Author Topic: Mary Jo Gardner AKA Maria Naylin AKA Maria Yraceburu, Lynda Tari AKA Lynda Yrace  (Read 102480 times)

Offline mjmpride

  • Posts: 11
They are back in San Diego. They live in Ramona now and they are starting they're groups again.
"Community Help and Hang Out Day"
Helping Hooves program for PTSD

Will they ever stop!?


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Our particular lineage tradition of women was imparted by Grams Twylah Nitsch (seneca clan mother) when she trained Maria in the ways of the Coral Turtle Dreaming Society.

Twylah Nitsch

Offline mjmpride

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I ran a background check under the name she uses now and she has a possession charge that lists her as WHITE!!!


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We are sad that the commitment we had hoped to meet coming back to San Diego has not manifested as we were promised by individual community members.

Yraceburu Earth Wisdom Southern California
August 18

Quote from their Facebook page.

Translation: These two fraudsters aren't making as much money in San Diego as they'd hoped.


  • Guest
Just an FYI: Maria Yraceburu now looks entirely different, due to extensive dental work. Her photo is uploaded here.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Just an FYI: Maria Yraceburu now looks entirely different, due to extensive dental work. Her photo is uploaded here.

Same photo here, with quite a different and shortened biography compared to some earlier versions:

Maria's Bio
When I was a kid I spent a lot of time running around in nature –while your feet are moving your mind is conversing with imaginary friends and wildlife. Sometimes I’d go rock hunting. My cousin would challenge me to stalk a butterfly, and off I’d go, flitting this way and that imitating the dance. Before I started school everything was surreal when I'd climb trees and swim in the pond. The family was a good place to be. They understood that the realities of contemporary life were lost in the visions of what could be. After graduation from Mission High, I spent sometime being a political activist, honing my ability to convience people that there was a better way to live life, learning to transfer my anger into plausible causes. Demonstrating made me feel important, but it never felt exactly right. It was frustrating at best, excruciating at worst. My family was exasperated over my choice of politics over spirit and land. Life in the future seemed so dark and impossible. I developed a depression that took me to the bottom of the pit.

Somewhere down the line I started teaching ways of Earth. My first step was as a guardian for Indigenous Elders. The second step was… well never mind, you get the idea.

One day I picked up a pen and started writing.  I was nearly 40 years old.   I sent my little essays  out to magazines and got rejected a lot. When I'd had it, I begin channeling prayer wheels for individuals.

Four years into my Prayermaking career, I got a call from Arielle Ford asking for a story to put in her anthology, Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Teenage Soul. It was a vision experience written about the first time I show my life partner, and I was paid a staggering $100.

With my head reeling from all this money, I plunged into writing books of EarthWisdom, teaching and leading ceremony full time, saying good-bye to not being seen. I wrote nonstop for the next five years, and had two books published by Bear & Company. It was a rewarding experience, but after Legends & Prophecies of the Quero Apache and Prayers and Meditations of the Quero Apache, I wanted to do more than what the editors at the company wanted, and decided to move into the world of self-publishing.

I spent two years retracking –working our earth lessons, learning to write how-to, practicing speaking in public. At the end of those years I created my SpiralDancing Life program. I would say that the program has produced some of my best written works, and I will admit to coming to the conclusion that the entire apprenticeship program borders on ingenuis.

It turns out I’m a really overamped ceremonialist with no hobbies or special interests. My favorite thing to do is ceremony and talking philosophy with people.

I listen to 60s music and I only watch happy movies. I motivate myself to move forward by spending money on something fun when I am afraid I won't make it. And now that I'm grown up, I've turned into Grandpa.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Less than two years ago, this was one her biographies, with her photograph, and also a 1:30:1 long audio:

Encore! Maria Yraceburu: Native Healing in a Modern World
January 30, 2017
Maria Yraceburu is a Native American, from the Apache Tribe. She is an author and tlish diyan da'igoti for humankind and the Earth Mother. She is the founder and spiritual director of Yraceburu EarthWisdom, a nonprofit that promotes relationship between earth and humans, sharing cross-cultural teachings from around the world from Indigenous earth-wisdom. A culture bearer and longtime teacher, she has authored 13 books. Maria also serves Taa-naash-kaa-da Sanctuary in Las Vegas, New Mexico, as program director and advisor in residence. Maria Yraceburu has twice been awarded the Presidential Humanitarian Award. Maria Yraceburu has lived the ways of the Apache Tlish Diyan all her life, studying with Grandfather Juan Ten Bears Yraceburu, a direct descendant of Apache Dreamer and Prophet Nochaydelklinne. Her gift is in bringing these teachings into the modern world, revealing step by step, how we can align our lives and co-create peace.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Here is an undated (2008 or newer) biography with those Apache claims:

Wise woman Radio
Learning about Earth's Wisdom with Maria Yraceburu
Susun Weed interviews Maria Yraceburu, native american philospher, educator and community leader

Maria Yraceburu is an Apache idealist Tlish Diyan philosopher, educationist, painter and community council maria yraceburuleader. She is commonly regarded as the most important Tlish Diyan thinker, with interpretations of EarthWisdom that denies the polarity of the contemporary thought.

Born Maria Yraceburu in Downey, California, her childhood name was Naylin 'iskinihi. Her father was a captain in the army during Viet Nam. She learned the traditional ways of her heritage from Grandfather Juan Ten Bears Yraceburu.

Known as Naakai Ts'ilsoose ("Returning Star) in traditional indigenous circles, she served as a guardian to various indigenous elders until being sent on her Warrior's Task to share the vision of the new time with the world in 1973.

Yraceburu became a successful ceremonialist and is known for the energetic timing she accesses in all of her work, choreographing healing and life celebration.and was presented a honoring "ecopsychology" degree in 1999.

In 1999, while working in Santa Rosa, California, she had her first short story published in an anthology compiled by Arielle Ford, and made one of the earliest references to her Tlish Diyan life philosophy, a storyteller manner transported readers from the linear thinking of contemporary thought to newly-acquaited possibilities found in ancient prophecy.

While working in Santa Rosa, she and life partner Lynda, also worked through traditional ways to rehabilitated drug addicts, and reconstructed what was lost by the battered women. Though she was acknowledge by her tradition, she was ostracized for 50% white blood.

Thirty-eight years after her birth, she was given the role of Bundle Caretaker.

In 2007 she began her initiations into the Elders' Society

She is co-founder of Yraceburu EarthWisdom, a 501 (c) 3 eco-spiritual community. Yraceburu is the leading figure in the SpiralDancing Community of EarthWisdom, a continuance of her lineage teachings from Grandfather Ten Bears and her eco-sychology work. This community champions an interpretation of EarthWisdom that unifies knowledge and action.

Her books are Legends & Prophecies of the Quero Apache (Bear & Co, 2002), Prayers & Meditations of the Quero Apache (Bear & Co., 2004), Wisdom of the Rainbow Serpent (YEW, 2005), Words of Power (YEW, 2008), and her latest compilation anthology Sisters of Honua: Those Who Stand with Ancestors. Her most important work to date is the planned community investment sustainability project Taanaashkaada Sanctuary.

She holds that time exists simultaneously in space because the united thought created them. She believes that it is intent that shapes reality, and the dream that gives reason to the world.

Therefore, the evolution is the source of all truth. She understands this to be an inner understanding, an innate calling to find a lifeway of cooperation.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Maria Yraceburu
« Reply #83 on: October 13, 2018, 02:50:08 am »
She is on Facebook as Yraceburu EarthWisdom.  Her wall is open for reading.

That profile now yields "Sorry, this content isn't available at the moment".

This is her present FB profile, with very recent postings:

I have come to say a word… will you listen?
Founder at Yraceburu Earth Wisdom Southern California
Followed by 100 people
Manages Maria Yracébûrû, Connect to the Earth and Sisters of Honua Project

The links mentioned, with URLs of related Internet sites added, if given: [Yraceburu Earth Wisdom Southern California] [Facebook Page; not Profile.] [Connect to the Earth] [Sisters of Honua Project]

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Almost all previous links in the forum to pages under their domain do not work.

I'll quote a small part from this page, where they claim really 'ancient knowledge':

–Explore The Range–
Nochaydelklinne – Sees Beyond the Stars – or the Apache Dreamer, was one of the first visionaries to bring forth visions of this time. Since then we have built a reputation as one of the world’s leading earth wisdom communities. The founding of Yraceburu EarthWisdom draws on the vital contributing influences of our cross-cultural family of mystics - and of their respective trainings, combined with the Yraceburu traditional methods and ceremonial ways.

–Rich Legacy–
Yraceburu EarthWisdom eco-spiritual community was founded by members of the Yraceburu family in 2002. The original name "Yraceburu", is from the ancient athapascan, meaning Snake Heart - and holds  a close association with a form of healing and spirituality that began nearly 10,000 years ago. The Yraceburu family have been practicing these ways for centuries, upgrading for relevance in each phase of the human journey.

My bolding in that last paragraph. The phrase 'the ancient athapascan' must be totally meaningless, considering this:

Athabaskan or Athabascan (also Dene, Athapascan, Athapaskan) is a large family of indigenous languages of North America, located in western North America in three groups of contiguous languages: Northern, Pacific Coast and Southern (or Apachean). Kari and Potter 2010:10 place the total territory of the 53 Athabaskan languages at 1,563,000 mi2 or 4,022,000 km2.

I'd really like to know what they are referring to when they claim "a form of healing and spirituality that began nearly 10,000 years ago". How do they know it's 10,000 and not 9,000 or 11,000 years ago? Usually, only archaeologists can estimate such past datings. So, do they have archaelogical evidence?

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
At the page I quoted from in my previous post I found this undated photo of the two women who are the topic(s) of this present NAFPS thread:

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi & Woody Bailey facilitating Lynda & Maria Yraceburu's Wedding

So if they are legally married in the state where this event took place (or later), there should be a marriage certificate with their legal names on it, that would be interesting to see, since these persons re-named themselves in the past?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2018, 12:43:31 pm by not_ur_spirit_animal »

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Mary Jo Gardner/Maria Naylin/Maria Yraceburu & Lynda Tari/Lynda Yraceburu
« Reply #86 on: October 12, 2019, 10:05:13 pm »
Maria Yraceburu has posted today and about 20 other times in this public Facebook group: [Shamanism]

Also very active in this public Facebook group, which she manages: [EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web]

She has a YouTube channel, last updated this week:

That links to:

I also found links to a calendar, where you can sign up for
"Womyn's Mystic Mentorship Session — 2 hours @ $234.00".

Then there is another Facebook page (linking to [Yraceburu EarthWisdom]

That FB page is managed by Lynda Yraceburu and Maria Yraceburu.

Finally, another active Facebook page, (reported by me one year ago): [Maria Yracébûrû]

I think the above pretty much sums up their online presence as of this time.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Mary Jo Gardner AKA Maria Naylin AKA Maria Yraceburu & LINDA YRACEBURU
« Reply #87 on: January 11, 2020, 05:45:36 am »
At the page I quoted from in my previous post I found this undated photo of the two women who are the topic(s) of this present NAFPS thread:
Kahuna Kalei'iliahi & Woody Bailey facilitating Lynda & Maria Yraceburu's Wedding
So if they are legally married in the state where this event took place (or later), there should be a marriage certificate with their legal names on it, that would be interesting to see, since these persons re-named themselves in the past?

That page is not available any more (404 Error) although exists.

I notice that LYNDA Yraceburu is now LINDA Yraceburu. At the above site this pops up:

Linda Yraceburu
sign up for my mailing list & get my free EarthSpirit Photography ebook Six Keys to Success

See also: