Author Topic: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...  (Read 13822 times)

Offline Tsisqua

  • Posts: 281
    • Native American Unity ~ NAU
IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« on: June 16, 2008, 06:01:50 pm »

Monday, June 16, 2008 Mohawk Elder and Grandmother, Kahentinetha Horn suffered a heart attack, Saturday, June 14, 2008 during a vicious, unprovoked assault by OPP and border agents at Cornwall, in Akwesasne community.  She had been beaten and handcuffed when she collapsed. 

Earlier when she was pulled over, Kahentinetha immediately contacted her brother, a lawyer, on her cellphone.  The entire incident was being filmed as her brother rushed to the scene just in time to call an ambulance for her. Meanwhile, Elder and Grandmother Katenies of Akwesasne was beaten and taken prisoner to an as yet undisclosed location. 

We are very concerned about her safety.  We demand to know of her whereabouts and that she be released immediately. A few months ago, Julian Fantino put out the word, warning Kahentinetha not to set foot in Ontario or else...  She is the publisher of MNN and regular internet reports that are very critical of police and government actions toward Indigenous people. 

Her articles often clearly state the legalities/realities of the situation that Canada is a corporation plundering unceded Turtle Island.  The land and resources belong to the Ongwehoneh people.  Canada's huge debt to us will bankrupt them forever. The other day, while Stephen Harper was making a public apology to Indigenous for the crimes of the residential schools, he was also preparing to send the army in at 6 nations. 

Brantford city mayor has requested it, stating his city police cannot handle another "Mohawk uprising", in other words,  peaceful protests against housing development where non resident, nonNatives attack the protesters while the police watch.  The Ontario Conservatives call for military intervention every day. On Saturday, border agents were pulling over every Native person.  Kahentinetha and Katenies were traveling in Akwesasne in the course of their regular activities and were caught up in the dragnet. 

Did Fantino set up a trap for the two outspoken, Mohawk grandmothers?  We suspect that Kahentinetha would have been killed at a secret location had she not had a heart attack and been taken to hospital. Immediately following this incident, many Mohawks and supporters started to gather at Akwesasne. Kahentinetha and Katenies' attackers want them to accept being Canadian or else they will kill them and anyone else who resists colonization. 

This low level warfare is playing out on the "border" between Canada and the US, an imaginary line drawn right through the Mohawk community of Akwesasne and through Haudenosaunee territory which is a vast area on BOTH sides of the Great Lakes. This Great Lakes area is also a proposed center for the NWO.  Many military plans are underway including nuclear submarines in the Great Lakes and JTF2, Aerospace Warfare Center and NATO FOB (Forward Operating Base) at a new base being built at Trenton, near Tyendinaga Mohawk community. 

Tyendinaga was attacked by OPP/SWAT in April when Mohawks protested housing development there. If Canadians are so damned sorry about the abuse of Native people, why is this still happening?  Why do people remain silent when Mohawk elders and grandmothers are attacked like this?  We are under constant surveillance and threats and attacks while our land continues to be plundered and pillaged. 

Was this a failed assassination attempt ordered by Julian Fantino, commissioner of OPP and head of the biggest gang in the area? We must demand answers and get answers.  This attempted genocide must cease.  We will never give up. Call or write to politicians, media, action lists including international. Get the word out now!!! K..... will be speaking with Kevin Annett on live radio today at 4:30 pm Montreal time.

Iakoha'ko:waSharbot Lake, Haudenosaunee Territory


Governor General MICHAELLE "Haitian-Against-the-Nation" JEAN, 1 Rideau Hall, OTTAWA, ONTARIO;
Canada Prime Minister STEPHEN HARPER, House of Commons, OTTAWA, ONTARIO;
Ontario Premier DALTON McGUINTY, Queen's Park, TORONTO, ONTARIO;
United Nations;
Indian Affairs Minister;
Brantford Mayor Michael Hancock 519-759-3330; Ontario Attorney General 416-326-2220 or 1-800-518-7901;
Minister Ontario Aboriginal Affairs Michael Bryant % ; Neil Smitheman, Brantford ambulance chaser 416-868-3441;
Aaron Detlor;
Bev Jacobs;
Julian Fantino OPP Commissioner;
"Paul Leblanc of \"Indian\" Affairs" <>,
Sylvia McKenzie Justice Canada <>, Emanuel Chabot Public Affairs 7 Emergency Preparedness <>,       
Louis-Alesandre Guay <"Justice Canada lguay">,       
Gilles Rochon Aboriginal Policing <>,       
"Chuck Strahl Minister of \"Indian\" Affairs" <>



Update re Kahentinetha Horn - Mohawk Grandmothers Attacked at
Canada-US Border Crossing

June 16, 2008 1pm

Kahentinetha Horn has been transferred to an Ottawa hospital while
the whereabouts of Katenies remain unknown.

Outrage is growing in Indian country.

Who will be next in the roundups??

There is no doubt that this incident 'an attempt to take a human
life', of Kahentinetha Horn - makes the false apology given by the
Harper government to Native peoples for past tortures and
maltreatment completely null and void.

Token drugstore Indians like Phil Fontaine paraded around on TV to
receive this apology are all on government payrolls.

They represent and speak for no one but the government.

It shows the hypocrisy insidiously embedded in the Harper government.

This incident was not carried out by regular border patrol personnel.

It was carried out by a team of professionals who are installed at
this particular border crossing for the sole purpose of apprehending
Miss Horn and doing away with her permanently.

Behaviours and actions like this only come about when ordered and
sanctioned by the highest levels of Harper's government and CSIS.

This attempt on Miss Horn's life failed this time, but we are
confident that Harper, CSIS and Fantino will continue in their
efforts to silence Ms Horn forever.

This attempt is just a variation of extraordinary rendition where one is whisked away to an undisclosed location, tortured and later found dead in a ditch somewhere.

Karakwine will be speaking with Kevin Annett on live radio today at
4:30 pm Montreal time.

Stop the Genocide.

Speak out while you still can!!!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 06:20:52 pm by Tsisqua »
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Offline Tsisqua

  • Posts: 281
    • Native American Unity ~ NAU
Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2008, 08:40:54 pm »
Update from Treaty House:


Date: Jun 17, 2008 10:42 AM Subject: KAHENTINETHA UPDATE ...

Body: Kwe Kwe,

I spoke with Kahentinetha yesterday while she was still at the hospital in Cornwall, ONT. She is being moved to the heart institution in Ottawa ONT. today at 8 a.m.

Speaking with her she informed us that the reason they were pulled over at the border was because Katenies had an outstanding warrant regarding a sovergnty issue. She refused to aknowledge border crossings and CAN/US borders. This is the reason she did not attend court. She was then pulled out of the car and beaten! They even smashed her head off the pavement! When Kahentinetha saw this, she was scared and refused to get out of the car saying, "well, look what you have just done to her!" (Katenies passed in court in Cornwall ONT. yesterday. I'm not sure of the outcome)

They then removed Kahentinetha from the car, man handled her also and arrested her on resisting arrest, when they had no reason to arrest her in the first place! They then put her into a room with the handcuffs on extemely tight! Her brother entered the building and demanded to see her. The police refused until they found out that he was a lawyer and granted him permission. Kahentinetha then said that she was in the room for about an hour and the leading officer continued to demand the other officers to tighten her cuffs more, on two occasions......

Once her brother entered the room he demanded that the cuffs be removed because they were too tight and not necessary. Kahntinetha then said that once they were removed she instantly felt a pain in her cheast and shortly after had a heart attack.

The Mohawk Nation believes that they attempted to murder her because of the fact that she runs Mohawk Nation News (on the net) and plays a big role in informing the people. The hand cuffs were intentionally tightened knowing that a woman of her age WOULD suffer from such pressure buildup.(mind you, her daughter is a doctor!)

Kahentinetha's family is very worried about her and prefers that any visitors do not speak of politics because they do not want to upset her. She is in stable condition at this time but needs surgery. The heart attack has been determined to come from the hand cuffs because she did not have ANY health problems before hand. She is also heavily watched by the police as they are gaurding her room.

For what reason??? well, you decide!


Kahentinetha Horn is an Ottawa hospital after being beaten by special forces at the border and suffering a heart attack. Katenies is in prison in an undisclosed location.
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Offline Tsisqua

  • Posts: 281
    • Native American Unity ~ NAU
Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2008, 11:59:45 am »
MNN Katenies v Queen Oct. 18 Cornwall Court

Brothers, Sisters, Friends and Allies:  This is the document that Woman Title Holder, Katenies, served and filed on the Cornwall court on Monday December 18th 2006.  It’s based on the Two Row Wampum and the Kaianerehkowa.  She did not acknowledge the colonial corporation's [Customs Canada] phony charges.  She already asked how Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II got jurisdiction over her and our land.   They refused to answer.  She's found the Queen, the corporation of Canada and all its public and private corporations guilty of theft, etc.  She's asking for restitution.  The message was so dangerous they got everybody out of the courtroom first.  She refused to stand up and started reading it.  “That’s enough!??? they yelled.  Testosterone flew about the room as they all tried to be hyper-macho.  They tried to set the date for another performance.  She and her supporters didn’t hear and left.         MNN   


Katenies [aka Janet Davis] v. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN


Information #C2202/03




FROM: Katenies [aka Janet Davis], Bear Clan, Woman Title Holder of Turtle Island; Onkwehonweh, Sovereign, a Manifestation of All the Elements as a real, flesh and blood Hueman being, does take exception to Fraud committed by HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN.     




1.       Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk land comprises at least 20 million acres of Northeastern Turtle Island.  It is referred to as the St. Lawrence Valley, Great Lakes watershed, southern Quebec, southern Ontario, south to New York State, Vermont, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.  We are the “Keepers of the Eastern Door??? of Turtle Island.  We are carrying out our duties as the caretakers.  The natural world has given us this responsibility by rooting us in this land.

Our Indigenous communities existed on Turtle Island since time immemorial and continue to have trading relations with other nations.  We have trading relations before and after the illegal occupation of the colonial states of Canada and the U.S.  We never gave Britain the right to establish their corporations on our land.  Canada is illegal. 
Our vast territory has subsequently been illegally chopped into pieces by these foreign corporations in the name of “the Crown???.   
Dozens of colonial jurisdictions have been imposed on us, along with administrative bodies some of which are known as “band councils??? and “tribal councils???.  There are also hundreds of foreign police and military authorities patrolling our land.   
We have only been allies of Great Britain.  We have never been British subjects and never will be.
We have never agreed to become a part of the colonies of either Canada or the United States.
These multiple illegal jurisdictions divide our communities and territory in order to break down our nations for the purpose of absorbing us into their colonial polity. 
Crown, federal and privatized corporations have imposed themselves on our land to exploit and usurp our resources.     


9.  According to Guswentah, the Two Row Wampum Treaty, the greatest foreign policy ever devised between nations, you agreed to respect the fact that:

i.      We are a separate people from you and the land is our birthright;

ii.   The law of the land is the Kaianereh’ko:wa, a universal law which is the most perfect social contract ever developed by our people;  and

iii   You would never usurp our natural tie to the land of our past, present and future generations. 


The Charter of the United Nations, to which Canada has given its free and informed consent, confirms that:
i.      the dignity, value and rights of all human beings is equal.

ii.         all states are required to maintain the peace and refrain from using

the force of arms to resolve differences with other states.


The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; to which Canada has given its free and informed consent, recognizes that all peoples have the right to self-determination.
United Nations Resolution 1514(XV) affirmed the right of all to self-determination, saying that any attempt to partially or totally disrupt the national unity and territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the principles of the UN Charter.
 United Nations Resolution 1514(XV) affirmed that “the desire for independence is the rightful aspiration of peoples under colonial subjugation and that the denial of their right to self-determination constitutes a threat to the well-being of humanity and international peace???.
United Nations Resolution 1514(XV) also affirmed that no people can be made part of another state unless it is “the result of a free and voluntary choice by the peoples of the territory concerned expressed through informed and democratic processes.???
The International Court of Justice confirmed in the Western Sahara case that no state can absorb another without the free and informed consent of the people concerned expressed through democratic processes.
The Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination confirmed on March 6, 2006 that Indigenous peoples have the right to “own, develop, control and use their land and resources??? and that the United States was guilty of denying this right to the Western Shoshone people.
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide U.N.T.S. 1021, vol. 78 (1951) states that the crime of Genocide includes:
i.          “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part???. 

ii.         The forced transfer of children to another social group.


Section 132 of the British North America Act 1867, which was passed by the Parliament of Great Britain, accords Canada the right to negotiate with foreign states on behalf of the British Empire.
As a successor state, which continues to be represented by the same Queen as Great Britain, Canada is bound by the treaties and agreements made by Great Britain.
Even if Canada imagines that Britain’s assertion of sovereignty over us made us subjects of the British Empire, the Crown has a duty to govern according to the laws and customs of the land and of the people as set out in the Coronation Oath sworn by you, Queen Elizabeth II.
Even if Canada imagines that Canadian laws apply to us;
i.          Canada has an obligation to recognize and affirm existing Aboriginal and Treaty rights as set out in Section 35(1) of the Constitution Act 1982. 

ii.                  Aboriginal rights must be interpreted according to the understanding of Aboriginal people as set out by the Supreme Court of Canada in Nowegijick v. The Queen, [1983] 1 S.C.R. 29.

iii.                There is no justification for perpetuating the unjust and discriminatory colonial refusal to recognize the rights and interests in land of the Indigenous peoples as stated by Brennan J. in Mabo v. Queensland [No. 2] (1992), 175 C.L.R. 1 (H.C.), at p. 42 and cited with approval by the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Côté, [1996] 3 S.C.R. 139 at para 53.

iv.                 “European settlement did not terminate the interests of aboriginal peoples arising from their historical occupation and use of the land.  To the contrary, aboriginal interests and customary laws were presumed to survive the imposition of foreign sovereignty, and were absorbed into the common law as rights, unless (1) they were incompatible with the Crown’s assertion of sovereignty, (2) they were surrendered voluntarily via the treaty process, or (3) the government extinguished them.???  As acknowledged by the Supreme Court of Canada in Mitchell v. M.N.R., [2001] 1 S.C.R. 911, at para 10. 

v.                   The Federal Court of Australia has recognized that the Noongar Aborigines of Australia continue to hold native title to the whole of south-west Western Australia notwithstanding the implantation of substantial colonial settlements including the city of Perth as stated in Bennell v. State of Western Australia [2006] FCA 1243.



You are in violation of the natural righteousness embodied in the Kaianereh’ko:wa, our Great Law of Peace, the universal law based on the natural world.
 Your on-going aggression against us violates nature; the Two Row Wampum, international law; and your own constitutional laws.
 You have been attempting to criminalize our people who protect our laws, lands and people through the use of force to impose illegal laws, codes and acts passed by foreign legislatures in which we neither participate nor wish to participate in. 
Your courts have recognized that Aboriginal rights must be determined according to practices and uses of the time of the imposition of British sovereignty.  There were no boundaries through our communities when you arrived.  We never gave your corporations the right to erect artificial boundaries to divide our community and to prevent normal community relations.  You have no right to create these limitations around, over and under us, not even under your own law.
According to your laws you do not have jurisdiction over territory that is not a part of the foreign corporation called “Canada???. There is no evidence that our territory has ever been ceded to Canada or became a part of it. 
You have never met the requirements set out in International law for incorporation of our state in yours.  There has never been a decision by a clear majority of our people to join Canada. International law accordingly rejects your colonial encroachment on us and our land.
Our land, the land of our future generations, does not belong to you so you have no authority to issue licenses to use our resources and our land cannot be legally developed or changed without consulting us and obtaining our consent.  Our perspectives cannot be ignored.  You have no right to do anything to us or our possessions without our permission.     
The United Nations Charter, whose terms you have consented to uphold, requires that its members cannot use armed force to resolve international differences.  Your commercial enterprise known as the border between two foreign states, Canada and U.S., has no legal validity and exists only in your imagination. Your use of guns and violence to maintain your position on our land violates international law.
The United Nations prohibits the disruption of family life and includes the removal of children from their parents in the crime of genocide.  You are using your imaginary border to commit genocide against our people.
The oath that you swore at your coronation requires you to protect the laws of the lands and people over which you claim dominion.  Since you imagine that you exercise sovereignty over us, you have violated your oath through your permissive attitude that allows your subjects and the citizens of your successor states to oppress us.
Canadian laws require Canada to respect our rights as we understand them.  Yet Canada continues to ignore our opinions and violates our laws.


That you must stop breaching the peace.  You are inflicting torture and genocide upon us and our future posterity. 
Our governance is based on relations of equality and mutual respect as affirmed by the Kaianereh’ko:wa.  Our relationship with the colonists is based on the Guswentah, the Two Row Wampum.  We need to review the Covenant Chains that defined our original relationship.   
We are the trustees of all of our land for the future generations of our People, including the part upon which your corporations and your subjects are squatting.  You cannot alienate us from our birthright. 
Your colonial successor states and corporations have failed to respect your promises to protect us from being raped, pillaged and polluted by squatters who have come here and installed themselves on our land with your protection and encouragement.  Your squatters are occupying our land illegally.  They are stealing our resources and poisoning our land, water and air almost beyond repair.  If you do not stop them they will kill themselves as well as our future generations.   
Your justice system functions to allow the squatters to keep the property you stole, to continue the theft and to incriminate us or kill us to stop us from making our demands for restitution.  We are the care-takers of this land.  When there are negotiations or decisions to be made concerning this land you must come to our table and talk to us.  The decisions you make on your own are not legal.   


38. That you stop forcing your laws on us; that you admit that your federal and provincial colonial apparatus is illegal; that you declare all their transactions null and void and that you cease your illegal operations against us immediately.

 That you acknowledge that our land belongs to the faces yet unborn; and that we maintain our stewardship so our children will be born free from your bondage.  We will never be your subjects.     
That you resume dealing with us on a nation-to-nation basis and stop using your unlawfully imposed corporate puppets known as “tribal??? and “band??? councils which are backed by armed threats. 
That you respect the “rule of law that comes from Creation, encompassing all that is good for humanity, so that people may become of one mind based on natural righteousness.  Foreigners such as yourself and your corporate entities must respect the Indigenous law of our land.   You cannot legislate over or judge us and you must stop attempting to do so.
That you acknowledge that colonial states have no authority to criminalize us for upholding our laws and our obligations.  We have an inherent right and duty to preserve our land for our coming generations through defensive and peaceful acts.   

For 500 years we have been resisting your colonial efforts to eliminate us and to impose your unnatural institutions on us.  We wish to reinstate the lawful relationship with you once the inequities are remedied according to the principles of the Two Row Wampum Agreement.   


As you have not responded to my request for evidence to substantiate your false claim to jurisdiction over us, we find you guilty of genocide, violations of our freedom and our inherent right to self-determination, of theft of our lands and resources and of destruction of our environment.  You have allowed your subjects and your corporations to inflict ruthless violence on us.  According to Section 109 of the British North America Act, 1867, you are under an obligation to consider the “prior interest???, which is the “Indian??? interest in all of your endeavors on our land and resources.  We know that the bottom line of any corporation is profit.  This includes collection of taxes, exploitation of our land, water, natural and mineral resources and all business your minions have conducted. 


You are hereby ordered to immediately relinquish all your stolen money, trust, lands, rights and possessions that were made or taken from our lands within 90 days.  You must disband all your foreign corporations such as “Indian Affairs??? and forfeit all foreign laws, particularly the “Indian Act???.  We shall return to the original legal nation-to-nation relationship between us, the land owners and you, our visitors.  You are to deposit $1.4 trillion GDP for the year 2006 into an Indigenous Trust which we, the Indigenous people, will collectively own and control.  This money was created totally from your exploitation of us, our land and our resources.  This payment represents your corporations’ foreign debt payment to the Indigenous people of Turtle Island.           


Signed on this 18th day of December 2006 in the community of Akwesasne on the territory of the Kanion’ke:haka,


Katenies [aka Janet Davis] /s/ _____________

Women Title Holders of the Kanion’ke:haka of the Rotinonhsonnion:we:  according to Wampum 44 of our law, the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the women are the “progenitors??? of the soil of Turtle Island.  The women are the caretakers of the land, water and air of Turtle Island.  As the trustees the women are obligated to preserve and protect the land’s integrity for the future generations.


Posted by MNN Mohawk Nation News -

Thought that may be of some interest
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Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2008, 07:57:15 pm »
- removed by author -
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:22:42 am by nighthawk »

Offline Tsisqua

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    • Native American Unity ~ NAU
Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2008, 08:09:52 pm »
I just added the writing as I thought it may be of interest to those who dont know who Kahentinetha and Katenies are and what they do....I just think it terrible whats going on up there right about now....its crazy
There are no leaders in Unity

Offline MikePutfus

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Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2008, 08:56:21 pm »
I just added the writing as I thought it may be of interest to those who dont know who Kahentinetha and Katenies are and what they do....I just think it terrible whats going on up there right about now....its crazy

It's crazy everywhere today. We got Reservation Police being stopped in Calif.. Illegals claiming they are Native, and belong here. Drugs are common on our reservations, and children are killing them self's.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2008, 10:32:26 pm »
Pretty much the same whatever rez you go to or live on...time things were changed
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Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2008, 04:15:28 am »
- removed by author -
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:22:29 am by nighthawk »

Offline Tsisqua

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    • Native American Unity ~ NAU
Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2008, 12:39:01 pm »
Yup...I know...I used to live in Cornwall Island on the Akwesasne the KRA Apartments...also on Raquette Point Road on the Hogansburg NY side....lived up there for years...we had to cross the boarder daily there...many times we were stopped...even though we were clearly all natives...the family I was with being a well known family in the area....who had kin on either side of the border...a family who used the Cornwall Bridge up to ten times a day or more...I guess we'd be lucky not to be stopped twice out of that many crossings. ...and there were many ongoing issues at that time...due to the recycling plant (where the bridge is)...the casino (On the Hogansburg side)...more and more land being taken...and many more things. Anyways...Im posting the following which I received this morning....some may wish to pass this on.


MNN.  June 27, 2008.  Dear Native Youth.  Take some time to read a few timely words from an elder, who has your well-being in mind. 

Do not join the Canadian or U.S. military.  They are violating the Two Row Wampum Agreement.  Everywhere the Europeans went they put Indigenous people in the galleys of their ships.  A few would be promised some benefit if they carried out some hideous deed against their people.  Some were even freed.  But they were never free.  They helped their masters make holes in the hulls of our ancestral canoes to try to get control over the whole river of life.     

They think this is a tried and true method.  First corporations and governments create conditions of poverty and economic desperation.  They give the youth the feeling that they have absolutely no options except to blow their brains out with drugs or alcohol.  Then they stride in with banners claiming to be saviors, and that they know of an “honorable??? way out.  You belong!  We want you!  Be a man!  Get a free education!  Get paid! Defend your country!  Be a hero! 

They are recruiting you to be their galley slaves for their fortunes and fascist agenda.  The colonists are trying to remodel our canoe.  They’ve got seats for us, as galley slaves.  To qualify we have to stop using our minds and agree to follow their orders.   

The colonial states need cannon fodder for their illegal wars.  You are the target, Indigenous youth of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island.  If you join, you will end up disillusioned or in a body bag or seen as treasonous by our people. 

Don’t be fooled.  A seat as a galley slave is not the same as a seat at the negotiating table.  Since the invasion of Turtle Island, colonial governments have not respected or upheld our rights to our land, resources, self-determination, freedom and human equality.  The blinded visions of the politicians and military are not bringing a better life of freedom and democracy to us, to the countries they invade or to their own youth who are so cruelly sacrificed to paranoiac delusions of grandeur.   Once you slap on that uniform you belong to them. 

Did we ever have freedom and democracy?  You bet we did.  The U.S. Senate even recognized the Kaianereh’ko:wa [Great Law of Peace] as the basis of the U.S. Constitution.   Today, the U.S. and Canada are taking away freedom and democracy from us and the people they invade.  Don’t be fooled by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s recent apology over the church and state’s orchestrated residential school genocide.  Did you notice any changes in the Indian act to abolish the usurpation of supervisory authority that caused all of our problems?  They’re not the boss of us.  They never have been.  But they still dream they are. 

They want us to be their patsies.  They are trying to recruit us to commit the same crimes they committed against us.  Don’t do to others what was done to us.  Middle Eastern people are not our enemies. We know your situation is not easy.  We know you are intelligent, strong, can think for yourself and find a better way. 

You will be made to kill dark skinned people for their land and resources.  Should you return home from warfare your body may be filled with depleted uranium.  These weapons are designed to kill the “victims??? and to contaminate you for an early death to cut down on medical bills.  “Depleted uranium??? used to make “dirty bombs??? destroys the soil and the poor people in these Middle Eastern nations.   

You will be fighting for greedy capitalists you don’t even know, who come from “Bay Street??? and “Wall Street???.  [London and the Vatican].  You are not even from “Main Street???. 

Indigenous youth, your time is needed at home to help take care of your loved ones?  A wife and children are helpless without their protector? 

Military funerals are displays to reinforce nationalism.  Our nationalism is to care for our families and lands.

After trying for centuries to kill us off, they are coming after you, our children, to fill up their armies to die in their stinking wars? 

Indigenous youth, you could be ordered to kill your own people.  There is no glory or ‘neat’ adventurism in slaughtering men, women and babies. 

We Indigenous have no beef against the Islamic world.  They have no beef against us.  We do not covet their land, resources and treasures [oil].  Turtle Island is ours.  We don’t have to carry out mass murder against others to steal from them.  Our mind, body and energy are tied to our land.  We belong here.  These European invaders are complete strangers here who are able to destroy and disrespect our land, turning it into a toxic waste dump almost unfit for us to live on.   

Indigenous youth, you are going to be told lies meant to make you hate the people you are going to be ordered to slaughter.  Many of you will die. 

On the internet are many stories about a coming financial collapse or worldwide famine.  There is no need for any of this.  The people of the world can work together to make sure that everyone is decently provided for.  The cartels have decided that certain of us are meant to starve to death.  Your family will need you during the hard times that may be coming. 

Parents, our youth are too precious.  We should not sacrifice them.  We must cherish and protect them.  We don’t want to cry later.     

« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 02:31:48 pm by Tsisqua »
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Offline Raven2

  • Posts: 29
Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2008, 05:46:52 am »

on Native Solidarity News, a CKUT (a university radio station) show, they interviewed Frank Horn, Kahentinetha's brother.

to get the archive for that show, do this:

go there to fetch the archive. you're looking for the tuesday ("yesterday") show (depending on when you fetch this, it might be for "tuesday July 1"), in the start time: 18:00, end time: 19:00 slot, for the show. they have streams or download available.
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Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Intimidating and Silencing Mohawk activists
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2008, 03:09:22 am »
I didn't understand what this situation was, until I read the link posted by Nighthawk in a thread she started on some fake activists and so called Alogonguin tribes of PODIAs or non natives, which are being recognized and negotiated with by the Canadian government.;all

Apparently this is being done in order to sidestep recognizing and negotiating with the real First Nation in the area, which is Mohawk, and is the legitimate title holder.

It's worth reading all the information in the link below , but I am quoting the basic outline so people can see the context of this incident, in the words of the people it happened to.

This first bit I am quoting from gives some background to some of the injustices Kahentinetha Horn has been speaking out about.
04.02.2008 14:12:37

The Ontario and Canadian government bureaucrats have put out a big casting call. To get an acting contract you have to pretend to be an “Algonquin???. (con...)

Hurry! Hurry! Get your Algonquin status here. For wigs, noses and ID cards, just step into the Wardrobe Department on the right. It doesn’t matter what kind of Indian you are, or even if you aren’t one, so long as you can pay the part.

Sharbot Lake, 28 miles north of Kingston Ontario, is where all the action is. The problem that Ontario and Canada are dealing with is the opposition to uranium mining and those pesky people who are worrying about the future of the environment.

Sharbot Lake is named after one of 4 or 5 Mohawk families that moved from Kanehsatake around 1840. Kanehsatake is a Mohawk community near Montreal. It’s famed for the “Mohawk/Oka Crisis of 1990??? and their recent resistance to Indian Affairs corruption which diverted their social program funds into a paramilitary attacked on the community.

Chief Francis Sharbot, a Mohawk was born January 18, 1822, at Kanehsatake. He married Mary Lavallee who was born in 1835 and died in 1897 at Sharbot Lake. They raised a big family who are the ancestors of the Indigenous people there. (con...)

From the early 1800s a few Algonquins began to move into the Sharbot Lake area. They lived and married into the Mohawk families and followed Haudenosaunee ways.

Now Canada and Ontario want to make a claim for Haudenosaunee land. They know the Mohawks won’t part with one inch of it. Somebody had an idea. They started registering the Mohawks as “Algonquins???. During the era, colonial agents were in charge of repressing Indigenous knowledge. Many lost touch with their roots. Those who objected to their classification as “Algonquins??? found they had to go along with it if they wanted any respect for their rights.

Since 1995 the Canadian government took away all the registry records from Golden Lake “reservation??? offices near Ottawa. They retroactively registered the Sharbots there as Algonquins, even though they are Haudenosaunee.

The bureaucratic manipulators thought that if they turned them into Algonquins and told them it was their land, they could get it away from the Mohawks and everything would be hunky dory. “Sharbot Mishigama First Nation???, a Huron name, was changed to “Shabot Obaadijwan First Nation??? so that the land claim could be started. The colonists have been trying to create the fiction of “continuous Algonquin presence???. The considerable resources spent on the Algonquin claim could be greatly compromised if this misinformation were known and publicly understood. (con...)

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

: “SLEIGHT OF HAND MAGIC??? - A TragiComedy of Deadly Errors in Five Acts set in Haudenosaunee Territory, early 21st Century

MNN. July 1, 2008. Sharbot Lake of Haudenosaunee Territory is a huge land claims fraud orchestrated by Ontario, Canada and the corporations that want the minerals lying under the bushes of the region. The goal is to develop the area for purposes that have yet to be revealed, or perhaps for the great and celestial aim of development for development’s sake. (con..)


In Act I the Ontario Minister of Aboriginal Affairs strolls into Sharbot Lake to talk to the pretend "Algonquins". Act II takes us into the courtroom where Indigenous are brought to colonial justice, patently recognizable as injustice. Act III is a flurry of mind boggling announcements. Act IV is the vicious attack on 2 Mohawk women at the Cornwall border crossing. They’ve been exposing their crimes? Their dogged expose of ‘Algonquin Gate’. Act V is the showdown. See who panics! See how they run! (con....)

Act I - Stirring up Confusion


The Minister was invited a year ago to meet the "NoGonquins" to discuss a uranium mine. Last July 2007 a phony protest was staged at Robertsville mine site, 42 miles north of Kingston, Ontario, by two groups of pretend "No’Gonquins and their settler supporters". (con...)

Act IV - Trying to Silence MNN

Scene 1: Less than 24 hours later MNN’s editor and manager are attacked at the Cornwall border on Saturday, June 14. The brutal attack at Akwesasne that afternoon is well documented. They were beaten by Canadian Border Service Agency "goons". Kahentinetha was hospitalized and Katenies was held incommunicado for 2 days.(con...)

Scene 4: Monday morning, June 16 Katenies is in a Cornwall courtroom facing hokey charges of "running the border". (con...)

Maybe other people already knew all this background, but I didn't and reading the details of this situation, it seems even more outrageous than the horrendous way these Mohawk grandmothers were treated at the border ...

I'm still not sure if I understand the full implications of all this - probably only the Mohawk people do -  but this seems like an excellent example of how people who may have a little or no ancestry can be used as a tool of colonization, . Looks like  non native exploiters are managing to side step acknowledging the soverienty and property rights of the true indigenous Nations, by setting up false authorities. I guess it is an old trick.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 03:12:31 am by Moma_porcupine »


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Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2008, 09:01:38 am »
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:33:44 am by nighthawk »


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Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2008, 10:10:51 am »
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:33:57 am by nighthawk »

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2008, 10:23:00 am »




MNN staff report,14 JULY, 2008.  “Bastille Day??? came & went real quiet in Court #2 of the 2nd Avenue Cornwall Ontario court house.  “Delay??? & “postpone??? was the menu of the day. 

Katenies had been ordered to appear today at 9 a.m. as a condition of her release after her June 14th kidnapping and assault by the Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) on Cornwall Island.

Yeah, this is Canada! 

She has never been served with documents that explain what she’s been accused of.  Canadian “operatives??? are sweating bullets over the motions she has filed asking for proof of Canada’s jurisdiction. 

The court was minding its manners.  Could this be the result of growing international outrage over this strange case? 

Before Katenies arrived Mike Mitchell’s daughter, Rachel Thomas, wearing an Akwesasne Police uniform, tapped Frank Horn, a Kanienkehaka lawyer, on the sleeve and asked if “Audrey??? was coming.  “Who’s Audrey???? he

The colonizers don’t stop at inventing jurisdictions.  They invent names too.  As one bystander commented, “What Onkwehonwe hasn’t had a colonial name forced on them and refused to use it????

When asked if he would accept service of the warrant, Frank said he didn’t have a client named “Audrey???.  He asked if there were any warrants out for the CBSA officers who assaulted and kidnapped Katenies and Kahentinetha on June 14th?  “Not that I know of???, said Rachel.  After almost killing Kahentinetha, they want to lay charges on her while she recuperates from the heart attack they caused!   

The moral of the story?  Anyone named “Audrey??? better stay away from Cornwall!!  They’re out to get ya for somethin’!  [Is Audrey the new Jane Doe?]


Not long after Katenies entered the court her number was called.   The room was crowded with her supporters. 

Justice of the Peace L. LeBlanc presided.  Crown Prosecutor Ron Turgeon is anxious to make everything go away. 

Though the proceedings were about Katenies, the court ignored her.  LeBlanc turned to Frank Horn instead and announced that a new court date had been set. 

“I object??? interjected Katenies, with her hand on the Two Row Wampum that was draped on her shoulder.  She was sitting halfway towards the back of the room. “I object???, she said again. 

LeBlanc turned to Mr. Horn and asked him to “speak to the matter???.  He explained that Katenies’ position was quite clear.  “The court has no jurisdiction???.  LeBlanc said that jurisdiction must be brought before an Ontario court judge???. 

Horn added, “Why weren’t the Indian police charging the white customs officers for beating the two Mohawk women half to death in the Indian community?  Instead the Indian police are laying charges against the women on behalf of the intruding beaters!???   

“This court does not have anything to do with determining whether charges should proceed???, responded LeBlanc before announcing that a three-hour trial would be held on October 21st in Alexandria.

“I take exception to that??? announced Katenies from the back of the room. “I do not understand???.

The court continued to ignore her.  The prosecutor announced that he had given a slip of paper to Mr. Horn with the address of the court on it and that any motion that was needed could be brought before that date.

Frank Horn pointed out that he was not acting as Katenies counsel.  He had only spoken as a “friend of the court???.

Katenies spoke up again.  “I do not understand the nature and cause of your action???.  She was ignored again.  So a court that did not recognize her presence expects her to appear again in three months to defend herself against “whatever???.

Katenies found her treatment better.  Previously the court went ballistic when she refused to stand up.  The day was a great make-work project for cops and under-cover agents. 

They were on the rooftops, in the toilets, halls and outside by the door.  They took lots of pictures of Katenies’, her friends and supporters.  The cops could find no reason to provoke any violence this time. 

The court got what they wanted, a delay. Katenies and Kahentinetha are not the only people who have been harassed and assaulted at the border.  At least 275 other cases are said to have been documented.  Canada
customs is hoping to weasel out of accountability for its criminal violence at a meeting with representatives of the Long House and the Band Office at the Best Western Hotel on Thursday.  [The Best for them and jail for us]. 

Are they getting the Longhouse and the band council to rubber stamp these charges against the two women? 

Since the assault on the two grandmothers has captured worldwide attention, including reports to the United Nations, CBSA officers at the Cornwall crossing are reported to be less aggressive.  They can turn their smiles on and off, even right after trying to kill someone.  These
trespassers in our community abuse us openly and show contempt for the Mohawks.     

It is now on the public record that these women were assaulted and that the Indian police, who were supposed to protect them, are laying charges against them on behalf of the illegal border guards.   

First hand observations by MNN Staff –

There are no leaders in Unity


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Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2008, 07:00:03 pm »
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:26:04 am by nighthawk »