Author Topic: The Keepers of The Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers  (Read 76344 times)

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: The Keepers of The Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2008, 05:08:19 am »
All the pipestone at the monument is mined by hand with great physical effort by enrolled ndns who have obtained permits from the NPS, to the best of my knowledge. There are other sites near the monument where red stone comes from, which is mined by machine and is of lesser quality. My understanding is that this stone from off the National Monument is not considered to be THE sacred stone (pls correct me if I am wrong.) There is also red pipestone that comes from Arizona and Ohio, and a couple of other places. The mineral content is identifiably different from that of the Pipestone Monument. Historically many nations have used red pipestone in varying degrees, most has been shown by mineralogical analysis to come from areas other than the Pipestone Monument.


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Re: The Keepers of The Sacred Tradition of Pipemak
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2008, 05:44:13 pm »
If you don't speak my language don't use my ceremonies, if you want to be ones of us move your butt to the rez.

Nobody could say it better than that, earthw7.


PS--I've been calling myself a white woman in response to "White Woman" because I am Caucasian.  I'm sorry if that was not the best wording I could have used.  (I'm not familiar with the term whitewoman.)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: The Keepers of The Sacred Tradition of Pipemak
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2008, 06:53:40 pm »
If a pipe is not blessed by ceremony it means nothing.

Exactly. And what the nuagers don't seem to understand, either, is that a ceremony they make up, or read in a book written by an outsider or fraud, doesn't count. I've been to made up, fraudulent ceremonies by nuagers, and I've been to ceremonies with recognized traditional leaders. There is no comparison. The nuagers are actually lucky that no power comes, and that the spirits ignore them. Because if they were to actually get noticed by the powers they are calling out to, their offenses would be seen and it would not go well for them.

Offline Sparks

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Re: The Keepers of The Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers
« Reply #33 on: June 14, 2021, 03:05:08 am »
Jim Tree has participated in this thread, and was often mentioned. There is a separate thread about him:
[James/Jim Medicine Tree aka Jim Tree aka James/Jim Tree-Gilmore]

(I found the present thread in a link there, so now there are cross-references.)