Author Topic: Wolf Dieter Storl - German newager, exploiter of Cheyenne people, herbalist  (Read 13546 times)

Offline BrandemeerHG

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And he also telling Europeans Lies about their so called "Roots" that he suspected to be in Shamanism:

Archeological and genetics evidence suggests not a common origin of today’s Europeans, or any evidence of Shamanism how it was practiced by Siberians. This specific Style of Drum had never been found in European archeological context before the arrival of Sami people as far as i know. The best know old European drums are from the neolithic era and looked way different:

Yes, many ceremonial costumes and parts of them had been found from the paleolithic and mesolithic eras, but nothing that is directly linked to Ugric/Siberian shamanism of modern times.

Another problem is his presentation of Germanic, Celtic and Slavic tribes as nature loving societies, rather than the agrarian and warlike tribes with economical interest that they have been suggested by archeological findings and roman writings.

He also referred Neanderthals as a mesolithic(!) population of humans in one of his books and many other academical failures.

Another mention of Cheyenne people is also found in this book:

Christus ist sozusagen der erste voll verkörperte Mensch. Das musste ich erst einmal verdauen. Zehn Jahre hat der Verdauungsprozess gedauert. Steiner öffnete eines der Tore, die mich vom positivistisch naturwissenschaftlichen Paradigma geprägten Raum in eine neue Sichtweise herausführten. Es folgten weitere Tore: Indien mit seiner alles durchdringenden Spiritualität und seinen Sadhus, die die Kraft haben, die Götter sichtbar erscheinen zu lassen, die Cheyenne-Indianer und ihre Medizinleute, für die jeder Stein, jede Wolke, jeder Fluss, jede Pflanze, jedes Tier beseelt und ansprechbar ist, der Bauernphilosoph Arthur Hermes, für den die Erde eine Mutter und die Sonne der kosmische Christus ist.


Translated: „
Christ is, so to speak, the first fully embodied human being. I had to digest that first. Ten years has passed the digestion process. Steiner opened one of the doors that led me from a positivist scientific paradigm space in a new perspective. There followed other gates: India with its all-pervading spirituality and its sadhus who have the power to make the gods visible, the Cheyenne Indians and their medicine people for whom every stone, every cloud, every river, every plant, every one Animal is animated and responsive, the peasant philosopher Arthur Hermes, for whom the earth is a mother and the sun is the cosmic Christ.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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He is doing the classic, newage, throw diverse cultures in a blender, and falsely claim they are all the same. That way when he bangs a frame drum and howls incoherently, and babbles in German with random words from other languages sprinkled in here and there, or random cultural elements vultured here and there, he can claim he's not an appropriator, "because all is one." It's the same thing Michael Harner does, and many Unitarians.

But traditional cultures are not like that. Traditional cultures do all seem to have this in common: a belief that you must speak the language, and that the spirits are real, and they have very real things that they do and don't like you to do. That's what tradition is. So things that would appeal to one culture's spirits are offensive to another's. When you throw it all in the blender, and disregard all protocols (or don't know them in the first place) either the spirits don't come, or they come and drive people crazy. People can watch his videos and come to their own conclusions about what's happening there. Or don't. I wouldn't really recommend watching. I found it disturbing.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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I've had to make a couple edits to my earlier posts for clarification, because it was unclear which member of the Tall Bull family Storl was claiming to have met. This is probably intentional muddying of the waters on Storl's part, or due to the fact that he apparently knows so little about Cheyenne families.

This misspelling of traditional names, the giving of inaccurate titles or mis-attribution of other biographical details, is common among exploiters. Both to make the exploiter seem more impressive, as well as to make their claims more difficult for the regular person to check up on.