Author Topic: Juanita Peters AKA Walking Thunder  (Read 6652 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Juanita Peters AKA Walking Thunder
« on: September 30, 2011, 05:53:38 pm »
Got a request about her. Says she is a Dineh medicine woman.

Price: $20.00/per person Refund policy

Counsel Circle and Potluck
Grandmother Walking Thunder has dedicated her life to healing in the ancient traditions of her people. She is one of the most authentic Elders of our time. She will share her wisdom and songs with us around a fire and offer individual counsel and healing to those who open their hearts in our circle. Bring a chair, blanket and something yummy to share at the potluck. $20 per person, children free

Private Healing Sessions are also available on Sept. 28 and 29 by appointment.  Contact: [masked] to shedule your appointment. $150

A book's written about her. Seems to be just her life story. The details seem to ring true. I think it's very likely she is actually Dineh.

But she also has her own site, selling healing along with astrology.

It's pretty obvious she's a big believer in al kinds of silly ideas about astrology. I doubt the Dineh ever had any beliefs about gorillas and dolphins as totems or astrology. The medicine wheel readings seems ripped off from the Bear Tribe frauds. "About Shamanism" redirects you to a wikipedia article.

I suppose it's possible there may be others who are using her, but don't see any signs of who else might be behind all this.

Over at Indianz, there's a commenter who says the prayers she's saying online are actually NAC prayers, and that she might be "going nuts" or just greedy.

The Sacred Earth Foundation bunch claims to want to host "authentic" elders from around the world. In theory that's not a bad practice. The problem is they seem to want pay to pray ceremony in Peters's case.

Online Sparks

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Re: Juanita Peters AKA Walking Thunder
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2019, 10:25:39 pm »
A book's written about her. Seems to be just her life story. The details seem to ring true. I think it's very likely she is actually Dineh.

But she also has her own site, selling healing along with astrology.

Her site seems to be a goner. And the book iabout her is edited by Bradford Keeney, there is a thread about him: [Bradford Keeney alleged Bushman shaman]

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