Author Topic: Mike Chirobokow  (Read 40394 times)

Offline mysticknt

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Mike Chirobokow
« on: July 23, 2005, 08:48:34 am »
just came across this it old but he seemsto get about a bit

Mike Chirobokow from Canada

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2005, 12:31:13 pm »
Robin, this looks like a chance for you to pass along those flyers I gave out.

Doing a sweatlodge to celebrate Samhain?! Wait a minute, that's not even the funniest thing, get a load of "Brother Michael".

Really inspires confidence...

And take a look at the "lodge" it's one big outdoor tent.

"Before coming to live in Europe, Mike - whose Native American name is "Sacred Warrior Coming Down" - had been a Sundance (Native American piercing ritual) leader with the Black Foot Indian tribe and had been adopted by a Canadian First Nation Cree family."

And he's recommending claustrophobics try to be "cured" by sweatlodges. Incredibly stupid.

And of course you just gotta have your own fake tipi nearby the ceremony.

This event is booked at a college as a "Native Red Indian" ceremony. At least in the US you could stop this kind of thing at a college or university by pointing to its offensiveness to Native students, not to mention the bigoted title theyre using. Any chance someone could complain to this college? I'd be glad to be in contact with the college myself if its help.

Offline 180IQ

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2005, 01:09:11 pm »
I guess those Blackfeet must've taught ol' Mike C. about charging for ceremonies:

One of the "Sweatlodge Terms and Conditions" is that "space in the sweat lodge is not booked until you have paid (£30)".

However I doubt that writing to the college will help stop this particular event, which took place last year.

I will move this post over to the Frauds category.

Offline mysticknt

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2005, 01:16:56 pm »
flyers??? could do with a copy of them and will get them put in our local pagan fed magazine

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2005, 03:08:34 pm »
This event is booked at a college as a "Native Red Indian" ceremony. At least in the US you could stop this kind of thing at a college or university by pointing to its offensiveness to Native students, not to mention the bigoted title theyre using. Any chance someone could complain to this college? I'd be glad to be in contact with the college myself if its help.

Here's their site. From what I can tell it started out as a socialist experiment in the middle of the twentieth century, but I suspect it was started by the kind of socialist who George Orwell famously lambasted as 'bearded fruit-juice drinkers'!

These days it seems to be a commune rather than a college. With fewer beards. How can we get in touch with Native people over here? Ed and Sox can't be the only ones...

There's another one planned this year:
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2005, 04:48:24 pm »
I found this guy when I typed Sweat Lodges into Google UK. I mailed him for information and got this back...

Thanks for your email and your inquiry into the lodges. We have a permanent lodge at Braziers Park, Ipsden Oxfordshire (just north of Reading) and hold a lodge monthly.

Attached is our information sheet, giving some background on ourselves and the sweat lodge. Hopefully it helps in answering most of your questions. Also seperately we will send you an email invitation.

Of course if you need more information or have other questions, please to contact us, we would be happy to assist.

Trust we will have the pleasure of you joining our circle in the near future.

Warmest Regards

Mike & Tilly

Attached was a Word.Doc which is copied below....

Sweat Lodge Leader:

Mike Chirobokow - Na’ To’ Win’ Niso (Sacred Warrior Coming Down) is a pipe carrier and for over 20 years has lived, studied and learned amongst various North American Indian tribes primarily the Cree and the Blackfoot Indians. Connecting and working with the Blackfoot tribe he became the first non-native to become a Sundance leader.

Working With:

Tilly Flynn-Lawson – is a practicing naturopathic therapist specialising in Reiki, Crystals, Dowsing, Essences, Herbalism, Stress Release, Counselling and Meditation and has participated in many lodges.


The sweat lodge is an old traditional native ceremony that is still in practice amongst various North American Indian tribal nations. The practice of sweating has historically been performed amongst many cultures, including in Europe, but the ceremonies and ritual practices have been forgotten and disappeared with time.

Native North American Indians are very modest and do not practice new age sweating (nude). The sweat lodge is similar to a sauna in that there is heat and moisture. That’s where the similarities stop and the uniqueness and the benefits of the lodge begin. An atmosphere is created which is often referred to as ‘being in the womb of Mother Earth’; it is a place of safety, giving, sharing, receiving, releasing, cleansing and healing. Done with ceremony and ritual, it becomes a place where we connect with ourselves, each other and our Earth Mother. Through this contact we come to a better understanding of our place in the universe, our relationship to all things. It is a place of awareness, of re-energizing, of re-focusing and a multitude of other dynamics experienced individually and collectively.
Many North American and Central American Indian tribes have traditionally used the sweat lodge for purification, cleansing and healing of mind, body, emotions and spirit. Spiritual sweating cleanses the mind, body, emotions and spirit, contributing to a healthier individual. Through the use of traditional rituals and forms, it assists the individual in achieving balance and peace within themselves as well as with others and their environment. Those who participate in the sweat lodge find themselves rejuvenated and re-energised coming out feeling whole.
Today many are searching for their roots and trying to find the connections between themselves, each other and the world around them.  Knowing that our ancestors once had a special relationship with the earth, we look to find that relationship again, to re-connect. This has led individuals to explore various traditions around the world, with a sharing of knowledge between peoples.
Through a combination of silence, singing, drumming, praying, and sharing from the heart, sweat lodges become the other heart of a community. The sweat lodge experience is a truly holistic experience.
Entering into the lodge with an open mind, the individual is then prepared for cleansing of negative emotions, healing of physical ailments, clearing of mental concerns and releasing of spiritual blockages.

A properly run sweat lodge ceremony held in the traditional ways of the Native North American Indians is when the sweat lodge leader has trained, studied and worked for many years under the guidance of elders/medicine men or women (as in most spiritual traditions there is a training which an individual goes through in order to be qualified). Through ritual and ceremony the sweat lodge leader will guide the participants through different dimensions according to individual needs. No two people are the same, each individual comes into the sweat lodge with a different need or perspective and each will come away with a different experience.

The sweat lodge preparation starts early in the day with smudging (cleansing) and preparing the fire. Participants are encouraged to attend early 10.00 to help with preparations, join in the fire lighting ceremony 11.00 or to be there by 13.00 for greetings and introductions. We enter into the sweat lodge shortly after and finish sometime in the evening.
Lakota elder Black Elk tells us:  "The sweat lodge utilizes all powers of the universe: earth, and things that grow from the earth, water, fire and air."
All My Relations

Cost per sweat £35.  For booking information and further instructions, please contact:

The next dates are Sept 24th and October 22nd, address is Braziers Park, Ipsden, Wallingford, Oxfordshire. The telephone no is 01753 831141

Offline piya

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2005, 05:50:59 pm »
Wow, trained by Cree and Blackfoot but the comment is:-

Lakota elder Black Elk tells us:  "The sweat lodge utilizes all powers of the universe: earth, and things that grow from the earth, water, fire and air."  
All My Relations

Now correct me if I am wrong, but when I have taken part in ceromony, its only the elder you take note of, not something you have seen on the internet, surely the Cree and Blackfoot elders had there own words.

Nr. Reading eh, not to, drive past nearly every day.


To Old To Die Young

Offline mysticknt

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2005, 07:12:14 pm »
I got a note in my files about him
two other names have come up
Chris Waters
Nick Speakman

hope it helps

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2005, 07:24:13 pm »
lol I did hope somebody was near and might like to drop in and pay our respects.
Go get 'em Piya. Lets help him live up to his name- Coming Down


Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2005, 07:33:19 pm »
well well well. That was usefull information Graham. Too many variations came up when I searched for Chris Waters, but when I searched for Nick Speakman this site quickly came up, and look who is also involved, our mutual friend Mike Coming Down Chirobokow. In Glastonbury of all places. Their site is..
One comment that is almost alarming is -
His sweat lodges are gentle and yet powerful and Mike’s interest is in making sweatlodge easily accessible for those who have never experienced lodge before.
More accessable, more exploitation and more money in his pocket.

Offline vikinglady

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2005, 07:45:46 am »

Sweat Lodge Leader:

Mike Chirobokow - Na’ To’ Win’ Niso (Sacred Warrior Coming Down) is a pipe carrier and for over 20 years has lived, studied and learned amongst various North American Indian tribes primarily the Cree and the Blackfoot Indians. Connecting and working with the Blackfoot tribe he became the first non-native to become a Sundance leader.

I checked with a friend on the Blackfoot Tribal Council. He has never heard of this person. He said he could ask around but if someone who has lived his whole life on the rez and been involved both in political and spiritual issues has not heard of a non-Native Sundance leader among them....well, I don´t think so.....



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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2005, 04:52:48 pm » we are modest NA' what! to get me chopper out when Piya and I pay a visit! hehehe!


Offline Sarangerel

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2005, 07:18:10 am »
That guy has a Russian name.  There is a big fake Native American movement in Russia, I saw them on television a few times when I lived there.  They have their own pow wows and everything.  I believe they are doing sun dances too.  Maybe he is one of them?


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2005, 10:13:24 pm »
In a previous now deleted version of NAFPS when we were still a yahoo group (it's a long story, we had some harassers after us worried about their little power base being exposed), we were in a long debate with members of the Orthodix Wannabe League, Russians living in tipis wearing buckskins and learning Lakota. They said they didn't do ceremonies. Most of them quit dressing up after they heard Indians making fun of them. I'd guess most of them went looking for some guru or leader to follow.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Mike Chirobokow
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2008, 07:24:53 pm »
My apologies for posting in an old file....but I thought you may be interested in the following.

Sweat Lodge
Sweat Lodge Leader: Mike Chirobokow- Na To Win Niso (Sacred Warrior Coming Down) is invited over to the UK to run the sweatlodges; he is a pipe carrier and for over 20 years has lived, studied and learned amongst various North American Indian tribes primarily the Cree and the Blackfoot Indians. Connecting and working with the Blackfoot tribe, he became the first non-native to become a Sundance leader.

Working Together With: Tilly Chirobokow has been a practicing naturopathic therapist for a number of years specialising in energy therapies: Vibrational Medicine/Crystal Healing/Reiki (Master/Teacher Practitioner)/Dowsing/Essences/Herbalism & Counselling for Degenerative Diseases/Stress Release/Meditation; she has worked and participated with Mike in many, lodges.

All My Relations

Contribution for the day is £40 For booking information and further instructions please contact:
Telephone: 01550 721615 

Also from one of the flyers we had posted on our yahoo group...




As the sun spirals its longest dance,
Cleanse us
As nature shows bounty and fertility
Bless us
As all things live with loving intent
Love us
Creator help us to fulfill our truest destiny
A Summer Blessing









E-mail:    Tel:  01550 721 615    Web: 

NB This is not a New Age (nude)Sweat Lodge

Please feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone that you think is interested or may benefit.

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There are no leaders in Unity