Author Topic: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany  (Read 35922 times)

Offline frankie

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Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« on: September 09, 2005, 04:38:35 pm »
This woman claims to have the support of the Lakota People, the Lakota Student Alliance, Vine DeLoria, Russell Means and many others.  She posts information that the facts are easily attainable anywhere and have nothing to do with the language itself.  

For an example, she posted about mental illness among Indians, the suicide rate, alcoholism rate, etc.  

She attacked and stalked Matt Sherman AIM member during a European tour he did a year or two ago and sent emails out to many people in an attempt to slander his name.

Is she legit?  Do the Lakota people support her usage of the Lakota Oyate as the name of her website?  

Below is one of her most recent postings.
Thank you.

Native Americans´ "Reality"

My name is Evelin Cervenkova. I am the founder of the Lakota Oyate Foundation in

In fall 1997 I had for a short time corresponded with Dr. Peter Bolz, the
leader of the department for North American Indians in the museum of ethnology
in Berlin. I asked him to be active for the freedom of Leonard Peltier. Since
that time I received no reply by Dr. Bolz.

I was curious, why this Dr. Bolz does not reply? - When I read his German
article "Ethnische Identitaet und kultureller Widerstand" (English: Ethnic
Identity and Cultural Resistance) I understood that Dr. Bolz sees the Native
Americans with "eyes of capitalism".

I would like to recommend to German readers the book of Peter Schwarzbauer "Der
Lakota-Report" (English: The Lakota Report). Peter S. describes the Lakota on
the Pine Ridge Reservation with "eyes of the Lakota". German readers can order
this Book at the Aktionsgruppe Indianer und Menschenrechte (English: Actiongroup
Native Americans and Human Rights) Email:

A further answer on the "silence" of Dr. Bolz I found in some articles of the
book "Indianische Realitaet" (English: Indians´ Reality.

Subtitle: Nordamerikanische Indianer in der Gegenwart (English North American
Indians in the Present Day)
Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Lindig (editor)
Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag Muenchen Januar 1994
ISBN 3-423-04614-7

Dr. Peter Bolz wrote on page 76 the chapter: "AIM, eine Organisation hat sich
selbst ueberlebt" (AIM, an organization has survived)

He wrote on page S. 78: "Means uebernahm die Rolle des Chingachgook in der
Neuverfilmung des Romans ´Der letzte Mohikaner´ von J. F. Cooper. Darin war
Means hauptsaechlich aktiv, wenn es darum geht, seine indianischen Freunde mit
einer grossen Keule zu erschlagen. Wer den frueheren Fuehrer einer der
bedeutendsten Bewegungen der Indianer Nordamerikas in dieser laecherlichen
Filmrolle gesehen hat, wird ihn als Sprachrohr von AIM nie mehr ernst nehmen

(English: Means has played the part of Chingachgook in the film of ´The Last
Mohican´ by J. F. Cooper. In this movie was Means active to kill his Indian
friends by a big club. Who has seen this former leader of the AIM in this
ridiculously film part, will no more take him seriously.)

Offline frankie

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Re: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2005, 04:39:34 pm »
Part 2 of this post:

"Nachdem sich jetzt auch noch die wichtigsten Symbolfiguren dieser Organisation
an Hollywood verkauft haben, kann man mit Gewissheit sagen: ´AIM gibt es nicht
mehr, AIM ist tot´. ... und auch ueber den letzten Helden von AIM, Leonard
Peltier, ... der auf die Wiederaufnahme seines Prozesses wartet, wurde bereits
ein Film gedreht. AIM ist damit endgueltig zur Legende geworden, seine
Hauptfiguren sind dabei in den modernen Mythenschatz made in Hollywood
aufgenommen zu werden."

(English; The important figure of symbol of the organization AIM have sold
themselves to Hollywood and so we can say for certain: ´AIM does not exist, AIM
is dead. ... About the last hero of AIM, Leonard Peltier, was made a film. AIM
became a legend, the main figures are admitted in the treasure of myths made in

The German author Martin Krueger wrote in his book "Lakóta wówaglaka" on the
last page about himself: "1974/75 Mitarbeiter im Berliner Chapter des American
Indian Movement." (English: 1974/75 Member of staff in the Chapter of AIM in
Berlin) - M. K. was born in 1958, that means he was in 1974/75 16/17 years old.

At such age are going young people to school. How could be Martin Krueger at
such young age a member of staff in the Chapter of AIM in Berlin?

Martin K. wrote on page 6 of his book: "Auch Dr. Peter Bolz vom Museum fuer
Voelkerkunde in Berlin, war mir eine grosse Hilfe, indem er sich Zeit fuer
Gespraeche nahm und mir hilfreiche Materialien zur Verfuegung gestellt hat."

(English: Dr. Peter Bolz from the museum of ethnology had often time to talk
about the Lakota language and he gave me a lot of materials.)

I have some questions:

Martin K. wrote that he was a staff member of the Information Center of Native
Americans in Berlin in 1976/ 77. At this time he was 18/ 19 years old. Martin K.
has later studied. That means at this time he went to school to take his
Alevels. - How it is possible that he could be also a staff member of the
Information Center of Native Americans?

Why does Martin Krueger as a formerly "member of staff in the Chapter of AIM"
cooperate with Dr. Peter Bolz when Dr. Bolz makes a fool of Russell Means and
Leonard Peltier as former AIM-leaders?

Martin Krueger wrote also that he does learn the Lakota language about 25 years.
Why did need Martin Krueger materials of the Lakota language from Dr. Bolz?

In Germany is Mrs. Dr. Regina Pustet known as a Lakota language-expert. Why does
Dr. Bolz not cooperate with Dr. Regina Pustet?

Dr. Regina Pustet has cooperated with such international well known linguists
like Prof. David S. Rood.

I am the founder of the Lakota Oyate Foundation, formerly Friendship Circle
Lakota, in Eastern-Germany. Since fall 1998 I am working on five German Lakota
language manuscripts: 2 dictionaries, 2 textbooks and one grammar book.

To inform German speaking interested persons about the increase of these Lakota
language manuscripts I did send information of the Lakota language in German by
Email for free to interested persons from September 1999 till November 2004 once

Together with my female friend Gaby Krueger in Frankfurt/Oder in Germany I
worked on the planned Russell-Means-Lecture-Tour for November 2001 in Germany.
The lecture-tour came not into existence because Russell Means wanted use the
opportunity to be elected as Governor of New Mexico.

Since spring 2002 can interested persons find information of the Lakota language
in German on homepages of the Friendship Circle Lakota, now Lakota Oyate
Foundation under the column "Die Lakotasprache" (The Lakota language) at:

I would like to support such Native Americans like Russell Means and his
school-project, the freedom of Leonard Peltier. And I like to book of Vine
Deloria "God is Red".

Evelin Cervenkova
Founder of the Lakota Oyate Foundation

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2005, 07:43:52 pm »
On some sites she claims she has Paul McCartney's support too.
Found this:
Evelin Cervenkova is the founder of Fruendschaftskreis Lakota of Leipzig, Germany who uses the below displayed foto as  her logo, (go to her link by placing icon at top of foto)  The foto is a modified Band Promo picture who she uses without permission.  As she uses the picture she slanders and stalks the Band leader who is Lakota and she uses the title Lakota for her personal gain.  She is relentless in her efforts to slander, and disrespect all who she runs across.  She destroys guestbooks by attacking the homepage of guestbooks, as well as the parties owning the web sites.  She has attacked the reputation of many who try deligently to stop her but to no avail.

Offline frankie

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Re: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2005, 04:26:32 am »
Thank you.  I am sorry to hear that she has stalked and persecuted so many people.  It comes as no surprise however.  

Matt Sherman is a good guy.  I don't think I've ever known him to be nasty. When he's involved in an issue, of course he does what he must to put an end to the situation that he is involved with.

I would think with the new laws about stalking on the net and how ISP's are now more responsive to these sorts of things, she might be stopped. But who knows?  

She has to be crazy that's all I can say!

Offline lakotagirl

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Re: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2006, 06:06:31 pm »
hi frankie,
i just stumbled over this posting.
yes this woman is definetely an fraud.
martin krueger is an good person. he got slandered from evelin cervenkova as other people.
and it's korrekt she uses modified picture of the band arrow space without permission.
the bandleader had to erase an guestbook on his web page cause evelyn wrote hatemessages in it.
check this link out:

i myself tried to contact tripod to stop this woman but tripod never reacted. this woman has different e-mail adresses.
once i wrote her to ask her to stop harassing the bandleader of arrow space....the next thing i got hatemails where she said i'm only jealous etc.
the bandleader of arrow space is my husband...and this gos on for a long time.
i wonder when this woman strikes again.
the only thing i know this woman is nuts and she was several times in psychological treatment.
greetings from the rosebud rez
greetings from the rosebud rez
the home of the sicangu lakota oyate

Offline lakotagirl

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Re: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2006, 06:07:39 pm »
one more thing
she has no support from the lakota nation...neither the oglalas nor the sicangu
greetings from the rosebud rez
the home of the sicangu lakota oyate

Offline frankie

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Re: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2006, 07:47:19 am »
Hello Lakotagirl,

Thanks for the info on her.  She has been backing off somewhat from what I understand....from hassling some people, but she does seem to have a lot of mental health issues.

These people overseas are hard to stop because they know the websites they set up can't be touched as easily - or I should say, her violations like with the band graphic - they won't enforce copyright there.

But from everything I've heard so far, most people know she's a fruit loop.

Thanks for taking the time to write and let us know your experiences with her.

Best wishes, Frankie

Offline ladybug

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Evelin Cervenkova ?
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2009, 04:11:21 pm »
Evelin Cervenkova" <
Lakota Oyate Information
german native web site ?

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Evelin Cervenkova/Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2009, 11:11:11 pm »
There is already a thread on her:

[Merged topics]
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 11:17:37 pm by educatedindian »

Offline lakotagirl

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Re: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2009, 09:03:01 am »
hi ingeborg,

just tryed to check out this page....looks like evelyn got shot down.
that would be really nice. but we'll see were she pops up again.
greetings from the rosebud rez
the home of the sicangu lakota oyate

Offline 04-2106-johanna

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Re: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2010, 07:26:18 pm »
i know germans on the pine ridge indian reservation. dont know anything about this woman.  Several oglala men from pine ridge has children living with their mothers there. Ask Rosie at singing horse gallery in manderson. she is german and may know.

Offline oak

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Re: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2010, 07:49:18 am »
Evelin has a new URL

She sent it to me though I asked her countless times to take me off her
mailing list.


Offline Alice

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Re: Evelin Cervenkova
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2016, 11:29:23 am »
This woman is at her old tricks again. Her latest target is the ‘Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker’- Austria.
The reason?... because they ignore her ranting email-campaigns.
Why?... because she is a lying, agressif, poisononous so and so.
We have an article about her ready to publish in the NAIS Gazet but I put it on hold after I visited her facebookpage. It turns out that she is now a 60 years old pathetic little woman, shunned by all who has met her once. (Even her familie).
She has serious mental problems and stays on and off in mental institutions.
So, as soon as she sends us more slander emails about bona fide organizations and individuals I'll publish the article at once.

Offline White Horse

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Re: Lakota Oyate Foundation in Germany
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2016, 07:02:53 pm »
Vine DeLoria and Russell Means are dead, and I reaaly don't think they would have supported this Waschicu. 
Living that life, some consider a Myth!

Offline Alice

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Evelin Cervenkova is at her old tricks again in Russia!
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2017, 09:12:05 am »
This morning an e-mail from Russia told us that Evelin Cervenkova is doing it again in name of the Lakota People. We try to follow it up and all will be published in (Dutch) in the NAIS Gazet.