Author Topic: Hello From MaryWhiteWolf :-)  (Read 3482 times)

Offline MaryWhiteWolf

  • Posts: 27
Hello From MaryWhiteWolf :-)
« on: June 13, 2007, 09:42:26 pm »
 Greetings  :)

My name is MaryWhiteWolf and I am 37 years old and hail from Texas.  :)

My husband of nearly fifteen years and I own and operate a small horse and cattle  ranch outside of Dallas/Ft.Worth. You won't find us in any ranching magazines or any fancy horse/cattle publications. I'm just carrying on the family tradition of farming and ranching.  :) I live by the rancher's code of being honest, hard-working and still believe that a deal is struck with a firm handshake, a square look in the eye, and a promise to do whatever it takes to make something right.  :)

I cannot claim any Native American blood although my maternal great-grandmother was Cherokee. Her name was Margaret Fowler. Her son,  my grandfather was adopted and so was I.  :)

I do however have an innate sense of when something isn't right. As a rancher, your gut feeling is tested when a potential buyer comes out looking at horses and cattle  and you can just feel it in your bones  when someone isn't being honest and my gut feeling on someone is what led me to confronting them and ultimately being banned for my efforts.  :-\

I came here in the hopes of being able to expose a suspected fraud   that goes by the name of CinnamonMoon. Thankfully and so gratefully my post about her and her suspected fraud was moved into the Needs Research forum.  :) I'd like to see this woman be brought to justice for her fraudulent ways  and I'm hoping that you good folks here can help me. It's to my understanding  that this woman has been pulling this fraud for at least ten years, perhaps longer. What she's doing to good folks isn't right, but I don't have the ability to stop her.  When she was confronted I was told that I have "issues" and need professional help, etc....You know, the usual routine that's given when someone knows that they've been caught but don't want to admit it.

I would most certainly appreciate any help that you able to help bring her to justice.  :)

I look forward to meeting you.  :)
