Author Topic: Saraha Morteo AKA Sara Urquidez AKA Sara Eaglewoman  (Read 20461 times)


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Re: Sara Eaglewoman
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2015, 02:20:22 am »
Compare the real photo to the disrespectful image Sara created and posted on FB. She is working on literally erasing the truth and grafting her lying self in.

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Offline loudcrow

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Re: Sara Eaglewoman
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2015, 03:20:28 am »
"When Sara Eaglewoman was quite young her family recognized that she had the gifts of intuitive vision and the ability to heal. A direct descendant of Geronimo, Eaglewoman is carrying on the lineage as a Medicine Woman of the Apache Nation."

No one is going to dispute whether or not Sara is a healer. Healers come in all shapes, sizes and ethnic groups. The problem is that Sara is advertising herself as
being a direct descendant of Geronimo and a Medicine Woman of the Apache Nation. This is where we come in and why we have this thread on her... she is
promoting herself as being a Native American healer.. more specifically, a Medicine Woman of the Apache Nation.

Native American medicine people live within their communities. They do not make public spectacles of themselves and do not advertise their services (which include
sessions, clearings, ceremony and teachings) on the Internet. The people know who they are. Medicine people do not advertise and sell  products such as:

These supreme healing oils hold the manifestations of miracles gifted directly from divine source.

Eaglewoman's Holy Oil
This sacred and powerful oil was formulated and channeled through Eaglewoman from the Divine Mary Magdalene. Holy Oil sustains your life force and attracts the lover of your soul. It calls forth all goodness and repels negativity. It envelops you with love and opens up your heart to the Ascended Masters vibration, to receive, emanate and sustain great love. 1oz bottle- $40

Eaglewoman's Alchemy Oil
This profound oil was channeled through Eaglewoman from the Divine Holy Mother Mary. Alchemy Oil anchors heaven here on earth. It manifests abundance, illuminates and cleanses the auric field and allows the law of attraction to come forth. Those who anoint with this highly protective oil will gain new awareness and knowledge for the love of the divine is upon you! 1oz bottle- $40

* All oils are %100 pure, hand pressed flower and herb essential oil essence *

* Orders Ship within the United Sates Only *
* All sales are final*

E A G L E W O M A N ' S  S A C R E D  O I L S

 Can it get any better than this:  A direct descendant of Geronimo, a Medicine Woman of the Apache Nation who sells oils channeled from Divine Mary Magdalene.
What more could you ask for? This is Nuage (rhymes with sewage) nonsense that has absolutely nothing to do with Native Americans.

Native Americans always ask, "Who is your family?" Even the  Apache answer that question. We're still waiting for Sara's answer.

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Sara Eaglewoman
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2015, 04:03:34 pm »
Saix.... for future reference...
AJO in Spanish means GARLIC.
Mesa, NM has no "rez", being north of Roswell where there are no tribal lands.
That word is spelled W-A-R-R-I-O-R.
And if she doesn't want non-believers to question her claims, then... WHY ADVERTISE?
Go to the lake. Realize you've been had by a faker. Go home. Sleep it off. Start therapy on Monday.

I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Saraha Morteo AKA Sara Urquidez AKA Sara Eaglewoman
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2015, 01:09:38 am »
A bit late to this, but I wanted to point out some things.

1. if anyone has an issue visit the New Mexico Rez in Mesa and ask and see if they let you In.

2. and for that pagan comment are you seriously? what is the difference between a witch and a medicine person rituals seem very similar ha ha just ask a fundamentalist Christian?

3. anyone can open an Online page and loose their password or access to them from years ago. she is an elder by her peers and her grandchild.

4. she does no advertise to make money she advertise to explain to those coming to seek HER! work of word of the mouth her truth which she is entitle to do so.

5. if you truly Know an Apache you will know that You don't question them.  period. They don't engage period. nor feel the need to explained them selves to ANYONE. period

6. You Have Never seen Saraeaglewoman Indian Registry you Can Prove Nothing...   

7. so what!! she use to dance in Hawai...good for her she enjoy Living her life to the fullest. 

8. Saraeaglewoman does not Gamble, Have Help LOTS OF PEOPLE Free of charge....

9. I love going to casinos...that's its just my thing...while on vacation.   That does not mean I'm putting Native People Down.

10. I love Natives I'm Happily Married to One. and I'm Brazilian and Grew up In an APACHE REZ.       

11. Its a Beautiful day outside ....heading out to Lake Tahoe....   

1. No such place. You mean the Mescalero rez? Not only will you be let in, tourists are welcome at their ski resort with its golf course and lake.

2. You seem extremely ignorant about Natives. Witch is an insult, and witches used to be shunned or in a few cases killed in the past.

3. Are you claiming Morteo lost the pw to her website? That's a silly excuse. Anyone could contact the host or recover their pw any number of ways. She's responsible for what her own site puts out, including her attempts to sell ceremony and claims of healing.
Which "peers" are those? She's claimed to be Apache, Blackfoot, and Hawaiian. Her peers never heard of her, and of course grandkids don't make someone an elder, only elderLY.

4. Nonsense. It's a commercial site she set up.

5. Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit, and pretty racist too. Your ideas come straight from racist old movies.

6. "Registry card"? Don't you mean enrollment card or CDIB?

7. Used to dance? She falsely claimed to be expert in Native Hawaiian healing.

8. No one claimed she did gamble, but you make us suspicious when you defend her about that. And you just confirmed she often sells ceremony and healing.

9. When you spout racist stereotypes, you do put people down.

10. Now you're claiming to be married to a Native of an unnamed tribe? It sounds like the standard racist defense, "some of my best friends are..." If you truly are married to one, it hasn't made you any less racist, nor being allegedly Brazilian, or allegedly growing up on an Apache rez when you get the names of Apache rezzes wrong and other obvious mistakes.

11. So you claim to have grown up on an Apache rez but now live in an expensive tourist town like Tahoe?

One final matter. Your email address doesn't turn up online anywhere else. It seems you created it just for this site. That suggests you don't want anyone to know who you are so you can just make things up, one contradictory bit after another. It's even possible you could be Morteo herself.

Your new set of claims just leave more questions than answers and make Morteo look worse, esp. the way you refuse to answer almost all questions. There's still no evidence Morteo has ever done anything but peddle Nuage cures and beliefs to white celebrities for profit and made three unlikely claims about being part of two tribes plus being a Hawaiian healer.

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Sara Eaglewoman
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2015, 03:10:43 am »
Compare the real photo to the disrespectful image Sara created and posted on FB. She is working on literally erasing the truth and grafting her lying self in.

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OMG that Photoshop'd pic is extremely disturbing to me. It is creepy beyond belief!
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Cheesy Little Life

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Re: Saraha Morteo AKA Sara Urquidez AKA Sara Eaglewoman
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2015, 02:52:07 pm »

1  Rewriting history is a crime

I have been sitting with this story for a few weeks now, wondering why I have been feeling so haunted by that doctored photograph that Piff the Brute   8)  found for us in Reply # 15, and trying to come to terms with the enormity of the crime this 'Sara Eaglewoman' has committed.

I sat for quite a while switching back and forth between the genuine image and the fake one, wondering how it is that this person, with a completely straight face, can have the barely believable gall to misuse computer tools to airbrush a Native woman out and insinuate her own smug self in her place, standing next to a certain important Native gentleman who, I understand, is highly respected.

As a foreigner coming here, I have also been hesitant to wade in with white comment, preferring to wait for more informed persons than myself to say something more.

But the issues that image-manipulation raises cross more than one cultural divide: this is about the criminal rewriting of history - and that at least is a universal. I can relate, in my own culture, to the warnings of how evil can enter the world from George Orwell's terrifying novel of a future dystopia, Nineteen Eighty-Four. Here, the Ministry of Truth (which deals in propaganda) is continually engaged in rewriting history - text, images, everything - in order to maintain the totalitarian power structure.

Till now, I thought only nazis and certain despotic régimes and tyrants did this.

Rewriting history in any form is a crime against Ancestors; and also against Children. How can future generations know who they are and where they come from, if some ignorant and callous pseudo-'healer' has stolen their core identity, their Ancestors? How can those future cultures survive, then?

I honestly wonder whether 'Sara Eaglewoman' in her 'wisdom' fully understands what line she has crossed and what that truly means. As a self-appointed 'enlightened healer', does she understand how her selfish and predatory marketing effort to acquire paying clients is propagating the weeds and seeds of evil?

And it is especially heinous that this person has abused these important Native Ancestors. Even some white people like myself know just a little of the true historical circumstances around them.

If anyone had done this to any of my ancestors I would be feeling enraged enough to take action, including seeking legal advice. I do not even dare to imagine what the True Descendants of these two Native persons might be thinking and feeling about SE right now.

2  Misusing computer tools

Computer tools can be used neutrally, creatively or destructively, and I hope SE will now come to understand that she has made an egregious error.

I don't think she understands that if she misuses computers to lie to the world at large, and to foreigners like me, then she also must accept that people worldwide can also view her crimes for what they are.

Fortunately, there are certain steps that can be taken against her, and it would not surprise me if people have already been in hot pursuit of her case.

First, Facebook has clear rules about the use and abuse of that site. Their Terms and Policies are comprehensive and crystal clear.

And here is an extract from the Help section:

Image Privacy Rights

This part of the Help Center contains information about privacy rights as they relate to photos and videos posted on Facebook. Sometimes, people reading this section are actually looking for help with other things. If you see your issue below, click on it for help:

•   Impostor accounts
•   Hacked accounts
•   Abuse and harassment
•   Intellectual Property (ex: copyright)

Remember that you can report abuse by using the Report links located near most pieces of content on Facebook. If you're tagged in a photo or video you don't like, you can remove the tag by clicking the Remove Tag link next to your name. Your name will be removed and the content will no longer be associated with your Timeline. We also encourage you to get in touch with the person who posted this content in order to resolve the issue with them directly. Learn more.

Reporting Photos & Videos That Violate Your Privacy Rights

Facebook provides people with ways to report photos and videos that they believe to be in violation of their privacy rights. We'll remove photos and videos that you report as unauthorized if this is required by relevant privacy laws in your country, as long as the reported content involves you, your child (under 13) or another person for whom you are the legal representative or guardian. Photos or videos involving anyone else will need to be reported by the individual themselves.

I live in the US and want to report a photo or video that violates my privacy.

•   If you're under the age of 18 and you think a photo or video on Facebook should be removed because it violates your rights, please fill out this form.

•   If you're an adult living in a country where the law may not require the removal of unauthorized photos for privacy rights reasons, we might not remove the image you're reporting. We encourage you to contact the person who posted the photo or video in order to resolve this issue. If you have any questions about this, please review our Data Policy.

Now, we do not know which software she used to carry out the fakery; but Adobe Photoshop, for example, as a prominent software provider, also has clear Terms and Conditions. Here is an extract from:

5. User Conduct.

5.1 Responsible Use. The Adobe communities often consist of users who expect a certain degree of courtesy and professionalism. You must use the Services responsibly.

5.2 Misuse. You must not misuse the Services, Software, or content that we provide to you as part of the Services. For example, you must not:

(a) copy, modify, host, stream, sublicense, or resell the Services, Software, or content;

(b) enable or allow others to use the Service, Software, or content using your account information;

(c) use the content or Software included in the Services to construct any kind of database;

(d) access or attempt to access the Services by any means other than the interface we provided or authorized;

(e) circumvent any access or use restrictions put into place to prevent certain uses of the Services;

(f) share content or engage in behavior that violates anyone’s Intellectual Property Right (“Intellectual Property Rights” means copyright, moral rights, trademark, trade dress, patent, trade secret, unfair competition, right of privacy, right of publicity, and any other proprietary rights.);

(g) upload or share any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, lewd, profane, invasive of another’s privacy, or hateful;

(h) impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;

(i) attempt to disable, impair, or destroy the Services, software, or hardware;

(j) disrupt, interfere with, or inhibit any other user from using the Services (such as stalking, intimidating, or harassing others, inciting others to commit violence, or harming minors in any way),

(k) engage in chain letters, junk mails, pyramid schemes, spamming, or other unsolicited messages;

(l) place advertisement of any products or services in the Services;

(m) use any data mining or similar data gathering and extraction methods in connection with the Services; or

(n) violate applicable law.

See especially Conditions (h and l). If SH used Photoshop, she is clearly in contravention of both.

Terms and Conditions are a universal amongst all reputable internet providers; there is no excuse for SH not knowing. See for example the relevant lines from this extract from WebUrbanist:

5. Restrictions on Use of the Website

In your use of the Website, you shall not:

post, transmit or submit any confidential, false, misleading, unlawful, infringing, threatening, abusive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, discriminatory, obscene, inflammatory, scandalous, pornographic or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or would otherwise violate the law;

impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with someone else;

use the Website to advertise or perform any commercial solicitation.
[extract edited down to relevant lines]

I await 'Sara Eaglewoman's' response with interest. I am not interested in the opinions of any of her not-very-bright apologists.