Author Topic: NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN: Harry Snowboy  (Read 23875 times)

Offline luckycharlie

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« on: April 15, 2015, 09:23:51 pm »
This man is actually Native but he claims to be a medicine man, specifically a "healer". I come from the same neck of the woods that he does and the teachings he gives are not of our tribe. He wrote a book called "A Voice in the Wilderness" about his experience being "chosen" by Creator. He lives in Ottawa with his family and says that he is not accepted in his home community because of the Christians who demonize traditional spirituality. This description about my tribe as militant Christians is sadly pretty accurate, so I believed him at first. But, after talking with some respectable people who know him from way back, he isn't accepted because he's a fake, attention-seeker. With this knowledge in hindsight, I remember him becoming immediately distant and aloof during our introduction when I mentioned where I was from. I know that he does ceremonies, specifically the Sun Dance and naming ceremonies in a questionable way. From what I know, the Sun Dance is not part of our practices. Also, his "naming ceremonies" were advertised through a Native organization in Ottawa as if it was a drive through. Like anyone could come and receive their spirit name from him over the span of one afternoon. From what I've been told, these sorts of ceremonies are not supposed to be done in a haphazard way like that.

The main reason I think he is a fraud is simply the fact that he proclaims to be a healer. I've been told that anyone who advertises themselves as a shaman/medicine man/healer/etc. is probably a fraud.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2022, 12:04:59 am by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Harry Snowboy
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2015, 11:49:58 pm »
He has written a book. I don't see him advertising otherwise online.
"A Voice from the Wilderness is by no means a how-to in becoming a shaman, rather it’s a story of what one person went through in becoming one."

In-house Corporation name: Chiikayabano Inc.
Responsible Officer Name: Harry Snowboy, President & CEO  ? 
Initial registration start date: 2008-04-12
Registration status:  Inactive 
Registration Number: 782777-16861
Subject Matters
•Aboriginal Affairs
•Employment and Training
•Government Procurement
•Justice and Law Enforcement
•Regional Development

Subject Matter Details
Policies or Program
•Strategic Plan for Aboriginal Corrections as it relates to Continuum of Care model

Communication Techniques
• Written communication
• Oral communication
• Grass-roots communication

Government Institutions
• Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
• Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)
• Finance Canada (FIN)
• Health Canada (HC)
• Prime Minister's Office (PMO)
• Public Safety Canada (PS)
• Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
• Treasury Board Of Canada Secretariat (TBS)

He's shown up at some seminars about traditional medicine integrated with western medicine.
The only thing questionable I found was this.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Harry Snowboy
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2022, 02:58:17 pm »
I received this account. What does everyone think? Should this be moved to Archives?


I am reading an old post from 2015 re:Harry Snowboy that is concerning me.
The information I am reading is inacurrate that Harry does not call himself a shaman for one. 

I have worked with this person since 2005. My entire family has worked with Harry Snowboy and I do not trust just anyone with my children.

What I am in fact witnessing when I read this post is “Lateral Violence”. There is a magnitude of this happening in our communities as you must already be aware of. No longer is just the colonization happening from “settler individuals” however our own people oppressing each other.  There’s a lot of jealousy and micro aggressions happening over social media.

Harry Snowboy has support from his community. I’ve personally fasted “vision quest” in his community of Quebec twice. I’ve been a Sundancer in his Family’s Sundance since it started in 2013. I’ve danced my 4 years and to this day I’ve been one of the female helpers. My Son has also danced with Harry’s Sundance.

I feel like when I first read this post: that the person is trying to dis-credit Harry from the get-go. What I’ve been taught is yes you check the background on the medicine people you approach you ask for their references who they’re teachers are, where did they learn these ceremonies. Harry will tell you honestly.

I work at the federal prison the only federal prison in Ontario with Elder Services and Corrections Service Canada. I am on the Elder’s Council to interview potential candidates. We as a council have to discern who is credible who is “walking their talk”, check their references so I understand the legitimacy and authenticity that we need to know as a community.

If you have any questions or concerns for me please contact me.
I’m asking if you can remove this post as it disheartens me to read. I know it’s a false accusation being made about an authentic person who is genuine.

If you need any more info please let me know. 
Miigwech - Anushiik - Thank you,
Laini Lascelles

Offline Sparks

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« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2022, 01:20:10 am »
Harry Snowboy is mentioned as "Harry Snowboy Sioux/Cree Bundle Keeper" in this thread:

[Traditional Elders' Statement on Social Media and Sacred Ceremonies]
« Last Edit: January 26, 2022, 12:05:47 am by educatedindian »