Author Topic: John English of dream time productions  (Read 12404 times)

Offline QCIndian

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John English of dream time productions
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:12:25 am »
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post but, not new to the forum.  I wanted to bring to everyone's attention a person named John English and his website Dream Time Production.    I am wondering if any research has been done concerning this man?  He is charging $800.00 for his version of the medicine wheel? He claims to be a Shaman living in Arizona.  We went to one of his informational seminars which was a "teaser" to get people to buy his books, tapes, and schedule healing sessions which all costs money.  He charges $800.00 for medicine wheel sessions.

Thanks for your consideration,
QC Indian   

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: John English of dream time productions
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2008, 05:38:01 am »
Soul Retrieval and Destiny Retrieval ... $175.00
John first recognized the human capacity to dream one’s life into being almost two decades ago. This led him to the experiential path of shamanism, where he studied with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. and three other shamans.

So, the only "teacher" he names is one who has spawned many frauds. More on Villoldo here:
The Medicine Wheel training is the journey of your personal path to power, the journey to become empowered in whatever you do in your life. I always tell my students that this does not guarantee that you will become a shaman. The rites of passage from the shamanic tradition of the Andes will be transmitted to you as they were transmitted to me from my teacher, but whether you become a shaman or not, is a decision that is made between you and Spirit. These rites of passage will inform you in how to walk the medicine way in life and I believe this is something our world needs today.

The Medicine Wheel consists of a series of four workshops that start on Thursday at noon and end Sunday at noon. We will engage in ceremony, create community and do the work of each direction during this series of four day workshops.
The cost for the 4-day workshop will be $800.00.

The above page also mentions "medicine stones", and a flashback to some recent weirdness, the Condor/Eagle thing.

"Medicine Wheel" "Power Animals" "Chakras" and "Prosperity" all for a fee from some white guy. Looks pretty clear to me.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: John English of dream time productions
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2008, 09:03:55 am »
I like his poetic choice of locations: Payson, Burbank.

Taught by a fraud, ripping off Native religion. Straight to Frauds. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: John English of dream time productions
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2008, 03:53:54 pm »
"No Spirit Left Behind"? That's actually kind of funny. For those outside the US, it's a pretty obvious play on GW Bush's "No Child Left Behind" act on education.

Almost as funny is that English had it registered as a trademark.

More of what people pay him for:

"The Illumination Process
We all have a luminous energy field (many people refer to this as the aura) this luminous energy field or LEF is a template, so to speak. It carries within it all the beauty and trauma from all our lifetimes including this one. It encodes how we live, how we will age, and even how we will die. What the shaman does is work with the client’s LEF and removes intrusive energy that prohibits the client from living a life free from the ties that bind them, whatever they are."

No no, actually that's all a pretty obvious ripoff of Hinduism.

"Using one of my medicine stones and a breathing process that I will teach each client we will combust the dense energies affecting the chakra and preventing the client from moving past the pattern or ailment. After this process is complete I will flood the chakra with the light of the sacred. Sometimes the client might experience infinity during this process."

Yeah, it sounds like he's trying to appeal to people who want a druglike experience without the hangover or comedown.

"The illumination process usually takes an hour and a half and costs $175.00."


"Extraction of crystallized and fluid energies"

Sounds painful. But if it's crystallized how could it be fluid?

"This process starts with the illumination process and then the shaman removes the crystallized energy (in whatever form it takes) during the illumination and then discards it into an open flame."

Throwing energy into an open flame? Not too smart.

"This work is done from a place of non-judgment and it is important for everyone involved to realize that this can happen from time to time in any of our lives. Healing is the objective and this is most easily accomplished from a place of love and light. This process takes from 1 to 2 hours and costs $175.00."

I'm guessing "non judgement" means "don't think about how ridiculous it all sounds."

"Soul Retrieval and Destiny Retrieval

....During the illumination the shaman journeys to the underworld on behalf of the client and visits the four chambers of the soul."

Isn't that out of Greek myths?

"The shaman can also renegotiate sacred contracts made by the client that are unreasonable or not beneficial to the client."

Of course! We all know that shamans are not too different from lawyers and corporate negotiators.

"After the shaman returns from the underworld he then blows the soul part, new contract, medicine gifts and power animal into the client’s chakras."

I'll avoid the obvious sex joke here.

"Soul retrieval is a life altering process and therefore is not to be entered into lightly. It takes in most cases two hours and cost $175.00. In most cases I would prefer to do it in two sessions costing $175.00 each. In the first session the client will present with the problem and get an illumination and in the second session the soul retrieval will take place."

Not to be entered into lightly. But if you have the money...

Offline educatedindian

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Re: John English of dream time productions
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2008, 03:54:55 pm »
His ceremony selling:
DreamTime’s “Medicine Wheel Program: Journey of the South,??? led by award-winning Author and Shamanic Healer, JOHN ENGLISH.

Preregistration and more info: or 480-473-8957

Join us in the beautiful pines of Arizona for a journey through the South, the first in a series of workshops through the four directions of the Medicine Wheel. Experience the rites of passage in the shamanic tradition of the Q'ero people of the Andes.

The South direction is the path of the serpent. To embark on a path of power we must first shed our past and programming, just as the serpent sheds its skin. This is the work of the South, where we release our past - both energetically and mythically.

Benefits from completing the South work:

* Embody the lessons your life has taught you, while no longer having to live with the pain and suffering they have produced.

* Learn powerful techniques on how to practice non-attachment, non-judgment, non-suffering and beauty.

* Eliminate those stubborn lifelong patterns.

Sacred Rites - The sacred rites of the Q'ero shamanic lineage will be transmitted to you. With these rites you will begin to grow the shaman's medicine body.

Shaman's Altar - In the South we also begin to assemble a Mesa, or Shaman's altar, which will assist us with our transformation into our new medicine body by shedding our past.

We will meet at The Merritt Center and Lodge, a beautiful mountain retreat center located in Payson, Arizona. Lodging is dorm style with two people to a room. Transportation is available from Phoenix-Sky Harbor International Airport.

Check in is from 10:00 am until noon. The workshop begins Thursday after lunch at 1:30 pm and ends Sunday at noon no lunch). The cost for the 4-day experience is $800.00 (50% deposit required). Accommodations and organic meals (with fish and chicken) are included. Class size limited to twenty-six.

Future directions for this group are tentatively scheduled: West (July 24-27, 2008), North (Nov. 6-9, 2008), and East (Apr. 23-26, 2009).

Downloadable flyer at:

Check out our newest website at:

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: John English of dream time productions
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2008, 12:36:19 am »
"After the shaman returns from the underworld he then blows the soul part

   You don't need to. That alone is funny.

Offline Kevin

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Re: John English of dream time productions
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2008, 01:06:50 pm »
This is just unbelievable - it is so hard to imagine people paying for this BS - I bet he charges $100.00 for using his shaman powers to find dogs and cats that ran off  LOL  I ought to get in this racket, I've got bills to pay myself  " have crystals, will find lost mutts" and hand out my card on the street to people LOL

Offline PLH

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Re: John English of dream time productions
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2008, 07:00:07 pm »
At first glance some of what these frauds sell may appear humorous. I am sickened at the victims created. It is sad that some folks are genuine in their quest for some kind of spiritual fix, only because their lives are so screwed up....

I struggle in remaining cival in what my thoughts are. What goes around does come around. I continue to pray for protection of these victims.