Author Topic: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders  (Read 43561 times)

Offline Worldpeace

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2013, 07:47:06 pm »
Dear New Age Fraud Team,
you are speaking of hurt feelings. But remember that insulting people as numbskulls or claiming their activities as fraud without any juristic accusation is unfair and illegal.
Your argument is really strange. Karin Tag is working in many countries. And you claim all public authorities of these countries are too lax?
Anyway you are just collecting some personal opinons in the internet and do not verifying them like "extreme right wing publisher" or "her (Karin Tag) racist claims...". In fact Karin Tag is involved in African peace projects with African native people!
Further more you can even read in your own forum Karin Tag's academic title is not in use. Your reasoning is really curious.
And Hunbatz Men is not claiming to be an Inka. I'm sure this is one more personal opinion found anywhere in the internet...
"...her racist claims  that whites will or should take over Native traditions". I'm sorry but I conclude you don't understand Karin Tag's books. Her books are not published in English...
You have never met Karin Tag either any clients of her but you assert they are cheated...
Publishing the full conversation would be good. Because all visitors of your website should be informed about your frivolous research and reporting. They should be informed about your activities in spreading lies about innocent people. If you do not stop insulting and spreading lies we will take legal assistance. You have no right to spread such lies.

It's not right to start such slander campaigns about people you do not even know and you do not even have any legally verifiable evidence. We will answer back. You know about the numerous charitable projects funded by Karin Tag. This charitable projects are seriously damaged because of your lies. It's worth for taking legal assistance because of defending the charitable projects.

On your website are public figures like the Dalai Lama denounced and insulted. Your behaviour is not a model for the American understanding of freedom of opinion and personal development.

Delete promptly all reports about Karin Tag. Using this photo of Karin Tag on your website without her permission is illegal, too. Furthermore we expect your official apology for the spread of the rumor Karin Tag is a racist and would steal anything from the natives.
Deadline to delete your sites about Karin Tag is 9th April 2013. If they are still existing when deadline is reached we will charge our lawyer in the U.S. Naturally your domain administrator will be informed about your slander campaigns.

Kind regards

[Spam removed. You posted the same material that was already in the thread. Any further spamming will result in a ban.]
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 08:12:00 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2013, 08:44:52 pm »
First, you need to introduce yourself. You've sent numerous emails with legal threats and chosen to never say your name. It is rather bizarre and hypocritical to use a name like Worldpeace and then make threats.

Obviously neither you nor Tag are used to being around Native people or you would know it's protocol to say who you are first. Go to Intros and do that.

And you certainly should do that before tossing around ludicrous threats to sue.

It's obvious English is not your first language, so we'll keep that in mind. But there's really no excuse for failing to read what's right in front of you.

For example, Cesar Toto, the fraud calling himself Hunbatz Men, claims to be Mayan. "Inkas" don't exist. It's spelled Inca, not Inka. And the Incas were the emperors, not the people. The Incas have been gone for centuries, and the people are called Quechua or Ayamara, not Inca. Tag has worked with frauds calling themelves "Inkas."

You also don't seem to realize your boss and/or leader Ms Tag was published by a far right extremist. You're defending someone who you don't seem to know much about, who you claim is an expert in things neither you nor her know much about.

We get empty threats to sue about once a month. They always, without exception, turn out to be nonsense, so miuch hot air as the expression in English goes. In virtually every case, the person making the silly threats did not even have a lawyer.

You first made these silly threats weeks ago. Your original deadline was April 11, but now you seem to have changed it for who knows what reason. But there's no reason to wait, you have an answer right now.

No. We will not delete anything on Tag because everything about her in this thread is the truth.

We do not back down.

We do not delete simply because a fraud like Tag has followers who make silly noises without knowing the law, or the facts about the fraud they defend.

We do not remove information that warns people away from frauds.

And not once has any fraud succeeded in getting information removed.

You claim to have a lawyer. I doubt that. Tag doesn't operate in the US, so there's no reason she would have one.

You could get one. That would accomplish two things:

Show Tag's pose of being super spiritual is phony.
Real spiritual leaders don't have a lawyer shut down any criticism of them.
When was the last time the Dalai Lama sued someone?
Did Mother Teresa ever hire a lawyer?

And Tag would throw away money on a bad lawyer, one only out for money but who would not sue.
A good one would not take the case. A good one would tell you...

Learn the difference between libel and slander.
Know the law about public figures and libel. A public figure like Tag is almost impossible to libel.
Understand jurisdiction. Tag has no standing to sue us.
Understand the most important legal fact. Truth is an ABSOLUTE defense against libel. All we've said about Tag is true, often based on her own words.

By the way, thanks for admitting that Tag no longer uses her phony "academic title." At least some of the time. It's still up on some sites, and you should get that taken down. Because she is breaking the law by doing that.

And her "title" comes from what is called in the US a degree mill. That's where you pay a fee and they hand you a "title" that no one recognizes and is not valid. Useless for getting work at universities, but useful for fooling some people.

A final point, you claim that Tag aids African people. Please post evidence of that.

In one of your emails you claimed a Ghanan "king" had given her an award. Ghana does not have a king, it's a democracy. Some of the tribes used to have royalty. The man you called a king had a grandfather who led a tribe, but he does not, prefering to live in Germany with his German wife.

I again strongly urge Tag to pay reparations to the American Indian tribes she has harmed with her lies, and to cease making false claims on her site. Then we would gladly remove this thread to Archives and praise her for doing the right thing.

Looking forward to your reply. We are always happy when frauds or their defenders come to this site. They usually give us more revealing information and draw more attention to the wrongs they have done.
That's exactly what you, Tag, and the site have all done, drawn more attention and gotten more people mto read criticism of Tag.

Offline Worldpeace

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2013, 09:50:46 pm »
Dear New Age Fraud Team,

Our last posted statement was sent to you by email ( Our emails include a postal address. Your email answer didn’t even contain a name. Your answer: “…These emails and all others will be posted online for all to see.” But you didn’t post.

You claim we make threats. This is wrong. In fact we have announced legal action.

We are in doubt with your declaration “NAFPS is an activist group of Native people and our supporters”. Instead of supporting fundraising campaigns and activities to help native people all over the world you make definitely sabotage. Possibly no native people conduct this forum.

As you can see on our homepage we have thousands of witnesses of our pro native people activities. And you insult Karin Tag as the founder of the Council as racist and numbskull…
You have never met her.

Anyway we will continue fighting for self-determination of native tribes. It’s worth to fight for. Natural consequence is legal action.

Kind regards

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2013, 01:16:53 am »
So once again you refuse to say your name.

You refuse to provide proof.

You refuse to introduce yourself as asked.

You refuse to answer any of the questions asked.

And you know so little about Natives you do not realize many of the people Tag works with are frauds, not Native.

You issue another empty threat. It's shown to be empty because the date already passed and nothing has happened. No evidence you even have a lawyer.

And you refuse to even bother to look at the evidence of who we are. You know very little, even about who you defend.

You also need to look up what self determination means.

An outsider telling silly lies about crystals skulls that were proven to be hoaxes many years ago does nothing but harm Natives, spreading misinformation and doing damage to sovereignty.


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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2013, 03:00:57 pm »
There's no point in responding to them at this point, really. They're just going in circles and even if they were willing and able to comprehend what you're saying, educatedindian, I think the language barrier is enough that they can't fully understand it anyway.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2013, 03:15:05 pm »
Dear New Age Fraud Team,

Our last posted statement was sent to you by email ( Our emails include a postal address. Your email answer didn’t even contain a name. Your answer: “…These emails and all others will be posted online for all to see.” But you didn’t post.

You claim we make threats. This is wrong. In fact we have announced legal action.

We are in doubt with your declaration “NAFPS is an activist group of Native people and our supporters”. Instead of supporting fundraising campaigns and activities to help native people all over the world you make definitely sabotage. Possibly no native people conduct this forum.

As you can see on our homepage we have thousands of witnesses of our pro native people activities. And you insult Karin Tag as the founder of the Council as racist and numbskull…
You have never met her.

Anyway we will continue fighting for self-determination of native tribes. It’s worth to fight for. Natural consequence is legal action.

Kind regards

What tribal nation do you represent?
I am enrolled member who lives on my reservation and you
dont represent me.
This woman is a fraud
In Spirit


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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2013, 05:37:29 pm »
I have a sneaking suspicion that this "Seraphim-team" is just Karin.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2013, 11:36:37 pm »
Hi Karen,

You said, "Anyway we will continue fighting for self-determination of native tribes. It’s worth to fight for.". 

If that is the case why does your 'museum' contain supposed indigenous artifacts?  I would think that if you really cared about indigenous people and our fight for self-determination that you would not be holding supposed artifacts hostage, you'd give them back to the people they really belong to.  How do you justify housing supposed artifacts?  When were your supposed artifacts collected and by whom?  When were they authenticated and by whom?


Offline Superdog

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2013, 12:38:06 pm »
Here's a google translation of Karin's Psiram Wiki page....There's more there than there is here.  Maybe you should sue them first?  Just a thought.   ::) (bolded highlights)

"Karin Tag (born February 17, 1969, Frankfurt / Main; pseudonyms: Healing Voice and eyes Star) is an esoteric book author from the German Niddatal, director of "Seraphim Institute" and an ISR Institute (ISR institution or for photons Photography . "institute for scientific research and diagnosis with magnetic resonance and photon") and founder of a "Council of Elders World" [1] . As a writer devoted himself day especially the issues crystal skulls and "secret artifacts." She describes herself as a "geological taxidermist," shaman , curandera and "healer to the Inca traditions." As a shaman it is called "Healing Voice" and "guardian of the Crystal Skull Corazon de Luz", which she called messages from remote "Star Nations" to customers channeling . Her work "The Book of Knowledge" was channeled day: "In our publishing program is the channeled book THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE." A channel source was a being called Shevan, called a "helper of the archangel Raphael.

Crystal skull Corazon de Luz
Book titles with crystal skulls

Owned in the days of crystal skull Corazon de Luz is said to be one of the oldest crystal skulls in the world. According to popular legend, it could of her unnamed Hopi dated to about 30,000 years. He put "genetic information of the human genetic material" and a "missing link of Darwin." To the dubious source of (allegedly expropriated by Indians) coming Crystal Skull "Corazon de Luz" (Light Heart) writes day:

    They have given me the head to Europe in order to support the process that the Indian prophecy to the year 2012 has to do. In the year end so many calendars, and the Inca, Mayan and Hopi all speak of a very strong shift in consciousness. The crystal skulls serve as repositories of knowledge, the information relating to the evolution of consciousness of humanity contain [...] The prophecy says that the people of Europe - the whites - to establish the new world culture and thus to South America come to the people again unite. It's just that in our part of the prophecy is fulfilled, and they trust that the skull that already designed as it is right [...] I really enjoyed the whole crystal skull medial origin and development of human history passed, even beyond 2012, and it is very exciting information, which are very important for us to understand our origins - and to understand how our development and our consciousness has taken place at all.

And it is also said:

    The current guardian of the Crystal Skull (Karin day) has the crystal skull brought to many magical places in the world to combine the energies together. Among others, the crystal skull in Egypt was in the Great Pyramid. He was about half an hour alone in the tomb of the King and the Queen's Chamber [sic].

In said chamber was never a sarcophagus. The frequently visited by tourists and is now completely empty chamber. Another claim to crystal skulls refers to mysterious weight fluctuations. With its crystal skull day also maintains certain places to places of power to "enabled" have. Or capitalized "energy points on the earth" should also include the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Days also claims that her unspecified 13 "original old [n] crystal panels" have passed from an "Atlantean Crystal library for this age" to allow people to "access to ancient wisdom." Since that day referred to as "the bearer of the sacred crystal panels." According to the company it deals with alleged archaeological and geological finds. Day was in 2010, also known as a speaker light Children Conference . [2]

The Seraphim Institute offers several "training" to, for example, for "Seraphim Crystal Skull Guardian" (within 3 degrees), [3] or a multi-level seminar "Energy increases", the Be moved graduates in a position "to work with the Holy Archangels energies. " [4] The company also claims to an ethnological museum operate. [5] In the attached "Heart to Heart Shop" Esoteric products are offered as "alpaca energy blankets" ("light and lovingly energized by Corazon de Luz"), luck dolls for 77 Euro ("are in the light and lovingly energized doll programmed by Corazon de Luz rock crystals and vibrational Egyptian oils contain"), crystal skulls and incense. The Seraphim Institute acted for a time as a guided day of her husband Steffen Publisher.
ISR Institute
(Image: ISR Institute Niddatal)

As director of the Institute founded by her Seraphim and the ISR Institute claims to be busy days with the study of electromagnetic fields and " photon energies ". The exact name of the ISR Institute is "institute for scientific research and diagnosis with magnetic resonance and photon energy." In ISR, invented by day "photon camera" for experimentation and so-called certificates ("ISR-seal") is used. Thus, for example, medical practitioners certified by the ISR. The scene outside the worthless certificate to prove an otherwise unknown "successful measurable energy field resonance and change". But products have been certified by the ISR.

For details, see main article ISR Institute .
Council of World Elders

Days established the so-called Council of World Elders (Cowe), which is to combine the "best representatives of native peoples." The objectives of the Cowe include receiving the support of charitable projects and local and global environmental protection, but also "maintaining and rebuilding of power places and cultural monuments," and the establishment of a museum.

Members of Cowe are known next day "plastic shamans" like Hunbatz Men - civil: Carlos Mena Toto - who poses as a Mayan priest, or by activities in the esoteric scene known persons (eg Galsan Tschinag). Another member of the Council is Dr. Masaru Emoto , the not in the category of 'indigenous peoples' representatives "heard. A lesser known member of the Council is Jorge "Coco" Vizcarra, who has lived 20 years in Germany and indigenous ceremonies sold (eg not in South America practiced sweat lodges or vision quest). [6] However, Vizcarra called simply, in other contexts as a "musician". [7]

The Cowe has also appointed several "Global Advisors", which currently (2012) as Nina Hagen is one, but Eva-Maria Mora and her husband, Michael Mora aka Michael Bear Hawk. With Drunvalo Melchizedek, civil: Bernard Perona, another long-established provider was made on the market for esoteric features. Perona "works" also with crystal skulls, to 2012 , Indigo children , the supposed planet Nibiru and conspiracy theorists .

Also include the coupling Author Armin Risi at the circle of Global Advisors, which published on the side of Kopp Verlag report on the first Congress of Cowe of day it is linked. Days but also even at Kopp published a book (see has plants ).

Karin Tag tried the word mark (copyright) "World Council of Elders" to log in Germany. This was rejected by the DPMA.
Questionable title
A ( in this case) from numerous websites that adorn Karin day with a professor

Karin day as on numerous websites and in her books "Prof.hc. Dr.hc. holistic sciences" and "Dr. Karin Tag" dubs, which is said to have received from a "University of Oregon".
[8] [ 9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] In one of her books to find the set

    2007, Karin day for their research and development work in the field of photography and photons of holistic sciences by the Senate of the Oregon State CH. + University of Title Prof. hc. Dr. hc. Holistic Sciences, USA awarded.

The University of Oregon in Eugene awards but no such title. The "Title" actually comes from the company "Church and Oregon State University Inc.", located in Florida. [15] In order to be appointed a "professor" the company charges according to its own advertising $ 400. The degree mills -company failed even in the U.S., to register as a church (closer to this sham church in ). Tags on their websites no more references can be found on their fantasy title. "

« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 01:45:02 pm by Superdog »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2013, 05:14:17 pm »
Yet another rep defender service sent by Tag.

First them, then my reply.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemans,

Our client Mrs Tag, Karin instructed the our service provider “”, because his target is to remove of the following context. Because of that we kindly ask you to delete/remove the following online content.

On behalf of our client we ask you to delete this homepage or at least to delete his full name from there. Our company specialized in the reputation management and  we want to save the reputation of our clients. Many angry clients take the direct way to a lawyer, but for the homepage – and blog operators this is often associated with costs and also at least with unnecessary anger. wants to avoid this and endeavors directly at the person who is responsible for the homepage respectively at the hosting provider under cooperative fundamentals for removal. Named entries in the internet can often consequence negative results for the job, the career and also home life. We point out, that the law in this case is not audited by us and be judged or evaluated. Please take our letter as a friendly ask and not as a claim, because this would disagree our business principles. However it is at our costumer discretion to contact our cooperation chambers to get legal help. Please let us know your decision so that our client can decide how to proceed. Please give in a reply always our file number! If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us and beforehand we want to say thank you for your comprehension and your time.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihr Team

C.L.I.C.K.O.N.M.E.D.I.A UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Garmischer Straße 4
80339 München
Deutschland / Germany

Tel.:              +49 (089) 125037411     
Fax.: +49 (089) 125037419

Vertretungsberechtigter Geschäftsführer
B. Reisle

Registergericht: Amtsgericht München
Registernummer: HRB 193505
USt-IdNr.: DE270028075
StNr.: 143/125/21289
Finanzamt München


It is revealing that you admit you do not know if your own client is telling the truth, and also admit you are not providing legal advice, you're just asking nicely.

Please ask Ms Tag to provide any evidence that her claims are true and not fraudulent.

We would accept either academic articles or accounts from actual respected Native activists, rather than the imposters she associates with.

We look forward to your response.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2013, 05:19:50 pm »
And more bluster from the "Seraphim Team," likely Tag herself. Followed by my response.

There was also a second letter insisting she really really does have a lawyer. No, really. Honest.


Dear Fraud Forum Team,

Everyone can present oneself as a Native American in your forum. Because the moderators do not care about truth nor facts. We are still waiting for any proof of native identity of the forum moderators. Please send your full name and postal address to our email address.

You refused to do any valid research concerning your false statements. You are not even willing to check K. Tags homepages with photos, movies, etc. We are still waiting for proofs concerning Hunbatz and K. Tags publisher. Anyway you didn’t ever met K. Tag neither her clients. This is the proof your intention is not doing researches about fraud activities. It seems your intention is to stop the help for native tribes. It seems you would like to stop K. Tag campaigns to save human rights of indigenous people. This means to stop helping Guarani people, non-contacted tribes in Peru, Australian Aboriginals, etc.

Kind regards
 Panoramaweg 27
 61194 Niddatal
Tel.:                  +49-6187-290 553     
 Fax: +49-3212-7777 172


Ms Tag,

It's increasingly obvious it's just you and that you have no one working for you except a few reputation defender websites. And you're hiring them tells the world you are not a spiritual person but a con artist out to make money who fears losing that money.

It's also obvious you are either too afraid of losing your precious money, or too embarassed to admit you know so little, to ever answer any questions. That's why you refuse to provide any evidence you have ever helped anyone.

It's also obvious you are too lazy to read what's right in front of you. We have over 2000 members, mostly Native and from dozens of tribes.

If you knew anything about Natives you'd know no one gets away with falsely presenting themselves as what they are not for long. Natives have long experience in spotting fakes and frauds, something you could benefit from learning from us.

A two minute search of the site would tell you some of our members work in reservation government. Others are well known activists. Apparently reading Introductions is too much work.

It's also obvious you were too lazy to do two minutes of online research that would tell you Cesar Toto is a fraud, not a Mayan leader, with entirely non-Native followers, using the Gregorian calendar for his phony 2012 claims instead of a Mayan calendar.

You could also read the thread we have on him. We are used as a resource by thousands, from governments to universities to activists to average people.

You could benefit from learning from us, since you know so little you think crystals have anything to do with Mayans.

Please, write us some more. Every statement from you draws more attention to your ignorance and fraud.

Offline MattOKC

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2013, 03:56:09 am »
I personally don't CARE of the admins here are Native or non-Native. It's faking your ethnicity that comes off as dishonest. But this challenge for the admins to prove their own Native status shows that they miss the point. One doesn't have to BE a certain thing to accurate identify and critique others' misrepresentations of that thing too. A full-blooded white guy is just as capable of recognizing and faulting someone for exploiting, distorting, and commodifying Native ways. In fact, some have.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2013, 03:55:34 pm »
hey i am 7/8 SRST plus 1/8 Oglala blood and live on my reservation
In Spirit

Offline Litsehimmel

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2013, 11:44:29 pm »
It's all really simple, actually. The Wiki article on crystal skulls proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that anybody claiming to either possess or work with an authentic, centuries old crystal skull should have brown eyes 'coz they're full of, well, you know ... (not trying to dump on people who were born with brown eyes, obviously)


Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Karin Tag and Council of World Elders
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2013, 04:56:28 pm »
Some background on the persons posing as „World Elders“ in Tags „Council of World Elders“.
The ten „World Elders“ are: Hunbatz Men, Bob Randall (Australia), Galsan Tschinag (tribal head of Tuwa, Mongolia), Dr. Masaru Emoto, Karin Tag, Mohan Rai (Nepal – description says he is a „Kirati shaman“ from Bhutan, living in Kathmandu, founder of „Shamanistic Studies and Research Centre“), Maile Ngema Lama (Nepal – Tamang people, at Rai's Institute in K.), Swami Isa (India – founder of „Global Energy Parliament“, „Swami Isa Stiftung ~“Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust), Lama Tshewang Dorje (Bhutan), Don Pedro Guerra Gonzales.

It is quite obvious that Masaru Emoto, being Japanese, cannot claim to be an indigenous elder (but then again, neither can Tag who is a white German born 1969!, but is a „World Elder“ all the same).

Masaru Emoto (?? ?, Emoto Masaru?, born July 22, 1943) is a Japanese author and entrepreneur, best known for his claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Emoto's hypothesis has evolved over the years of his research. Initially he believed that water takes on the "resonance" of the energy which is directed at it, and that polluted water can be restored through prayer and positive visualization.

Since 1999 Emoto has published several volumes of a work titled Messages from Water, which contains photographs of water crystals, and their accompanying experiments.
Emoto's ideas appeared in the documentary "What the Bleep Do We Know!?". Like the film, Emoto's work is widely considered pseudoscience by professionals, and he is criticized for going directly to the public with misleading claims that violate basic physics, based on methods that fail to properly investigate the truth of the claims.[1][2]

The Talk section reveals intense efforts by supporters to have the article rewritten in a more „neutral“ way. Presently, it is categorized, among others, as „New Age writers“ and „Pseudoscientists“.

German Wikipedia uses the categories of „alternative medicine“ and „parascientists“:

Galsan Tschinag

Galsan Tschinag (????????? ??????), born Irgit Shynykbai-oglu Dshurukuwaa (*26 December 1944 in Bayan-Ölgii Province, Mongolia) is internationally known as a Mongolian writer of novels, poems, and essays in the German language, though he hails from a Tuvan background. He is also often described as a Shaman, and is also a teacher and an actor.

Born in the upper Altai Mountains in western Mongolia, the youngest son of a Tuvan shaman, Galsan majored in German studies at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig, East Germany (1962-1968). He did his thesis work under Erwin Strittmatter, and upon graduation began to work as a German teacher at the National University of Mongolia. In 1976 his teaching license was revoked because of his "political untrustworthiness".

Today, the author spends most of the year at his home in the Mongolian capital city of Ulan Bator, together with his family of nearly 20. He also spends much time giving readings in the German-speaking world and across Europe, as well as seeking to get closer to his Tuvan roots in the western Mongolian steppes. Though he still writes mainly in German, his books have been translated into many other languages. In addition to his writing, Galsan is an activist for the Tuvan minority and practices shamanistic healing.

There are numerous websites documenting Tschinag's appearances at esoteric congresses and events as a shaman, like e.g.:
This is the „Basel Psi Days“, a well established esoteric congress, where Tschinag will do a lecture.

Some more events for 2013:

April 27, 2013: Seminar with Galsan Tschinag „Everything is in unity“. His very personal attention for every person seeking healing, his becoming one with the other's soul looking for healing make us realise the shamanic in his work. Info: Albert-Schweitzer-Haus Bonn-Bad Godesberg.

May 2, 2013: Seminar with Galsan Tschinag „West-Eastern Healing Ways“. He teaches shamanic and western techniques for treatment in personal usage. Place: Chiron School of Mysteries.

May 11, 2013: Workshop „Salvation, Healing, Hope“.
May 12, 2013: Workshop „Salvation, Healing, Hope“.

May 17-19, 2013: Congress „School of Spiritual Healing“, panel discussion and lecture with Galsan Tschinag.

May 25 and May 26, 2013: two workshops with Galsan Tschinag in Frankfort, no titles mentioned.

The website is maintained by „Förderverein Mongolei“ [Supporting Association Mongolia], closely cooperating with Tschinag's own foundation; they are a Germany-based association, so they are perfectly aware of where they sign up Tschinag. What's more, Tschinag is fluent in German, even writing books in German language, so he will not be mistakenly sent to events he does not mean to attend. All of the above organisers and institutions can be identified as esoteric, either from their name or their websites.

We already have several threads in which Carlos Mena Toto aka Hunbatz Men is mentioned, e.g. this one:

Hunbatz Men

« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 05:09:54 pm by Ingeborg »