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Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian

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great news and congraduation
and most of all thank you for all
the work you do.

Congratulations, Al! This is good news!

Like everyone else, I want to thank you for all your hard work. It's your name that's synonymous with NAFPS to most of the world. You're the one who takes the heat from these frauds most of the time. You're the individual who gets attacked. I know it can't be easy dealing with that, but you do it and keep your composure. You should be commended.

Congratulations, Al!

Some past Fulbright scholars: Maya Anjelou, John Updike, Philip Glass, Hans Blix.

Wow, Indonesia. The people, the tropical weather, the architecture, the sights, the sounds, the food!

I went to the Philippines a few years ago, and I still haven't lost the weight from that trip.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. Things could not be going better for me. My wife is ready to slap me sometimes for being insufferable, cuz I just can't stop grinning. Then she tells me to take out the garbage or something and brings me back to reality...

I won't mention the comparison to the likes of Maya Angelou to her, that'd really get on her bad side...

I guess if any of those names have any basic for comparison, someday I wouldn't mind being compared to Hans Blix. (Wait'll the Yeagledites read THAT. They'll have spastic fits, or better yet, heart attacks.)

One of the things I'm hoping to do with this next book (and the one after, on Native soldiers in Latin America) is try to see if there are ways to reform militaries from within, so they're less likely to ever be used against indigenous peoples. Here, Asia, Latin America, anywhere.

I suppose one good thing about these accomplishments is that they make our critics look incredibly foolish. "Al Carroll? He doesn't know what he's talking about!" "Really? Then how'd he get a Fulbright? How'd he get published by an academic press?"

At that point all they can do is spout paranoid conspiracies....It'll be funny to watch the nonsense they claim. I expect they'll claiming pretty soon I'm really a "secret Muslim" like Obama....

Thanks again.


Congrats Al!  I look forward to reading your upcoming book, especially since I come from a multi-generational military family.  My Grandfather was a Veteran of WWI and WWII and told of many Aboriginal people who served.  Many other family members were Veterans of several wars that Canada has been involved in, as well.

Our Prayers are with you!


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