Author Topic: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr  (Read 29765 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Claim to be a Cherokee shaman and Druid shaman.

I am a Cherokee (Tsalagi) on my mother's side. Our family escaped removal (Trail of Tears) in 1838 by fleeing along the spine of the Great Smoky Mountains into the Clinch Mountains....On my father's side, I come from a long line of Germanic folk healers, who fled the witch burning times in Europe. They traveled to England and met William Penn, who brought my family here starting in 1683. When these Germanic healers met with the Native American medicine people, these two streams of knowledge merged into what became known as Pow Wow.


Yet another claim of hiding out from the Trail.

The German side of the family story has lots of holes too. Penn was a devout believer in Primitive Christianity, not paganism. Early PA had lots of Quakers, Anabapists, Amish, and Lutherans, but no pagans I know of. Cherokee would not have been among the tribes in PA. On this website he claims his German family came to Lancaster. That's far better known as Amish country.

Notice also he lies and claims to be no less than a Cherokee elder. And on this link and many others he thinks Kiowa and Cherokee are the same people.

In addition to peddling falsehoods, he also sell tarot readings and ghost hunting.

Young claims to be a Druid shaman, tantric healer, and half a dozen other things, even a veterinary tech.

Sourbeer's sister was a devout Catholic who passed away a few years ago. The site mentions their mother's name as Fern Smith.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2014, 02:59:50 am »
Notice also he lies and claims to be no less than a Cherokee elder. And on this link and many others he thinks Kiowa and Cherokee are the same people.

Boggles the mind. Not even close in language or customs.

I am an Elder of the Keetowa People (Cherokee).

He probably thinks "Keetowa" (keetoowah) is the same as Kiowa. Lame, just lame.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 03:06:28 am by debbieredbear »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2014, 02:39:12 pm »
Young claims to be a Druid shaman, tantric healer, and half a dozen other things, even a veterinary tech.

^^^Content warning^^^

Nekkid German fake tantra witchcraft has nothing to do with the druids. Germans aren't Celtic. What a bunch of creepy fantasists.

I have no idea why they're bringing William Penn into this. Lots of colonists came over with William Penn. I guess now they're saying the Quakers are Cherohonkee Kiowa Drood Shamynnes. Who knew?

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2014, 06:16:20 pm »
This photo, this face and his mimik leaves to me a displeasing feeling....
Quote:"Native American Studies
Intensive workshop on the true American Indians (pre-contact). Learn about tribal structure, daily lives, spiritual practices and oral traditions. Their connection to Adandvo (The Great Spirit) before missionaries, government and Hollywood obscured their culture.
    2 - 2 1/2 hour workshops concluding with a special night fire ceremony.
    Groups of 4 or more only $125/person.
    Please call to arrange this service."

It would be interesting who is his pre contact, whose Natives he would name .... :)
Where comes "advando" from? I could not find anything about this word.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2014, 06:33:06 pm »
Oh, and a regular person (as in, not royalty) calling themselves "Lady" is an indicator their "Celtic" background is not Celtic at all, but Wiccan (which is English and based on colonialist fantasies). The Wiccan background would also fit in with the "let us tie you up, nekkid, and do things to you" and psuedo-tantra. There's some very creepy stuff going on there, and anyone looking into these people would do well to compare them to the others in the psuedo-tantra sex trafficking threads.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2014, 06:39:56 pm »
For example, this thread on the self-proclaimed "Naked Shaman" who also lied about being Cherokee, and offers similar skeevy services:


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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2014, 12:46:25 pm »
Averil L Sourbeer and Fern C (Smith) Sourbeer are listed as white in the 1930 & 1940 US federal census, residing in Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Both of them born in Pennsylvania, both of them with parents all born in Pennsylvania.


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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2014, 05:27:34 pm »
I'm only finding German ancestry for both sides of Terry's family. German ancestors who came to Pennsylvania, arriving in the mid 1850s or so. I don't see any hint of Cherokee ancestry, maybe he does have distant heritage, but even then of course it doesn't excuse what he is doing now.

Offline Tobasco

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2014, 07:55:49 pm »
I believe you have the wrong people, Mr. Sourbeer is an only child, I know his mother who is 82 & still alive. And MS. Young is not German or wiccan, she is British from Cornwall. Has been in America for 20 or 22  years. She is a colleague of mine. She recently mved to Lancaster County after the floods on the Delaware and built the Center there.
 Where do you people get this rubbish?

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2014, 08:05:44 pm »
whoa hold on there.............we as a people have been exploited by non-indians, and they are making money pretending to be us.....they are assuming our identities and making a mockery out of our traditions and dont even think its a big deal.................and then there are those infected with a mental sickness that makes them insist they are indian no matter how much proof is stacked against them......we deal with them too

even if we make a mistake here and in the hell you gonna condescend "where do you people get this rubbish" to us??

give us some credit.....we are doing what we can with what little we got to fend for our integrity and identity

as happy as we are for the info, you DO NOT get to speak to us as children.....comprende?

please relay to mr sourbeer that i would like to put my foot in his rear.....and his followers too.....its for their own good

Offline Tobasco

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2014, 08:24:07 pm »
I know very little of mr. Sourbeer. I combed the entire website of Ms. Young (Jebjou) and there is no mention of Shaman or shamanism. I have been to see her 3 times in past few months and she never pretends to be anything but what she is. Does not even talk about her Druid heritage unless one enquires, which I did after reading this.   Her grandmother was from Anglessey/Wales(not certain how to spell)  and passed along some of the old Celtic healing techniques and she uses some of her recipes in her healing is all I could get from her.
 She also works with animals, that's how I met her originaly as I had a horse that needed Reiki. I find her to be quite humble & refreshing. My first appointment I was low on cash, she just said, worry about it next time, let's get you well. 

Offline Tobasco

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2014, 08:29:40 pm »
Attacking people and causing them distress like this is not nice. Please get your facts straight. I do know she has broken all connections with Mr. S. She would not discuss why. I don't know if she has seen this recent attack but I do know she said something about his reputation and she did not wish to be associated. His mom is a sweet (sometimes feisty) old thing, and definitely Native.  bit from what I hear there was Irish in her famly, not German??
 Sorry If I came off rude or condescending, these posts just angered me cos I know they're not true. Ms. Young has had a tough time since the foods and came out here to start over. Often she works for free or exchanges services for produce, etc. with her Amish neighbors. I cannot understand why you would pick n her?   

Offline Tobasco

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2014, 08:32:44 pm »
sorry for typos, just upset. Meant floods, etc.  She has been a blessing to me. And no she is not wicca, that's just wrong! I located her through the ministry where she used to teach in Wycombe.   

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2014, 09:43:13 pm »
Might as well drop the charade, Ms. Kerr ("Tobasco"), we know it's you. (Although I guess you prefer "Mistress Kerr" when not going by "Lady")

If you're not Wiccan, why the "Lady" thing? Is it part of selling your dominatrix services? Are you now claiming to be Welsh royalty? It's usually only American Wiccans who give themselves those grandiose titles. If you have left Mr. Sourbeer, it might be worthwhile to tell people why.

I googled your email. You have some horrific stuff out there on the fetish and bondage forums. I mean, we were already getting that vibe from the fake-Tantra and "sex surrogate" for pay stuff.  But really.... To post that stuff online then try to come here and claim you're a spiritual leader...

Reiki is not Celtic. There really isn't such a thing as "Druid heritage." The Druids were the learned and professional class of the ancient Celtic cultures. While some families tended to produce a larger share of people with particular talents (poets, law-givers, healers, ceremonial leaders, or other professions), no one inherited the title. You had to earn it. The Irish-language titles for some of the druidic ranks in Ireland are still in use - for University professors, Phds, and others with Doctorate degrees. If you were really from a Celtic culture, you would know this.

We don't just go on people's self-reporting here, or on the titles they claim to have. We listen to their words. We look at the pictures they've posted of themselves. In this case, you and your former partner have posted a lot of information about yourselves, including photographs of yourselves doing your naked fake-Tantra/Wiccan rituals, and offering various sexual services for sale.* We can see with our own eyes there is nothing authentically Celtic, Native, or Hindu Tantra about it. Moreover, there is a serious concern now that you may be connected to some of the sex trafficking groups who try to use these activities as a front.

Seriously, it's not cool to come here and pretend to be someone else while speaking on your own behalf. You may be used to selling your sick services to ignorant people. We aren't ignorant here.

I know very little of mr. Sourbeer. I combed the entire website of Ms. Young (Jebjou) and there is no mention of Shaman or shamanism. I have been to see her 3 times in past few months and she never pretends to be anything but what she is. Does not even talk about her Druid heritage unless one enquires, which I did after reading this.   Her grandmother was from Anglessey/Wales(not certain how to spell)  and passed along some of the old Celtic healing techniques and she uses some of her recipes in her healing is all I could get from her.
 She also works with animals, that's how I met her originaly as I had a horse that needed Reiki. I find her to be quite humble & refreshing. My first appointment I was low on cash, she just said, worry about it next time, let's get you well. 

*ETA: We already have the link to posted, where she offers her services as a sex surrogate, but I'm adding a screencap here. I'm not sure what the legalities of this are in her state, but in most places I am aware of it is a form of quasi-legal prostitution. As the surrogate usually has sex with the clients in a therapists' office (if they're actually working legally with an accredited sex therapist), it's arguably safer than working the streets. But in my opinion, someone who posts elsewhere about delighting in sadism is probably not the best person to be teaching people about sex. And it still monetizes the sacred.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2014, 05:23:53 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Terry Sourbeer & Kerr Drake Young AKA Terry Redcrow & Lady Kerr
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2014, 10:01:28 pm »
As "Mistress Kerr" (aka "Tobasco") has shown herself to be perfectly willing to lie in her own defense, quoting her posts here in case she decides to try to destroy the evidence.

I believe you have the wrong people, Mr. Sourbeer is an only child, I know his mother who is 82 & still alive. And MS. Young is not German or wiccan, she is British from Cornwall. Has been in America for 20 or 22  years. She is a colleague of mine. She recently mved to Lancaster County after the floods on the Delaware and built the Center there.
 Where do you people get this rubbish?
I know very little of mr. Sourbeer. I combed the entire website of Ms. Young (Jebjou) and there is no mention of Shaman or shamanism. I have been to see her 3 times in past few months and she never pretends to be anything but what she is. Does not even talk about her Druid heritage unless one enquires, which I did after reading this.   Her grandmother was from Anglessey/Wales(not certain how to spell)  and passed along some of the old Celtic healing techniques and she uses some of her recipes in her healing is all I could get from her.
 She also works with animals, that's how I met her originaly as I had a horse that needed Reiki. I find her to be quite humble & refreshing. My first appointment I was low on cash, she just said, worry about it next time, let's get you well. 
Attacking people and causing them distress like this is not nice. Please get your facts straight. I do know she has broken all connections with Mr. S. She would not discuss why. I don't know if she has seen this recent attack but I do know she said something about his reputation and she did not wish to be associated. His mom is a sweet (sometimes feisty) old thing, and definitely Native.  bit from what I hear there was Irish in her famly, not German??
 Sorry If I came off rude or condescending, these posts just angered me cos I know they're not true. Ms. Young has had a tough time since the foods and came out here to start over. Often she works for free or exchanges services for produce, etc. with her Amish neighbors. I cannot understand why you would pick n her?   
sorry for typos, just upset. Meant floods, etc.  She has been a blessing to me. And no she is not wicca, that's just wrong! I located her through the ministry where she used to teach in Wycombe.