Author Topic: Walking Stick Foundation  (Read 13445 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Walking Stick Foundation
« on: August 12, 2005, 03:55:49 pm »
A collection of would be "Jewish shamans" and Nuage frauds who prey upon Jewish people. Go to Faculty.

There's David Carson, who co wrote Medicine Cards with Jamie Samms. Claims to have been raised on the Choctaw rez in OK, but here says something different.
"Raised in Oklahoma Indian country, David learned from many tribal elders and medicine carriers. He is of Choctaw descent and has lived on various reservations in Montana and Canada....David has taught seminars throughout the world on "Animal Teachings Around the Sacred Medicine Wheel."

Kam Night Chase Lau, alleged Lakota Pipe Carrier, spends most of his time teaching twinkies.
He sells just about everything, from "mini vision quests" to power animals to medicine card reading to Tai Chi.
"Sweat Lodges
Mini Vision Quests
Story Telling
Power Animal Meditation
Children's Fire
Basic Teaching & Elements of Sharing
Drum Circles/Singing
Animal Power Forms
Spirit Enrichment

Kam Lau is available to offer readings for individuals seeking answers regarding their dilemmas and/or their own path on this earth.

Kam uses Medicine Cards as well as meditation and the rattle as a means of reaching into a persons personal vibration to clearly divine the messages that are to be given....
Cost: $65.00 per hour for readings and $40.00 for each one-half hour....Sometimes Kam will have someone traveling with him who will oversee the scheduling and also collect monies due prior to readings.

Titles of Workshops and Seminars:
Animal Card Workshops
Personal Growth and Empowerment – When did you retreat and why?
Our Mother – my teacher. The teachings of Mother Earth and her children, the animals.
Tears No More – healing the sadness within
Life’s Medicine Wheel
Deeper Understandings of Individual Animals
Customized Workshops and Seminars"