Author Topic: 2013 ORACLE WHITE BUFFALO CALF DIVINATION  (Read 18943 times)

Offline debbieredbear

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« on: December 17, 2006, 01:38:11 am »
Brace yourself...

Oh barf....

Remember David Carson, by any chance? Lynn Andrews buddy.

Begin forwarded message:

> Thunder Beings speak with a loud voice.  We received the news of the
> death of the White Buffalo calf "Miracle's Second Chance" caused by a
> lightening strike.  This event happened November 26, 2006 on the
> Heider farm south of Janesville, WI. The Heider farm was birthplace to
> a female White Buffalo, Miracle, in 1994.  Along with thousands of
> others, we felt a spiritual kinship with this Buffalo clan.  Since the
> autumn equinox, there have been strange lights in the sky here in New
> Mexico.  We've seen them ourselves.  We knew we had to delve deeper to
> uncover the divinatory meaning of this extraordinary sacrifice of the
> white buffalo calf.
> We choose to do a reading with the 2013 Oracle, recently published by
> Council Oak Books.  This is a divination system based on knowledge
> left by the ancient mound and temple building cultures of the Americas
> who predicted a time of vast planetary change. We see this transition
> before us and the signs have begun to appear.  The Oracle offers
> guidance for our times and is uniquely fitted for the task of divining
> the meaning of the electrocution and death of this sacred animal.
> First, the reader should have the following background information. In
> August 1994, Kam Nightchase Lau, a Lakota medicine man, writers David
> Cason and Nina Sammons and their children, and artist Gigi Borri
> traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana. Nightchase and Carson had been
> invited to lead the chiefs of the Mardi Gras Indian tribes in a pipe
> ceremony at Louis Armstong Park. For the first time in history the
> chiefs met each other in circle, in full regalia, to smoke an ancient
> Choctaw pipe. The ceremony took place on August 20th, 1994 which
> coincided with the prophetic birth of Miracle. By an official
> proclamation from the mayor's office, the city of New Orleans
> proclaimed the date " White Buffalo Day," an annual celebration  with
> a spiritual gathering at the park by people of all traditions.
> Most recently, we have been deeply saddened by the loss of Big Chief
> Allison "Tootie" Montana of the Yellow Pocahontas and the devastation
> of the beloved city by flood waters. We salute Tootie and all the
> Mardi Gras Indians and their traditions.
> We asked 2013 Oracle to answer the question, "What is the meaning of
> the White Buffalo calf's death by lightening?"
> We choose at random the following nine cards to place upon the Mayan
> numbers one through nine on the cenote cloth.  Cenote is a great black
> bowl containing the void.  This cloth denotes a cosmic mirror of the
> night and day sky.  It is a template which delineates the influence of
> the cosmos upon everyday life.
> 1. Wooly Mammoth - Ancestors
> 2. Celestial Toad - Guardian of Spirit
> 3. Sacred Precinct - Divine Center
> 4. Grasshopper - Dead Mother
> 5. Hand Wheel - Offering
> 6. Scorpion - Retribution
> 7. Bee - Apprenticeship
> 8. Black Sun - Initiation
> 9. Center - Ball Court - Challenges
> The old world is finished. The ancestors sent a sign through the
> lightening strike.  The execution of the white buffalo calf, the most
> potent representation for peace in Native America, heralds great
> change.  It suggests eminent and radical transformation.  We have
> entered a world of paradox and contrary reality.
> Celestial Toad offers guidance and protection in these unfamiliar
> realms. Toad is always honored in ceremony following a death by
> lightening.  Celestial Toad carries the lightening of the feathered
> flint knives-the spirit knives from above.  Reconfigure your life by
> cutting away excess.  You, too, must make sacrifices.  Build an altar
> to join earth and sky.  Do ceremony with your community to recognize
> this passing of the White Buffalo.
> White Buffalo gave his life so we could see the sacred in all of
> creation.  Now is the time to trust your spirit and trust the earth
> that sustains you.  Sacred Precinct teaches that the ground under your
> feet is related to the totality of all of life.  Spirit and matter can
> be united within Sacred Precinct.
> Grasshopper tells us to respect all of life.  Protect the earth and
> use technology in a more conscious manner.  Ceremony and dance deepens
> connection to the cosmos.  Make decisions related to the changes
> heralded by the sudden death of the white buffalo calf not from logic,
> but from your deepest inner knowing-from your true spiritual light.
> White Buffalo made the greatest sacrifice. The time has come to give.
> Offer your gifts and talents to be of service. Put the challenges of
> planetary transformation to the Hand Wheel. Duality is complementary
> and not oppositional. Much can be achieved through the work of the
> heart and hand.  Seek the light within, and share that light.
> Do not feed dark forces with more dark thoughts.  Each moment of this
> transitional period becomes a turning point.  We carry the cosmos and
> the future within us and it is for us to find harmony and peace.
> Ultimately, we make the choice.  Scorpion instructs one to judge not.
> Pay attention to your own spiritual work and don't judge another's
> choice.  White Buffalo honors the traditions of our elders and
> ancestors. We can hold our ideals high and be fearless in sharing our
> knowledge. When something works, it's related to everything else that
> works.  Replace judgment with prayer, and meet those who judge in a
> manner filled with spirit.
> White Buffalo walked an exemplary road, and now he walks the starry
> trails of the Milky Way leading through the Cosmic Tree.  Bee follows
> an apprenticeship path, passing through realms of beauty and spiritual
> sweetness. Bee knows the way without following a leader or signs
> marked," Pollen ahead."  You can learn this way of bee-ing as you
> trace your lifeline through these transformative times. Bee says get
> to work now.
> Black Sun holds the sudden crack of illumination from the lightening
> strike and the after effect of initiation. Are you ready?  Light from
> the Black Sun always reflects a simple answer to complex questions.
> Both Black Sun and White Buffalo counsel you to make your intentions
> clear.  Begin your search to find absolute reality and eternal bliss.
> Seek to become a mystic warrior who has conquered the enemy of
> ignorance.  Black Sun represents a spiritual journey so take the first
> step--if you haven't already.
> Ball Court is at the heart of this reading.  The ancestors played the
> ball game in three worlds-this world and the over-and-under worlds.
> The ball court is a metaphor for our time and circumstances.  Bring
> the ancestors' teachings to the center of your life as you respond to
> life's challenges. They bequeathed great wisdom to us. We play for our
> lives and the lives of the generations to come.  We can regard the
> death of the white buffalo calf as a sign of wide and varied change
> upon our earth and the need for sacrifice and personal change.  His
> sacrifice signals a new game has begun and it's not like anything
> you've ever played.
> We would like to hear what understanding others have come to in
> reading this sign. We pass this reading on as a solstice offering.
> Please share the reading with family, friends and community. May you
> receive medicine and blessings from the shimmering starlight of the
> holy above-tree.
> David Carson and Nina Sammons

Offline educatedindian

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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 04:27:43 am »
Ironically they're more honest than some frauds. Carson just calls himself a writer on most sites I saw, and doesn't claim to be Choctaw anymore, just "grew up in Oklahoma" and visited some rezzes.

Sammon's sole qualification? She's his wife and...
"Nina Sammons is a writer and documentary filmmaker. She has participated in healing circles and ceremonies in the USA, Europe, Israel and Russia, and is associated with the sulha peacemaking movement in New Mexico."

Gigi Borri might be a fraud himself.
"Illustrator G. Borri lives near Parma, Italy. His work is in galleries and collections in Europe and the US, and he is the author of Anime Dellas Foresta, Tracce di un Mondo Sciamanico. He is an expert in jungle plant and animal shamanism. He was adopted into a tribe in Indonesia and feels a deep kinship with his people. He learned firsthand the powers of the jaguar while living in the jungles of South America. Borri is an impeccable ceremonialist and has participated in sundances and other rites."

And the "Mardi Gras Indians"? Why is Carson pretending this racist garbage gives him some spiritual legtimacy?