Author Topic: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)  (Read 133385 times)

Offline Don Naconna

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #90 on: December 28, 2009, 11:05:19 pm »
Doesn't this man claim to have a Native American grandfather, has anyone asked about his genealogy. To me he sounds like a fraud and if he does have any Indian ancestry that just compounds the crime with the insult. When ever anyone who is not Native performs ceremonies an charges for those ceremonies its wrong, unethical and an insult to the people to whom the ceremonies belong...

Offline NDN_Outlaw

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #91 on: December 28, 2009, 11:59:43 pm »
OK then lets simply ask if you pass pipes to others and if you also pass on sweat lodge ceremonies.

Offline E.P. Grondine

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #92 on: January 01, 2010, 07:35:57 pm »
just like who?  hilter? who is this?

Just like Hitler, Manfred.

Hitler used a made up religion which promoted Aryan supremacy. He too thought he was doing the right thing in his heart, and he ended up killing millions.

You're making up your own religion, Manfred, for your own ends, and selling it under false pretenses. For that matter, no spiritual guide actually has to put an advertisement on the internet for the general public, ever, period, or would ever consider doing so.

That's what the people here are trying to tell you.

Open your ears.

Offline Bav

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #93 on: January 20, 2010, 08:01:50 am »
Hi everybody,

I've just read through this whole thread.
It's unbelievable in what an offending way this guy acts and writes ... that's only embarrassing  :-[

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #94 on: January 20, 2010, 01:16:31 pm »
Edited to add: Herr Jobst meanwhile assured us he is not the author of the post written by 'guest X'.

Fyi a translation of an anonymous contribution in a German language forum; however, I have reason to believe that this 'guest X' might be Manfred Jobst:

guest X

title: INGEBORG (German HEAD-Indian)
date: Jan 18, 2010 – 03:10

Thank you!
After 9 years, my website experiences an appreciation in which I almost had ceased to believe – with the support of your abysmal stupidity!!

And.. R**** = caution = the oh-so-educated 'educatedindian' apparently is dyslexic – at least, despite all education, cannot read properly!

Doesn't matter …. this **newagefraud** (sorry, it's from December already) 'thingy' was absolute laughing material this weekend.... Thanks, Thanks, Thanks !!

But allow me (after all) a question:
How sick do you happen to be ??

Do you have an orgasm
(or if male: do you jerk off)
when posting at NEF [sic]  ??

YOU NEED – professional – HELP...
really !!

**Note = “Ingeborg“** posts almost daily at US forum „“ in a nauseating way against everything and everybody which/who comes from Europe … in an undifferentiated way, ignorant and – I'll say –  slimy (brown-nosing) … combined with remarkable characteristics: the name implies „female“ … **her** profile in this forum says (said?) = „male“ ! So = this poor creature REALLY needs help !!!!**

FUNNY... and „thanks“ because there is, by God, more important things in this – our – life !!

But it is fun... somehow.


Well, a certain website might experience somewhat more traffic, but that doesn't equate with more appreciation.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 01:20:57 pm by Ingeborg »


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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #95 on: January 20, 2010, 02:28:49 pm »

Fyi a translation of an anonymous contribution in a German language forum; however, I have reason to believe that this 'guest X' might be Manfred Jobst:


or???????????? maybe a student of kohfink?????????  ???
oder vielleicht ist dieser gast x ein student von kohfink???(tacansina)

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #96 on: January 20, 2010, 02:39:19 pm »
'siyo wacha nabi

Maybe I can give you an example that will illustrate why the people object to what you were taught and what you are doing.

Imagine a Catholic priest deciding that he was going to start training anyone who is interested about how to conduct a catholic mass.  He is a priest, after all, and he knows exactly how everything should be done right down to the prayers that are to be said for every season of the year and for every ceremony and sacrament the RCC has ever had as a part of their dogma.  Once the "students" are trained he sends them out to both conduct masses and to teach others to do the same.  Is this right?  The answer should be simple - no it is not.

You see, in this example the priest, even though he is a part of the RCC and consecrated to conduct a mass and all ceremonies and sacraments, is not authorized to independently decide to train others as priests.  He does not have the authority to train others or to give them the right to conduct masses, ceremonies and sacraments.  Most surely those whom he trained are not real priests and are in violation of the very traditions and standards of the church they are supposed to represent through their spiritual work.

The same applies to those native peoples, including those who are enrolled members of a federally recognized tribe, who go anywhere and start conducting ceremonies for the purpose of training others to do likewise.  They have no authority from their councils or elders to do anything like that.  Indeed, the opposite is true - their councils and elders state plainly that they are not to do this.  

This is why so many native people are telling you that regardless what is in your heart that what you were taught to do was not authorized and is considered wrong by the very tribes from whom the ceremonies and rituals derived.  In the example of the priest - those whom he trained are likely of a good and spiritual heart but they are still not right to conduct ceremonies by the originating source - the RCC in this example.


Offline wacha nabi

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #97 on: January 20, 2010, 03:15:12 pm »
hallo ingeborg,
jetzt wende ich mich mal direkt an dich?
was soll ich gemacht haben?
ich habe mich hier nicht als gast angemeldert.
damit hab ich nichts zu tun.
wenn dann schreib ich es auch offen mit meinem namen.
das gehört sich auch so.
wahrscheinlich ist der beitrag gelöscht worden.

aber ich versichere dir dass ich sowas nicht gemacht habe.

alles liebe

wacha nabi


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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #98 on: January 20, 2010, 04:20:21 pm »

« Last Edit: January 22, 2010, 04:55:41 pm by Renee »

Offline wacha nabi

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #99 on: January 20, 2010, 05:01:33 pm »
kann nur eines sagen, das ist nicht von mir.
meine seite gibt es auch noch nicht seit 9 jahren.

wenn dann sage ich es direkt mit meinem namen
und auch nicht auf einem solchen niveau.


wacha nabi  (manfred jobst)

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #100 on: January 21, 2010, 02:35:09 am »
Mr Jobst,
Since the majority of the people on this forum speak english, please refrain from posting in german.

Offline wacha nabi

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #101 on: January 21, 2010, 08:14:43 am »
ok i`ll try.

i never posted as a guest x
not in this forum or in some one else.

this is not the way i talk to other people.

if two people have different sights of things, they can argue in a friendly way and not like this.

and if if have to tell something, i tell it with my name.

thats they way i think.


wacha nabi

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #102 on: January 22, 2010, 04:51:32 am »
i would like to ask you a few questions

do you call your self a lodge leader
do you call your self a shaman
do you call your self a pipe carrier
if you do this then you can call you self a False Prophet
because you have a flock of souls following your teachings
you have to be asked to do a lodge, each lodge has one reason to be done
each lodge has different teachings that come from that lodge
when you accept doing a lodge then you accept the responsibility for every one and every thing that happens, before, during, and after each lodge
and if you are teaching false truths, then you are a true false prophet
and for every soul you miss lead then you and only you will held accountable
do you want that responably
think of your future, in the spirit world, what will they call you there
what kind of judgment will you get
and do you have insurance, because when people find out you are a false prophet you may be sued
people are very vindictive, petty, and self serving
i hope you stop and ask if this is real or false, and that you harm no one, or miss lead any one

may you path be straight and you circle of friends be strong

Offline wacha nabi

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #103 on: January 22, 2010, 10:43:53 am »
have you ever been at one of the lodges i did?


so you can`t feel if i would tell you the thruth here.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #104 on: January 22, 2010, 02:37:31 pm »
I wonder if this is how some german get the ideal that they can steal,
incorporate, others cultures and claim them as their own and still think
that they are right. A wrong is a wrong no matter how you look at it
the only thing that can happen is he hurts those who follow him. For that
matter what is wrong with these people they have no feeling or guilts as
they comittment genocide against a people.
In Spirit