Author Topic: Harner's Foundation Becoming a Cult?  (Read 23705 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Harner's Foundation Becoming a Cult?
« on: February 26, 2005, 02:45:51 am »
The father of pseudo shamanism or "core shamanism might be developing into something even more ominous. Found this on the Rick Ross Forum on cults:

"Hurting..Need to know
Posted: 05-21-2004 09:44 PM Post subject: Foundation For Shamanic Studies-Mill Valley, CA Please Reply
Know Anything at all about This Group? Leader is Michael Harner (and wife,) Sandra Ingerman. There is a website to visit for reference, too.
My mother ended her 52 yr. old marriage and moved out of state about three years ago. She Cut Off Communication with All of her regular friends, (and two of her three adult children) and Legally Changed her First and Last Name to a made-up name. She has recently moved back to NY, upstate, near one of her children but from talking with her it sounds like she's open to keep moving around.
We are in contact again since she moved back to NY, but she will NOT GIVE ME HER NEW, DIRECT PHONE NUMBER. I only have her cell # and a lot of times it's shut off. I am her youngest daughter and feel shut out.
She is a different person now..mainly thinks of "Herself," these days.
There are split seconds when she seems to be looking downwards, to the left, like she is remembering something. She basically looks the same, but she's Not The Same Person she used to be. This is very sad. It seems like her emotions were shut off and she has been very secretive and defensive since she surprised her whole family in suddenly moving away. At times she seems to flip back and forth from one personality to another and tends to contradict herself.
This whole thing is Very Confusing and Difficult for me to Understand and Accept. I find it Difficult Pretending that everything is okay when I talk with her. At least now I am able to visit her, (for the time being.)
BuT I am Having Difficulty Getting Over The Fact that She Won't Give Me
Her REGular Phone Number, Not even in a case of Evergency! She says
in a stern voice that, "Nobody has that number." I asked her again for it,
and she said, "The Answer Is 'NO."
Has Anybody found themselves in a similar situation? How did you handle it? Did your method work? I wish I could Deprogram Her! It seems as though that option will cost a LOT and is very complicated, Is It? I am the only sibling that has caught on to the truth about what has happened to her. The others are in Denial and are Handling this in Different ways. I don't have their support, That's what I'm saying.
Please write back or reference anything you find that will be helpful!
Thanks so much! I am an Adult Child, But Am Walking Around In PAIN!"

Offline Sarangerel

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Re: Harner's Foundation Becoming a Cult?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2005, 09:56:35 am »
It is as I had suspected from seeing some of his other students.  But I was not sure if it was from their teaching or if it was because the people were mentally imbalanced going into it.
If Harnerism truly has evolved into a cult I will immediately redouble my warnings to the shaman organizations in Siberia to resist invitations from the FSS!  Please provide more evidence.



Offline listeningeagle

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Re: Harner's Foundation Becoming a Cult?
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2007, 12:25:01 am »
This story describes my situation almost to a T. My friend got involved with Gary Fourstar and Debby Bullocks Many Horses Foundation. My friend and her husband paid for sessions for marriage counciling from Gary. They divorced soon after. My friend distanced herself from friends and family and would not return phone calls. When confronted she blew it off as no big deal. She was always doing somthing with gary and Debby. This went on for sometime. My friend has talked about just up and moving to Arizona or California. This is not her character and we could all tell that something had kind of tramatized her as she seemed distant, but upset about something. After researching Gary Fourstar im very concerned. Ive tried to confront her very tactfully with what I have found but she defends Gary and becomes a little hostile. I think she has been brainwashed. When I asked her questions she said its none of my business.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Harner's Foundation Becoming a Cult?
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2019, 06:47:59 pm »
The father of pseudo shamanism or "core shamanism might be developing into something even more ominous. Found this on the Rick Ross Forum on cults:

"Hurting..Need to know … Posted: 05-21-2004 09:44 PM Post subject:
Foundation For Shamanic Studies-Mill Valley, CA Please Reply
Know Anything at all about This Group? Leader is Michael Harner (and wife,) Sandra Ingerman. There is a website to visit for reference, too.[…]".

That discussion has moved here:,5260

Does the poster claim that Michael Harner at that time was married to Sandra Ingerman? At the time of his death almost a year ago, his wife, Sandra Harner, was clearly a different person than Sandra Ingerman. I remember clearly there was much to find about Michael Harner and Sandra Ingerman cooperating and referring to each other, now that kind of references are hard to come by. What happened?

Se also these threads in the forum: Michael Harner and The Way of the Shaman & Sandra Ingerman.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Harner's Foundation Becoming a Cult?
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2019, 11:24:20 pm »
Does the poster claim that Michael Harner at that time [2004] was married to Sandra Ingerman? At the time of his death almost a year ago, his wife, Sandra Harner, was clearly a different person than Sandra Ingerman.

The question has been resolved. They were never a married couple:

According to Alameda City, California records, [Michael Harner] in fact married Sandra Dickey on 16 Jul 1966. I have found no record of Sandra Dickey and Sandra Ingerman being the same person. Attaching the record. Hopefully the attachment works.