Author Topic: Juan Jose Reyna Jr. AKA Sonne Reyna  (Read 82377 times)

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2005, 05:03:46 pm »
That was fun, wasn't it?

Yes, it was great to meet you, Piya and Miamowi. Hoping we can meet up again next time I'm up that way, or you guys are down this way.

We forgot to ask Reyna about his military service record, by the way.

Edit: just a few words on Reyna's style of BS.

Before he worked out what was happening, he started out making reference to cottonwood trees, saying while pointing to some nearby willows that all the cottonwoods around where we were standing reminded him of home, and that they were "always talking" to him. Cottonwoods don't grow in the UK.

There were also allusions to getting plenty of roadkill on the drive to Wiltshire, and some other "I'm down with the skins back home" stuff.

Also, the place we thought was a sweatlodge was covered with mats the whole time we were there, I think. Let's be charitable: maybe they were just starting a little garden there, using expensive coir mats suitable for sitting on to kill the weeds, rather than black plastic like everyone else does.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline piya

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2005, 06:59:11 pm »

The Texas AIM e mail addy doesnt work anymore, so I have contacted AIM GGC and asked them to pass on the e mail I had written about the " Chief "

Barnaby, now them cotton trees were something weren.t they, lol. I mean the guy has done plenty of Sundances, he knows what one looks like, or should do.

To Old To Die Young


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2005, 07:41:50 pm »
Guess what.. I have been spreading the news about old "Chiefy Boy" amongst the nations and one of my nations has come up with the following web addy of "Chiefy Boys" is moving straight for Denmark.

Here's the web addy for you!

Lol@Viking lady! I assure you Zoi would be only too happy to help if she is not too busy presenting cases in the UN...kinda think she has LP on her mind first and foremost though which is understandable!

Sees ya.



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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2005, 07:43:58 pm »
Chuckles here are really too kind and charitable and gentlemanly about the mats..lolololol


Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2005, 04:57:05 am »
OMG!! ROFLMAO! The great shaman didn't know the difference between a willow and a cottonwood?? Haha!

Anyway, there is someone on one of my lists who I believe is in Texas AIM. So I sent and email and asked.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2005, 03:30:58 pm »
Barnaby, now them cotton trees were something weren.t they, lol. I mean the guy has done plenty of Sundances, he knows what one looks like, or should do.

1980-1996 at Rosebud with Leonard Crow Dog, wasn't it? I was wondering whether you guys plan to do anything about Kaya Tipis, the people who brought him to Wiltshire. Maybe he told them the same stories. If so, let me know if I can help.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2005, 05:43:30 pm »
I have made contact with someone from AIM. Seems he was buds with some of them when he was calley Sonny Reyna. Also, the current Yaqui chief is a female.

Oh, and this is the San Juan Indian Council:

And this will be of interest:
University of Texas at Arlington does not have a theology department (says he has a degree in theology and communication arts from there).

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2005, 05:50:44 pm »
Oh, and Sky just called Arvol's home. This man IS NOT a friend of Arvol's. No way. She's doing some more research on him.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2005, 05:54:35 pm »
Oh and Sky also sent this:

"As far as I can tell he didn't come out of the woodwork until 96 at a
Wompanoag gathering.  That leads me to believe that he has ties with
Medicine Story.  Which reminds me...if I can find a certain pic of Medicine
Story can you post it to NAFPS for me?  I don't have the time to participate
in the discussions and I hate just popping in once a year or so.  It's not
really fair of me to do that.  And tell everyone there I said hello!"

So, if I have pics to post, who can I send them to? I have a pic of Sonny Reyna on my email now.


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2005, 02:59:31 pm »
Kwe Sky...Welalin for all the info on Sonne!

I am the Mi'kmaq living in the UK at the mo. Coming home to Unamaki for a weeks vacation in September..cant wait.

You have done a lot of research on Sonne Reyna and this is much appreciated! Welalin again!


Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2005, 05:16:28 pm »
Oh my husband uses that one on the twinks too! Haha!


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2005, 07:22:53 pm »
Kwe Sky..chuckles here..I would love to try that one on the twinks here...we..Piya and I ..go to the "Pow Wows"  here in the UK...isnt wierd when a ndn feels out of place at a Pow Wow eh?

At the last one..there was a news camera crew..they spotted us and asked if we were participating..certainly not we replied..asked if we were enjoying many violations of our customs we are not happy about..the broadcast wasnt aired needless to say.

The organiser of the event..he came up and asked if we were enjoying reply..the crow hop is not done this way..his answer..was it was their "own interpretation"..I mean come on...ya mean to say us ndn's dont know what our own dances are?..yeah right!

Lol..I kinda get on my high horse when I see this type of thing happening!

I mean to say..these wannabees dress in regalia the normal everyday ndn cant afford to have!

And then they get over from the US special visitors normally from these Visitors see Piya and me..but will they talk to case of I see you Tonto?..chuckles here..

As for Sonne boy..we will get him exposed one way or another! You can bet on that!

Anyhows..gotta go now I talked off the hind




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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2005, 07:51:06 pm »
I got this reply off another site in response to my post about Sonne. I have not included the authors name for privacy.

here is some info although i only speak from personal exp and from what i know from other/s comments and experiences shared with me.
i am from reyna's part of calif. i know this man and i know of his reputation which is quite controversial because of his history of what some call "selling" ndn knowledge, spirituality etc.he may have a good intent i cannot say because i am not him but i never did trust him instinctively. nasty temper. i had a run in with  him once at his Indian Market event which he sponsors every year in san juan bautista. a woman was trying to "recruit" me to his camp and i said i heard \he sold the ceremonoies. she called him and his woman over and repeated my comment. the man and his then wife known as bluebird woman both went ballistics. hmmmmmmmmmmm guilty conscience mebee?
anyway seems he has been keeping  busy
i noticed on one of his web pages he now is yaqui. a long time ago he was lakota or so i was told.  ?
ahhhh i dare say no more or my little birdie fedders may get plucked


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2006, 04:07:10 pm »
More that Ingeborg found on German sites.
did another search and found a few entries.
BTW, I wondered about the first name he uses now, Sonne, as it is the German
word for 'sun'. After what I found below, it's not all that much of a
I also found entries which say that HV is a psychotherapist living in the
German town of Heilbronn, but you probably know this. I am a bit surprised to
see that HV does not have a website in his capacity as a psychotherapist
since most of them seem to have one.
I also would like to add that 'psychotherapist' is no protected term here in
Germany, quite unlike psychologist. Each and any Tom, Dick, and Harry may
call themselves a psychotherapist and open up shop. As long as their
customers do not complain to the police, they can pretty much go ahead.
Here's the translation of a part of a website which contains info on HV:
" Visitors were heads over heels, too, when they got to know the story of the
man under whose auspices this event happened. Only six years ago, Henry Reyna
learned that he is the great-grandson of the famous Chief Geronimo. The
sociologist and psychotherapist living in the town of Heilbronn for a long
time took no interest in the history of his family. His mother had always
told him that his father was a Mexican. In 1996, he tried to find his father.
Although he did find him, but it was only 3 years later that his father broke
his silence and talked about his roots. "A descendant of Geronimo? He's got
to be joking", he remembers his reaction upon first hearing this. After more
research, this became a certainty and as he knows now, his father meant to
protect him, as he is the last male descendant. "
I found another website with his name and phone number:
Seems that HV in 2003 was not quite able to tell Indians and Indians apart
[sarcasm off], since his name got put up as a 'local contact for the first
step pf Babaji's Kriya Yoga":
Henry Reyna & Nicole Koss
0049 / 6297-929 777
This sounds more as a typical nuage career - picking up bits and pieces from
everywhere around the globe.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2007, 07:40:07 pm »
Just a quick hit and run, there are several recent posts from our friends the Billingtons I'd like to reply to, also one from Sue. Great to see lots of new people posting, hello everyone.

I gather some people who have known Reyna in the past find it hard to believe he's sold himself and his people: this video removes all doubt.