NAFPS Archives > Archive No. 1

NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN: Dwayne Frost/Kitchi Musko

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--- Quote from: educatedindian on November 01, 2014, 01:14:47 pm ---Is there any sign of sites or individuals using his name, claiming they were authorized by him to be healers? If not, we should think about moving the thread to Archives.
--- End quote ---

No, there aren't any persons claiming him for any authorisations.

As far as I can tell from what's online, Frost never sold ceremony. He was a painter, and he was part of the Euro powwow circuit. He e.g. participated in the annual Karl May Festival for several years and functioned as the Festival's patron (  ) , and showed up for the powwow organised by the Rosenheim exhibition (  ), and in such events met our local pretendians and also frauds like Xokonoshtletl (a fake Aztec selling ceremony). From what is to be found online, he never seems to have objected against making an appearance alongside such persons, and of course thus contributed to cementing stereotypes about ndn peoples in his German audience (like providing the Karl May Festival with an annual peace pipe they hand out as a prize in a contest).


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