Author Topic: Is this confusing?  (Read 64632 times)

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2007, 02:11:48 pm »
If what he claims is true , Charles is the patriarch and founder of the Spiritist Church , which has an extensive prison ministry , is a Native Spirituality Elder, a Sacred Pipe Carrier and Traditional Medicine Person. 

Obviously being a "Spiritualiy Elder" ,  leading traditional Ceremonies , and being Squirrely don't go together very well .

I have heard many of the Native men imprisoned in Canada still have things like post traumatic stress from being imprisoned and abused in residential schools . I guess as long as prisoners have a choice what programs to enroll in, and who to pick as a counciller , and as long as people feel safe to bring forward any complaints they might have , and as long as no one who was abused is forced into a councilling relationship with an previous abuser , that part of the situation isn't too worriesome . To make an analogy , I don't think you mean that in your area you have previouse rapists running programs for rape victims , previous muggers running programs for little old ladies who just got mugged , and previous neo nazi's running old folks homes for holocaust survivors .

You have to remember the residential schools in Canada were monitored , but something went wrong .

Then there is the issue of the Miracle Retreats which are being advertised all over the net and these retreats don't sound to me to be exclusively for the treatmen of addictions .

from miracle Healing website
If you are a sincere seeker wishing to experience the amazing power of traditional Native Spirituality or you suffer from an illness that modern medicine has not been able to cure, we are here to assist you in personally meeting Elders and Medicine people  (con ...)

If you dig into the background of all the impressive sounding Native organizations that the Native staff are members of , so far as I have seen , they are all founded by Charles , or are of questionable merit.

I have been posting information on this organization same as we do for lots of questionable people and groups . The basic information about Tearlach having an alleged criminal record and having been affiliated with the KKK is posted in an Edmonton forum which gets visited by both social workers and police so I am sure the authorities in Edmonton are aware of the situation . The Native people posting in the forum sound like they find his buisness really offensive , but that is just a couple people . I notice none of the people advertised as staff in Miracle healing seem to have their tribe in the area . That might be a clue .

If you have more questions you are addressing to me , you could PM me , as people must be getting really tired reading through my long and repetive answers .
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 05:24:49 pm by Moma_porcupine »


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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2007, 02:56:50 pm »
Thanks, but no thanks. I check the Watch Dogs. frederica

Offline Skinny

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2007, 01:23:01 am »
Hi to all.  I have just joined your forum.

I was looking for information on Charles/Tearlach Mac a Phearsoin.

I know him all too well. You are right Momma Porcupine.  It is all based on him.

He incorperates people into his web sites without their permission and advertises things he can't offer.

Paul Daniels is a Healer and does Sweats, but you have to pay to enter or be healed.

There is no Miracle Native Healing Retreats, it is all Tearlach's pipe dream at the moment.  There is no Half Way house in Strathcona either and I doubt there ever will be.  No Band will sign with him.  He even offered treatment free and the band wouldn't sign with him. Another refused to do business with him when they found out he was a sexual offender. He destroyed a wonderful man's life with his anger at the truth and his rejection.

The article says 2 sexual charges were dropped.  How many were there?  He did time in Fed. Pen. for some. He is very interested in getting young vunerable guys into a group home.

I wouldn't trust him for a moment.  There was also information on one thread that he was to have attempted to shoot someone. I wouldn't put anything past him.

He says that money from Private Collateral Lenders goes to retreats etc, but there are none so how could it?  He scams money from where he can get it.

Yuk and Yikes


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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2007, 03:34:22 am »
Yes, this is what I found out. He does not have a Half Way House nor a Retreat. He did time for Sexual Misconduct (furnished a house, room for 2 teens to make out). No rape, sexual assult, sexual battery, or sexual molestation. The judge threw the book at him and gave him a double sentence, he served 2 years. Tried to start a prison ministry for people with Alternative Lifestyles.  He does not have a big following.  But someone else was actually doing this.  He is mostly interested in certificates and titles he can hang on the wall, and really does very little. He is the only person to ever register a secret organization (Invisible Nation) and call it an Equal Opportunity Organization. It didn't do well and went deflunk. So he is ex-Klan. The only thing that came up in the last 2 years was he might be using predatory interest rates with this financial organization he runs. But apparently they fall with limits of the law. He is still being observed because of his past Klan activity by groups. They believe he is more a legend in his own mind and is mostly if he does anything is an administrator or paper pusher. Reads Tarot cards, sell herbs, and other things. Claims of being a "Hapsburg Junker Prince" easy to disprove. They were glad he didn't claim to be a Romanov. So he is still being observed and not much new information on this man. As far as the Grupo de Estudos Avancados Espiritas he followed the English(UK) version, and it does not have a big following. The people I talked with say if anybody has any concrete information other than his past history that is out of line they should report it. frederica

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2007, 11:45:21 am »
Hi Skinny and welcome

Thanks so much for the heads up , and I am greatly relieved to hear the Nations in your area have enough information to be cautious of this guy . Usually I'm not glad to hear someone is just making stuff up , but in this case it seems like the better option ... What a character !

I am wondering , if the Miracle Native Healing Retreats don't exist , what happens when people see the Miracle Native Healing Retreats advertisements I have seen displayed on many Native forums ? If they don't exist , do people send required $5000 in advance , and fly to Edmonton and there is nothing there ,or what? Or has this been advertised since last early May , but whenever anyone contacts them they say Nope , we don't really exist ? Very strange way to entertain themselves !

I got ahold of Warren Kinsella's book " Web of Hate"  , which has about 17 pages of information on Tearlach / Charles , but after reading it , I'm not feeling any closer to understanding who Tearlach really is . He seems to be one strange and contradictory guy .

I'm not sure all the information Frederica heard is correct ...

I'm a bit uncertain about quoting some of the information Kinsella provided , and if I do , context is important so i get confused about what to post , and what to leave out . Till I get this figured out , I will send you a lenghly PM with what I typed out from Kinsella's book . :o 

Hope that will be a help

Offline Skinny

  • Posts: 5
Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2007, 02:50:02 pm »
You are so right Frederica, he has neither a Half Way House nor a Retreat. What he keeps saying is when there is money he will get them going.  They do not exist right now.  He says he has a deal to rent Labyrinth Lake Lodge for Miracle Native Healing Retreats because he has a connection with one of the people that own it. I think it is the guy’s gay partner.  As for Four Eagles Lodge, that is a picture of a home that he is trying to gain the title to.  It is on its way to court. The inside isn’t even finished yet and belongs to people he switched papers on and they are trying to stop him.

You are so right, he did time for Sexual Misconduct (furnished a house, room for 2 teens to make out). No rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, or sexual molestation. The judge threw the book at him and gave him a double sentence, he served 2 years of the 6 he was given.

About his financial organization, he has taken 25,000. from an individual with the promise of getting him a big loan, he was also going to charge 5 million for doing it. He was not able to get the loan so I believe he will be charged with fraud soon. It is against the law to take money for a loan you don’t get for someone.

You say he is still being observed. Do you know who I could contact with new information on him? I have tried but to no avail.

Thank you so much Moma_porcupine for the information from
Warren Kinsella's book " Web of Hate"  I had no idea. I just found out he had been charged for sex crimes and just read on another site he had attempted to shoot someone. Thanks you so much for the heads up.  Yes the Nations in my area have enough information to be cautious of this guy, but I am really worried about some that do trust him.  He will do what he has advertised if he gets the chance, never doubt that.  It is only money stopping him. He can not offer what he is advertising.  It is false.  He really in interested in young guys and getting them to a place he can access.

I have no idea if he is taking money or not for Miracle Native Healing Retreats or what they are told when they call. I would really like to know. Believe me he will start up if he can get a hold of money or the home in Sherwood Park.

I don’t see how anyone could understand Tearlach / Charles.  I am afraid of him.
All the information Frederica heard is correct ... except he is not mostly interested in certificates and titles he can hang on the wall, he is causing lots of problems.

Thank you so much for the information from Kinsella.  Everyone should be interested in what he says about Tearlach/Charles. I doubt Kinsella would name a person and print anything that could not be proven. Charles would have sued him long before now.

It really helps, Thanks so much

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2007, 06:08:41 pm »
He did time for Sexual Misconduct (furnished a house, room for 2 teens to make out). No rape, sexual assult, sexual battery, or sexual molestation. The judge threw the book at him and gave him a double sentence, he served 2 years.
You are so right, he did time for Sexual Misconduct (furnished a house, room for 2 teens to make out). No rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, or sexual molestation. The judge threw the book at him and gave him a double sentence, he served 2 years of the 6 he was given.
Sexual Misconduct
In legal sense, for a person in a position of authority it includes in particular any sexual activity between him or her and one of his or her subordinates. This commonly includes teachers and their students, doctors and their patients, and employers and their employees. While such activity is usually not explicitly illegal, it is often against professional codes of ethics. For example, a teacher may be fired and a doctor may have his or her medical license revoked due to sexual misconduct. In addition, the person in the subordinate position may allege sexual harassment

Do people in Canada get jail sentences for sexual misconduct ?

Here is a website on the Canadian laws on sexual assault .
The mean length of sentence for sexual assaults over the 9 years studied, was 1,522 days. The mean length of sentence for sexual assault in 1994 was 1,547 days, and this decreased to 1,406 days by 2002.
If the report that Tearlach got a six year sentence is correct , that would be 2190 days .

One allegation I will quote from Kinsella's book is this ;

Quoting Warren Kinsella , page 33
"In 1988 Mac a'Phersion was charged with gross indecency following a complaint by a mentally disabled teenager . The boy told police that Mac a'Phersion drove him to a deserted field outside Calgary and instructed him to engage in mutual masterbation . ( In November Mac a' phersion was convicted and fined $1000 ) "

Warren Kinsella's research was all done before 1994 , so any offenses after this would not be included in his book .

I would guess either Tearlach's charges were all dropped or overturned and he never went to jail at all , or if he was sentanced to 6 years and served 2 , he did something considered more serious than sexual misconduct

This is why I thought some of what Frederica heard may have been incorrect . Because it doesn't really make sense . but then when it comes to Tearlach not a lot does make sense .

If people want to know more about the allegations against Tearlach , they should be able to track down Warren Kinsella's book , "Web of Hate" page 22 -36 , page 57 , page 164 , page 446 , and page 450 -451 for the list of sources which appears to be mainly newpaper articles .  There is enough posted here already to inspire people who might get involved with his organizations to do some critical thinking .

Paul Daniels is a Healer and does Sweats, but you have to pay to enter or be healed.

Charging and advertising for traditional ceremonies or healing is usually a big red flag that a person doesn't really know what they are doing , and that they are NOT traditional . 
« Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 11:12:46 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2007, 06:26:45 pm »
As Tearlach reportedly is continuing to attempt to set up healing programs for potentially vunerable people , and as I realize many Native people don't have access to well stocked libraries , and may have an easier time accessing information on line , I am thinking it might be helpful to post the following quotes from Warren Kinsella's book "Web of Hate".

I apologize that this is so long .

I'm a bit uncomfortable posting summeries of other peoples selected information . Quoting people , quoting people can be a bit like passing a story around a circle , with every retelling things get slightly changed , so I want to qualify what I am posting here by saying, it is not all the information , there may be migitating circumstances I am not aware of ,and this information should only be taken as a start to further inquiries .

Context is important but I can't post everything Warren kinsella wrote in the 17 pages he wrote on Tearlach . I am doing my best here to make a fair representation of the information Kinsella provided .   

Many Thanks to Warren Kinsella for his work researching all this !
Information found on Page 23 , Warren Kinsella's book "Web of Hate"

Tearlach Mac a'Phearsion , was born Ivan Ross Macpherson in 1948 in Charlottetown PEI.

He was abandoned by his parents .

He was adopted by a childless couple Charles and Evelyn Dunsford , and named renamed Barry .

As a child Barry was interested in the occult , seances and bagpiping .

Got interested in the KKK through an Uncle in Seattle when he was 12 .

Kinsella claims Tearlachs mother was one of four white supremacists who helped in the early organization of the Alberta KKK .

Came to Calgary at 17 ( 1965 )

Quoting Kinsella p. 23 , presumably from the interview he had with Tearlach in 1986 or 1993.

"He [meaning Tearlach ]is clearly defensive about his beloved Klan , repeatedly insisting -as so many other far right leaders  do- that it is not anti-Semitic or white supremacist but merely "a white Christian faternal organization." To buttress the point he even produces his resume, which states amoung other things , that he "assists the Alberta Human Rights Commission with regards to matters of concern to the Alberta Jewish community."

( My own note , I suppose it's possible if someone learned about the KKK through their own family from a young age , they may not have been informed of the many acts of racial violence and suppression this organization has been associated with . )

page 24

1972 Mac a' Phearsion began using the Scottish form of his birth name .

Quoting Kinsella page 24

"In May 1972 he ( Tearlach ) and his colleagues promptly registered the Confererate Klans of Alberta as a society under the provincial Societies act . In it's charter the group declared one of it's objectives was " to attempt to preserve , by legal  means , chiefly through public educational propaganda and mutual faternity , the traditions and ideals of the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon races , or more generally , the traditions and ideals of the white races".

Quoting Kinsella , page 24
"In the spring 1972 Mac a' Phearsion claimed and was given copyright over a number of Ku klux Klan symbols by the federal copyright office in Ottawa . Amoung the insignia registered that year were "unpublished artistic works " such as " Klansman on a Horse" , and the infamous "Triple K " symbol, often seen stiched on Klan robes, the " Blood drop" symbol and " Midnight  Mystery" . Over the coming decade , Mac a' Phearsion would attempt to license or sell rights to the Ku Klux Klan insignia to a variety of neo- Nazi groups including the Canadian branch of the Aryan Nations ."
"In February 1986 he successfully sold rights to his symbols to South Carolina Grand Dragon Robert Echols Scoggin . For $5000 ( U.S.) , Scoggin was given U. S. rights to five Klan symbols for a 50-year period ."
Page 25
Kinsella quotes Scoggin , in 1982 as saying,

"I have known Dr Tearlach Mac a' Phearsion for many years , and know him to be a loyal Klansman and Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan ...... No true Klansperson has any hate for anyone because of race creed , or color. Pride of race does not mean prejudice."

(My note; Here is some information about the shooting Tearlach was involved in . Because I have not researched this myself and I want to be careful not present this out of context I am quoting Kinsella , in entirity on this . )

Quoting Warren Kinsella , starting on Page 25

"By August 1972 , Mac a' Phearsion was claiming there were 11 klaverns across the province , five in Calgary , four in Edmonton , one in  Red Deer and one in Lethbridge . Members , he said numbered up to 325 Albertans , some of them drawn to the Klan by newspaper advertisements. ( continued .... )
"Then in September 1974 , the Confederate Klans of Alberta suffered a blow from which it never recovered . Tearlach Dunsford Mac a' Phearsion killed a man . A non white man .

The Mexican , Elias Acuilar Ramirez, was 21 when Mac a' Phearsoin brought him to his parents place on Center Street in Calgary. The two of them had met earlier that summer in Santa Rosa . Ramirez's home town ; they quickly became close friends  .  After a brief discussion , Mac a'Phearsion's parents agreed to take Ramirez into their home. The Dunsfords said they would provide him with room , board , clothes , and a small salery-althoughwhat services Ramirez would perform was never made clear.

Just before 11:00 o'clock on September 12 ,1974 , and three days after the arrival of Ramirez , the Dunsfords were in their beds , sound asleep. Mac a' Phearsion  and Ramirez , meanwhile , were down in the Dunsfords basement , in the Klan leaders bedroom . On the walls , Confederate flags , Klan certificates and Civil War lithographs had been tacked up . Knotted ropes hung from the  ceiling. Scattered here"
Page 26 Quoting Kinsella
"and there was corespondance from Ku Klux Klan leaders from across North America.

At precisely 11pm. a single shot rang out. Evelyn Dunsford jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs . She found her son in the hallway, the $51 revolver in his hands . He was crying. " My god, Mac a' Phearsion wailed ,"it can't be, it can't be." His mother peered into his bedroom , where she saw Martinez's body sprawled on the bed . His trousers were pulled down and his penis exposed . There was a single bullet hole in the Mexican's chest , two inches below a tattoed peace symbol .

Mac a' Phearsion appeared to be in a trance, mumbling to himself . His mother hugged him and then went upstairs to call the police .

That night Det. Loren J. Shields was working traffic detail in a uniform car . Shortly after 11pm , his car and another recieved a call about a shooting on Center Street . The officers sped to the nondescript house , where they were met at the door by Mac a' Phearsion. He was wearing a nightgown and he was weeping uncontrolably. "He's dead," Mac a' Phearsion told Shields. "He's been shot."

"Where is the person whos been shot?" Shields asked .

Sobbing Mac a' Phearsion led the police officers downstairs. The Dunsfords hovered in the door way , blinking in the light ;they did not appear to understand what was going on , Shields would later recall . At the doorway to his bedroom , Mac a' Phearsion pointed to the body of Rairez . Shields checked the body for a pulse ; there was none .

"Where is the weapon?" he asked. Mac a' Phearsion led him to an adjoining room , where the revolver had been placed on a chair , under a Confederate flag . "We were arguing," Mac a'Phearsion said, crying . "The gun went off. I think he's dead. Help me please, dear God , I think I've shot him."

To Shields and his police colleagues , there appeared to be little doubt that MacP had in fact , shot Ramirez. Sheilds placed the Klan leader under arrest, then led him outside to his cruiser. Mac a' Phearsion did not resist. He was charged with criminal negligence causing death . His parents posted bail ."
Page 27 Quoting Kinsella
"Many years later , Loren Shields is asked whether Calgary police found it significant that the Imperial Wizard of the Confederate Klans of Alberta had shot and killed a non white. Says Shields: "We didn't discuss the Klan. We didn't really question him in regard to that .There was always some speculation as to what the real motivation was , but we never established a motive for it to be murder . You could speculate all you wanted . It could have been a homosexual thing and it could have been a situation where he didn't like Mexicans . No one knew ."

Nor apparently did anyone care . At his trial , held in December 1975 . Mac a'Phearsion was defended by A. Webster Macdonald Sr. , a colorful local lawyer who is listed as a reference on Mac a' Phearsion's reume . Evelyn Dunford was called to give evidence about what she recalled of the death of Ramirez who she called "that poor boy". Mac a' Phearsion's mother revealed that her son had been hospitalized before the shooting , " for nerves a few times " and that he had been on medication the night of Ramirez's death . " He could never hurt anything," Evelyn said , " He could never shoot anything, he couldn't even hook a fish or run over a gopher with his car."

Another witness , 26 year old L.E. Burwell of Calgary , a one time friend of Mac a' Phearsion's, told a packed court room that he had warned the Klansman about the dangers of carrying a loaded revolver . Mac a' Phearsion insisted on keeping it nearby , he said because he was afraid of a possible attack by an anti-Klan activist .Burwell said his relationship with Mac a' Phearsion ended when the Klansman  "made a pass at me". When called to the stand himself, Mac a' Phearsion stated Ramirez had asked to see the revolver that evening . He claimed that Ramirez told him the loaded revolver could be "unloaded" by pulling back the hammer.

After a three day trial , the Confederate Klans leader was fined $1500 for criminal negligence causing death and $500 for dangerous use of a fire arm without lawful excuse ."During the trial we have heard much about the Ku Klux Klan," said Court of the Queens bench Justice W. K. Moore, "but the operations of the Klan are irrelevent to this case ."
Page 29, Quoting Kinsella
"In passing sentence , Moore told the court: " The accused's not turning away when he was loading the revolver showed a reckless disregard for the safty of Ramirez. The accused knew the gun was loaded .He was an intellegent person and knew he was holding a lethal weapon ."

The shooting and the resulting trial were the begining of the end for the Confederate Klans of Alberta . In July 1975 , the group was disolved by the provincial government . But Alberta had not heard the last of Tearlach Dunsford Mac Phearsion ."

If Kinsella's report is accurate , I have to wonder , what was Ramirez doing in Tearlach's bedroom with his pants down when Tearlach accidently shot him ?

It seems an odd time to be loading or unloading a revolver. And what were they arguing about ?

Maybe these details were explored in the trial and Kinsella just didn't explain these details , but as Kinsella tells it , the whole situation sounds questionable .

Quoting Kinsella page 29

"In Febuary 1980 Mac'a Phersoin and a group of like-minded white supremacists registered the Invisible Empire Association of Alberta , Knights of the Ku Klux Klan under the provinces Societies act."
"In it's 3 page application , the Invisible Empire Association stated that it would fight for "racial and religious integrity" ..... all members of the society would be required to marry within their own religious and racial colour . " It also stated it would work to "preserve the rituals , paraphenalia and symbols of the original Ku Klux Klan of the 1860's as headed by Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest of Tennessee and as revived in 1915 by Col. the Reverend William Joseph Simmons of Georgia."

"Tearlach Macpherson, denies the group had anything to do with the incidents and said the organization may begin it's own  investigation if the RCMP are unable to find the culprits ."

"Macpherson said the burnings are giving the Klan a bad image. It will sue the culprits for misrepresentation since the fiery cross is a Klan symbol, Macpherson said. The Klan has two chapters in Red Deer and plans a public rally in the city this fall, he said. The group's literature says the Alberta Klan is  separate from all other Klan organizations. It has been kgally registered with the provincial government under the name of the Invisible Empire Association Klan membership is open to all men and  women of all races, religions and colors, says the literature.( con ... )"
Quoting Kinsella page 28 ;

"Despite his claims though Mac a'Phearsion would later admit that he had warned the RCMP about the planned attacks seven days before they took place. "

Quoting Kinsella

" Two weeks after he condemned the Red Deer attacks Mac a' Phersion and his followers had a change of heart . They decided to hold another cross burning in the same city . " To clear up any misconceptions about the clan. "
( con... )

"About 25 people, half of them from Saskatchewan would be inducted into the Invisible Empire in a ceremony presided over by South Carolina Grand Dragon Robert Scoggin ..."

( my note - doesn't Tearlachs involvment with the KKK Grand Dragon from South Carolina kind of contradict his previous claim that "the Alberta Klan is separate from all other Klan organizations" ? )

"But the City of Red Deer fought back"

page 29 Quoting Kinsella
"The cross burning Cereony did not take place"

Quoting Kinsella , page 29

"According to police sources , he also acted as a paid police informant.Whenever a neo-Nazi criminal event was about to take place , Mac a' Phearsion would somehow aquire knowledge about it; he would then offer to sell information to the police or the minority communities affected ."

p.30 Quoting Kinsella

" Pressed on the subject of race relations Mac a'Phearsion demurs, saying ," The Klan believes intermarriage between the races should be abolished. With regard to marriage , I would not perform a marriage between two people of different color." But he insists he is not a racist . "

( my note ; Page 163 of "Web of hate" explains how Terry Long was made leader of Aberta Aryan Nations . According to Kinsella  , Terry typed up a press release in November 1984 , part of which said ; )

Quoting Kinsella , page 163

"Aryan nations is an Identity Christian movement that believes that Northern European peoples compromised of Anglos-saxon, Celtic , Germanic , Basque , Nordic , Slavic , and Lombard peoples are the lost tribes of Israelhaving migrated to their present locations following the two great dispersions of biblical Israel in 720 and 585 BC Adaquet documentation is available to prove communism is Jewish in origin and is presently controlled by the Jewish elite . Since Jewish Communists in their own publications advocte the take-over and annihilation of Western Christian civilization through the extermination of the , Aryan Nations , in accordance with God's seventh commandment advoctes and works for the racial purity of true Israel "

page 164 Quoting Kinsella

"...... apart from a brief item titled " Right to Hate " in Jan. 7 1985 no media organization took notice of Terry Long's new job . But the Ku Klux Klan did . "

Page 164 Quoting Kinsella

"On November 13 , Long met in Calgary with self annointed Alberta Klan leader Tearlach Dunsford Mac a' Phearsion . Mac a' Phearsion was the owner of the copyright on the various Klan symbols; he offered to sell Long the rights to the emblems for $6000 . The next week mac a' Phearsion confirmed his offer to Long in a registered letter as well as a telex .On November 26 , the Aberta Aryan nations leader wrote to Mac a' Phearsion to politely refuse the Klansmans overture .(con...)
Mac a' Phearsion , for his part ,does not deny that he attempted to sell Klan symbols to Long . But ever the philanthropist,he claims that he tried to persuade Long to pursue "legitimate things , constructive things , things that don't require opposing anyone or exterminating Jews or any of these things ." in a 1986 interview , Mac a' Phearsion sniffed with distatse at Long's written response . " of course his answer was that he rejected that .In effect , what he said was that the movement had to be violent. " "
Quoting Kinsella , Page 32

"Under a contract signed between Erhart [my note ;Tom Erhart] and Mac a' Phearsion dated February 14 , 1985 , Radio Free Alberta agreed to pay Kardec Consultants $6,000 to set up their radio station  ( con...)"
( my note ;from the preceding paragraph )

"Says Mac a'Phearsion : " I met with Mr Keegstra [my note; Jim Keegstra ]and Mr Erhart who explained the station would be used to promote their views and similar views . Views of people like Mr. Keegstra and the Ayran Nations . And that Jews , for instance , couldn't be on the station to express their views." 
Quoting Kinsella , Page 33

"Says Mac a' Phearsion: "I had no objection , of course , and would have no objection , to Keegstra or anyone else expressing their viewpoints . So long as those people who might be attacked would have an opportunity to retaliate ."

( my note ;  Radio Free Alberta never actually materialized )

Page 33 Quoting Kinsella

"In 1988 Mac a'Phersion was charged with gross indecency following a complaint by a mentally disabled teenager . The boy told police that Mac a'Phersion drove him to a deserted field outside Calgary and instructed him to engage in mutual masterbation . ( In November Mac a' phersion was convicted and fined $1000 ) "

( my note ;Also in 1988 two members of Mac a' Phersion's Calgary Klavern ( members of his KKK cell ) were arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder and and conspiracy to commit property damage or serious injury by use of an explosive . These men were 19 year old Robert Wilhelm Hamiltion and 29 year old Timothy David Haggen .)

Quoting Kinsella , page 34 -35;
"In an interview 2 years before the bomb plot came to light , Mac a' Phearsion claimed that the true Ku Klux klan was neither anti-Semitic nor white supremacist . He said :"Many , many groups , and in fact many Nazi groups , have used the name Ku Klux Klan as a front to perpetrateall sorts of things . It was used by anti-Semitic people especially during the 1930's and late 1920's. What it became , I disagree with. And I would like to see it returned to what the original intention for it was. People have used the [ Ku klux Klan name] wrongly , in violation of the original four oaths of the klan. And terrorism certainly isn't one of them ."

( My note . This sounds like in 1986 Tearlach was claiming concern that the KKK name was being wrongly used by anti-Semitic organizations , but a year earlier in 1985 Kinsella claims Tearlach offered to sell these same KKK symbols and affiliations to the clearly anti-Semitic Aryan Nations leader Terry Long .   )

Quoting Kinsella
"But according to the Court of the Queens Bench judge who presided over the case , and according to the lawyers who defended Hamilton and Heggen and the Crown Attorney who prosecuted them , this sort of claim was pure and unadulterated bilge. The mastermind of the bomb-and-assasination plot was none other than Tearlach Dunsford Mac a' Phearsion . In May 1988 the Imperial Wizard hatched the whole scheme . For pure malice , Mac a'Phearsion persuaded the two Klansmaen to also bomb a blue Chrysler belonging to the wife of a  well-known Calgary pharmacist. The woman was targeted simply because Mac a' Phearsion
was piqued that the woman had outbid him during negotiations for the purchase of the car . Once he had convinced Hamilton and Heggen to do the dirty work, Mac a' Phearsion fell back on old habits; He started writting to Crown prosecutors, Calgary lawyers and members of the Jewish community .

In his letters Mac a' Phearsion stated that he knew of a plot against the Jewish community and demanded $200,000 (U.S.)in exchange for relevant facts ."
Page 35 Quoting Kinsella

"( When reporters confronted Mac a' Phearsion , he claimed he didn't know Hamilton and Heggen. Later he stated he did know them, adding that he had kicked them out of the Invisible Empire Association after the pair allegedly met with an Aryan Nation leader. )

Incredibly , Mac a' Phearsion was not charged . But at Hamiltonand Heggens trial , which took place in calgary in February 1989, Court od Queens Bench Justice Allen Sulatycky made clear thet the Imperial Wizard should have been . The judge said Mac a' Phearsion appeared to have masterminded the plot and accordingly , was Calgary's number one hatemonger.

"In their immature naivete' , [Hamilton and Heggen] were victimized by a man who should face , and would face , if he were charged with this offence , a penalty approaching the maximum ".   "
Sources sited by Kinsella ;

Interviews with Tearlach Mac a' Phearsion in 1986 and 1993 ,

"Alberta Klan head , seen in daze after slaying court told ", Globe and Mail , Dec 9 , 1975

'"Alberta Klan head led policeman to body ,trial told", by Suzanne Zwarun in the Globe and Mail , Dec 10 , 1975

" The Klan is alive in Alberta" , by Dan Powers , in The Edmonton Journal , Aug. 9 , 1980

"Crosses burn at Red Deer" , in the Red Deer Advocate ,August 12 , 1980

""Bylaws may douse Klan plans"


"Klan Rally to include cross burnings and hoods" by Debbie Weismiller in The Edmonton Journal, Sept 5 ,1980

"Two held in anti Jewish bomb plot " , Calgary Hearld , June 5 , 1988

"JDL links to Yank conspiracy" , by Mike Hayes in Calgary Sun , June 6 1988       

" Bomb plot against Jews linked to KKK" , in The Ottawa Citizen ,June 6 , 1988

"Klan supporters face charges in Alberta plot to bomb Jews" by Drew Faggan, in The Globe and Mail , June 6 , 1988

"The plot to bomb Jews" by Paula Simons and others , in Alberta Report , June 17 1988

"Predator used bomb plot pair" by Monica Zurowski ,The Calgary Hearld , Febuary 28 1989

"Intolerant KKK plotters jailed for 5 years " by Monica Zurowski , the Calgary Hearld , March 1 , 1989

Of a final note , in some way Charles / Tearlach still seems to be active in relation to "The principality of Mergentheim"
( Inverness technology also has some relationship with Miracle Native Healing and is mentioned as connected on the Miracle native Healing web page )

The Stormfront webpage that spoke of Tearlach being mentioned in Kinsella's book no longer comes up through a Google search on the term "Miracle Native Healing" but for now anyways it can be acessed through the cached page link below.


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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2007, 03:55:36 am »
I have a bridge to sell anyone that believes this man(MacPhearison). His long history with the Klan is why Watch Dog groups keep an eye on him. And anyone that believes it is just a paternal or faternal organization is sadly mistaken. One of the reasons for watching the Klan and ex-Klan is that Canada now has the NA(National Alliance) seeping in from the States. I think they are trying to see if these people hook up with the NA. The NA makes the Klan and One Nation look like Mary Poppins. And that is even with the Klan's history of hangings, bombings, arson, and just plain murder. The Klan turned anti-Semitic at a later time. Then they went to everyone that wasn't WASP. The NA is White Supremacy, Neo-Nazi, Anti-Semitic, and hold the theory the Holocoust was a Hoax. They are very organized and and slick. Ingeborg gave a good example a couple of weeks ago in a post of how subtle racism can be. It can be used just by talking down to people. I don't think he just has epiphanies and follows that thought, I think he is very caculating and I wouldn't do business with him under any circunstances. He goes where he thinks the money is. And there is really no new information on him. And there is very little anyone can do about him until he gets caught and meets another Judge who uses his discretion in handing down a sentence no matter what the prosecution ask for. frederica

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2007, 12:08:25 pm »

( My own note , I suppose it's possible if someone learned about the KKK through their own family from a young age , they may not have been informed of the many acts of racial violence and suppression this organization has been associated with . )

Quite to the contrary, T. grew up in an environment in which white supremacy was a *fact* not to be questioned and never saw it questioned by parents and peers. I'd assume that info on acts of racial violence were available quite freely (e.g. by overhearing people's conversations), and growing up in such an environment will rather have the effect of such acts being seen as 'normal', perfectly justified, and 'doing the right thing'. In such an environment, racial violence is in correspondence to the ideology held by everybody, so there's no need to hush things up 'among ourselves'. The lesson to be learned by a child would rather be: We're 300% right about this, we know better, but there are stupid and ill-meaning people 'out there' [who additionally got defamed as closet n....] whom we mustn't tell.

Offline jannie

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2007, 04:57:14 pm »
I have read this with great concern and have passed it on to a number of people mentioned here. As agent for Alan Hatfield, I have been instructed by him to inform that although he met with Charles MacPherson and spoke with him and listened to his idea's that is as far as this has gone. Alan has not given Charles permission or authorization to include his name or post his inclusion of Charles's scams. Alan has nothing to do with MacPherson and quite frankly there are other people mentioned on here that may have gotton sucked in at one time to this particular scam but has since realized and have nothing more to do with him or his plans. I think the question on everyone's mind is why nothing has been done about all of this, this is against the law!

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2007, 05:16:08 pm »
Hi Jannie
I suspect nothing has been done because no one has reported it to the proper authorities. Maybe people don't know this is going on or don't know who to report it to.

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2007, 02:11:04 pm »
I think they have. Ever noticed that the crazier you are the more you seem to get away with things? Maybe he does things just under the wire. All i know is that he has so many scams going on its a wonder he can keep track. I know for sure there are some people on his website that have gotton sucked in and don't want to have anything to do with him. I believe that he contacts well known people, pitches his ideas, and of course for the most part people like to believe there is good out there and want to help other people so they are all for it, he gets pictures taken with them, he posts them on his website, they find out its a scam, then they go down as well. There is no retreats, who knows where he got some of those pictures from, and how many people he has scammed for money, pretty scary guy. Affiliations with the kkk, sexual predator, interesting to know that he is involved with young men at this very moment, I would probably venture to guess that he takes in guys who have no direction, wayward kids and god knows what happens then. If he is so well known (there are many sites dedicated to this freak) how is he getting away with this????

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2007, 03:51:28 pm »
Hi Jannie
Thanks so much for coming here and letting us know that Mr Hatfield has been used in a scam .

Maybe one of the moderaters could insert a comment at the bottom of my first post , explaining that in reply # 25 and 27, Mr Hatfield's agent explained his name and photograph had been used without his consent and he was not in any way affiliated with Miracle Native Healing Retreats . It is a kind of long thread and people might not read all the way through . I would not like to further damage Mr Hatfield's reputation by appearing to confirm the information that he was a part of this scam when he was not . Like you say , I think the authorities do know , and there are a number of websites discussing this guy , but getting the word out to people in the Aboriginal community is probably a good idea . Many eyes can compensate for a few blind ones .This guy does seem to have some skill at flying beneath peoples radar .

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2007, 04:06:28 pm »
Hi all. Members can edit their own posts, if they are logged in.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 04:08:22 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »