General > Frauds / Beverly Little Thunder & "Wimmin's Sun Dance"
coffee-drinker, I can't say for sure, just give you my reaction the first time I read it. I felt like there was a hidden agenda in all of this. I have heard this woman criticized for having what one person called a "Lesbian Sundance" and for doing things that were not traditional. Did she get death threats? I don't klnow. I think she had heavy criticism and may have interpreted that as "death threats." I find it strange that she makes claims that a) she wasn't allowed to dance when I know that women do dance at sundance and b) that "elder women" told her to do her own thing in essence. I wish I could hear "the rest of the story" and then I would have a clearer picture.
Nothing new about a bunch of carpet-munchers playing NDN.
Defend the Sacred:
--- Quote from: Big Paulie on July 05, 2007, 06:54:34 am ---Nothing new about a bunch of carpet-munchers playing NDN.
--- End quote ---
While there are inaccuracies in the article (One of my housemates has been to sun dances at Pine Ridge where lesbians and other women danced), and possible exaggerations or even fabrications, I don't think sexual insults are a particularly appropriate response, Paulie.
I do agree that, in general, the women's spirituality scene has been appalling when it comes to cultural appropriation. Most of the people who attend Newage events and fill the shameons pockets are middle-class, middle-age, white women. However, there is also a small but fierce number of feminists, of varying orientations but often lesbians, who I've seen stand up for First Nations rights, and work hard to educate other women in these matters. It doesn't help any of us for you to insult all lesbians this way.
--- Quote ---...there is also a small but fierce number of feminists, of varying orientations but often lesbians, who I've seen stand up for First Nations rights, and work hard to educate other women in these matters.
--- End quote ---
For example Hawk Silverstein, the president of the Tucson branch of Do No Harm, which has recently supported us by protesting the recent attempt to shut us down. If I had seen that post when you made it, Paulie, I would have deleted it immediately. I'm surprised that I have to spell this out but
we do not tolerate derogatory remarks about gay people on this forum.
I'm sure your blood would boil if someone made a remark about "a bunch of redskins".
--- Quote ---the women's spirituality scene has been appalling when it comes to cultural appropriation. Most of the people who attend Newage events and fill the shameons pockets are middle-class, middle-age, white women.
--- End quote ---
This is why I quit subscribing to MS magazine. The last straw was when they had to pages of letters to the editor whining about how no one could tell THEM what to believe. They totally missed that they were as guilty of opressing Indian women as they said men were guilty of opressong them. The magazine really had littel for poor women, let alone poor Indian Indian women.
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