Author Topic: Zan Benham AKA "Butterfly Deerwoman"  (Read 25076 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Zan Benham AKA "Butterfly Deerwoman"
« on: January 01, 2007, 09:32:17 pm »
A Florida woman trying to start her own rainbow tribe who sells everything but the kitchen sink, who also spent a couple thousand for Floyd Hand to come to Florida and do ceremony and defend her exploitation.
"Floyd Hand (Looks for Buffalo) Oglala Elder, Spiritual Leader, SunDance Chief, Buffalo Chief, Medicine Bundle Keeper, Grand Son of Chief Red Cloud, and Direct decendant of the Crazy Horse Band has Sold out. AIM-Sarasota is currently trying to stop some white people that are performing NDN ceremonies. Recently one of non-NDNS (a white woman) Paid for and Flew Floyd Hand (Looks for Buffalo) to Florida (over 1500 miles)to defend her right to perform NDN ceremonies. A meeting was arranged and for some reason Floyd Hand (Looks for Buffalo) decided they should not attend. Also while Floyd Hand was here in Florida he held an authentic sweat lodge advertised the authentic sweat in the local paper for anyone to attend. Floyd Hand also gave a talk and performed some more ceremonies for the local white people at a White Mans Church (rented again by the White woman), this was also advertised in the paper for anyone to attend.... AIM-Sarasota estimates that the White people here spent about 1300-1500+ dollars to fly Floyd Hand to Florida, lodging, food, and for the places theWhite people rented for Floyd Hand to do his ceremonies.
The White woman that Floyd Hand flew to Florida to defend her right to NDN ceremonies is claiming Cherokee decent."
"About MOCKINGBIRD CLAN:  Zan Butterfly Deerwoman is a ceremonialist. She is also clan mother for the Southwest, Florida Mockingbird Clan, a rainbow clan, made up of a diverse group of non-traditional earth minded folk, who come together to share, pray, learn, attune and evolve together in the understanding that all things are related....

Saturday, December 2 - Full Moon Fire Circle, Drumming Ceremony and Celebration at Grandmother Stands Alone's home in Englewood. For information contact, Zan Butterfly Deerwoman....
We celebrate the awakening of the last moon of the West, known in the Sun Bear tradition, (Chippewa) as the Moon of the Long Snows....
In the Sun Bear tradition, the animal totem here is Elk, who like deer, teaches about beauty, grace, endurance, speed, agility, alertness, and cunning....
Totems are symbols which help us to understand the subtle communication of spirit through nature. Hopefully these will draw to you a deeper understanding and experience of the "magic," of the Mitakuye Oyasin, the all relationship inherent in all things.
Praise be to all our relations.
Zan, Butterfly Deerwoman"
"Rev. Zan Butterfly Deerwoman is an inter-faith minister, an energy worker, an empathic spiritual counselor, a certified hypnotherapist, shamanic practitioner, Reiki Master and a ceremonialist. She facilitates private sessions as well as motivational workshops and classes. (See Workshops and Classes.)
As far back as she can remember she has been empathic, able to see things not visible to others. Raised in Europe, from ages 4 to 14, Zan had, at age seven, what she now calls a "dream walk;" a lucid memory, in which she remembered an entire life time as what she believes to be Anasazi....
Zan has studied Metaphysics for over 30 years, exploring modalities from the east and the west. She incorporates and integrates these into her work and teachings. Zan is a shamanic practitioner and ceremonialist who has been active in healing circles for many years. Zan is also an enthusiastic student of Sacred Geometry, Quantum physics, Drunvalo Melchizedek's Flower of Life teachings, and native american teachings."
...We attune and open our energy centers, (Chakras,) and practice connection with the Divine within, through the use of Pranic breath and other breath and visual techniques. We heighten our frequencies and understandings of the deva kingdom with essential oils. In the afternoon, we seek guidance and vision through the mystical world of the Shaman's dream, in a Shamanic journey with the mother drum. There we call upon our guides, allies and animal totem(s) to present themselves to us. Here we release, receive, and awaken to Divine flow...

PRANIC BREATH MEDITATION Pranic Breath, (cyclical breathing,) is the breath of the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt. Prana means life force, no different from Manna or Chi. This breath connects us easily to our own Divine guidance and essence of life-force flow within us. Included in this meditation is attunement of the Chakras/the energy centers. This work is the breath of the "light" worker, and is a powerful healing tool. Often included in this meditation are Crystal bowl sounds, chanting, and toning.

The Shamanic Journey is an experience similar to that of a guided meditation, enhanced by the heart beat of the mother drum...The journey takes you into the wonderful world of the "Shaman's Dream", for your own personal guidance and discovery...The process helps open up intuition and understanding to connection with guides and allies. This is offered as a powerful and provocative enhancer to your path of awakening. I am honored to do this work.

Zan ButterflyDeerwoman leads a day long workshop of ceremony and conscious connection to awaken the power of the spirit drum within you. Everything is provided for you to make your own native american style, one sided hand-held drum, and beater. Workshop prices include everything, workshop, taxes, 1 round cedar frame, hide, rawhide, laces, buckskin for handle and beater kit. Choose your hide: DEER, ELK or COW. Choose your cedar frame: 13" DRUM ($115),  15" DRUM ($125), 18" DRUM ($135).

For questions & registration contact, Rev. Zan at 941-922-7839 or For on-line credit card payment, click here."
"60 minute phone consultation, for spiritual awakening and guidance.
Includes breath and energy work: $75.00 
30 minute phone consultation, for spiritual awakening and guidance.
Includes breath and energy work: $35.00
Visa or Mastercard Buy Now"
"Spiritual Counseling - Hypnotherapy - Past Life Regression
Shamanism - Soul Retrieval - REIKI - Energy Work - Ceremony
Private Sessions, Phone Consultations
....Rev. Zan works with breath, emotion, visualization and many other techniques and modalities...
Hypnosis and Shamanism are closely related...
Hypnosis is used for uncovering fears or blocks and opening up memory. Often times these sessions will include past life regression...
Shamanism: Soul Retrieval in particular is a unique option recommended for those who may have had trauma in their life from illness, physical abuse or addiction. The premise is that when one is "shocked" in life, part of personality fragments and splinters. In the Soul Retrieval these personality fragments are called back into alignment by way of symbolic animal totems. Rev. Zan calls upon her guides to help her act as an interceder to bring back these parts of personality.
REIKI: Zan is a Reiki Master, a third degree in the ancient art of Chinese hands-on energetic healing. Everything to her is vibration and energy. She uses Reiki in any work she does for clearing, healing and relaxation. Reiki is effective even at long distances.
Clearings and Exorcisms: Rev. Zan can also work in a Shamanic way with exorcisms and cleansing of people's homes and environment. She has worked with possession.
Phone Consultations and Intuitive Readings: Rev. Zan uses her guidance to help her connect with a client over a long distance. Often times to assist in the process, she will use a pendulum or her Medicine Cards and/or Tarot to help her to bring further clarification to these sessions.
For Information or to arrange an appointment for your in person, phone or remote session, contact Rev. Zan at 941-922-7839 or email her at
To pay for a session online click here.
Clients may pay by Credit Card or directly by cash, or money order"

This is funny...
"Zan Benham has a wide range of experience in the entertainment industry in New York City, as a talent agent for over 9 years, a professional acting teacher, director of a NYC acting school, co-author, director and TV show producer. In 1992 she created her own very unique workshop, Act Your Way Into Being, a motivational class of a different kind using improvisation as the tool for self-realization and she has been teaching it ever since."

Offline Sparks

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Re: Zan Benham AKA "Butterfly Deerwoman"
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2022, 11:55:23 pm »
The links are dead by now, but her domain is still there:

She is still active there, and on Facebook:

She is mentioned several times in this thread (and I quote the last mention): [Research paper on spiritual exploitation]

I am the AIM member that was outing Zan Benham, she tried to use the media to justify her claims as NDN and even brought Floyd Hand, Chief RedClouds grandson from Pine Ridge to defend her, something Mr. Hand now claims didn't happen but if you check the Sarasota Herald Tribune archives you can still find the article about this.  Mr. Hand also taught Ms. Benham to build a sweatlodge and made her a water pourer.  I did try to meet with Mr. Hand but did not show up to the agreed to meeting.