 pm »
When you read of all the people on crutches and wheelchairs who arrive, expecting to be healed, or the desperate persons who bring photos of loved ones who are too ill to attend, hoping that a gaze from Braco will heal them--

that is to toy with people's love and most desperate hopes.

To do that is far from harmless.

Especially when it is attached to such a mercenary agenda.

When accumulated rapidly, large quantities of money bring temptation and  attract trouble.

After Hurricane Katrina, huge donations were made to Red Cross.

Re: Braco
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2011, 04:52:26 pm »
The young lady who first told me about Braco had earlier stated she received a parcel containing a shield she had had made for her by some allegedly Native American practitioner. I thought I heard the name 'Butterfly'.

The girl said she 'felt her crown chakra opening' as the shield was being made.

There may be more than one person who creates such products.

However, here is an advert for one such.


Each of these objects are embued with Jan's prayers for healing, protection, and your personal intention.

Prices vary depending on amount of time, painting, and beadwork put into the creation. Prices begin with a small feathered wand for $50 and could go as high as $250 for a large, fully beaded fan with fringe. Rattles are time intensive and vary in price. Cost of shields vary depending on size, beginning at $75, with a large 24 inch, hand painted, leather shield for $250. Dream Catchers, either with objects or a round watercolor of your totem animal in the center range from 6 inch ~ $20, 10 inch ~ $35, 12 inch ~ $50, larger ~ $100. Jan's beaded flute bags, ceremonial or tobacco bags, and pipe bags begin at $50. Please contact Jan to order your personal Tool for Change.
Jan's SHIELDS are created from willow, representing flexibility and endurance, and covered with leather. Then objects, stones, or animals are painted, beaded, or mounted on the leather. Usually feathers (all legal) are hung from each shield. Shields represent what we are working on, what we honor, and what protects us in our transformative time. They are powerful tools for healing, gaining strength, and growing spiritually. Jan empowers each shield with prayers for healing, abundance, protection, and honoring.

this is gonna run into money. People attending and especially volunteering at Braco Events are advised to wear white, or at the very least, pastel colors.

Its not enough to pay to pray. You gotta spend all this money on gadgets and the differnet wardrobes for the different events.

All this represents what sociologist Colin Cambell termed cultic milieu

Campbell's main contention that the cultic milieu is oppositional by nature.

It comprises "a zone in which proscribed and/or forbidden knowledge is the coin of the realm, a place in which ideas, theories and speculations are to be found, exchanged, modified and eventually, adopted or rejected by adherents of countless, primarily ephemeral groups whose leaders come and go and whose membership constitute a permanent class of seekers whose adherence to any particular or organization tends to be fleeting at best." (p. 3)

Now this is all very different from the stability and continuity of residence, and tribal ties needed to support authentic practices. The cultic milieu described by Campbell and the sociologists who have since adopted his term, are describing a rootless, urbanized group of consumers--a niche market, not a genuine and rooted tribe.

The article continues, saying,

The authors aver that in this oppositional milieu ideas are often interchangeable, "fungible," that there is a cross pollination of ideas in this milieu.

(HB note) Thus you get someone like this young girl who has spent money ordering a ceremonial shield from an alleged native american, and yet saw fit to prosyltize and give out a card publicizing a Croatian dude whose gaze allegedly heals---and who sells gold jewelry and DVDs. This is a dramatic example of how interchangeable ideas and healers can be when in this cultic milieu.)
More on cultic milieu

Cultic Milieu: Oppositional subcultures in an Age of Globalization
by Jeffrey Kaplan Editors

In 1972--a period of social upheaval much like today Colin Campbell posited the concept of 'cultic milieu': ....iIdeas and allegiances within the milieu change as individuals move between loosely organized groups, but the larger milieu persists in opposition to the dominant culture.

Jeffrey Kaplan and Helene Loow find Campbell's theory especially useful in coming to grips with the varied oppositional groups of today

So perhaps we have a subgroup (part of which is a very lucrative niche market)(of persons that forms a very important subgroup.

Persons in this cultic milieu subgroup that defines itself and feels itself oppositional (some would say cutting edge, others cherish being traditionalist) members will seek precisely those seers, healers, and advisors who ARE unlicensed, and distrusted by mainstream society.

Critical thinking and fact checking are deemed part of the oppressive, unloving mainstream culture.

The tragedy is many seers and healers who claim to offer themselves as frontier heroes and heroines, as liberators from mainstream culture, are all too often secretly using the worst and most oppressive tools of maintream culture.

Manipulation of room environment

Mass marketing  techniques designed to induce craving and herd mentality

Hiring attorneys to craft disclaimer/waiver forms in which subjects sign away their rights as citizens to sue for damages if harmed)

They are capitalists who claim to offer something better than the capitalist mercantile culture so many of us find bruisng.

All they can do is give us more bruises.

This oppositional attitude and cultic milieu shows up throughout history. In the 18th Century, supposedly the Age of Reason, soothsayers and magicians such as Saint Germain and Cagliostro had quite an influence. Casanova tells how he got a comfortable income convincing a rich noblewoman that he would arrange for her to be reborn as a man. 

Re: Braco
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2011, 05:19:25 am »
Well, I understand that, about the temptations of greed.. but I personally cannot condemn a person for something they have not yet done, or might do. Time will tell.

As for people bringing photos or hoping for healing, I don't see where that's any different than when they bring photos to a church, or to a statue that has been claimed to have shed tears.. or even, as I have seen, to some rocks that to some look like their savior.

On this one, for me, time will tell. Right now, I don't see where he is raking in 100's of 1000's of dollars in a scam, getting rich and exploiting people's beliefs or ways. In fact, even the book he did not write it. It is some woman who spent some time with him so even the book is not his words or doctrine, but that of someone else. I don't see him actually inviting or trying to recruit people to some cult or asking for 100's for ceremonies or other pay to pray activities.

He's definitely worth keeping an eye on..  and time will tell.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 05:21:46 am by critter - a white non-ndn person »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline seapup

  • Posts: 7
Re: Braco
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2014, 11:36:42 pm »
I saw the book 21 Days with Braco in a store which wasn't exactly written by him, but he chose the author, I believe her name is Angelika Whitecliff, out of an audience and she was with his organization when they visited Hawaii so if they made an arrangement who knows. The book was shrink wrapped so you couldn't read the book. I purchased a used copy off Amazon, which you can now purchased used for about $4 if you include the shipping as used copies are presently going for 1 cent. For me the book was disappointing as there wasn't any in depth info on Braco. Mostly it was Angelika being giddy about being chose to spend time with Braco and what a great guy she thought he was. I had never heard of Braco but was curious. I watched some videos on YouTube and it made me curious about him. I saw he was coming to where I lived and attended a session. This was some years ago so I am operating on my memory which can be quite poor. I don't recall seeing the jewelry, but it was probably around somewhere. They were selling DVDs and the 21 Days with Braco book. He had a good crowd coming to see him. A woman started a conversation with me. She apparently was a Braco enthusiast and not only went all his sessions she could when he visited our state, but had done the Internet sessions and owned some of his DVDs and was going to attend multiple sessions at this event since he does several gazing sessions at $8 each. She didn't appear to have any physical ailments and mostly seemed to enjoy his energy or ambiance. I don't know how many attend more than one session but at $8 a session, online sessions and merchandise purchases it could add up quickly and if you multiply that by the number of people attending it could add up to a pretty nice sum. I also have to say also the low cost makes it possible for people to attend and if it does anything for them without breaking the bank. Shortly after this I decided to get one of his DVDs out of curiosity, but when I went to the store they were all gone and I never saw them restocked. They also stopped being sold on Amazon. You can find some of his DVDs up there, but they appear to be sold by individuals and not by his organization. I don't know if this is because the Braco business side decided to sell only via his website and appearances which probably brings in a large profit margin or the organization.

I attended one session. The room was lined with what looked to me to be security. There was an introduction by Angelika Whitecliff, who wrote the book about Braco. She made a good host and explained Braco does NOT promise any healing and does not consider himself a healer. However this is what most of the people in his videos claim, that by attending his session or hearing his voice, gazing on his picture they were cured. I haven't come across any documented healings so far just some YouTube videos of people claiming to have been healed but offering no documentation or doctor testimony in the videos. As best as I can recall Whitecliff said he joins the energy of the people but this was awhile ago. Braco came out and gazed for maybe 5-10 minutes, said nothing and left. What kind of concerned me is the event seemed to have what I would call plants in the audience. When it came to the ending part where people were invited to speak about their experience I noticed the same people I saw in some of the YouTube videos (don't know if the videos are still up) claiming to be have been cured of health issues or gaining something from his sessions. Do they now travel around with him as his entourage? If so how do they afford this? It was these people who started off the conversation. Maybe they are doing this of their own accords if they truly feel they were cured by him, but still it made me wonder. The session was short, maybe 30 to 40 minutes. Mind you I have no objection to anyone earning a living, but I would like to know what is gained from these sessions. I can say at the session I attended no one was unprofessional or pushing sales of his DVDs and jewelry. In fact I don't even recall them mentioning the items for sale during the session. Whitecliff only mentioned they were going to do online sessions so more people all around the world could attend. No one attending my session claimed to have been healed at the end of the session, but I only attended one session and haven't been drawn back to attend more.

It seems he has a lot of beautiful women around him, but if there is anything happening who knows. Jane Sibbett mentioned in a previous post is one of his producers according to his website so she has financial interest in promoting him. This makes me view some of the emotional video with Sibbett on YouTube with some skepticism. I believe Braco is married and has children. From the info available he was educated as an economist so it is claimed he doesn't need to do the gazings to earn a living, but I suspect he makes a better living off the gazings than he would as an economist. I guess what makes this an interesting case is he isn't claiming to be "healing" anyone or to be a healer so no one call call him a fraud as he isn't claiming or promising any healing or anything else for that matter. Even if he does emit or join some kind of energy he isn't making any claims or promises about it so essentially he is claiming nothing, promising nothing and people are willing to pay for it. It's a cool set up when you think of it. What concerns me is he says he isn't claiming to be a healer, but that is what they are promoting when you read the info at the website and the testimonials. He has a book out Habits and Happiness: How to Become Happier and Improve Your Wellbeing by Changing Your Habits. I will pass on reading it. From the website it also looks like they are getting up Braco TV. There is a video titled Evolution that was supposed to be out 30 Aug.

From his website Braco America,

Braco. Although he doesn't call himself a healer, thousands who have experienced his gaze do.

Others call Braco a Conduit of Divine Energy.

Others call Braco a Gazer, a Lightworker or even a Vibrational Healing Artist who is somehow able to silently and instantly heal, peacefully massaging the consciousness of tens of thousands around the world into feeling better or embracing more joy.

We just call Braco a beautiful man ... ...with an extraordinary gift to share.

There are testimonials up at his website:
But again, where is the documentation? And what does "messaging the consciousness of tens of thousands" mean? Again, he claims nothing, promises nothing and may well be delivering nothing and people are willing to pay for it.