Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828604 times)

Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1005 on: March 01, 2011, 08:57:33 pm »
My friend made some positive comments about Indians - and  got deleted. She received a PM saying she was negative.  ???
Comments and questions about Kiesha are being censored all the time on the FB-page. If people don´t see what is going on, they must be blind. Following LG is more important than loosing your freedom of speech??!



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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1006 on: March 02, 2011, 04:34:42 pm »
Global Moderator
The new site is the same people. I'm glad they're getting away from Kiesha, but there's still a whole lot of pretendians and appropriators there.

Just noticed  that in the new forum, the continuation of TOMC (Tribe of Many Colors) the moderators have locked the possiblity to make any further comments to the post "Is Kiesha a Native American". They do as they did in the previous forum: no criticism is allowed to continue. Must be stopped.
 I know because we were banned in my family in the old Forum "Tribe of Many Colors". We have the same IP-number several family members. My daughter asked about the autencity of Kiesha ( if she was a real Native American etc) and as a source used Al Carroll and his article that she found to be very substantial and trustworthy. They removed the link to his article and then banned her for trolling.
What to say ... the story is repeating itself. That is not the way in a modern society.. where free speech and questioning is normal before taking a decision/stand on what to believe in or not, the healthy form of a democracy.

I recently joined the Forum and was immediately in once I entered my information (stay clear of entering your cell phone because that signs you up for something you will be billed for).  They do claim to have no ties to LG but the members have links to her videos on their personal websites and they do still mention her in their individual posts (entering links to her videos) and her influence is still there (regarding the "story" about crystals).  Even if an old thread is "locked", you can still open a new thread (not that they would respond to your queries).  They claim to be open to all dialogue, however, so you will just have to see how it goes.  I intend to join in their discussions and gently question them about their beliefs and see if they can reason things out.  I think that is all any of us can do.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:18:13 pm by Kathryn »

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1007 on: March 03, 2011, 05:55:28 pm »
Global Moderator
The new site is the same people. I'm glad they're getting away from Kiesha, but there's still a whole lot of pretendians and appropriators there.

Just noticed  that in the new forum, the continuation of TOMC (Tribe of Many Colors) the moderators have locked the possiblity to make any further comments to the post "Is Kiesha a Native American". They do as they did in the previous forum: no criticism is allowed to continue. Must be stopped.
 I know because we were banned in my family in the old Forum "Tribe of Many Colors". We have the same IP-number several family members. My daughter asked about the autencity of Kiesha ( if she was a real Native American etc) and as a source used Al Carroll and his article that she found to be very substantial and trustworthy. They removed the link to his article and then banned her for trolling.
What to say ... the story is repeating itself. That is not the way in a modern society.. where free speech and questioning is normal before taking a decision/stand on what to believe in or not, the healthy form of a democracy.

This is their Mission Statement ~

Mission statement for our sacred healing sanctuary

This forum is a place where people from all over the world are gathering and sharing.
We are an independent forum, meaning that we act neutral.
That means that all people are welcome here whatever religion, culture, or belief system they come from.
We will not promote any cultural, spiritual or religious leaders here.
We also do not have any connection to Kiesha Crowther aka Little Grandmother.
Yes we may learn from each other.
And most of all from ourselves.
Just don't place anybody above yourselves.
May our Paths be one of Pure Love.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:20:53 pm by Kathryn »

Offline naparyaq

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1008 on: March 04, 2011, 12:13:59 pm »
More of the same, different people.

Dr Masaru Emoto (center) sharing his "key of life" crystal research at a seminar in Big Bear Lake (S.CA) with Suzy Chaffee (Olympic skier), Gina Weiss (host), and Blue Thunder (Serrano/E.Shosht: Christie Walker one) leader of the Medicine Wheel Ceremony that saved the community. Photo credit: Christie Walker

Suzy Chaffee is a flake of wondrous proportion. Lives off "Native American causes" donations. Puts every penny in her pocket and these people as well. Somehow just keeps getting away with it.

She lives in Sedona, or is headquartered there when not at her condo in Mexico. Paid for with donations, I might add. She's part of the Adam Yellowbird crowd, Benny Le Beau. Some others. She seems to just latch on to whomever, whenever.
The sweatlodge expert may well be connected to her as well. She was shacked up with a guy named David Rolling Bear, a sweatlodge "expert" in Telluride, CO at the time. No idea if it's the same guy.

Offline Saga

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1009 on: March 04, 2011, 02:32:16 pm »
About the TOMC, they seem to have yet another official site opened up in fb, still need to request to join to read it. This one is probably controlled by Jennifer herself, since the email is the "beautyawakens" one.

Offline goozih

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1010 on: March 04, 2011, 04:21:41 pm »
I wonder what Jennifer's history is? She seems to be the push behind "Little Grandmother". Is this persona from the film "Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner" where the elder woman calls the young woman "little mother". Just wondering, Who knows what these "folks" are thinking.

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1011 on: March 05, 2011, 04:01:01 am »
Check out what angelfish300 has been posting on this Youtube
Little Grandmother 2011 messages
StarSistersShow channel

She has several posts supposedly exposing Kiesha, her mom and Jennifer
"the story was built up as a way to teach new age teachings and spark interest in those who love Indian people and their ways. There was a discussion about this when a creative team yes a creative team got together. I was hired and sat in on those early meetings. Kiesha is a regular person who has new age beliefs but has no drop of Indian blood. Jennifer told me on many occasions that the Indian people can go X themselves. They do not? care about those people at all."

"last part, she told people on the show in Sweden I think it was that her mother? lived on the reservation but that is an out and out lie. Please listen and believe me. This whole thing is a set up for money. Her mother used to be in on this and has tried to separate herself off Kiesha. Kiesha is not a spiritual person. She only wants this money. Jennifer may threaten to sue me. I am sure she will figure out who I am. Something must be done to stop the stealing. "

" I signed up here to talk to anyone who cares. I used to work with Kiesha and Jennifer. I walked away from this job because of the inconsistencies with Kiesha's stories to me. I caught in her several lies about money.? I found out that Jennifer stole her father's ATM card and was withdrawing money off of it and supporting their lifestyle on it. Her father died and the family is now after her on this. Kiesha shut off the message board because the moderators there have complained "
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Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1012 on: March 05, 2011, 05:12:51 am »
This is the first claim I've seen of the mother's alleged involvement. The accounts I got from within the family shows they're pretty unanimous in disliking what Crowther does and her phony claims.

The accounts of protests by AIM Santa Barbara have some interesting details. Apparently, contrary to what Crowther and her circle claim, the Palm Springs event was not even close to sold out. The hall had less than 100, and about a dozen walked out during Crowther's speech. Crowther's partner/manager Jennifer Ferraro tried to turn people against the NDN protesters by screaming they were violent people coming to get them (the crowd or Crowther followers presumably). Security seemed genuinely intimidated and worried, but needn't have been. AIM SB had plenty of middle aged and elderly people, kids, women, all quietly passing out flyers and talking to people, plus drumming outside. So when people saw that AIM was not violent, they talked to them. Crowther also continually changed her story during her speech, alienating some of the crowd. There was even a person who broke down crying, so upset they were with Crowther.

Offline oyster

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1013 on: March 05, 2011, 02:54:22 pm »
Hi from the UK Everybody!

Fresh devastating comments about Kiesha by Rainbowheart and Angelfish here:-

Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1014 on: March 05, 2011, 10:30:35 pm »
Sorry, only in Swedish.
But this is National Swedish Radio, Channel 1.
Scroll half way down.

On the site:
Listen to a discussion about how the program ”Ingemarsson in Channel 1” probably was fooled when the American selfappointed shaman Kiesha Crowther was free to unchallenged market her cultlike movement “Tribe of many colours”. Crowther has no connection to Indian tribes and no Indian mother, which she has claimed.
“Profitable movement built on lies!”

« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 10:37:13 pm by Freija »

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1015 on: March 05, 2011, 11:04:16 pm »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sorry, only in Swedish.
But this is National Swedish Radio, Channel 1.
Scroll half way down.

On the site:
Listen to a discussion about how the program ”Ingemarsson in Channel 1” probably was fooled when the American selfappointed shaman Kiesha Crowther was free to unchallenged market her cultlike movement “Tribe of many colours”. Crowther has no connection to Indian tribes and no Indian mother, which she has claimed.
“Profitable movement built on lies!”

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1016 on: March 06, 2011, 04:00:38 am »
I’ve always suspected that the mother was involved in it. Just because she claims she has nothing to do with it doesn’t mean she’s telling the truth.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

An interesting development: Some of Angelfish300’s comments have been removed from the video. There is an entire conversation going on in the comments section of this video between people who have dropped out of Kiesha’s group. They are giving all sorts of information about Kiesha and Jennifer and how they made up the Little Grandmother conversation. AngelFish300 was telling about how Jennifer took her father’s ATM card and drew out money without his permission just before he passed, but these comments were deleted.  Lunalas has joined the discussion and warned her not to let Kiesha know who she is. Angelfish300 also said  that someone named Peter Sterling has been sending her threatening letters. RainbowHeartA has also  joined the discussion. It seems she’s another of Kiesha’s victims who gave her money and was labeled as negative for asking questions. She has a Facebook page.

Here’s one of the recoverd delted comments from Youtube:

“I am seeing so many people who are going to get hurt when the truth sinks in. Kiesha closes up her boards, she tells Vicky Barton to keep a tight lid on anything controversial. They remove posts and tell everyone they are being in the negative and not in the heart. They mistreat their own "tribe". A woman named Rainbow told me that she donated ten thousand and was mistreated on the facebook group and she left and broke ties. I can put you into touch with her. This is real. "

Here's some more recent stuff:

@lunalas My comments were removed but not by me. I received a threatening letter today by a Peter Sterling who is a friend of Kiesha and Jennifer. For those who are worried about this, they don't want to spend their money suing anyone. All they can do is threaten. Lunalas they do not have the big guns behind them that you think they have. She will go over to other countries all summer and try to make her money there. If people get the word out she won't stand a chance to rip off more.
Angelfish300 20 hours ago

•  @lunalas I was sitting in Kiesha's living room when they were on her laptop reading comments on youtube and Jennifer said F them and that they could go F themselves. Jennifer is a driving force behind some of this but she is into trouble with her own family for using her father's ATM card. BOA has her on camera taking money out in the middle of the night. I can tell you now that Kiesha is crumbling from the weight of this. If she gets protested in other countries she will completely lose it.
Angelfish300 20 hours ago

better make screen shots, the starsisters are deleting anything negative about Jennifer.

They're leaving up all the comments by NDNZ.
I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline Yx Chebel Yax

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1017 on: March 06, 2011, 02:51:29 pm »
Thank you Freija for your comment on the Swedish National Radio program  P1 " Ingemarsson" on the 28/10-2010.
Quote from: Freija on March 05, 2011, 11:30:35 pm
Sorry, only in Swedish.
But this is National Swedish Radio, Channel 1.
Scroll half way down.

On the site:
Listen to a discussion about how the program ”Ingemarsson in Channel 1” probably was fooled when the American selfappointed shaman Kiesha Crowther was free to unchallenged market her cultlike movement “Tribe of many colours”. Crowther has no connection to Indian tribes and no Indian mother, which she has claimed.
“Profitable movement built on lies!”

I have listened to the program about Kiesha and it was pure propaganda for her. But in the other program ” Published” a program that criticizes and analyzes the Media ( in Sweden) I have tried to make a brief summary on what Freija is referring to. And it is a discussion between Annika Banfield, the producer of the program about Kiesha and a person responsible for “Published”.

Annika Banfield is an author and film producer who has got contact with Native Americans (for several decades and made movies about them) has reported this program to be non-appropriate as it is propaganda for a self-elected shaman Kiesha Crowther.
The film producer Annika Banfield asks "How it is possible that a person is allowed to unrestrained/unchecked is permitted to advertise for her money-making business on Swedish National Radio, Channel 1, especially as it is based on lies? Where is the criticism she asks?

She expresses that many of her Native American friends are very upset about Kiesha Crowther and her activities, the frustration and pain she has provoked due to her lies of her origin and use of sacred regalia without any respect to the Native American traditions, making profit on pure lies.

And she says that we all could try to assist and help. We the Europeans have a responsibility. And media has a responsibility as well. The real Native Americans don't get their voice easily heard, get to be interviewed on TV or on the Radio but a fake shaman like Kiesha Crowther does. She gives an example, a friend of hers a Native American who had to play the flute in order to be interviewed. She has had a Head of a Native American tribe (awarded a peace price by the UN) and several other prominent Native Americans here and still it was difficult to get time and space in the Media.

She also says that "you can believe in what you want it's okay”  and she respects that.

Annika Banfield says she has been contacted by many people who belong to this “sect- like” group and that they have set up autogiros in order to transfer money to Kiesha and that they are worried. She says it is sufficient listen to Kiesha Crowther for five minutes to realize how wrong this is and that the thing of being appointed a shaman at the age of thirty.. is just to much..

Further in her contacts with the group members she has realized that you cannot criticize Kiesha, the leader, if you do so you get threatened of being sued, you cannot ask questions because then you get thrown out/banned from the group. And then you get to be called “dark ones”. It’s a terrible polarization of an elite group that she (Kiesha Crowther)has created, like a master race that is going to survive 2012 but those who have criticized her, mostly Native Americans, are going to be cleansed away 2012.

That was a very short summary of what was said. And there were a lot more..

« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 11:57:17 pm by Yx Chebel Yax »
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

Offline Yx Chebel Yax

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1018 on: March 06, 2011, 08:41:00 pm »
I wonder if anyone has noticed this:
Don Alejandro the head of the Mayan indigenous people says in one of his recent speaches on Youtube in Spanish (with English subtitle) that there will be no greater changes at all 2012.

So what to think of this folks....

This is an interpretation of the Mayan Calendar created with highest appreaciation to Little Grandmother, the El Collective, Ian Xel Lungold. Dr. Carl Johan Calleman. It was created the 18th of February 2011.
If you go to the cellular underworld you'll find there names down below.

Their prediction is as follows very dramatic one for this year 2011

31/7 2011    disclosure of contact with extraterrestial species, first contact, masslandings and introduction of new technologies
18/8 2011    a collapse of the dept- and interest-based finacial system, end of industrial production and a fall of the old structure
5/9 2011     consciosness surpasses technology
23/9 2011    bliss
11/10 2011  development to conscious co-creation of existence and experience
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 09:12:39 pm by Yx Chebel Yax »
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1019 on: March 06, 2011, 09:57:02 pm »
They made lots of similar claims for 2010, none of which have happened, either.