Author Topic: Bruno Groening Circle Of Friends  (Read 34436 times)

Offline earthw7

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Bruno Groening Circle Of Friends
« on: November 15, 2013, 06:11:47 pm »
My friend who is Lakota got this email requesting for her to support this organization so i dont understand German what are they talking about and why should we support them!

Dear ???
Like I told you I send you more informations to decide yourself how to come into contact with the healing power.
Hopefully the next link will work and you might get it. It is the official facebook page of the world wide acting organisation. The subject is not of material manner but of spiritual power. It can be called in summary: "help and healing on the spiritual path."
Of course you will just get just an impression. If you want to experience the spiritual power by yourself you can do this either. It is quite simple for every human being.
As I mentioned before: without any costs!

With warm regards
Gabriele Ch. Beckers

9 minutes trailer – EN short Presentation oft he BCF with Richard Leo and Dr. Carl Simonton:

3 minutes trailer EN-Presentation – at the Un`s Tilman Chapel:

5 minutes trailer interview with Susanne Rois in fox television:

20 minutes trailer to 10 year documentary film:

In Spirit

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Bruno Groening Circle Of Friends
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2013, 06:37:07 pm »

OMG! It might be an idea for your friend to block the sender's mail addy....

Groening was a so-called spiritual healer during the 50ies, and some people carry this on, e.g. showing films with Groening which they believe have a healing capacity. Basically it's a form of faith healing. They function cult-like.

I will translate further info for you later today - this is just a quick note of what I recollect reading about Groening and his ilk.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Bruno Groening Circle Of Friends
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2013, 09:12:57 pm »
THANKS it sounded kind of off to me my friend sent it to me saying that they were going to call her
wanting an endosement and support from Pine Ridge
In Spirit

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Re: Bruno Groening Circle Of Friends
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2013, 11:31:27 pm »

They want WHAT? ? ? Please, do pass on to Pine Ridge to kick these people's behinds, with a heartfelt hokay hey from me. That's another bunch of scam artists out to fleece the Lakota - actually, I'm certain they wouldn't mind raking in any money from more nations. They are selling lots of material (books, audio/video material) at hefty prices, and all you get in return is to believe in their guru when you become ill. All they'll do is pray when you fall ill. And perhaps sell you some more books and tapes.

Here's material from two texts I translated:

Bruno Gröning - born 1906, died Jan 1959 – was a miracle healer and charlatan. His supporters later revived his thoughts and organised in cult-like associations.

Gröning was born in 1906 near the town of Danzig as the son of a bricklayer foreman. Gröning later in life was a casual worker. He had two sons with his wife Gertrude who both died during childhood (the eldest in 1940, the younger son died 1947 at the age of 9, suffering from pleurisy  and bone tuberculosis.

In 1948, Gröning started first attempts at miracle healing. In 1953, he founded the organisation „Ring of Friends and Patrons of the Works of Bruno Gröning“, or „Bruno Göring Association“, whose president he was. The association intended to fight against the foes, e.g. by collecting donations to pay for legal fees for Gröning's lawyers in legal actions, and aimed at spreading the message of Gröning's thoughts, combined with an enforced recruitment of members. In 1954, he was forbidden to appear in public events in Germany. Gröning continued, becoming the assistant of an alternative practician. He saw himself as having been sent by god and claimed to be healing with godly power fufilling god's will. In 1958, he faced legal actions again, for violations of the law governing the activities of alternative practitioners. The year before, he had promised to heal 18-year-old Ruth K., suffering from tuberculosis, which delayed the necessary medical treatment of the young woman. As a consequence, she died. Gröning was sentenced to a fine of DM 5,000 [at that time $ 20,000] and eight months on probation. Gröning appealed. When he died shortly afterwards, the process was closed.

An obscure "Universala Akademio de la Regado Kosmo-Astrozofia" made Gröning an honorary professor on October 13, 1955 in Trieste. He was bestowed with the title of „Profesoro de Psyikoterapio“ (professor of psychotherapy).

In January 1959, Gröning died from a stomach tumour. He had also suffered from a goiter during his lifetime. Nowadays, there are only a few photos showing this goiter. The scene which gathered around „the legend Bruno Gröning“ usually is particularly concerned with publishing material on which the goiter may not be spotted easily, or with Gröning wearing turtleneck sweaters.
Gröning described himself as a sort of „healing transmitter“, whose miraculous healing power clients were able to take up from small tinfoil balls blessed by Gröning. However, he effected the blessing by masturbating onto the tinfoil balls.


The Gröning-Cult

The Gröning cult is a cult-like community of followers of the miracle healer and charlatan Bruno Gröning. The community established in Germany within the framework of a revival of his thoughts in the fields of Newage and cults. It is a mix of belief in miracles and racketeering. The number of followers is estimated at 15,000 persons in Germany who are organised within 200 local groups. The community claims to have 28,000 members worldwide, among them allegedly 2,000 persons from healing professions.

A report by a commission of German parliament Bundestag, in 1998 already, issued a warning against this cult. In this context the report also mentioned the Association of Spiritual Healing which the cult was a member of.

Racketeering with friends and family
A newspaper article dd April 16, 1992 reported a legal case of eight years, started by a couple who came into the possession of about 80 tape recordings, handwritten documents, films, fotos etc which they bought from a Gröning supporter in 1967, with an estimated value of then DM 4,500. When the couple separated, the wife took along this material valuable to supporters of Gröning. The court ruled that the material had to be administered by both former husband and wife.

Gröning's partner, publisher and business woman Grete Häusler (1922-2007), for about 20 years led a cult-like revival of Gröning's thought. First she founded the Circle of Friends of Bruno Gröning in 1979, with a Circle for Spiritual Counseling as its sponsoring committee. The latter runs two printing shops and a sound studio, producing material used for teachings, handbooks for groups for adults and children, books, and audio and video cassettes. They also do promotion on Newage and book fairs. Additionally, they offer community lessons, also for children and youths. The Circle for Spiritual Counseling e.g. approaches drug addicts in order to make them join the cult. They keep bureaus in various cities like Hamburg, Kassel, Frankfort, Duesseldorf, Berlin, and Saarbrücken, as well as bureaus in Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands with which they intend to establish as a drug counseling institution.

They keep a close contact to various persons promoting pseudo-sciences. After the death of Grete Häusler in 2007, her son Dieter Häusler took over the business. Dieter Häusler also organised one event with Croatian spiritual healer Braco* in Munich in 2011.
The cult's propaganda is furthered by a Hamburg M.D. who, in public lectures and publications, attempts to propagate Gröning's alleged miracle healings from a pseudo-medical view.
[* We got a thread on Braco at NAFPS]

Fraud and Lies is part of the miracle healings
Since apparently also a few medical doctors have fallen for the cult, there is an increased danger of persons being deluded by the pseudo-medical descriptions in their material.

The cult maintains their own website, presenting the virtual public with approx. 200 stories of alleged healings which readers are not able to check regarding their truthfulness, or e.g. whether these persons are still alive.
While the cult claims to have several thousand medical doctors and persons from further healing professions, only seven can be verified from the website, and these publish nothing but empty phrases and mysticism free of contents. Furthermore, of these seven doctors, only one can be found in telephone directories, while six of them cannot.

Contempt for Human Beings
A newspaper article dd Jan 31, 1997 reported an incident from an informational event of the cult. During the event, one of the cult members participating suffered a heart-attack. While alleged adversaries of the cult supplied first-aid measures the ambulance arrived, his fellow cult members fell into a fatalist lethargy. They remained in their seats, placed their arms in their laps and prayed, but no help was given to the man. He survived, but most probably due to help given by outsiders, not by cult members.

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Re: Bruno Groening Circle Of Friends
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2013, 03:43:15 pm »

Some more info from German Wikipedia:

Public Appearance
During the years following WWII, several persons claimed to have been healed from health issues by Gröning's efforts. In the aftermath of a press article in March 1949 on an alleged success, numreous persons seeking to be healed went to the town of Herford. Gröning claimed a „godly power going through him“, which he called the „healing stream“. The large goiter he had and which is to be seen in photographies, Gröning interpreted as a beneficial bulge caused by this power. Persons (predominantly women and elderly persons) sought to be healed by a personal contact, by participation in mass events with Gröning present, by applying an object sent to them by Gröning (usually a small ball made from tinfoil), by going to a place recommended by Gröning on which he promised to concentrate healing waves, or simply by concentrating their thoughts on Gröning.

The „Gröning balls“, tinfoil balls about the size of a pigeon egg, were distributed during events or sold, and sometimes even entered the black market economy in the town of Munich. According to Otto Meckelburg who managed Grönings enterprise for some time, they contained Gröning's hair, drops of blood, or footnails.

A large following built up who saw Gröning as a „miracle doctor“. The Bavarian government has files on inquiries containing reports on healings or improvements in cases of chronic pain, neuralgias, and asthma. On the other hand, health damage also occured, e.g. in a patient who stopped taking insulin relying on Gröning. In 1949, municipal authorities of Herford banned Gröning's activities, with the state government of Northrhine-Westfalia to take the same step shortly afterwards. Gröning then moved to the Bavarian towns of Rosenheim and later Mittenwald where he was able to practice unchallengend initially. Up to 30,000 persons came to see him per day. A German magazine during this time published sensational reports, making their edition soar by 100,000 copies to a total of 400,000 per week.

Pubilically, Gröning rejected payment, but received donations from many diseased. According to a media report, several assistants were needed to open the daily coming letters containing money. At least from 1950 on, Gröning's activities had to be paid for. A police file dated June 1950 said that persons seeking to be healed were made to pay amounts between DM 25 and DM 2,500 each to an „Association for the Research of Gröning's Healing Methods“; during two mass events, participants had to pay an entrance fee which went up to DM 300 in some cases. In 1950, a journalist reported that short group sessions with Gröning, seeing about 100 participants, cost an entrance fee of DM 10. It is not known where the money went. Gröning and his partners later on accused each other of having had an excessive lifestyle with „downright orgies“. Until 1950, more than DM 100,000 were said to have been taken in without any regular book-keeping being done. Gröning claimed not to known this.

Legal Action

His activities brought Gröning in conflict with the law, since he had no licence as a non-medical practicioner. In a first process in 1951/52 he was acquitted from having violated the law negligently, but nonetheless was banned from further healing activities. Gröning then applied for a licence as an alternative healer which was turned down August 12, 1953 due to his not being suited.

Gröning then resorted to so-called lecture tours to numerous towns in Bavaria and in the Southern parts of Germany, claiming Article 4 of the constitution guaranteeing religious freedom, with the further claim that lecture were no treatments as per the law regulating the activities of non-medical practicioners. However, Gröning did practice rituals in order to send the „healing wave“ to the audience, and had photos, tinfoil balls, and tinfoil plates distributed or sold. These events were usually organised by non-medical practitioners in the respective towns, or by locally founded groups called „Circle of Friends“.

I also add this, although it is not as much about Gröning and the existing organisations promoting him, but sheds a light on the environment which accepts and recognises these organisations, i.e. the Newage market.

Gröning Circle of Friends fakes UN prize

This is a report on the CoF, in July 2013, claimed to have been awarded an international peace price by the United Nations. The prize,, however, did not come from the UN, but from an organisation going by „World Peace Prayer Society (WPPS)“.
„CoF claims WPPS was UN-affiliated which is not correct. WPPS is just one of numerous NGOs registered with the UN [and perhaps this may be worth given second thoughts as far as UN is concerned]. The WPPS website publishes no report about any prize allegedly bestowed on CoF.“

However, WPPS is probably worth a second and third look. They were founded by a Japanese author; nowadays, the organisation's president is the deceased author's adoptive daughter (it's always somewhat murky when organisational leadership is passed on in the family).

WPPS has plastered the internet, so many of the sites coming up sing their praise. So does this book:
„Oneness: How to Live with Joyous Expansion, Ease, and Lightness“, written by one Shalini Asha Baloo from Canada.

The author promotes several charlatans in the fields of alternative medicine, commercial life counseling etc. Baloo lists several books as references:
2 books by Newage author Deepak Chopra
3 by Hicks Law of Attraction, Money and the LoA
2 by Roman Living with Joy
2 by Doreen Virtue Angel Medicine
3 by Neale Donald Walsch
This is his entire list of references, and he only mentioned the last names of the authors.

Esther and Jerry Hicks:

A former Amway distributor and before that a circus acrobat in Cuba, a musician and comedian, Jerry Hicks later in life turned an author. With his wife Esther, he wrote books like the Law of Attraction series which were „translated from a group of non-physical entities called Abraham“. Ah soooo.

Sanaya Roman:

Amazon says: „This text presents a systematic course in spiritual growth that aims to help the reader to transform their life, discover personal power, and awaken to the truth of who they are.“

Doreen Virtue:

She was married to Steven Farmer, a Plastic Shame-on we already got threads on:

Neale Donald Walsch:

Walsch has published several books and does lectures. He built up a network of spiritual enterprises: self-help books, seminars, study groups, films and world-wide lectures in which he seeks to prove the truth of his insights with his own biography of success, with him first being homeless and then leading him to economic and spiritual success through divine revelations.

There are support groups called Humanity's Team all over the world. They claim to be a „human rights movement for the soul“. A Humanity's Team Germany (HTD) was founded in 2004. They failed to gain the status of a non-profit. They claim that members were free to chose how much they pay in the way of membership fees („on average, members give about Euro 10 per month“). In 2013, the HTD website claimed a membership of 130 persons.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Bruno Groening Circle Of Friends
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2013, 04:17:35 pm »
thank you I sent the information all to my firend in Pine Ridge ;)
In Spirit

Offline Betty13

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Re: Bruno Groening Circle Of Friends
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2020, 02:07:49 pm »
Hello Everyone who is interested in truth about Bruno Groening,

I have actually joined this forum to be able to make this post as I was shocked by slander on this website, and which I think this group does not espouse.

There are many shocking defamatory claims posted by Ingeborg and I am surprised that they were allowed to be posted without anyone taking care to check their veracity.

First of all, if you want to understand who Bruno is you need to separate the current organization which teaches his teachings from Bruno Groening himself. Not doing so will only perpetuate the lies. Secondly, Bruno was not god and he never called himself as such. Yet he was and still is able to transmit much healing energy.

I would agree that there are some problems and sometimes too much control in the organization but Bruno himself sought only good and the wellbeing of his fellow human beings. He made a terrible mistake of allowing a former Nazi concentration camp officer to become his manager and so was severely manipulated by Otto Mecklebur, an extremely dangerous and manipulative personality. Due to manipulation by Mecklenburg, governments and many others, years of most injurious slander followed, which eventually killed Bruno. Bruno did not die of the tumor but this was put on the death certificate in order to not stir more opposition. The governments did everything in their whole might, just as now they are doing in the case of Julian Assage, to destroy a man who made the natural power of man to heal himself accessible.

As to the organization, to their credit, they never charge any money but you may contribute towards the cost of the room rental. They do much good and distribute books, CDs, and DVDs for free among the members. So everyone pays only if they can and when they can towards the common fund. I think it might be one of a few organizations in the world of this caliber which never charge money for anything.

Writing about masturbation, as Ingeborg had done, is one of the most shocking lies spread around the globe about someone who loved all humanity deeply and gave his life in the service of others. As for the money, Bruno never charged one single cent (pfennigs in German currency). He never used the donations for himself but was fed and clothed by friends. It was Mecklenburg who embezzled all the money while Bruno did not have enough to pay his lawyers.

There are many books online written about him, as well as some videos, and I advise anyone who loves truth to do serious research first before buying into the slander on this website.

With peace to all beings,


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Re: Bruno Groening Circle Of Friends
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2020, 08:37:09 pm »
Hello Everyone who is interested in truth about Bruno Groening,

1. I have actually joined this forum to be able to make this post as I was shocked by slander on this website, and which I think this group does not espouse.

There are many shocking defamatory claims posted by Ingeborg and I am surprised that they were allowed to be posted without anyone taking care to check their veracity.

2. First of all, if you want to understand who Bruno is you need to separate the current organization which teaches his teachings from Bruno Groening himself. Not doing so will only perpetuate the lies. Secondly, Bruno was not god and he never called himself as such. Yet he was and still is able to transmit much healing energy.

3. He made a terrible mistake of allowing a former Nazi concentration camp officer to become his manager and so was severely manipulated by Otto Mecklebur, an extremely dangerous and manipulative personality.

4. Due to manipulation by Mecklenburg, governments and many others, years of most injurious slander followed, which eventually killed Bruno. Bruno did not die of the tumor but this was put on the death certificate in order to not stir more opposition. The governments did everything in their whole might, just as now they are doing in the case of Julian Assage, to destroy a man who made the natural power of man to heal himself accessible.

5. As to the organization, to their credit, they never charge any money but you may contribute towards the cost of the room rental. They do much good and distribute books, CDs, and DVDs for free among the members. So everyone pays only if they can and when they can towards the common fund. I think it might be one of a few organizations in the world of this caliber which never charge money for anything.

6. Writing about masturbation, as Ingeborg had done, is one of the most shocking lies spread around the globe about someone who loved all humanity deeply and gave his life in the service of others. As for the money, Bruno never charged one single cent (pfennigs in German currency). He never used the donations for himself but was fed and clothed by friends. It was Mecklenburg who embezzled all the money while Bruno did not have enough to pay his lawyers.

7. There are many books online written about him, as well as some videos, and I advise anyone who loves truth to do serious research first before buying into the slander on this website.

With peace to all beings,


Hello Betty,
Glad to have you here. We always welcome further information. I added numbers to make it clearer what I'm asking.

I should note that this thread is now one of the top ranked sites on Groening in English.

First, are you giving a first hand account? Or are you speaking as a member of BGCOF?

1. There's nothing remotely slanderous or defamatory in what Ingeborg posted. On the contrary, we at NAFPS have known her for decades, and she is a careful and truthful and diligent researcher. We owe her a lot for her decades of free work for us, researching, writing, and translating.

Her writings were backed by numerous sources. So I believe you should apologize for your falsehoods about her.

2. The title of this research thread is pretty clear. At the same time, Groening himself clearly was a fraud. He could not heal, practiced medicine without a license, and endangered people with serious illnesses.

3. That's certainly worth noting. Do you have sources on this? It does say a lot about Groening's belief system and/or poor judgement in all things to work with a brutal war criminal.

4. Interesting conspiracy theory. Very common among supposed healers. Do you have any evidence?

5. They are listed as a for profit cult. Do you have any evidence of your claim? Do you speak as someone whose been part of or "healed" by BGCOF?

6. Again, what's your evidence?

7. Can you point to any not put out by the cult? The first 50 videos I found on him were all by BGCOF. All 45 books or DVDs on Groening I saw on Amazon, all of them high priced, were also put out by the cult. It's pretty clear they are extremely well funded and making quite a bit of money.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Bruno Groening Circle Of Friends
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2020, 03:45:06 pm »
Some more info from German Wikipedia:

According to Otto Meckelburg who managed Grönings enterprise for some time, […]

My bolding. Otto Meckelburg is the "former Nazi concentration camp officer" that Betty13 mentioned three times in her post on March 29, 2020; every time misspelled, in two different ways. I am trying to find out more about him. The Gröning cult often mentions him, for instance here:

Otto Meckelburg war in der Hitlerzeit SS-Obersturmbannführer der Waffen-SS, führendes Mitglied der „Generalinspektion der verstärkten SS-Totenkopf-Standarten“ und inspizierte als solcher nationalsozialistische Konzentrationslager und SS-Wachverbände.
Approximate translation:
Otto Meckelburg was SS-Obersturmbannführer of the Waffen-SS during the Hitler period, a leading member of the "General Inspection of the Reinforced SS 'Death's Head' Units" and as such inspected National Socialist concentration camps and SS guard units.

So here is some background to Otto Meckelburg's wartime occupation:

BTW there is an English Wikipedia article about Gröning:

It does no justice to the serious criticism referred to in the German version that Ingeborg pointed to. Here some supporters are trying to counteract that German Wikipedia article: