Author Topic: Rain Queen Mother, Herbal Wellbeing Sanctuary, High Hawk Mtn Feather Kontomble  (Read 84727 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #75 on: August 19, 2014, 10:18:07 pm »
That's pretty outrageous Mr. Marxe, and an outright threat. You ask us to track down a woman so you and your little circle can tear into her in person the way you've come at all of us. Not a chance in hell we would do that. We take pride in sheltering people from abuse.

We ask you for evidence and to quit spamming, being arrogant, and abusive. And you go on to spam half a dozen more times, show no evidence, and get even more arrogant and abusive.

Below is the email sent me. As we can all see, it does nothing but make more demands plus some silly empty threats.

So much for RQM's sooper spirchul pose, and yours. We get empty legal threats all the time. All this did was confirm you and she are exactly what we have always said.

I'll try one last time to get through your very thick and arrogant head. Nemesis is not only not the person you believe her to be. She did not even start the thread. Another person did, a longtime NAFPS member here years before Nemesis. And almost all the posts in this thread are from other people, and the information from RQM's own websites.

Nemesis is also an absurdly common nickname, both online and among DJs. And Nemesis posted over 70 times, only 4 of them in this thread. Your paranoia about her is delusional.

You have provided no evidence, just spamming, here and in your emails. You won't be allowed to spam or be abusive anymore. You won't be allowed to post until you provide evidence that RQM is what she claims.

You can still login and send IMs to the mods. Do so, or email me actual evidence. Facts, not hysteria, not paranoia, not condescension, and not empty threats. If you do so, we'd be happy to left the ban and actually discuss this with you.

Discuss, that means listening more than being in love with the sound of your own voice. That means actually answering what people ask, and not simply scoring points in your own How Rude Can I Be online game.

Here's the fact free email Mr. Marxe sent with silly threats, plus ignorance of the law. There's no personal information on RQM in this thread, so the law doesn't even apply. Anything else he sends will be posted also.

The Sanctuary or Rain does not work in the way being portrayed whatsoever, I can promise you that.

It is easy to see that 'nemesis' is on a one man mission to slander and damage Rains reputation, as he is the one leaving most of the posts, in that dry, cynical tone.

I have contacted Google directly and filed the complaint, so the thread will eventually disappear from the searches all together, under the new 'right to be forgotten' legislation brought in by the EU just recently. Google have been asking if I have been in communication with the webmaster and I told them yes. I'm sure they will be in contact with you shortly.

Our solicitors have also been instructed to begin the small claims procedure as there are damages to be considered here. Anyone who wishes to find out more about the Herbal Wellbeing Sanctuary or Rain Queen Mother is immediately directed to this nonsense and as you can imagine, not impressed.

Nemesis is 'trolling', and as this kind of thing is becoming more common, more ways are being developed to rectify and prevent it.

Most of the time, simple communication between two reasonable parties is enough to out matters to rest.

What would you accept as evidence that the information is not true? Does Nemesis support his claims with any evidence?

I'm sure you understand our position, please let us know yours.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #76 on: August 19, 2014, 10:33:02 pm »
Bring her before us then.

Is this your royal decree?

James, I hope you eventually understand the conversation here. I hope you eventually understand how colonial and privileged you are behaving. I hope you then choose to do something else.

All hail Queen James.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #77 on: August 19, 2014, 10:59:17 pm »

Actually quoting Queen James':


I have contacted Google directly and filed the complaint, so the thread will eventually disappear from the searches all together, under the new 'right to be forgotten' legislation brought in by the EU just recently. Google have been asking if I have been in communication with the webmaster and I told them yes. I'm sure they will be in contact with you shortly.

Our solicitors have also been instructed to begin the small claims procedure as there are damages to be considered here. Anyone who wishes to find out more about the Herbal Wellbeing Sanctuary or Rain Queen Mother is immediately directed to this nonsense and as you can imagine, not impressed.

So James, or probably Her Royal Pain (if they don't happen to be one and the same person), will try and use the 'right to be forgotten' to censor information educating the public that a) Rain Queen is still in business, that b) this business happens to be fleecing people, that c) she has been operating under a multitude of names and titles, and that d) there is valid criticism of what she does and claims. Quite incidentially, the law has been passed to protect private persons - it was not passed to protect criminals and their activities.

And even demanding damages - we're already shaking in our boots. With laughter!
Just imagining a judge hearing that such and such an amount is asked for lack of bookings of Ayahuasca weekend events at US$ 890 ! You know, I'm a psychic --- I can already foresee a few questions followin such an announcement, by the judge, by the Crown Prosecutor, by any lawyer representing NAFPS....

Next thing we know is the Union of Honourable Burglars sueing alarm device manufacturers for damages. ;D


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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #78 on: August 19, 2014, 11:14:48 pm »
I could be wrong, but I think James misunderstands what the "right to be forgotten" law is all about.  Also, even if this thread did not show up in searches, it would still remain on this forum.

The right to be forgotten "reflects the claim of an individual to have certain data deleted so that third persons can no longer trace them."[10]:121 It has been defined as "the right to silence on past events in life that are no longer occurring."[11] The right to be forgotten leads to allowing individuals to have information, videos or photographs about themselves deleted from certain internet records so that they cannot be found by search engines.[10] As of 2014 there are few protections against the harm that incidents such as revenge porn sharing, or pictures uploaded due to poor judgement, can do.[12]

So, I am wondering what "silence on past events in life that are no longer occurring" he thinks Google will be removing from searches for Rain?  To me, that sort of implies guilt of some kind so that she can get a "fresh start".


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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #79 on: August 19, 2014, 11:21:52 pm »
Bring her before us then.

Is this your royal decree?

James, I hope you eventually understand the conversation here. I hope you eventually understand how colonial and privileged you are behaving. I hope you then choose to do something else.

All hail Queen James.

Yes, Alice in Wonderland!!  Down the rabbit hole. :D :D  So appropriate for someone who lives in fantasy land.

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #80 on: August 20, 2014, 04:53:59 am »
Marxe, you didn´t answer me, maybe you could not understand my question or could not see, that I mean this seriously.

I make my thoughts on my own, maybe they are right for some people, maybe not.

People talk about spirituality, to get a better understanding what is behind the surface. But what is spirituality? It is not just a connection to the spirits in the surrounding, it is also a way to oneself who he is and the reason why. The other aspect therfore is people try to find a way to understand themselves better.

Ayahuasca got an effect like LSD. Today there are people with medical professions who are sad about they are not allowed to use LSD in Psychotherapies, they tell, LSD would help to come to a result much faster than just a normal therapy, the therapy which open what is covered in the inner of a patient.

What could happen with LSD and other medcine is something i doubt if this would be good for the patient. I try to explain.
If a patient got mental issues for the events which happened, Ayahuasca could open the patient and these events will come up to the surface, in the consciousness. The patient reflects, "there were events which hurts." Some patients dissociate this events so they really cannot remember, there is just the feeling: "Something is going wrong". They see nothing more than this. What was / is wrong, they pushed behind a wall, because they do not want to be in contact with that what hurts, they know it could let them break down (decompensate), also this they dissociate one day.

Would it be ok, to tear down this wall? I don´t think so. If patients make a psychotherapy first they learn to use their resources and skills to stand by the situation they will confrontate, with this what happened. If they confrontate the events, often in fractions, patients must bear this. This therapy will be in little steps. And a patient must be able to stop the situation in the confrontation, sometime the psychotherapist stop it. This is just possible, if the patient is clean, stabilized and is in his fully conscious
If Ayahuasca break down the wall which protected, the patient had to confrontate too much and cannot stand by this. The possible way he can walk is to dissociate. Is this feeling to be open for spirituality, the way to find to oneself, is this the true way or is it dissociating? In this way a patient cannot work with himself. with the events, he cannot really uses resources and skills in an effective way to bear the confrontation.
For this reason I doubt this kind of medicine helps, it is the same with rebirthing and for e. g. other therapies treating with hyperventilation. If I look behind the effects of some therapies I really doubt it helps.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #81 on: August 20, 2014, 02:05:32 pm »
wow this young man is total lost, i ask question and not one is answered,
as Native I know that one person cant make a person a healer and they can not
become a healer without years of training, then they have to be accepted by the community.
There has been NO ONE THAT is a real native who made someone a SHAMAN to go help the world.
They would ask you to help the community. Then they could not accept money for their services.
They do not offer workshops, then we see the abuse of drugs that tells me that this is an
instance gratification of drug addicts.
In Spirit

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #82 on: August 20, 2014, 07:16:45 pm »
Marxe sent another looooong ranting email. He absolutely refuses to answer any questions and is convinced he "won" and that every last person who saw the thread agrees with that.

He goes onto say that every last village worldwide recognizes RQM as their elder, African, Native, you name it. But he won't name RQM's alleged village of origin.

He did claim he made the offer to all of us in here to go to Africa and see for ourselves. Add it to his list of self delusions.

And one final amusing bit. He compared himself to Mahatma Gandhi. Really...

Offline earthw7

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #83 on: August 20, 2014, 07:22:27 pm »
oh ;D
too much drugs
In Spirit

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He took too much, much too much....


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When you go to see Rain Queen you are expected to sit upright unless she tells you differently. She, however, may be lying down "because of the negative Karma she has taken on to herself from her client".

You are expected to vomit and/or have diarrhea at least once during a ceremony.

"During your Ceremony please refer to Rain Queen Mother, using her full title."

For more RQM goodness:

Offline RedRightHand

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If she has traditions from Africa (I don't think she's from Africa at all), why is she doing pretendian stuff with sage and eagle feathers? I think she's an Englishwoman who couldn't manage to make a living in the music biz, so visited Africa and came back a newage shameon.

"Smoke from a smouldering clump of sage wafts over an altar piled high with ceremonial gifts: eagle feathers,"

"Rain Queen attended boarding school nearby in West Sussex. After working in the music industry, she spent time in Zimbabwe – where she discovered she was related to a shaman – before returning, drawn to Ticehurst by what she terms “the Sussex connection”.

"4. Drink Ayahuasca and detoxify: Sussex, England

"Ayahuasca healer The Rain Queen Mother personalizes every detoxification.

"A potent healing medicine, made from the Ayahuasca vine and the leaf of the Chacruna plant, and collected from the jungles of the Amazon, is at the centre of this retreat. It causes purging as a means of removing toxins.

"Ayamama Rain Queen, a gifted shaman who orchestrates the safe, highly personalized, one-to-one healing retreats at the Wellbeing and Cermonial Sanctuary in England, believes Ayahuasca can enable anyone who drinks it to access higher levels of emotional intelligence and foster a deeper connection with nature.

"Not for the faint-hearted, but mind-blowing and truly transformative.

"Rates: A three-night retreat costs from US$890

"Wellbeing and Ceremonial Sanctuary; +44 (0)75 8146 2905;"

Looking into the real Rain Queens of Africa, they are older women who live in their communities, and observe many ritual taboos and lifestyle restrictions. They help their home, tribal communities in Africa.  They don't sell drug trips to privileged white hippies in white countries. Like spiritual leaders in NDN communities, you don't go for a visit and return as Queen.  I think it's very offensive for this young woman to exploit the real tribal peoples' name this way.


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One of the shamans I have had the pleasure to meet and work with is the gifted African shaman Karmaya Ayamama Rain Queen Mother. Karmaya Ayamama Rain Queen is known by her people as a "Sent One" and a "Child of the Deity". She travels the world helping to heal Mother Earth by conducting special ceremonies. In 2008 after teaching monks at the Dalai Lama Samteling Monastry in Kathmandu she was invited to meet with the Dalai Lama and was given the title Lhamo which means A woman who can talk to the Gods. During this journey she was also recognized by the Jhankri Shamans of the Tamang People of Nepal, as being a symbol of Rain that would fall down from the Stars.

The photo is from 2012.

I sure wonder what her real name is.

Offline educatedindian

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If she has traditions from Africa (I don't think she's from Africa at all), why is she doing pretendian stuff with sage and eagle feathers? I think she's an Englishwoman who couldn't manage to make a living in the music biz, so visited Africa and came back a newage shameon....

Looking into the real Rain Queens of Africa, they are older women who live in their communities, and observe many ritual taboos and lifestyle restrictions. They help their home, tribal communities in Africa.  They don't sell drug trips to privileged white hippies in white countries. Like spiritual leaders in NDN communities, you don't go for a visit and return as Queen.  I think it's very offensive for this young woman to exploit the real tribal peoples' name this way.

You could be right. It's obvious she doesn't practice African traditions much if at all. Look at this image of her Herbal Wellbeing Sanctuary.

That's a statue of Buddha and a Hindu sculpture also. The description is full of Nuage buzzwords. They also have Beltane, Jupiter, and Solstice ceremonies. it'd a hodgepodge of different elements of different faiths.

When I spoke to one of RQM's circle several years ago, she spoke with a veddy Ehng-glish ah-cent, and sounded young, in her 20s. She obviously was born or lived there most of her life. RQM attending an English boarding school...those places sure aren't cheap.


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And if she is from Africa, there is a conflict on what part of Africa she is from.

Her dad was a Ghanaian ambassador and she went to a girls' boarding school in West Sussex before getting a job in the music industry. And then, 13 years ago, she "woke up" – meaning that she found out that her great-great-great grandmother had been a revered healer in her native African village.
(My Bolding)

Rain Queen attended boarding school nearby in West Sussex. After working in the music industry, she spent time in Zimbabwe – where she discovered she was related to a shaman – before returning, drawn to Ticehurst by what she terms “the Sussex connection”.
(My Bolding)

If you look at the map of Africa, you will see that Ghana and Zimbabwe are not close together at all.  Ghana is on the West coast of Africa and Zimbabwe is just above South Africa and is considered to be East Africa.

So if her father is from Ghana, why did she go to Zimbabwe to discover that she was related to a shaman?
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 02:08:17 am by Autumn »