Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 663558 times)


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #105 on: October 18, 2013, 09:21:26 pm »
More on that "joining" with Dick Cheney bit:

from Lency Spezzano:
posted 15 March 2003 08:01 PM          Thanks Julian - I was surprised to see how much aggression and fear I felt when I joined with Mr. Cheney. Wow! I think this is the person we should really focus on. The other guys seem so mild now in comparison. Thank you all for doing this work. XXX L

from a follower:
posted 16 March 2003 09:04 PM      Dick Cheney is a very hard nut to soften. Maybe I just imagined a cuddly bunny wanting recognition. However, it is good to suspend judgement if only for a moment and let something else through: a miracle. Love to you all at this crucial time, you are inspirational.

People can believe what they want. If people want to "join" with Dick Cheney and they aren't harming themselves or others in the process, there is no problem. But POV uses beliefs like this to keep people hooked and paying for very expensive endless seminars.


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« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 08:02:57 pm by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #107 on: October 20, 2013, 03:29:43 pm »
Back in 1984, when Chuck was the minister of Windward Unity Church here on Oahu, he taught a number of weekend retreats for the congregation.

Chuck Spezzano now says he was enlightened by The Oneness Movement, and he teaches their practices to his followers.

The entire Unity Church is currently dealing with being infiltrated by The Oneness Movement scam

I asked the Unity Church if Chuck is still a minister, their reply: "He is no longer a minister with Unity."
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 04:45:06 pm by Piff »

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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #108 on: October 20, 2013, 07:20:15 pm »
If Chuck is not a minister , does that mean all the people he married and babies he baptised in his workshops are also just as bogus as his Psychology Of Vision "healing" model/program ??
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 08:45:20 pm by moreinfo »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #109 on: October 20, 2013, 10:26:08 pm »
If Chuck is not a minister , does that mean all the people he married and babies he baptised in his workshops are also just as bogus as his Psychology Of Vision "healing" model/program ??

Baptism is not a legal procedure, it is religious, but I wonder just what he says he is baptizing the babies in? What religion? Or, is it -his- religion, and he is the top minister/guru?

With marriages, the legal part will vary according to the location.  In some places Chuck would need to be an actual minister, maybe he is a minister in the Oneness Movement? I wonder if all those marriages he's performed are actually legit?


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #110 on: October 20, 2013, 10:56:32 pm »
For instance, in Hawaii a marriage performer needs to be licensed Don't know if Chuck is licensed in Hawaii.

In British Columbia, for a religious marriage ceremony, the religious representative has to be licensed Properly licensed people are called marriage commissioners. A search can be done here for specific cities, then view who is licensed there Chuck is not licensed in Vancouver B.C. , don't know if he is licensed elsewhere.

Everyone who has been married by him would be wise to double check that they are actually legally married.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #111 on: October 21, 2013, 04:49:35 pm »
Psychology of Vision and their franchises have their own language - for instance when they speak of Oneness they are referring to the Oneness Movement . They use words like "giftedness" and "dead zone" along with other words they have coined to mean specific things within their group. They also use a lot of more general Nuage ideas, such as "ascension". Lency and others use pseudo-Hindu terms too. They talk about chakras supposedly opening in various ways using various practices. And there is always danger just around the corner, trainers and followers talk often about "shadows" and other dangers that they have to be constantly concerned about and process. For instance Chuck often claims that we all have just barely "dodged a bullet" but that we can't relax yet, more bad shit is on the way.

POV is designed to keep people always busy, always stressed, always needing to go to more seminars to learn supposed answers to their supposed problems. POV invents "problems" that only they have the cure for. Because POV drains bank accounts and screws people over - they create more problems for people, who then believe they have to stick closer to POV for salvation. POV could just as easily be a fortune teller in a storefront telling their victim that more candles need to be burned, and paid for, to keep a curse at bay.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 09:30:15 pm by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #112 on: October 21, 2013, 04:58:37 pm »
Some clues for visual id of our culprits - Chuck is rotund, wears brightly colored pseudo Hawaiian shirts. Lency has short white hair.

Jeff and Sue Allen are their top people

Francine Girard directs the trainer program
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 12:21:54 am by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #113 on: October 22, 2013, 11:43:19 pm »
Chuck Spezzano is using his own version of Neuro-linguistic Programming. For instance in this horrible ultimately victim blaming video he has done on the theme of domestic violence, he uses the term "embedded commands". "Embedded commands" are specific NLP techniques.

NLP, ... , relies heavily upon (1) the notion of the unconscious mind as constantly influencing conscious thought and action; (2) metaphorical behavior and speech, especially building upon the methods used in Freud's Interpretation of Dreams; and (3) hypnotherapy as developed by Milton Erickson.

That above quote about NLP could very easily be said also about POV.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #114 on: October 24, 2013, 06:51:20 pm »
Chuck and Lency Spezzano tell two entirely different stories about their wealth, specifically about their properties in Hawaii.

Chuck says "I've learned to create all kinds of things. I once decided I was going to get moved to Hawaii without having to, to pay for it. And that's exactly what happened, somebody moved me to Hawaii a couple years later, paid for all the expenses. And you can create anything you want that you believe in."

Lency says, in response to questions about where the $ comes from  "I inherited money from a family farm land sale and we felt it was the best investment we could make for our kids and grandkids. The downpayment on our other property came as a gift from my parents soon after we were married."

47-416 WAIHEE PL, Honolulu County, 2 acres, owned by Charles L Spezzano, Lenora K Spezzano. 2013 total property assessed value $696,100

57-20 KUILIMA DR #121, owned by Charles L Spezzano, Lenora K Spezzano. 2013 total property assessed value $1,541,900

(Do parcel searchs here: )

Chuck and Lency tell their followers that they too can learn to manifest prosperity by imagining it. Chuck and Lency charge followers thousands of dollars for this bogus "advice". This continuing scam enables the Spezzanos to keep up with their property taxes.

When Psychology of Vision raises money from their devotees for their First Nations fund, where does all that money go? This "fund" is not a registered charity.

Psychology Of Vision Promotions Inc, B.C. Canada, is run by Susan How, a POV trainer. Susan How also administers the First Nations Fund

A Chuck and Lency Spezzano Realty Reality Check

« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 09:44:32 pm by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #115 on: October 25, 2013, 07:22:32 pm »
We've mentioned a Michael North several times in this thread:

*officer of Zhou Enlai Peace Institute, with Chuck Spezzano

*(the Robert North here is actually Michael North)

*main organization contact for the Hawaii Forgiveness Project is Michael North

Chuck Spezzano performed the wedding ceremony for Michael North and his wife

A woman named Ong Kar Khalsa helps run Psychology of Vision Promotions Inc.

Michael North on his Facebook page says Ong Kar Khalsa is his daughter

Ong Kar Khalsa also says Michael North is her father She also says Hari Singh Khalsa is her father, I'm assuming spiritual father

This Hari Singh Khalsa is "one of Yogi Bhajan's original students"

Guru Singh led an extraordinarily abusive cult

Chuck and Lency did an event with another Yogi Bhajan devotee, Guru Singh. In Lency's promo video she says that she and Chuck "resonate" with Guru Singh's vision.

Michael North

« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 04:47:39 pm by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #116 on: October 31, 2013, 06:20:29 pm »
Here is a great example of what Psychology of Vision and related enterprises sell:
Do you want to:

    Have happier richer more fulfilling relationships with everyone, including your partner
    Understand how to truly accept others as they are
    Learn how love has no boundaries
    Clear your blocks to scarcity, whether it is wealth, love or any aspect of lack
    Learn what self love really is
    Gain a zest for life never before experienced?

If you answered yes to any of the above then we invite you to join master trainer Jeff Allen and his international trainer wife Sue Allen to this life-changing workshop. Now is the time to invest in YOU.

The Essential Relationship….The Next Level! – 3-day workshop – West Sussex
Earlybird when booked and paid for before 27 October – Solo £200, Couples £350
After 27 October – Solo place £300, Couples £500
100-day Graduates – £175


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #117 on: October 31, 2013, 06:50:31 pm »
In a conditional use permit request, a barn on the Spezzano's property is described as "the headquarters for their worldwide networking in the field of Inner Healing".

The Inner Healing Movement refers to a grassroots counseling movement among Christians of various denominations. Its methods are largely based around the calling up of suppressed or hurtful memories in order to deal with them.

Many Christians believe the Inner Healing Movement is deceptive and dangerous.

Chuck and Lency Spezzano do invoke the name of Jesus at their joining sessions. Lency claims she channels the group mind energy and that she receives Jesus energy. This is forced on followers, even if they are not themselves Christian.

Survivors of Psychology of Vision say this is extremely disrespectful, especially towards residential school survivors.

The Spezzanos behave as modern day missionaries.

Survivors say their communities need to be rebuilt through health, not through artificial belief, not through the Spezzano doctrine.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #118 on: November 02, 2013, 06:50:19 pm »
APTN Investigates will be airing a show soon on the harmful effects of cultic groups, including Psychology of Vision, and Earth Peoples United (Erick Gonzalez), on Haida Gwaii families and communities.

The promo is available online, at the end of the current episode. I'll post a link to the full episode when it is available in about a week.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #119 on: November 03, 2013, 07:01:19 pm »
Ethical therapists do not hypnotize people who may be involved in any court action.  In fact using hypnosis to alter the memory of someone who may eventually be seeking legal action against their abusers, may itself be illegal.

Lency and Chuck Spezzano using hypnosis on Residential School Survivors who may eventually be involved in court action, or other First Nations people who may be in court concerning land claims - the Spezzanos are misleading and mistreating people.

Lency not only uses hypnotism  unethically, she also claims she herself has processed "the missionary figure" that abused First Nations people. She did this for 3 days at an event, insisting that no one talk to her because she was supposedly still processing, yet at the same time she expected everyone to watch her. So, she pretends to be a holy martyr taking on the effects of pain and abuse, for the redemption of her followers/victims. Yuck.