Author Topic: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)  (Read 133374 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« on: December 18, 2009, 10:33:32 pm »
Devalon Small Legs Long Time Traveling (sometimes the first names are mentioned as 'Devalon James') is a member of the Blackfoot Pikuni nation and apparently has been selling seminars and ceremonies like sweatlodges and vision quests in different European countries for a number of years now. Small Legs also organizes annual Sun Dances in Germany and/or Hungary. He does not have his own website, but the ceremonies get published on websites maintained by his students/customers, in nuage forums etc. Here is some of what I found during my research:

Vision quest and sweatlodge rituals with the Indian medicine man Devalon Small Legs:

Short info regarding procedings:
May 15 start: 4 p.m. With a sweatlodge ceremony
May 16 teachings all day, another sweatlodge ceremony in the evening
May 17 participants will be accompanied to a place in the mountains
May 17-21 vision quest – accompanied by Devalon
May 21 in the morning: final sweatlodge with common meal.

Long Time Travelling (Devalon Small Legs) is a medicine man of the Blackfoot-Piikuni from Alberta/Canada. He has experienced the vision quest on his path many times himself. It is a basis of ancient shamanic rites.

On his path, Long Time Travelling brought this ceremony with him to Europe and passes it on as a part of creator's teachings. Through his work he found many hidden places also here in Europe which are suited for vision quests.

Leader of the seminar: Devalon Small Legs – medicine man of the Blackfoot Indians

Date:  The date planned for May 2009 had to be postponed as Devalon had to return to Canada urgently, as the government there threathens to take the land away from Indians in the reservation.

Place: in the Allgaeu mountains

Fee: Euro 495.00 – price may vary according to number of participants

Devalon Small Legs is leading sweatlodges for more than 30 years. His songs and actions during the ceremony are very powerful and touch deeply.
Personal conversation prior to sweatlodge.
Every person may have a private conversation with the medicine man prior to the sweatlodge to speak about their issue.

Seminar leader:
Devalon Small Legs, medicine man of the Blackfoot Indians, Canada
Both from his maternal and from his paternal side, his ancestors were great medicine men and women.
Date: Friday, December 04, 2009 from 2 p.m.
Sunday, December 6, 2009 from 11 a.m.
Place: Sulzberg-Ried
Fee: Euro 80.00 per day, including tea and a soup after the ceremony

EARTH DANCE 2001 – Berlin/Brandenburg

The Earth Dance is a ceremonial space for meeting, self-experience, and healing. One annually, men, women, and children meet within nature to enter a five-day process with male and female teachers of different spiritual tendencies.

Rituals, ceremonies, teachings, the possibilities for singing, dancing, and getting creative will form the frame for meetings within the earth dance community. Here it is possible to share one's experience with the other persons and to develop one's own creative forms of expression.
To be in nature – with the elements – a mirror to the inner elements.
Water – earth – wind – fire
Water: what is the wish of our heart?
Earth: for what do use our energy?
Wind: What reality do we create?
Fire: What attracts our attention?
The answer of the heart we carry within us leads us in responsibility for the community and therefore also with grandmother earth.

The teachers:
Inti Cesar Melasquez
is a Peruvian shaman and the friend of wind and eagle. Inti is a healer, musician, teacher and leader to the chakras of mother earth. He passes his spiritual knowledge in stories, ceremonies (e.g. sweatlodge), meditation, prayers, and songs. He has spent many years of learning in India. He connects the experience made there with his spiritual teachings.

Devalon Small Legs Long Time Travelling
is a native of the tribe of Peigan-Blackfoot from Southern Alberta in Canada. He sees himself as a mediator between Indian culture [sic] which in his tribe is strongly connected to the buffalo. He is a medicine man and works with traditional ceremonies like the sweatlodge, the healing and the night ceremony.

The Year 2012
Lecture by Devalon Small Legs
Devalon Small legs is a Blackfoot Indian and a traditional medicine man.
In this lecture, he will talk about the changes of earth until the year 2012.
In many cultures, the year 2012 is seen as the start of a new era, and the phase of preparation for this era is seen as a challenge for people to return into unity with the powers of nature.
The lecture will take place Thursday, Novemer 9, 2006 at 7 p.m. at the Angelos Centre.
Prior notification compulsory, pls phone 030/6914...
Fee: Euro 30.00
The following weekend, Devalon Small Legs will lead sweatlodges in the vicinity of Berlin.

This is an ad for an esoteric congress organized in 2006. There are two photos, the first one showing J. Reuben Silverbird and Katchinas Kutenai sitting next to each other. The second photo shows Devalon Small Legs and John Colbert aka Lightning Bear aka Pushican (sentenced by a German court in 2001 for torturing a minor).

„The next Congress of World Peace: Spirituality and World Peace – Indians, Shamans, spiritual teachers and scientists give impulses
April 29 to May 2, 2006
at the Park Inn (formerly Holiday Inn) in the town of Kaarst near Duesseldorf.

Among the speakers are Katchinas Kutenai (medicine woman of the Apache), Lightning Bear (medicine man of the Comanche), Devalon Small Legs (medicine man of the Blackfeet [sic] Indians), Standing Eagle J. Reuben Silverbird, Bruno Würtenberger, and Dr. Eduardo Vasquez-Dalenz.“

More ads for ceremonies from 2008:,534,type,aktuelles.html

Aug 15-17, 2008 Traditional Indian sweatlodge
Aug 5 – 17 2008 at Red Eagle Camp Schwarzsee
… with Devalon Small Legs „Long Time Travelling“
Medicine man  "Péjuta Wicasha"
Blackfoot - Pikunni from Alberta/Canada
Fort McCloud Reservation
Devalon Small Legs
"Long Time Travelling"
is a medicine man of the tribe of Blackfoot-Pikunni from Alberta/Canada. Since 1999, he travels Europe (especially Germany, Italy, and Hungary) to bring the sweatlodge and other ceremonies to the people. He will lead our lodge and, as a „spiritual advisor“, has an open heart for the issues of participants.

Energy exchange
In the „old days“, payment of the sweatlopdge leader was given in naturals like e.g. food, blankets, or horses. Under „modern“ circumstances, money is prefered for practical reasons.

Please note that the above text uses a Lakota term for healer ( Péjuta Wicasha) instead of a Blackfoot word.

This is a Hungarian site:

An entry from an esoteric forum from earlier this year:

„June 12, 2009 21:28
„The sundance will be lead by Devalon James Small Legs, „Long Time Travelling“, medicine man of the Piegan-Blackfoot. Is that „native“ enough for you? BTW, the sundance took place in Hungary last year.“

Apparently, Small Legs has also trained students to be medicine persons selling ceremonies themselves. This is the site of one of them:

This site intends to introduce the person Wacha Nabi Arrow to you.
Of course, I wasn't born an „Indian“ when I entered this world in winter 1969. Well, at that time I didn't know that my grandfather, whom I never met, was a Chickasaw Indian. My real life name is Manfred Jobst.
One day, I met the person who became my most important teacher and mentor. Devalon Small Legs „Long Time Travelling“.
A medicine man of the Blackfoot Indians from Canada. He taught me what I had to know about sweatlodges and other things. Apart from that, he also gave me much strength and courage to follow my path and to help other people through the gifts of the spirits.

This is Jobst's photo gallery:
There are several photos taken during the building of a sweatlodge. From what the photos show, the lodge is covered at least partly by plastic sheets.

Small Legs and Jobst also offer vision quests:

Upon inquiry, I will be glad to provide a contact to Long Time Travelling who does wonderful vision quests in the Thuringian Wood Mountains.
From Spring 2009, I will also offer vision quests in individual form after inquiries.
June 13-21, 200912.06.2009
Sundance ceremony in Thuringia
leader: Devalon James Small Legs,
„Long Time Travelling“, medicine man of the Piegan-Blackfoot

Sweatlodge leader
Our sweatlodge is in the vicinity of the town of Dorfen in the county of Erding, at a wonderful place which has been prepared by two dear persons in unity with nature.

Several persons have led sweatlodge ceremonies there already:
Devalon Small Legs „Long Time Traveling“ is a medicine man from the tribe of Blackfoot from the state Alberta in Canada. The ceremonies which he applies or leads were given to him by the elders of the tribe.
„Thokeya“ has received her knowledge about spiritual ceremonies from medicine men and male and femals shamans from many cultures. Besides spiritual counceling, the building of medicine wheels, she does earth healing and cleansing ceremonies and also sweatlodge ceremonies, mainly for women.

„Wacha Nabi Arrow“ has been working shamanically since many years. At his website, he gives much information about this.

„Wandering Star“ I was lead to do sweatlodges over several years by Long Time Traveling, my friend and one of my spiritual mentors. Even though he encouraged me to introduce my own elements coming from our culture, I cannot deny my indigenous teachers. But I try to be open, in the sense of the „wandering shaman“, for ceremonies from all spiritual teachers whih cross my path. I also am inspired by ancestors from the spiritual world to bring ancient ceremonies from our cultural region into our times.

{As the main topic of this has become Manfred Yobst, edited to change name. - k}
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:53:32 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Sizzle Flambé

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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2009, 11:41:19 am »
Is it possible that the earlier (and apparently mistaken) report of Murray Small Legs was due to a confusion of names with Devalon Small Legs?

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2009, 12:42:45 pm »
Is it possible that the earlier (and apparently mistaken) report of Murray Small Legs was due to a confusion of names with Devalon Small Legs?

(As an aside, Devalon and Murray S.L. are brothers.)

One could assume this was just due to confusion. However, since the poster also accused an association which is far from being frauds, exploiters, and students of shame-ons, I suspect the poster has a different agenda. From what I see in German language forums, the association lost members active in the hobbyist resp powwow dancers' scene, and some of them have taken up slandering the association and the chairperson who did not want to continue doing powwows.

Offline Sizzle Flambé

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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2009, 01:23:50 pm »
In a couple of cases ("MEDIANA Institut*" and " sure is fraud"), that poster was rebuked because others couldn't find any "sweat lodge" references — but the references actually were there, though not on the main pages. So I think some good faith assumption is merited.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2009, 01:41:36 am »

Offline wacha nabi

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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2009, 08:58:49 pm »
here i`m. you posted here my page.

let me tell you.  devalon small legs ist one honorest people i ever have meet.
here in germany we almost lost our spirituel roots.
he gives us a chance to get in contact with the spirits,
so we are able to find them again.

he is who he says. for real

he don`t takes much money from the people. he is not rich.
what he doe`s he do in a very deep respect to the creator.


wacha nabi

excuse me for my english please

Offline wacha nabi

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Hello from Germany
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2009, 09:06:06 pm »
hello from germany,

my name ist wacha nabi.
excuse me for my english. i growed up here near munich.

i think some of you will call me a fraud.

it`s ok for me. the creator and me, we know my heart.
and thats enough for me.

i`m here cause somebody posted here my homepage.

best wishes to all

wacha nabi

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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling and Manfred Jobst, Wacha Nabi
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2009, 09:32:28 pm »
here i`m. you posted here my page.
 Name: Wacha Nabi
Contact: Manfred Jobst

Shamanic Help
Flat clearing (fumigation), sweat lodges, Vision Quests, shamanic energy work, drum journey Evenings
and much more.

(Original: Schamanische Hilfe
Wohnungsclearings(Räucherungen), Schwitzhütten, Visionssuchen, schamanische Energiearbeit, Trommelreiseabende
und vieles mehr.

Hello Mr Jobst.  How much do you and Mr. Small Legs charge for the Sweat Lodges (Schwitzhütten) and Vision Quests (Visionssuchen) you lead for Germans and other Europeans? What tradition were you trained in, and who authorized you to lead these ceremonies? Thank you.

Are you aware that legitimate Native American spiritual leaders lead ceremonies for their own people, in their own lands; they do not travel to Europe to lead these ceremonies for people who are not Native American.

Google Translation, English -> German
Dies ist eine Google-Übersetzung, verzeihen Sie mir, wenn es nicht ganz richtig: Hallo Herr Jobst. Wie viel wissen Sie und Herr Small Legs Gebühr für die Schwitzhütten (Sweat Lodges) und  Visionssuchen (Vision Quests) Sie führen für Deutsche und andere Europäer? Was hast du in der Tradition ausgebildet, und die Sie berechtigt, diese Zeremonien führen? Danke.

Ist Ihnen bekannt, dass die legitimen Native American geistigen Führer Zeremonien führen für ihre eigenen Leute in ihrem eigenen Land, sie nicht nach Europa reisen, um diese Zeremonien für Menschen, die nicht amerikanischen Ureinwohnern sind führen.

Offline wacha nabi

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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2009, 08:23:18 am »
hello together,
i try it in english again.
you asked me about the charge for the sweat lodges.
i speak for mine sl. first please tink about the costs we have here in germany.
we have to buy the wood, sometimes even the stones, pay for the place, for the food we serve at the end.
normaly the charge is 50.- Euro. if somebody have not much money and i know this, he don`t hast to pay anything.
sometimes i get some appels or a handmade picture. thats all ok. i don`t want to get rich.
i only want to follow my way the spirits gave to me. and no one will send away if he has no money!!!

and yes i know taht some spirituell leaders don`t want to share. they have their reasons. thats ok for me.
but there are many who understand that we europeans need their help to learn.
sure there a many "frauds" wich only wants to make money.
but here are also a few people who works with respect.

i was trained in a blackfoot tradition. and a blackfootmedicinman (a elder) allowed me to do run sweat lodges.
i do this in my way.


wacha nabi


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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2009, 08:47:04 am »

i was trained in a blackfoot tradition. and a blackfootmedicinman (a elder) allowed me to do run sweat lodges.

and this elder blackfootmedicineman was devalon small legs?
und dieser blachfootmedizinmann war devalon small legs?

and now you work under the label "shaman"?
und jetzt arbeitest du als "schamane"?

 is that the tradition of blackfoot?to cover sweatlodge with plastic, as you do..
ist dies die tradition der blackfoot, die schwitzhütte, mit PLASTIKPLANEN zu bedecken???

Offline wacha nabi

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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2009, 09:15:36 am »
yes it was devalon.

i work in a shaman way. yes
the way the spirits showed me.

traditon of mankind is to take what you have.


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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2009, 09:51:22 am »
yes it was devalon.

i work in a shaman way. yes
the way the spirits showed me.

traditon of mankind is to take what you have.

on your website there are several photos taken during the building of a sweatlodge. From what the photos show, the lodge is covered at least partly by "PLASTIC"  ???sheets. Isn´t that dangerous???


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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2009, 10:06:51 am »

i work in a shaman way. yes

sorry, maybe i must ask a stupid question, but i must ask you, WHY do you use plastic sheets for the sweatlodge??

Offline wacha nabi

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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2009, 10:48:01 am »
because i have no plastic allergy or fear about.

i allready sleeped in the logde after a sweat and i`m still alive.

in former day they native would have used ist also if they had things like that.

here in germany rains very often, so it`s a good solutin i think.


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Re: Devalon Small Legs, Long Time Travelling
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2009, 11:03:48 am »
because i have no plastic allergy or fear about.

in former day they native would have used ist also if they had things like that.

in former day the native would have used "PLASTIC SHEETS" for sweatlogde, if they had things like that???