Author Topic: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk  (Read 61451 times)

Offline Pono Aloha

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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2012, 05:48:50 am »
What bothered me in the original post was this quote from the class he was doing:
Afraid of doing what you heart tells you to do for fear of some religious "Taliban" hiding in the bushes?
This seems to be a theme of Nuagers -- that those of us working to maintain the sanctity of native ceremony are extremists, fundamentalists, and even terrorists.


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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2012, 03:56:29 pm »

Special Event - Panel Discussion
Thursday, July 19, 1:30 PM

Modern Paganism:

“Where did we come from?"
"Where are we going?”
A round table discussion featuring panelists from "Drawing Down the Moon" fame, representing Wicca, Asatru (Norse Heathenism), Neo-Druidism, Native American and Eclectic Pagan paths including: Diana Paxson Gavin and Yvonne Frost Kirk Thomas Grandmother Elspeth Gene Rowand

The discussion facilitator will be Don Waterhawk. There will also be special participants among the audience.

Don Two Eagles WaterHawk - original name as noted in archives here is Donald R. Cakerice.

Florida voter records list him as Mr Don Two EaglesWaterhawk, his wife as Ms Daniella J Waterhawk. Lee County, Florida property records are as Waterhawk Don T E + Daniella J

DON TWO EAGLES WATERHAWK is a decorated Vietnam vet of Cherokee ancestry. He worked as a deputy sheriff and paramedic until he decided to "follow Nature's Law instead of Man's Law." He "walked back into his ancestor's spirits" and shares his knowledge in workshops, seminars, and drumming circles around the country. He is also an accomplished silversmith, stained glass cutter, stone cutter and spiritual toolmaker. Waterhawk is married, has two daughters and a macaw, and resides in Florida.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 04:07:52 pm by Epiphany »


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Re: Donald R. Cakerice aka Don Two EaglesWaterhawk
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2014, 06:34:23 pm »
Don WaterHawk

Profile: Born 1950, has lived all over the U.S. Of Tsalagi (Cherokee) and German heritage, he has studied Native, European and Asian cultures. He walks a predominately Red Path, but allows all things good to enter his Circle, Don is an admitted Eclectic.

An accomplished Silversmith, Leatherworker, Carver, Drummer, make that DRUMMER!, avid gardener (biophiliac) , photographer and Sharer, and now new Author working on the second book. He is also a Council Facilitator for groups around the country. Don states he is not a Teacher, a Medicine man, nor is he affiliated with any Tribe or Nation. "I am a Human Being of all Mix". A member of the Seneca Wolf Clan, highly decorated Combat Medic in Viet Nam, and closely works with Veterans groups around the country, and has 13 years with Sheriff Department in Ohio.

Don's goal is to work for the "ALL", not the "few". He lives in South West Florida with his life mate Daniella, and their two beautiful daughters, Tara and Tia. Oh, and we shouldn't forget about his friend Kokopelli, and blue gold macaw and Elf, a Articularia Metallica.

Witches' Voice Duties: Staff Photographer and a wonderful voice for the all.

From his father's obit:

Cakerice, Donald Wednesday, 03 Oct 2007
South Whidbey Record South Whidbey WA

Donald O. Cakerice passed away early Oct. 3, 2007, at his daughter's home in Coupeville, after a short battle with cancer, which was diagnosed in March of this year.

Don was born in Marshalltown, Iowa to Dorothy Petri and Floyd Cakerice on Aug. 5, 1930. His biological father was Roy Fisher of Iowa, but his parents divorced before he was born.

Don graduated from high school and went straight into the Army at the age of 17. He served in the Korean War and traveled to many places, including Berlin, Germany, where he met and married his first wife of seven years. Together they had his only son and eldest daughter. He later remarried and had three daughters with his wife of 20 years.

He went on to become a machinist in the aerospace industry, machining parts for commercial jetliners at Jet Products in San Diego, Calif.

Dad was a man of many friends. He always said he never met a stranger. Among the things he enjoyed were fishing, camping, travel and Christmas. It made him the happiest to pull the presents from under the tree.

He is survived by his older brother, Russell Fisher and his wife, Virginia of Springfield, Mo.; his aunt, Clara Walker of Gilman, Iowa; one son, Donald Russell Waterhawk and his wife, Daniella of Fort Myers, Fla.; four daughters, Joann Cakerice of California, Brenda Ames and her husband, Curtis E. Ames of Coupeville, Lisa Buckley and her husband, Ernest Buckley of Elkhart, Ind., Christina (Tina) Cakerice and her husband, Bradford Clare Jr., of Freeland; 13 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and many more distant relatives.

I've looked over what other folks have come up with for the family trees, there is German heritage, but don't see any mention of NDN heritage.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 06:35:56 pm by Piff »