Author Topic: Information please about Steve Yellowhand  (Read 16139 times)

Offline Edge

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Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« on: March 29, 2009, 06:26:24 am »
Does anyone here have any information regarding a man who goes by the name of Steve Yellowhand?

I understand he states he is from Pine Ridge.

What gives me pause is that I read a post from him in another forum in which he announces he is a Medicine Man.

There are those who say he is the real deal, and others claim he is Lakota but a sellout who is charging people for his ceremonies.

Since I never saw where he said he charges money for doing ceremonies, I do not wish to act rashly and judge.

If anyone can give me some information as to whether Steve Yellowhand is a fraud or "plastic medicine man", I would be much obliged.

Thank you.

Offline kosowith

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2009, 12:50:31 pm »
there have been several threads about him and the organizations he works with.

for example

Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona

Offline Cetan

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2009, 02:07:53 pm »
Those threads are about Adam Yellowbird, this thread asks about Steve Yellowhand
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 12:55:27 am by Cetan »


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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2009, 03:02:54 pm »
Not too much on him, he is on the offenders list:

Offline Edge

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2009, 04:07:11 am »
Thank you everyone for the information.

I was asking about Steve Yellowhand, but good to know about Adam Yellowbird as well.

Thank you for your link to the fraud page, frederica, I checked and saw his name there.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2009, 10:10:34 am »
Only thing I found on him were discussions over at where several people, Keely and Stonebear, mention him in passing as someone whose known to be a fraud. Keep in mind that sometimes Keely includes in her definition of a fraud people who have very fishy claims of being NDN, but may or may not be exploiters or plastics posing as shamans.

Also videos posted on youtube of him playing the flute.

Offline Edge

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2009, 03:20:31 pm »
Thank you, educatedindian.

I appreciate the information.

Offline Cetan

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2009, 01:07:52 am »
I would take that list with a grain of salt, there are people listed who, while have been accused of selling  but I dont think it is true to say they have no knowlege of Native Ways - specifically Godfrey Chipps and David Dwallow appear on that list and while they are known to sell ceremonies they also do know a lot.

Offline Edge

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2009, 02:13:26 am »
Thank you, Cetan.

I appreciate your response.

Offline pdawg

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2009, 05:13:36 am »
Steve Yellowhand of Marshfield MO a so call shamon is a fake and a conman dont have any thing to do with him yes he is from SD he sings sundance songs on stage where they shouldnt be song I hope this helps you

Offline Edge

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2009, 10:29:11 pm »
Thank you for the heads up, pdawg.

Offline Yellowhand

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2009, 08:18:29 pm »
I am Steve Yellowhand.  It is a shame that some people want to slander a person they dont even know.  I am a certified tribally endorsed medicineman.  As far as PDAWG's slanderous post: The flute concert was hosted by the Sioux Nation Sundance and The American Indian Movement as part of a prayer for Head Start pre-schools for some much needed funding they needed for all those 3 and 4 year old little kids.  As part of the prayer we sang songs and spoke in Lakota it is how 'we' Lakota do things.  Not all songs are Sundance songs even though some are sang at Sundances.  As far as making money I own a business and have no need for other incomes and I/we have never ever charged a single penny for anything at all to do with ceremonies. If you really did know me you would know that I am the one who is always paying for things because my Lakota family and friends are very poor people and often I am the only that can come up with funds to host events. PDAWG I challange you to post your real name and information behind your slanderous words. PDAWG better yet it would be better for you to apologize and then come over to my house and get to know me so you can release the un-needed hate you obviously harbor. To follow gossip and be a part of it makes you weak and also prevents you from many wonderful, joyful experiences you may have otherwise had in your life. If you came to know the man and not the myth you would have no need to make those hateful post about me.  I find it disturbing the "list" on the internet that target people the poster has never ever met.  Yet the intent is to drive the person who is named on the list into the ground and discredit them and cause as much harm as possible to the person.  Think about it what is right about that?  People are praying or pretending to be medicinemen in a attempt to be like Native American peoples.  I ask you whats so wrong with that?  They want to be like us..... things could be worse..... Some have said that our spiritual ways are being stolen.  Oh yea??? Do you not have it anymore?  If you don't then I'm sorry to tell you this but is your fault and yours alone.  I keep a sacred pipe called the Canunpa.  I keep it for use by and for the people...if they want it of course they can have it!    Prove to me someone is not living or not created by Wakan Tanka and I will deny them our ways.  But if they come in a good way no matter thier color of skin...I....will pray with them. Hecitu welo.  I would like the rest of you to gather some focus if you would please..... family.... we pray.. we try to help others... thats all we do... thats all we ever have done. Hecitu welo metakuye oyasin.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 08:29:35 am by Yellowhand »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2009, 09:44:58 pm »
If my memory is correct, you have been trying to get on NAFPS for some time but there have been technical problems keeping you. I offered a number of times to post a statement from you, unedited. In any case, it's always best if we hear from all sides to try and get at the truth of the matter.

I should point out, as I have before, that the only thing I could find online were some statements of personal opinion about you on the Indianz forum, not always reliable to put it mildly. So far the worse things to be found online have come from pdawg, who posted a single post and has never returned. The accusations mostly center around the issue of if it is proper to record the songs you did.

That is, until this account below. Trisha Jacobs' old website had an account about Steve Gullet AKA Yellowhand from Marshfield MO. if this is not you, we need to make that very clear so there is no confusion. But if this is you, I hope you will answer and give your side about this account.


Yellowhand, Steven
Date added to index: 20-5-2003
Real Name: Steve Gullet
Claimed Tribal Affiliation: first claimed Blackfoot, then adopted Lakota, now claims Lakota blood
Also seen hanging around
Location:Marshfield, MO
Claims: This guy actually had the audacity to put out his own statement after Arvol Looking Horse's. In that statement he continually reafirms his own (non-existent) connection to Lakota people, and tells non-ndns to basicly ignore what Arvol said.

....In 1996 I met a guy while going to college courses. I will not say his actual name, but he likes to call himself (as of around 2000) "Yellow-hand". Though at the time the name didn't exist. He was a graphics student like myself. In talking to this guy he learned of my Cherokee heritage and my experiences with a few good Lakota people. He showed an interest.

The next semester he was hanging around with the "rainbow people" frolicking and whatnot. I made a statement of how the term "rainbow tribe" was coined from the book "Black Elk speaks". He argued against this. Days later he returned with four books on Black Elk, and apologized for arguing and stated that I was right the whole time.

Semester three... He was wearing this big honkin necklace with chunks of rock and fake claws on it (and a bead supposedly worn by Crazy horse when he died). He stated at that time he was a "Native American story teller" and was half Blackfoot.

Two semesters later... He stated he was a "registered pipe carrier" for the Lakota, and a "registered medicine man" for the Blackfoot. At this time he also said he was a descendant of Black Elk's family, and was adopted by Crazy horses family. I never bothered to tell him the two were related and therfore the same family. lol

One semester later he was a Sweat practitioner and minister of the Native American Church (and possibly a peyote roadman). At this time he was also trying to get the city of Springfield Missouri to let him build "Black Elk Park" on an unwanted, unusable corner of city property. Never happened of course.

Half a semester later, he shared a "vision" with me.

He said, "I was pouring the water for my people in my sweat lodge and I was given a vision. I went out of the lodge and went to the fire. I looked up and said, Wakan Tanka, Im counting on you. I then walked across the fire, turned around and walked back, went back into the lodge and told my people of this. I just wanted to share that with you Brother". I said, Wow! I have had the same vision! Except It was on an episode of Walker Texas Ranger! lol

Semesters were finally over and I lost track of Mr Yellow-hand.

He resurfaced trying to sell badly made flutes as ones of traditional making and claimed also to be a Sun dancer.

In speaking with people a few years later I heard stories of how he was going around showing off his Pipe to people. I also learned that he gathered quite a group of "followers". A woman who met me at a friends home told me how she had been part of his "sweat family" and went to his "ceremonies". She then told me how Mr Yellow-hand took a "flesh offering" from A DECEASED CHILD!!!!!! I was so disgusted I wanted to puke and/or beat him into a wet gurgling pile.

Then in 2002, this Mr yellow-hand was wandering around the Powwow that I chair in Marshfield Missouri. He was purchasing sage sticks and then giving them to people saying that he gathered them on "the Rosebud rez" were he goes to do ceremonies for "the people". Some people at the Powwow who have had dealings with Mr Yellow-hand were getting hostile with him. I went, in my official capacity, to check it out. In catching up to him, he said "hi Steve" to me and I responded likewise. I expressed my concerns over his recent activities and recent history. He denied all allegations of course. He proceeded to unbutton his shirt and show me these little slit-scars on his chest. He said "when people see these scars my word is never questioned. I laughed out loud because I know many actual Sun dancers and what Sun dance Piercing scars look like. THIS SICK LITTLE MAN CUT HIMSELF WITH A RAZOR TO TRY AND SIMULATE SUN DANCE SCARS. . He then told me that when I knew him a few years ago, he was very "sick" and "lost". But when the Lakota people found him out in the woods they healed him and put him on the right road with the Chanunpa (Lakota sacred pipe). He then asked me if I thought he would be safe staying at the Powwow.

I gave him some words of wisdom ( I said, I can't be all places at the same time). At that point and he heeded my words, by leaving immediately. He did of course call the police and send them to the Powwow with a story of how he was assaulted. This notion was dispensed with quickly. The police said, "yea we figured it was bogus. We've had dealings with him before. That guy is a real piece of work."

He's still out there, though Ive heard he's been chased off many places. Hes always trying to get in on cheap free housing construction like bail or cobb houses. He wants to be another Arvol Looking horse.

So, lets look at the score card...

Native American story teller,
Blood relative to Black Elk,
Adopted member of Crazy horse's family,
"Registered" pipe carrier to the Lakota people,
"Registered" medicine man to the Blackfoot people,
Trained Inipi man (sweat practitioner),
Fire walker,
Priest of the Native American Church (peyote roadman),
Flute maker,
Builder of parks,
And the bringer of low cost housing to the Lakota people.

Wow and all this accomplished within three years.

I keep thinking I missed something. lol

The bottom line is, Mr Yellow-hand is still at large, and HE IS VERY DANGEROUS because people want to believe and because he is a real predator. Authorities both law enforcement and tribal (the ones he claims to represent) are aware of him and would like to catch up to him. If I can make that happen, I will.

There are people like this "Mr Yellow-hand" all over. Playing games with people and abusing them. People are sometimes so desperate to find their spiritual life that they will believe virtually anything. These charlatans are watching like vultures waiting to pick the bones of roadkill.


Last known to live in Marshfield Missouri, Mr Yellow-hand is still doing sweatlodges and such. And he does travel to events so he may come to your town. Scary eh?

Steve StoneBear

Offline Edge

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2009, 10:31:25 pm »
Thank you for this post, educatedindian.

Offline Yellowhand

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Re: Information please about Steve Yellowhand
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2009, 02:17:31 am »
To the Admin,

Steve "Stonebear" not his real name {Steve Bartha} who has admitted to lying about being Native American and had 'made up' his own tribe is a friend of a person who stole our lodge drum from our lodge when he was a guest and then tried to blackmail me to get it back.  Lottsa law enforcement documents on that one.

I am not Blackfoot pur se' [my father is part Blackfoot] perhaps in conversation I mentioned that.  All my life my Mother {full blood) taught me the ways of her people the Lakota.  Also I have lived on reservation a long time etc.

It is not only an insult to me and my family the lies he says about Sundance piercings, it also insults those Medicinemen at the reservation who pierced me.  Also such talk weakens the Canunpa.

This person was in a college class with me 1 semester for only part of the semester.  I had 1 maybe 2 talks with him where he self-claimed to be the only possible indian in the entire college.

All those other crazy claims he has made is just that crazy.  I have never claimed to be related to Crazyhorse.  Those who know anything knows that there are no surviving decendants of CrazyHorse.

I am not affilliated with the Native American Church however I could be if I wanted.  I just don't pray that way... it is not a Lakota way.

And if I took a flesh offering off a dead child then where? what child? This is a federal crime someone needs to call the FBI!!!  

The truth behind that wild story is that I knew some people in Utah who had a family member commit suicide with a gun.  They were keeping his bloody garments and blankets and freaking out 24/7 over the ordeal.  I told them to bring those things to Missouri to a ceremony (which they did) and when they arrived..... as to Lakota tradition...... I had them place those bloody items in the fire and let go of thier lost loveone and move on with thier lives.  I told those people what was claimed and they were very upset with his mean hearted lies to the point they provided a statement (in writing) about it which I have here at my home if you want to come and read it.  It is not something I should post on the internet.  So there is the real truth a little different than how he put it huh?

I have never read a single indian book at all not even Black Elks books even though I heard they were well done.

As far as Black Elk Park we were trying to get our city to recognize Native American hero's of the past and was encouraging the building of a Park to comemmorate such a honoring of indian people in our area.   The project failed due to a Missouri law that does not allow building under major power lines for any purpose and the spot we wanted was directly under power lines...big ones.

As far as cobb building.... lol I am the builder not the recipient.  We build houses for Native Americans in need absolutley free of charge (means I pay for the building of these houses valued at $150,000 each).

The real story behind this nutcase is that a friend of his sells native wood flutes as do I.  I have been very successful where he has not.  He and Steve Bartha aka/Stonebear went to many stores in my area and told this story to influence them to NOT by my flutes and of course TO buy thiers... getting the picture?

I reported thier activity to the Missouri Attorney Generals office and Missouri State Police which was and still is willing to prosecute for unlawful business practices and also I have an attorney who would love to drag them through court for 'TORT' which is a form of slander.

As time went by I realized that these things will always show up.  I went to the reservation tribal elders and asked for thier help which they did by giving me written tribal endorsement but also they laughed and said most of them had been on one of those list at one time or another and that I "wasn't important unless I was on one of those list" of course they said this in a fun joking way.  The way they taught me to deal with this helped me to let go of the anger I used to feel in the past over these lies.  But now I do realize that it does not matter at all what these wingnuts put on the internet

Arvol LookingHorse - I sure did put a post on the internet about what he said.  I don't feel the way he does and nobody at our reservation calls him Chief.  He is a Keeper of a Sacred Pipe that is all.  He wants 'NO'...'NONE' white people at our ceremonies... is that what you want for people like me and all the other medicinemen at our reservation to follow?

We have a teaching called "Metakuye Oyasin" it means that all people living are related.  The teaching tells us to treat each other in that way... like family because we are.  This is the same teaching the White Buffalo Calf Maiden taught us.... sorryful that some have forgotten.

What did I say about Arvol Lookinghorse:.... I said that people  {non-indians} should go to the reservations less for ceremonies and attend more of the 'off' rez ceremonies in order to give the reservation indians a needed break from all the drama that non-indians bring to the Sundance.  I said that some Natives had stopped dancing because of the interference of non-indian visitors.  That is what I said. Hecitu welo.

In asfar as me feeling like I had to, or needed to, respond to liars like PDAWG or Steve Bartha aka/StoneBear I really don't.   I'm just tired of seing these indian hating liars run around telling lies about good honest indians going completing unchecked.

Again I will state... Myself and my family we pray... we try to help others... this is what we do... this is all we ever do.  Hecitu welo metakuye oyasin


« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 03:30:42 am by Yellowhand »