General > Non-Frauds

Best & Worst Powwows Group Is Forming!


In the yahoo group Ancient Native Heritage over the past couple days, people are talking about forming a group to warn people about the worser powwows, plus direct them to the good ones.

Anyone on the powwow circuit a lot? I'm sure they could use your input and advice.  

Hey thats a great idea. If there is anyone who does the powwow circuit here in the mid-atlantic region here is something to think about. There are two troupes out of Philly that have a roster of dancers and drums. They are for hire not only for shows but powwows. A lot of twinkie powwows hire them to make their powwows look good. Hire a real drum and some dancers so the show looks good for  the tourists. Lot of twinkie powwows in southeast PA.



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