General => Frauds => Topic started by: vikinglady on April 13, 2005, 08:27:14 am

Title: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to court
Post by: vikinglady on April 13, 2005, 08:27:14 am
Now here are some good news for you:

A guy living in Sweden claiming to be an Indian Chief and Shaman has been sued. The guy has for many years offered "spiritual workshops" which included "sex-therapy" for children as young as 12.
The list the newspapers presented today of children and women who have been molested and what he has done to them is sickening!!! I *think* this might be Harley´s crowd. At least this is in the same district where they hang out.

The "Chief´s" girlfriend says this is a very common ritual among the Indians - "He did the same thing to me when we met!", she says.  (!!!)

The Chief´s lawyer is claiming that it is down to different cultures and that we don´t understand the way Indians live (Yeah, I know, it is bucket-time!)

Anyway, I will contact the paper and see if we can get them to cover your visit, Al ! This is an excellent opportunity!

Lots of things happening over here all of a sudden -exploiters closing down, plastic shamans getting, what´s going on....??!  :))


Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on April 13, 2005, 08:53:17 am
Stomach-churning. Can we read about this case anywhere online in English? Not that I'm looking forward to reading about it.
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on April 13, 2005, 09:35:14 am

Go ahead, Barnaby! Get your dictionary out! LOL
I can help you with the first word: "Indianhövding" means "Indian Chief". And "sexterapi" means...guess what....

No, seriously, I can translate it to English and keep you all updated if you want to. Maybe it could be good  to know for the forthcoming tour, too.

I´ll be back!

Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on April 13, 2005, 10:02:34 am
I can translate it to English and keep you all updated if you want to. Maybe it could be good  to know for the forthcoming tour, too.

Please do. This seems like the kind of thing that's still going to be in people's minds when Al's speaking in Sweden. Here's another way to see the story: pages 1, 8, 9.

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Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on April 13, 2005, 03:03:55 pm
This story is on the frontpage of all the newspapers here. Doesn´t look good, though: "Indian Chief rapes young girls!" Oh well, it might start a discussion of this issue. I am sure going to try to get an article in to some paper.

Here is a quick translation of one of the articles. I put it on our website to save some space in here but I didn´t include the list of the victims and what he did to them. It was absolutely sickening to read!

Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: debbieredbear on April 13, 2005, 04:48:24 pm
That is just sickening. And his girlfriend, what a nutbar. What would possess a parent to think their 12 year old child needed "sex therapy"?? It's crap like this that makes people think all Indians are bad. :(  If he is tied to Harley Reagan's group, maybe this can be used to expose these perverts.
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on April 13, 2005, 05:07:47 pm
This story is on the frontpage of all the newspapers here.

I guess he will be deported back to the US after his sentence is over. What's his name? I want to know where the scumbag ends up, if he survives prison.
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on April 13, 2005, 05:24:49 pm
Yeah, it is absolutely sickening but actually, I welcome this debate! I have tried so many times to get other people aware of the problems but noone cares. Maybe they will now. And it couldn´t have happened at a better time, just before Al is coming here!

I have written to the papers informing them about that this is *not* in any way an "Indian tradition" and asked them if they would let me write an article. So keep your fingers crossed.

No, this sicko is not going to be deported, Barnaby. He is married to a Swedish woman and has a child. He can legally stay here. We´ll never get rid of him...:(

And papers here never publish the names of any convicted persons unless you´ve killed a politician or something like that...

Wonder if he is, in fact, indian at all.....?

Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: educatedindian on April 13, 2005, 06:28:47 pm
The mention of martial arts and sex healing sure sounds like Switftdick's group. He's no NDN, there's not a single Native in all of Harley's cult that I've ever heard of.

Annika, please let  any reporters you contact know that I'd be glad to speak with them, not just when I get there, but right now too. You can pass along both my email and my phone number.

You could also pass along these links to the reporters. A medicine man who even chased after lots of women wouldn't be respected, much less a child abuser.

An expose of the Deer Tribe cult.

A discussion with one of the cult followers where his beliefs were debunked by over a dozen NDN professors and activists.
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on April 13, 2005, 06:49:51 pm
"Annika, please let ? any reporters you contact know that I'd be glad to speak with them, not just when I get there, but right now too. You can pass along both my email and my phone number."

I already did...well, not your phone number but I asked if they would let you write an article on this issue.  I´ll wait a couple of days and see if they come back to me, if not I´ll phone them.

Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on April 13, 2005, 07:05:54 pm
Oh, forgot: Al, you´re booked with a New Age group some miles from where this "Chief" had his courses.

This could be interesting...:)

Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on April 14, 2005, 10:15:30 pm
Today´s paper:

By pretending to be an Indian Chief and  shaman – and tell people he had magical powers – the man of 50 has fooled a great number of young girls into giving them ???sextherapy???. He is sued for assult on 11 young women.

The youngest one was only 12. Today she is 15 and it was only some months ago she dared to tell the truth.
- I never had a clue, says her father. It took a month before I really understood it fully, that he has actually molested my daughter. Many of these young girls are friends of our family, they feel very bad today. Some are severely depressed.

He has known the “shaman??? since he came to Sweden in 1999.
- I thought I knew him but he is like two different persons.
He says that the guy in no way is a son of an Indian Chief.
- I know his family very well. His dad is a busdriver in Argentina!

A young girl who doesn´t want to mention her age fearing people will know who she is tells our reporter through a friend:
- He explained that there are special points on the body, by putting pressure on them he could release tensions so that we could reach a special kind of spirituality in another dimension. Some of those points were in the lower abdomen…. You were supposed to let go of all the guilt and shame. I trusted him!

She went to the man for several years for therapy.
- When I finally woke up and realized what he was doing I felt like I had been raped. I have no words to tell you how bad I feel. It is disgusting!
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: educatedindian on April 30, 2005, 03:22:52 pm
I feel embarassed I didn't bring this up before.  If the Deer Tribe cult is molesting children in Sweden, there's all too likely places it's going on elsewhere. And these kids and their parents need to be warned. At the very least the Deer Tribe should be embarassed into making a public disavowal.

I'm contacting the Phoenix New Times, the paper that did the best expose of Swiftdick, and urging them to do a follow up.

I'm also going to pass along the links to Child Protective Services in AZ and urge them to take a look and make sure no kids are being abused. Also urge the anti child pornography activists to take a look at the Deer Tribe. Swiftdick's people used to make and sell home made porn as "educational material."

And I urge everyone else with any time or outrage at these sick ones to do the same.
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on April 30, 2005, 04:42:15 pm
There is no way to know if this was actually the Deer Tribe. It *could* have been a nutcase doing his own thing....

Nevertheless, warnings are always called for.

I put up a warning on the Index page of our website straight away. It´s still up there. I´m working on one in English, too....

Some people here tried to sue the newspaper for claiming this guy was "an Indian chief", giving NDN:s a bad name. It didn´t work but it was sure a good try!

Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: debbieredbear2 on April 30, 2005, 06:24:18 pm
I am at someone else's computer ( I am away from home for a few days) but had to make a reply. I also have been turning ol Harley the perv in to the groups that expose fake veterans. So far, at least 2 sites are putting his name up on the web. :)
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on May 01, 2005, 03:08:20 pm
I also have been turning ol Harley the perv in to the groups that expose fake veterans.

Have you been in touch with the 1st Marine Division Association?

His dojo website claims that he was a

GNY/SGT E-7 Former Marine Corps Veteran, 1ST MARDIV
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: educatedindian on May 01, 2005, 04:56:42 pm
Sometimes I think he goes out of his way to deliberately tell obvious lies. It helps him filter out people with brains so he can get the really gullible ones for his cult.

Gunnery Sgt is not an easy rank to get. I knew a Gunny Sgt who took 20 years to become one, and anything less than 10 is near impossible. And he's claiming to have been in the USMC doing Black Ops, been in the Olympics, AND been in prison, all during the 60s.

You might put the expose fake vets sites in contact with the NRA crowd Harley hangs with. Being rejected by them might hurt him more than anything else.
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on May 01, 2005, 05:54:45 pm
Gunnery Sgt is not an easy rank to get. I knew a Gunny Sgt who took 20 years to become one, and anything less than 10 is near impossible. And he's claiming to have been in the USMC doing Black Ops, been in the Olympics, AND been in prison, all during the 60s.

He reckons he was only in the service for 10 years and was discharged after surviving a 300 foot fall from a helicopter!
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: ironhead on June 15, 2005, 09:09:07 pm
It is amazing to me. What I read here in just two days. Who ever would have thought that Europeans would hijack the story of the American Indian, and turn it into a sordid money makeing power grab over simple people, people who obviously should know better. (too bad for them)
It is clear to me that these are professenal criminals, who should be rounded up, and prosecuted. Then jailed. Folks, now I always knew that the native had a hard time in this life. BUT, I never in my wildest dreams thought it was so bad like this.
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on August 22, 2005, 07:12:48 am
Just got back from a gathering up north - I wasn´t aware of it beforehand, but I ended up in the village where this so called "Indian Chief" had been operating.

I was told that there had been loads of women involved, many of them under the age of 18. It seemed like the whole village and the vicinity had been in the hands of this man! I spoke to one of his followers who *still* worshipped him and gave me many evil looks when I talked about the selling of ceremonies and exploiters.

The guy himself is in prison now - thank God. It turned out he wasn´t Native at all but a white guy posing as Native. He has changed his story from that sex is a part of Native ceremonies, to that he studied shamanism and learned how to put a spell on other people, which he practiced with great success. He says these women are still under his spell and he won´t let them go unless they release him from prison. (!)

Geeez....this just shows you how dangerous this is in the hand of the wrong people. (And most of them *are* wrong...)
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on August 30, 2005, 09:05:12 am
New article in the paper about this case: "The Shaman" has got himself the best lawyer in Sweden (must have made a fortune on faked ceremonies because that guy does not come cheap!!) who is now set on getting him out of prison.

What he says is basically that it´s the women´s fault that this happened since they believed in him. Also, it took too long time for the victims to come forward (and why is that?!) No crime has been committed, he says. He is a shaman and so he has been asked to heal people and he has just tried to do his job!

My blood is boiling right now.   11 women have testified that he raped them but "no crime has been committed?!"

And it just boils down to the old issue - rape is something that should be blamed on the women.
If this creep goes free in spite of him having molested women AND children, it leaves it open for all these other plastics to do basically whatever they want!  And they will have made sure that no victim - ever - will come forward again.



Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: educatedindian on August 30, 2005, 01:56:38 pm
Is there a way to get in touch with the prosecutor, what in the US is called a district attorney's office? I'd be glad to testify that what he does is in no way shape or form anywhere close to any form of "shamanism" anywhere. The guy's Argentinian and not even Native like he claims, right? This seems like a defense that wouldn't even be allowed in court in the US. I'm sure there must be a way for me to give videotaped testimony and not even need to travel. And do you have an email for the reporter?
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on August 30, 2005, 03:30:56 pm
I´ve been trying to find as much as I can, the people up in Dalarna said he was not Native but the newspapers claim that his father was a Native shaman from Argentina.

It seems like the courthearings finished a few days ago, they´re just waiting for the verdict now.
Some of the stuff in the papers are outrageous:
he told a woman she had been a prositute in her past life and the only way to be "cleaned" was to have sex with him. He claimed traditional Indian healing was focused on the "love-spots", which meant to touch the genitals and insert a finger in the woman´s vagina (many more details here but I´ll save you all from hearing them!)

He even claims this is a form of management training!! Geez, now he is really offending ME!

There are also a lot of things written about Native Americans and shamanism which is totally wrong. I think, Al, if you would just write an article to the newspapers, it would be the best thing.

These are local papers in the province of Dalarna - where you had your lecture! - and have covered this all along. I have to say though, no shadow to fall on the reporters. They have been totally neutral and just reported what was said.

I know who the prosecutor is, Ulf Edsberg - really great guy!  I guess there is not much he can do now although I am sure he would have appreciated a supportive email from you. I can´t find his address anywhere. (Understandable....) Maybe if you asked the newspapers to forward something to him?

Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on August 31, 2005, 03:55:22 pm
I just want to give a whole bunch of roses to Ann-Charlotte Runnvik, a lady in academia who wrote a wonderful article which was sent to me.  I don´t know when it was published and in what paper unfortunately. The heading was "Raindance in the courtroom?" so I got rather worried - until I read the story.

She is extremely critical to the way Native Americans have been portrayed. Quote: "This courtcase must be the lowest of low, the arguments are extremely offensive towards people from religious, cultural and ethnical minorities who will now be judged based on these facts!" and "The Defense is trying with "the noble savage": the guy just tried to help and did what any Indian healer would have done. Well, first there is not ONE Indian culture and there is not ONE way of practicing healing." Finally: "I want to bang on the locked doors (the hearing has been closed) and tell them to put the responsibility for this where it belongs and for God´s sake, do NOT bring out the stinking "Indian peacepipe!"

She goes on writing about the victims and their feelings, it is such an excellent article. I think I will frame it!

THANKS Ann-Charlotte!
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: educatedindian on August 31, 2005, 10:05:42 pm
My letter to the papers:

Phony "Indian Shaman" Rapist Blaming Victims
Dear Sirs,
I'm writing to you to express my concerns about the trial of a phony "Indian shaman" and the appalling defense strategy of pandering to racist stereotypes of Natives and promoting one ignorant misconception after another. You may remember me from when I gave a lecture at the museum in Dalarna only a few months ago. I certainly recall your thoughtful coverage of my visit, and only wish you had thought to consult actual Natives to debunk the dubious claims of this serial rapist and fraud now on trial.

As an American Indian (Mescalero Apache) and a professor of Native history, it is apparent to me that this "Indian shaman" is neither Indian nor any kind of a medicine man or elder. His claims, and that of his defense attorney, are transparently false and playing upon the lack of knowledge that most Swedes have when it comes to Native cultures.

Were he to make such claims or his attorney mount such a defense in the US, Canada, or Latin America, he would be laughed out of court. No judge would allow such obvious falsehoods, and no American attorney would be foolish enough to base his strategy on these stereotypes.

1) As far as I know, he has never said what tribal nation he claims, instead simply saying he is "Indian." There is not one Native culture, there are several thousand in the Americas, with over five hundred in the US alone.

2) No Native traditions involve sex as part of a ceremony.

3) No Native tribes would allow the abuse of women on such a scale as he has practiced. Most Native traditions are matrilineal and matrilocal. The women are heads of households. Descent is traced through the mother, not the father. Virtually all encourage respect for women, and women hold high positions of respect. In some traditions, only the women may vote in some councils, while men cannot.

4) No Native tribe would have him as an elder or medicine man. In some traditions he would have been executed as a rapist. Others might have gone easier on him by just exiling him.  You see, many Native traditions are much stricter on sexual matters than Europeans. Not only would sexual abuse not be tolerated, even adultery is strongly frowned upon. Such a person would be regarded as too frivolous to be trusted with medicine traditions.

5) His claims that he is using Native medicine traditions to control women sexually are especially offensive because they play upon old racist stereotypes of Natives as oversexed rapists. In many traditions a healer who tried to use his abilities for evil purposes would be exiled or even killed.

While the Swedish media cannot be blamed for their lack of knowledge of Native traditions and peoples, certainly it should have occurred to all of you to ask actual Natives about this "shaman" and his claims?

At the very least, why didn't you go to anthropologists at your universities?

Instead, millions of Swedes have been given the words of a serial rapist and racist imposter to define what Native people are really like, uncontested and with no rebuttals.
Dr. Al Carroll (Mescalero Apache)
Social & Behavioral Sciences Dept.
St. Phillip's College
San Antonio, TX, USA
Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on September 01, 2005, 08:28:06 am
*Great writing, Al!*   :)

I´ll ask my friends up in Dalarna to keep their eyes open to see if the papers print it or at least respond to it.

Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on September 07, 2005, 09:15:32 am
Yesssssss!!   ;D

The "Indian Chief" got 7 years in prison and has to pay 10.000 USD to the victims...:)

I have had som emails from people who have been listening to your lectures, Al, and/or read our book. They have written to the newspapers asking "how the hell they can write all these lies about Native Americans?"  Seems like a lot of good people in Sweden have woken up!  

Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to cou
Post by: vikinglady on October 11, 2005, 09:41:15 am
The district attorney of the "Indian Chief" has handed in a petition to the Supreme Court for a new trial. It was denied. He will serve his years in prison and pay the fine.

They also said that since this court case was the first of its kind it will create a precedant for any similar case in the future.

There *is* justice out there...:)

Title: Re: "Indian Chief" in Sweden goes to court
Post by: chiefytiger on August 08, 2008, 05:34:57 pm
Aho ,I was just goin thru the post's and saw ts going on there in Sweden, Glad that this so called human finally got caught,But whats interesting is that why hasnt any of the swedish ppl stop Michael (graywolf ) Garvin .I know that he has a huge following in Swedan and Norway ,  Sure wish ppls werent so blind and nieave ,But would be interested in this guy as well ,Lets stop all the frauds that go abroad to create havoic ,
Chiefy Tiger