Author Topic: Derek Ritchie, reiki shaman  (Read 3662 times)

Offline Smart Mule

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Derek Ritchie, reiki shaman
« on: May 10, 2021, 09:41:02 pm »
Derek Ritchie is a self-proclaimed 'reiki shaman' and a 'Holy Fire Reiki Master', practicing out of Sangha Farm I am not only posting to expose yet another appropriator but to show how plastic shaman and fake medicine people and sellouts create lineages of appropriation.

Ritchie's 'teacher' was Grandmother Standing Bear aka Reverend Nancy Higgins who claims to have 'worked as a shaman for the past sixteen years'
Over the years Nancy has led sweat lodges & vision quests, and has assisted many utilizing past life regression, magnetic healing, and shamanic healing. While she no longer leads lodges, she does facilitate Medicine Wheel Vision Quests in the Spirit Wheel at the Center as well as incorporating shamanic work into all of her healing modalities. She is known and respected as Grandmother Standing Bear. 'Reverend Nancy Higgins, known to her students as “Grandmother Standing Bear”, has trained for 7 years with Sally Perry, a Cherokee Medicine Woman, and has worked in metaphysics for over 30 years. Her specialties include Shamanic breath, crystal therapy, soul retrieval, and past life regression. She has mastered the use of Tibetan and Crystal bowls, as well as special stones, in her private healing sessions. As a master teacher of Usui/Tibetan, Karuna Reiki, and Shamanic Reiki, Higgins offers all levels of Reiki training at the Temple.'

Higgins studied under Reverend Sally Perry, a self proclaimed Cherokee Medicine Woman who goes by the name Spirit Medicine. The picture on her site seems to show that she is illegally in possession of eagle feathers. She's appeared on Outer Limits Radio under the name Swami Satchidanand Perry has also authored at least one book She conducts Vision Quests
According to Sally, the ancient ceremony of the Vision Quest has emerged once again at this particular time in earth’s history for a very specific purpose.  Sally says that universally, all of humanity is undergoing a birth into a higher level of consciousness.  The process of helping people give birth to their visions, both individually and collectively, is helping the planet give birth to the New Order.  The Native American wisdom is re-emerging to midwife this birth.  Shamans and medicine people are bridge builders that will give us the courage to step in the unknown.  This is the purpose of Sally’s work…. and this is her greatest joy.

Sally Perry studied under Joseph Rael aka Beautiful Painted Arrow who has spawned many fraud on this site.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Derek Ritchie, reiki shaman
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2021, 09:48:09 pm »

From Facebook - "Appointments in the comfort of your home or my healing studio. In person and distance healing available. Shamanic Healing, Ceremonies, Holy Fire Reiki, Dowsing (pendulum work), House/Land Clearing, Pet/Livestock Reiki, Sliding Scale Available"

My bold.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Derek Ritchie, reiki shaman
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2021, 12:01:42 am »
Derek Ritchie is a self-proclaimed 'reiki shaman' and a 'Holy Fire Reiki Master', practicing out of Sangha Farm I am not only posting to expose yet another appropriator but to show how plastic shaman and fake medicine people and sellouts create lineages of appropriation.

The Facebook page points to this URL:

That domain has expired and is for sale at:

I found it here: (Search for

Saved 40 times between July 31, 2007 and May 8, 2021, but for the past few years redirects to the sale page.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Derek Ritchie, reiki shaman
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2021, 12:16:14 am »
Thanks Sparks! Looking back at their website, they were selling white sage and smudge sticks, knowing they were appropriating.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Derek Ritchie, reiki shaman
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2021, 01:33:03 am »
From Facebook - "Appointments in the comfort of your home or my healing studio. In person and distance healing available. Shamanic Healing, Ceremonies, Holy Fire Reiki, Dowsing (pendulum work), House/Land Clearing, Pet/Livestock Reiki, Sliding Scale Available"

The accompanying photo (posted by Maribeth Blankenburg Ritchie) is from April 1, 2017. It was also posted by sangha farm:

There is also a Twitter account: (Maribeth Ritchie)

Like the Facebook page already mentioned, no activity since March 19, 2019.

No recent items to find about Sangha Farm and Derek Ritchie. Maybe they have gone out of business?

Grandmother Standing Bear (aka Reverend Nancy Higgins) and Reverend Sally Perry (aka Spirit Medicine) seem much more interesting and probably deserve their own topics?

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Derek Ritchie, reiki shaman
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2021, 07:46:46 pm »
To the best of my knowledge Derek Ritchie is still in business.

I agree, his teachers deserve their own threads. I'm unable to get to this for several days at least so if you would like to start treads that is fine with me.