Author Topic: Kaariina Saarinen  (Read 11023 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Kaariina Saarinen
« on: August 19, 2017, 02:45:21 pm »
Got a request about her. Says she's a Sami elder raised in Canada, claims medicine bundles from three peoples. All over the net. Even I recognize a lot of this is not remotely Sami.

She and others recognize that these newly reincarnated leaders learn like dolphins in an ocean of consciousness. They are sensitive to frequencies, resonances and wavelengths. They are also sensitive to their natural environments. This emerging universal mystery school invites youth to gather in several locations around the world in order to reactivate the wild heart....

Kaariina is a Karuna REIKI Master teacher who has sat with many elders, wisdom keepers, lamas and more in order to be humbled by the ways of her sacred bloodlines. She has resourced her genetics from Mongolia in both her mother and father lineages. She now carries thunder and lightning....both lead and walked fire and finally and ultimately realizing how to reverse the signature of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma all naturally.

“PROPHECY KEEPERZ” is a show produced by DJ MACKBOOGALOO that is based around re-edited/re-mixed interviews from the original Prophecy Keepers show on Blog Talk Radio, hosted by Will “Blueotter” Anderson.

On a twinkie spirchul tourism site.
Incarnating in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario:  the juxtaposition of the
three Great Lakes, and Anishnabe Spirit Lake deeply influenced  Grandmother Kaariina's totality.  She feels deeply connected to these ancient lands and mountains as well as the new lands she has been guided to walk and to grid. She carries a living legacy with her spirit "grandchildren" helping re-plant the seeds of the VILLAGE BLUEPRINT; which is  still being activated through her medicine Bundle.

....Founder of "The Healing House: whole way home". Kaarina was initiated fully into woman chief of sweatlodges and receptacle for more medicine ways and shamanic tools. This led to more initiations: the Cherokee Dances of Four Directions, living the Medicine Wheel Tradition, talking stick and healing circles and the  way of the chunupa!

Since 1999, Kaariina has been guided by Great Spirit, as a REIKI Master and teacher,to sit with many elders, wisdom keepers, lamas and more in order to be humbled in the ways of her bloodlines and these sacred lineages! She has cofounded Living in Fierce Faith Community in Saskatoon, has seeded crystals and gridded medicines in many locations, to offer releasings for Mother Earth.

Huuki lineage Saami: Descendant of Sault Ste Marie
From Ontario Canada, Kaariina is a vibrant Essene Traditional Medicine Woman,
M. Ed. Counselor, keeper of the Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge & four pillars of teachings, she lovingly shares her wisdom with those ready to step into their highest potential....

Offline Sparks

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Re: Kaariina Saarinen
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2017, 03:49:23 am »
They are sensitive to frequencies, resonances and wavelengths.

My emphasis. It's nearly 50 years now since I first noticed that New Agers generally don't have the foggiest idea about elementary physics. Frequency and wavelength are nothing material at all, they are just two different ways of measuring wave phenomena, be it sound waves, liquid waves, or electromagnetic waves. And there is always a fixed mathematical relationship between the two.

The quoted statement is just as laughable as if someone said "I am sensitive to miles per hour and kilometers per hour. Or, to put it more simply: "I am sensitive to speed and speed."

Offline Sparks

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Re: Kaariina Saarinen
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2017, 04:22:28 am »
Says she's a Sami elder raised in Canada, claims medicine bundles from three peoples. All over the net. Even I recognize a lot of this is not remotely Sami.

That part is specially interesting to me. I found this:

Calling in from Elders to Young Ones - Grandmother Kaariina
Grandmother Kaariina
[Published July 20, 2013]
Grandmother Kaariina Saarinen speaks about the crucial role of Elders in the lives of today's Youth. Grandmother Kaariina has been assembling a Grandmother Bundle to take back to her Saami Ancestors' Lands in Sweden and Finland this summer. Get in touch to help support her at

Grandmother Kaariina received many shamanic initiations and inner realizations through conscious choices and the Voices of Ancestors in many forms. Now based in Squamish, BC, Kaariina has travelled and lived in Canada, United States and Mexico for the past 22 years delivering teachings, workshops, energetic healing, and Ceremonies.

Video shot and edited in Ottawa by Greg Macdougall,
Question from Julie Comber,

My emphasis in there. I wonder if she ever made it to Sweden and Finland in the summer of 2013, and what kind of reception she was met with? Cannot find anything online about traveling there.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Kaariina Saarinen
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2017, 05:24:00 am »

Take a look at the other "elders" at that site:

I was very surprised to find the Swede Carl Johan Calleman listed as an "elder" in there. I began researching him more than 20 years ago, when I was a student of Sámi culture and history in Sweden. He was very active for several years in the Mayan 2012 Calendar Craze. I will post some comments in the existing thread in this forum:  (Carl Johan Calleman, 9th Wave)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Kaariina Saarinen
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2017, 08:49:41 pm »
The quoted statement is just as laughable as if someone said "I am sensitive to miles per hour and kilometers per hour. Or, to put it more simply: "I am sensitive to speed and speed."

Maybe it means they're on meth.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1413
(I expanded the title of the thread in this comment. 'Abuela' means 'grandmother' in Spanish.)

She is very active on Facebook, with one profile and two pages:

Two links not posted here before:

Got a request about her. Says she's a Sami elder raised in Canada, claims medicine bundles from three peoples. All over the net. Even I recognize a lot of this is not remotely Sami.
Huuki lineage Saami: Descendant of Sault Ste Marie

Huuki is a small place in Pajala municipality, County of Norrbotten, Sweden, near the border to Finland.
I tried to find what more Sámi ancestry she claims. Excerpts from a rather long bio, where she claims teaching from several persons and entities familiar to NAFPS (my bolding):

BIOGRAPHY: Kaariina Natalie Saarinen M.Ed.COun.
CoCreAvatars International Life Purpose Coaching

Kaariina's spirit arises from the juxtaposition of the Three Great Lakes, Superior, Michigan, Huron and a strong Finnish sense of SISU!  Blessed with the Light of her paternal Grandmother before 1 year of age, and then, with Water Life and Death Initiation at 12, she comes naturally to these expressions of energetic corrections and shamannizing.
Her Medicine Bundle now includes The Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge and its four pillars of teachings, all of this arising from her Maternal Grandmother's Sami lineage. She has kept the Lodge on the shores of The Cheakamus RIver, honouring the salmon, as well as offering its pillars of Teachings at Lilowa'at International Indigenous Leadership Gathering B.C. 2011, and most recently at Laughing Waters, St Mary's River, Ontario, October Full Moon 2011.
The greatest passion is for the discovery of the Spiritual Laws with which to reverse cancers: in 2009, Kaariina was empowered to reverse the signatures of lymphoma, bloodline cancer, with Energy Medicines, raw foods, ceremonies for family reconstellations, soul retrievals and extractions and so much integrative support from Traditional Teachers, Elders, Healers, Shamans  from around the world!
Travelling for 12 years, living in three countries, these intentions for The Healing Codes of LIght, the keeping of the Sacred Fires, walking the Blessing and Beauty Way, have only intensified her deep hearted knowing, that therapy and intervention as well as transfiguration begins between a man and a woman, and manifests in the homes, at the hearths of kitchens.
Grandmother is building The One World Tree Shamanic Rekhe School with clinical applications for detoxing and trainings and honours the paths of several Apprentices; The Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge attracts Helpers; Energy Medicine Teachings  have many students; and coaching clients receive short term trainings through CoCreAvatars.  She sits happily with Waters as a Sister of the Planetary Water Rites.
A Founder of many enterprises in these years, Kaariina abides by both the Tibetan Traditions and Sacred Teachings as well as the Bloodline Shamanism to which she was born.  Her foundation has offered service as Sacred Womun for many spiritual brothers through ceremonies, lodges, rituals, and circles.
She comes to these venues with activating partnerships with those at Carp Ridge Ecowellness Centre, Centre du Grand Coeur, New Life Retreat Centre, an honouring of The Grandmother's Garden in Paradise Valley, BC and the support from Elders in several Territories.
She has studied with Dr. Bradford Keeney of The Shaking Medicines, done Spiritual Alchemy with Irish Healer, Ger O Lyons, had the privilege of being mentored by Margaret Fields Kean of the Orders of Melchezidak, and sat in Circles and Lodges with Abuella Marguerita of Jalisco MX, Ven. Dhyanni Wahoo (Chereokee Lineage), and received numerous empowerments and Tantric Teachings from five lines of Tibetan Buddhist Masters and Holy Ones. Kaariina bows down deeply to the Spiritual Grandfathers in her life: most especially Grandfather William Commanda, Algonquin Elder and Guardian of Wampum belts, now on the Other Side.
Her Youth and Apprentices have brought her to Evolver Spore Groups, to Entheos Society Closing Ceremonies, to the Spirit of Medicine Plants Conference at UBC, to Parent Interior Journey as part of Teen Journey, and to her knees in humility and glee!
Ma Wa Chi has brought fourth a direct relationship with the voices of spirit of medicine plants and initiated an intimate relationship with the transparency of signatures which reverse toxic agreements at the cellular levels. She is about to enter into this transparency with Iboga and Ubuiti.
These CoEvolutuionary impulses have guided Grandmother to Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and she and others, have cosponsored the 2009 documentary of this International Council in 8 different locations. FOR THE NEXT SEVEN GENERATIONS.

Surprisingly (maybe not), elsewhere, and in contradiction, she claimed Mongolian, not Finnish or Sámi roots (my bolding):
Kaariina is a Karuna REIKI Master teacher who has sat with many elders, wisdom keepers, lamas and more in order to be humbled by the ways of her sacred bloodlines. She has resourced her genetics from Mongolia in both her mother and father lineages. She now carries thunder and lightning.

Kaariina Natalie Saarinen M.Ed. Councillor
• 35 years of dedicated coevolutionary education
• Fierce bloodline shamanka with Mongolian roots
• Founder of Healing Ways, Woman Wyse
• Karuna Reiki Mastery
• Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge holder

(… 'shamanka' is a transcription of a Russian word meaning 'female shaman'.) She uses it here, too:

Kaariina Natalie Saarinen M. Ed. Coun.
Mentor, Medicine Woman, Bloodline shamanka, Karuna Reiki Master and Teacher

Canada [Training and coaching]
[Present] CoCreavatars International Network, Cocreavatars International
[Past] The Healing House, The Growth Group, Healing Ways, Women Wise
[Education] University Ottawa

Much more public stuff to read there, even if I am not registered so I cannot access her complete profile.

Offline Babeloner

  • Posts: 18
Re: Kaariina Saarinen
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2019, 01:16:11 am »
Hi everyone, I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to back this up with anecdote, but I would like to add that I’ve had three “medicine wheel” healing sessions with Grandma Kaariina, and they were a mish mash of straight counseling practices, appropriated pretendian “shamanism”, and transpersonal psychology tactics. Two were group sessions and one was one-on-one.

For both group sessions, she and her helpers had cast a circle, and we had to enter the circle after having been smudged with white sage, finding a place to sit that best resonated with us. After we’re all sitting in it, she opens circle with some North American turtle island stuff and South American condor stuff and the four directions, and drumming. She talked about how she is on a council of 12 grandmothers (which 12? Who are they? Why only 12?) who have been called to bring in a new feminine age and heal the world for the first time in 20,000 years.  Then we went around in circle and said why we were here. She singled out a few folks for “healing”, which meant they were put in the middle of the circle while the rest of intended for them or chanted. This happened to a few people.  Once we got around the circle there was call and response song and closing. The individual session was more like a regular counseling session, with some theatre. For example, guided meditation and her “seeing” things (note most counselors let you figure your own stuff out).

I think what makes Grandma Kaariina dangerous, minus the frequent fundraising and expensive sessions is that she is weird with personal boundaries. For example, she has an irreverent sense of humour and encourages people to say “fuck you, grandma” to her. She also does “edgy” things, like she asked for menstrual blood from people in the group and smeared it on her face. She also makes sexualized comments about participants. I wouldn’t want to be alone with her, let’s just say that. She makes it seem that being uncomfortable means you are still uptight and need healing. She also talks about how she’s poor, and lives in her car or at students houses or whatever. And she has a couple of volunteers who do a lot of work for her. Anyways, this stuff about sexual trauma healing, ancestral healing, and self confidence is catnip to the Nuage crowd, but it feels very manipulative.

Anyways, these were my experiences. I didn’t pay for these sessions, and I went out of curiosity. I wasn’t expecting anything, so I have no hard feelings. I honestly just felt like “something ain’t right here”, and here we are.

Offline Babeloner

  • Posts: 18
Re: Kaariina Saarinen
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2019, 01:39:34 am »
Here is the latest newsletter:

kaariina saarinen <>   Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 12:54 PM
To(email address removed)>
We sit on the cusp of a new MOON and a SOLAR ECLIPSE!
What is emerging from the womb of this DARK MOON for you,
for your intimates, for your community?

Could it be TIME to resource an ecology so wild yet so abused
that you know it is YOUR TURN to take a stand for NATURE?

THE LINEAGE of REIKI is rooted in shamanism, in ancestral wisdom!
Its source points on earth were once wild, untamed, untethered!
Come home to that this summer!

JOIN US for one or two or three gatherings of attunements and trainings
on North Vancouver Island, outside of Port Hardy, British Columbia, Canada.

These are sitka spruce homes of eagles, river shores of black bear,
yellow cedar 200 plus years old, caves accessing gaia of million years!
Salmon berries, blackberries, horsetail, with dandelion 4 times larger
with the summer sunshine, lichen on rocks that feed minerals back
to your body, raw rubies along a pristine lake front, and the OCEAN
with her magnificence: humpback whales, orca whales, dolphins,
starfish and crabs and the unbiquitous sea lions! SALMON
are the treasures of these northwestern ocean waters.

And all this invites you to join us for an intimate journey with
4-6 people each session, to undertake an ethical re evaluation
of how we humans are living our lives!

July 24 to 28  *for Level One: practices for self love, self care, self healing
                        *for Level Two; processes for offerings for all of our relations.

August 2 to 9   *for Level Three: Entering into the realm of self mastery

September 5 to 9  *for Level One; practices furthering self love, self care, self healing
                              *for Level Two; enhancing our daily offerings for all of our relations

“Man. Because he sacrifices his health to make money. Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health… He lives as though he is never going to die and dies having never really lived.” HH Dalai Lama

                         What would it take for you to be the ONE in your lineage
                         to clear this underlying story from the forest of your life?

The brilliance of the Medicine Buddha awaits your inquiring mind and curious heart!

This is a certification training with assignments during our sojourn as well as afterwards.
Students will emerge more energetically aware,
inwardly focussed, distilling your own inner wisdoms.
Ancestral traumas blocking the flow of universal intelligence will be cleared.
You will find your own energy medicine, ceremonial tribe.
And the foundation for living with health as the determining principle
will be re established!

CONTACT Grandmother Kaariina Saarinen M Ed Coun at 1 604 815 8793
for information, intake, interview to explore the rightness of this convergence
for your souls purpose!  Commitment portal is open now!

Email at with your inquiries and our detailed FLYER!

Looking forward to serving your higher truths, your greater services, and your wild heart!

For all of our relations,
Skype kaariina.saarinen1
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 11:13:35 pm by debbieredbear »

Offline Babeloner

  • Posts: 18
Re: Kaariina Saarinen
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2019, 01:42:55 am »
Here is another email from last year about retreats

Sacred Wombs, Sacred Wounds, Sacred Women Retreat [Earlybird price EXTENDED!]
kaariina saarinen <>   Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 7:24 PM
 fullsizeoutput 44
Hello Beloved Readers!

thumbnail 1
Women like us, we need wild places...

Are you missing the mountains of your life? Have you forgotten the vision of women? Are you called now to stand for your ethics and principles, grounded in earth's integrity? Are you willing to be impeccable with your word, in a circle of sisters?

Sacred Wombs, Sacred Wounds, Sacred Women is a Root to Rise Retreat. It is designed for great spirits like ours.

16 devoted women will gather in circle to climb the transformational Spirit Mountain together!

Imagine being enveloped by clouds and emerging into the brilliance of the next day.

You will experience, morning prayers with the obsidian pipa in the maloca, sitting in council with sisters from around the world in the yoga shala, solo time time in nature + sacred sweat, fire and cacao ceremonies are remedies for the soul bodies of women.

Inspired by traditions of women healers, we will tend you in a soul-filled sanctuary on a spectacular piece of Earth. A beautiful blend of solitude, song, movement, ritual, repose, conversations that count and meaningful, guided experience await amid the unparalleled beauty of the Monteverde mountains.

Here, you will come home to yourself via the Way of Women.

Will you join us?

March 16 - 23, 2019
Finca Camino Nuevo
Monteverde, Costa Rica

Root to Rise 2019 package includes . . .

• DOUBLE OCCUPANCY LODGING for 7 nights at Finca Camino Nuevo, taxes included.

• FRESH, locally-sourced and lovingly prepared vegetarian and vegan mealsstarting at dinner on Saturday March 16 and ending with lunch on Saturday March 23. Organic when available!

• Daily morning and evening programs facilitated by Grandmother Kaariina and Karen + Daily yoga / dance / movement therapy + FOUR transformational ceremonies + Sacred Gift Bundle to carry home with you

• TWO local excursions / adventures, transport included!

• FOUR BONUS group Zoom calls / videos / support emails for retreat participants! Prior to retreat - December 2018 + February 2019 and Post retreat – April + June 2019

Until Nov 17th, 3 discounted Early Bird registrations are available for $1,888! Don’t wait to claim yours!

Your investment is $2,444 USD. Non-refundable deposit of $555 will secure your space in our circle of 16 women. Payment plan available -please inquire!

Please email to receive a beautiful information packet complete with daily schedule, travel information, and other juicy details!

One 2018 retreat participant said: “I wish I could let anyone interested in this retreat know that this work, this creation, this brilliance that radiates in the hearts of Karen and Grandmother Kaariina is REAL and powerful. This is truly their life’s work!”

Root to Rise will be held in beautiful Monteverde, Costa Rica at Finca Camino Nuevo.

The Cordillera is replete with cloud forests and rainbows happen naturally and often. This is the place of the continental divide. It is the place of bringing parts that have been divided back into union.

These mountains are alive. They speak. And they move.

In this rich natural haven, women are on the forefront of voluntarily dreaming the new earth. The village itself was founded and is funded by Quakers. It is a place of gathering sustainability, for the education of the young, for the prospering of its elders. Wisdom lives here.

Sacred Wombs, Sacred Wounds, Sacred Women

Meet your retreat guides!

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Grandmother Kaariina Saarinen exemplifies that fierce love that many women need, the love
that has a clause: no BS allowed! A well-trained educator, a leader in her fields of guidance
counselling to the national levels, Kaariina brings 40 years of lived experiences to this venue.

A Moon Dancer, pipe carrier, sweat lodge chief, she knows ceremonies maintain the frequency of the ONENESS for all who come to share! Her Travels with the Grandmother Bundle have co-created a universal path of integrity for those who say YES to LIFE.

Learn more about Grandmother Kaariina's work on Facebook and LinkedIn. Or email directly at

Equal parts soul-filled scientist, inspired educator and mountain medicine woman, for 25+
years Karen's work has flowed from the fjords of the North Atlantic, across the reefs of the
Caribbean Sea and up to Costa Rica’s cloud-forested mountaintops. She has made
Monteverde her home for the last 16 years and is thrilled to welcome you to her habitat!

Karen is a natural ceremonialist, keeper of sacred fire and tends to the soul of her mountaintop, national community + students and visitors from around the world through meaningful Rites of
Passage which celebrate the natural birth and death cycles we experience during our lives.

Find her online at

964932 10151938686563232 826573142 o
Mili is a ceramic artist from Peru whose creations are inspired by feminine energy. Monteverde has been her home since 1999, where she has raised her 15-and 18 year old sons on a biodynamic tropical fruit and coffee farm near Finca Camino Nuevo.

A yoga, meditation and Reiki practitioner and Moon Dancer, Mili will be supporting our ceremonial, teaching and ritual spaces, guiding the care for our Ancestor, Moon, Maloca and Shala altars during retreat.

Mili also owns Mandala boutique in the heart of Playa Guiones / Nosara, which showcases her line of yoga-wear, AsanaYoga, and her line of organic cotton clothing, TierraSana.

promotion image20181028-99293-1r6k113
Liz is a dance therapist and “Midwife of the Soul”
living on the coast of Maine with her husband and
three starseeds. Through the modalities of dance,
movement, storytelling and expressive arts, Liz
lovingly guides participants on a path to embodied freedom and wild self-

She currently holds an M.A. in dance therapy and a B.A. in Transpersonal Psychology and is a certified and experienced yoga teacher. She facilitates Red Tent Temples in her home community. Liz will be
supporting us to Root to Rise through our daily yoga, dance and movement offerings.

Please find her at Facebook or at

Offline Babeloner

  • Posts: 18
Re: Kaariina Saarinen
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2019, 01:48:37 am »
Last email I've got for you. This one talks about $4000 worth of sessions (!!!!)

Level One: Access to Infinite Conciousness [Opportunity + Gift from Grandmother Kaariina]
kaariina saarinen <>   Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 3:30 PM
 cocreatavatars International network logo.jpg
Ahey beloveds,

Your heart and soul is directing you to a descent into the roots of some of the issues that have been lingering in your lifetime.

Cocreactivitas is a Coaching Bundle, grounded in indigenous ceremonies, held in a safe container, invoking the Presences of starbeings and great master frequencies.
By saying YES to LIFE, you agree to let go of right, wrong, good, bad, and move into CHOICE POINTS.

Someone, either you or an ancestor, made a decision long ago. You are living the echo of that decision.
AND you are the ONE to end those cycles of ignoring the indicators!

THIS is causing many beings distress.  Through accessing timelines, we retrieve the soul and its gifts and the purpose of that lesson, event, or circumstance.  We dis-create the perception or point of view that continues to create sludge or fog or murky waters! And we begin a long timeline clearing process.

Travelers will learn how to live by Natural Laws, rather than the fear based trauma of reward/punishment; success/failure.  Students of this Path of Gateways realize that we are not alone. That we truly do belong to a tribal culture on a universal level.  And that we can be the alchemy, that we are the CHANGE MAKERS for our lineages.

Currently, most who choose this pathway of clearing, re-nutrifying, exorcizing, remembering to dig deep, accessing and re-rooting, are journeying for 5-6 generations back!

What will you do with the available energy? 
What is your Dream for Conscious Cocreation on this newly emerging earth? 
What will your LEGACY be for your grandchildren?

“I had felt broken when I arrived to our session, and I left feeling like the pieces were coming back together again. I felt acknowledged, worthy, and seen. I discovered the courage to look squarely at my Truth, and be with my Fear. My sense of connection, to my own life and the collective life of this planet, was restored. I felt whole, re-engaged, and willing to fully participate in life. Thank you for looking deeply, to see Me - the real Me, the Me that can’t be defined in words – and guiding me through my pain, into healing.” ~M.H. on her One to One with GMA


So JOIN US: for a ONE TO ONE, a two hour JOURNEY as soon as this need for harvest kicks in!

*When called to a One to One, complete the INTAKE form by following this link:
and forward to
*invest in $244usd or $266cdn via paypal or email interac to
*choose a time date and mark it as important in your calendar
*set up a sacred space and agree with homebuddies, that the time space is sacred
*keep a journal handy and write from this point forwards
*be prepared with no alcohol, no smokes, no coffee, no sex, for 48 hours prior and afterwards
*let me know if you are on your moon time or in ovulation up front

The Great Mystery contains more than we think is possible!

For DISCOVERY 45 minute sessions, please request a separate INTAKE from
As above, complete and forward.  I committed to offering exploration sessions with you women and what that now looks like is 2 per week for two months.
These are gifted sessions, my only request is that you provide us with feedback. If these minutes offer respite and access, then 3 referrals.


For ONE TO ONES:  September 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 2018:
ALL times are Pacific time!

8 am to 11 am
3pm to 5 pm
7pm to 9 pm

*with some exceptions!  Ask and we can explore what now is possible!

DISCOVERY sessions begin the week of September the 17 and the week of September the 24th until mid-November:

1pm to 1:45pm

CONFIRM by phone at 1 604 815 8793
Sessions either skype at kaariina.saarinen1
or ZOOM!


CoCreavativas is experiencing a long-awaited upgrade!
GMA now has 3 assistants, one of whom will be entering all templates
for the 3 or 6 month JOURNEYS into a system.
All future schedules, feedbacks, testimonials, referrals
and giftings can be offered easefully for all of us!
YEA for self love self care at the center of this sacred spiral!

May you each remember:
Ruby red light at the root of the tongue-
May our voices be used for empowerment!

For all of our relations,
Grandmother Kaariina, M Ed. Coun; guardian and keeper of Sacred Wheels