Author Topic: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman  (Read 56271 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Now she's spamming the #IdleNoMore feed on twitter. You can report her for spam. @StandingWhiteBu

Offline AnnOminous

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So now she thinks she's Mohawk, Kathryn?

She posted:
O:nen sewatahonhsi:yohst kentyohkwa, I am onkwehon:we, Shonkwaya'tison has sent me. #idlenomore "Standing White Buffalo on Facebook.

Goodbye [sic] listen well people, I am Mohawk First Nations, Creator has sent me  (blah blah blah)

Her Aboriginal claims so far include that she is Anishinaabe, Saulteaux, that her grandmother was Dakota, but that now she is Mohawk? ? ?

This woman is absolutely certifiable. 
« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 07:23:56 am by AnnOminous »


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I'm sensing undiagnosed schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder.

Offline AnnOminous

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In case any of us were wondering about Sampson's aboriginal ancestry, she posted the following this morning:

Standing White Buffalo shared a link.
47 minutes ago near Okotoks
Well this explains it all... I'm pretty sure I'm Lakotah, Sioux, Cree, Dakotah, Romania (don't know the tribe names), and France (don't know the tribe names)

I extended that another generation, my two children have different fathers. One is of the Doukhobor Tribe from Russia and others. My other child is of Jamaica Maroon Tribe now as well.

We are ALL Aboriginal :D

I'm appalled with this woman's ignorance on so very many levels that I'm speechless.  Her incessant promotion of drinking her own pee whilst smoking pot in her "sacred pipe" has rotted a few more brain cells.


Edited to add:  This is the video Sampson links to  It's a very poor quality video promoting the view that there are no real Indians left because of regional inter-mixing with white/black/latino people.  The narrator says "Natives are a rainbow of people" and says that information from traditional elders should be shared with everyone so the cultures don't die. :/
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 08:06:34 pm by AnnOminous »

Offline earthw7

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oh my hey we are still here
In Spirit


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She's active on YouTube now too, posting comments (spam) on videos.

Standing White-Buffalo commented 6 days ago

I saw the White Buffalo Calf when it travelled and was at the Calgary Zoo, perhaps in 1998? It was many moons ago. It called to me -3 then, but I understand more now. My Kukum was born in the Devil's Lake, Dakotah. Area and fled North after Wounded Knee, to where we are today. Thank you for the message.

Standing White-Buffalo commented 1 week ago

No theory there, you're bang on. Can the Creator of this Series contact me on Facebook "Standing White Buffalo". I am Akasha, and have returned as White Buffalo Calf Woman to the Native Americans for the Age of Aquarius sovereign with the Great Turtle Island Federation

Standing White-Buffalo commented 1 week ago

I'm sovereign and did it with the Great Turtle Island Federation. Identification for travel and everything. They have a GTIF Convention before the UN right now. Add me on FB "Standing White Buffalo"

Standing White-Buffalo commented 1 week ago

I got Sovereign identification through the Great Turtle Island Federation. Allows international travel. Add me on Facebook "Standing White Buffalo" I KNOW how to beat them :)

Standing White-Buffalo commented 1 month ago

I'd be interested in hearing about these improvements in the hopes that if they make sense I may implement on my reserve. I too have had visions during meditation on the many things we can do to improve our nations.


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She just posted this on her FB page:

Another lesson to be learned. The Crown's Police and Child and Family Services just apprehended my child..... I let them in the house. I shouldn't have but I wanted to be peaceful.

All will be resolved in court, I'm sure... this is just another road that must be taken.

I have contacted the International Legal Defence Chief Robert Swift Arrow Rose and my Ambassdor Ararita, The Anishinabe Federation of Sovran Nations of The Great Turtle Island Mar 30, 2009 to present

(Chief Robert Swift Arrow Rose )
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 01:08:50 am by Epiphany »


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She's been busy on her FB page, yesterday began promoting

Earlier today she posted quite a bit, before she announced that social services picked up her child, here is some of it.

I was just laughing to myself.... I wonder if history does repeat itself... If it does this will happen.... war again with the whites.

The indians are gathering now in the round dances under a movement called Idle No More. It's told that it will be a time of unification, if us indians don't stop running around pissing off our friends and allies, this could go peacefully.

Have we not learned from the battles our Ancestors fought? Will we run crazy against the whiteman and be slaughtered like our Ancestors? Or will we take the lessons that we have learned, and save the whiteman from themselves?

We know what has been prophesied. A black hole will come one day, so will the white disc in the sky, it has played out in our solar system and intergalactic systems for billions upon billions of years. We think we're the smartest ones out there, and to be honest. We're not.

We all knew Aliens existed, but how would they contact us? This is how they contact us, many of us "humans" are chanelling, figuring out our past lives, our roles here on Earth, how our souls reincarnate, the rituals that we are supposed to be participating in to restore the world. We're ALL alien :D, some have just tapped into it quicker than others.

We know the path that the Creator has laid out for us. You too will figure it out eventually, we are all here to help you.

If you don't know how this is going to play out, collectively we do. It begins with one person deciding to save Mother Earth, Gaia and sharing the word on how to help her. I'm here to help you too, we all are.

Your human vessel needs to be purified if you want to go to Heaven. It's pretty simple. Start eating raw organic heritage heirloom seed fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, nuts, berries, drink distilled water, then urine, then saliva. We're evolving into our next forms. Exciting times hey? ?

I was led down my path and share the information as it is revealed to me. That's how this goes. If you want to obtain enlightenment and walk in Heaven. Follow our words. Pretty simple. :)

If you have some information to share with me feel free to post it on my wall. I will read everything :D

Many have figured out how to cure disease. Read my wall, the education that I post. The scientific evidence is there if you research it. Ask and ye shall receive.

Know that there are tricks along the way though, tricks generally involve money unless it's a fair trade for the services that are required to bridge the two worlds.
Indians vs. Colonialism United Nations of Turtle Island vs. the United Nations. We still have to work together with their stupid paperwork, so yes the GTIF does have administration costs.

Here's the free information I offer from my world, and how I got here:

Go through my wall and you will see the journey I made out of Hell and into Heaven.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 01:36:01 am by Epiphany »


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More from her FB:

I told the family preservation worker and my psychiatrist of my health accomplishments. My psychiatrist told me that it appeared that I had studied very hard, educated myself in any means possible to conquer my disease.

    I posted it on my wall a few days ago... I have to document everything now lol.... that's why I'm so public about my life. I've walked the path, I know the way

    I share my findings with everyone and not everyone can wrap their heads around it. They're just not blessed yet

    I was abusing my kid. I was neglected as a child and my parents did the best they could based on how their parents taught them. Now here's where Residential Schools come into play. I truly believe that because my Kukum and those mothers before were forced to attend these schools they missed out on the opportunity to learn mothering from their mothers.

    This leads to a vicious cycle. How many aboriginal families are taught parenting skills? None until you're in the money making system.

    Canada damaged us and I found a way to stop it. We need to have all of our Nations learn how to be parents, and this is where the job of a social worker should be fun! We're all damaged, we all can be better parents, but who's gonna teach us?

    Councils of Clan Mothers and Clan Grandmothers.

    The long and the short of why AJ was apprehended
    1.) Because they know not what they do.
    They can't wrap their head around the fact that I'm Sovereign, that THERE IS another GOVERNMENT out there called the Great Turtle Island Federation and that it Trumps Canada.
    2.) I started doing Urine Therapy
    3.) Because I smudge my child with Sage (I'm upset about that reason, but again - they know not what they do.)

    I was also brutally honest about my medical discoveries and they can't understand those.... YET.

    I have also told them that I don't believe in prescriptions or vaccinations, that I agree with the Jehovah's Witness religion that blood transfusions are bad (still think that we need to offer realtime transfusions with both the living donor and recipient in the same room though, it would be run IV from source to source.) We need people banks to call when we do need blood. Not a bank that makes money.

    I have told them that I drink distilled water and that it has healing properties, that I smoke tobacco because when I researched it I found out that it's a natural expectorant. It's sacred to us aboriginals for reasons, you know! I told them that I smoke Marijuana and now as a soveriegn Citizen I won't be able to buy it from the Government of Canada as that Prescription is for Leah Sampson, not Akasha, White Buffalo Calf Woman of the GTIF. I told them that I would source it from the cannabis dispensary in vancouver, and that it will be ORGANIC lol not chemically treated the GOV of Can.

    I basically was brutally honest with them about how I turned my life around, but forgive them... they know not what they do.... and about to get educated

    Much Love everything in life happens for a reason!
    United Nations of Turtle Island

Offline debbieredbear

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All I can say is bless them for removing her poor child. This woman is getting crazier and crazier by the second. She needs to be institutionalized because she is delusional.


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I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the real reason (not her perceived reason) that they took her kid was probably because she was busy channeling her rainbow ancestors in 5D and doing taste tests of her pee while the kid quietly went without a meal for the second day in a row.

You'd think that a holy being such as WBCW would be able to care for her own child. Guess reincarnation must really wear her out!
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 07:33:51 am by Mahekun »

Offline AnnOminous

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It's eerie and disturbing that she seems almost euphoric about her 3 year old son being apprehended tonight....that this somehow gives her opportunity to further her cause and edumacate the dumb authorities who just can't understand that she's SOVEREIGN and above any and all laws.  Ya right.

I know that at least one person reported her to both Police and Child Welfare this week, encouraging them to read both her facebook page and this thread.  So it would seem that the youngest child is now receiving some help and support, but the 17 year old is still vulnerable and with his mother.  I hope that when she crashes--and she WILL crash--that this young man is not further injured or damaged.  It's hard to even imagine that she is willing to give up her family in pursuit of her delusions of grandeur.

It's a tragedy really.

Offline Superdog

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She's getting some pretty horrible legal advice from one of the GTIF "ambassadors" called Embassador Ararita....



Standing White Buffalo: So on Monday I go to court of queens bench, file a statement of claim, suing "For the writ of denova" on the grounds that I am sovereign?

Embassador Ararita: no file the writ because they are using incorrect grammer




Embassador Ararita: every-time they take you to court file the writ for the same reason because they will never use correct grammar

Standing White Buffalo: Ok, I just finished the first video, I have many more thanks for your help . I'm hoping the Judge understands

Embassador Ararita: oh yea the judge wiill know, but arm yourself with the understanding of David Wynn Miller is saying, .......



----------------------------------------------end of quoted material----------------------------------

It continues on...much along the same lines.  Some really horrible advice.  If she presents this to a court there's no chance she's getting her kids back.

A few notes....Ararita seems to be addressing the "writ of de novo" (not de such thing).  Basically, it's a new trial because of some impropriety in the previous trial.  Evidence is presented new as if the previous trial never happened and new evidence can be introduced.  But these types of trials are at the discretion of the it can be denied.

He keeps on ranting about grammar.  Apparently, he's under the belief that Child Welfare (or maybe even the government of Canada) is a corporation and believes that subjects them to a Universal Commercial Code for Corporations and one of those codes says you can't change grammar....he also believes the judge thinks he'll be fired for not conforming to this code so he will grant De Novo everytime on the grounds of incorrect grammar....smh...

Hard to say where he's even basing his law interpretations on (US or Canadian laws), but he references writings of David Wynn Miller who is an activist for the Sovereign Citizen Movement.  He's been in the news since the Tuscon shooting because the shooter (Jared Lee Loughner) ranted similarly about government and grammar and there are a lot of people who believe Miller's craziness contributed to the spiral that led to the shootings.  Miller has come publicly as not knowing Loughner, but he agrees with his sentiments and stated that Loughhner repeated things on youtube that were posted on Miller's own website.

A similar spiral may happen with Sampson....praying GTIF doesn't turn her into a monster by stringing her along like they are.  She seems ready to present herself in court on Monday with this nonsense.



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Leah writes "they know not what they do" several times as if she is a biblical martyr - lots of delusional martyrdom in her posts plus she's written about being suicidal in past. Now she has a righteous cause to center her delusions around. And she's being pumped up by fans and sovereign b.s.

Hopefully both her children can be taken to safety and she can finally accept the help she very much needs. So far she doesn't sound like she has any rational self-insight. We don't know all the details about what is going on, but she sounds like a danger to herself and possibly others.

She may keep trying to claim that this is all about her being persecuted for her beliefs - but she's wrong. 

I'm just the lamb that has to go through it first and be sacrificed.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 06:52:02 pm by Epiphany »

I went to the store and bought milk.  Um.. 2 verbs. Sentences can have 2 verbs. It happens all the time. One crazy consulting another crazy. 
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