Author Topic: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360  (Read 24264 times)


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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2008, 05:22:58 pm »
 Thank you for confirming what I already knew about this woman.She has tried to draw me in on her wars,just because I have a 360


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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2008, 06:07:22 pm »
I second this as I was involved in the same mess this woman started on 360:0( Jet and I had nothing to do with this woman did not know her, she was on a friend of ours 360 friend list they got into it and this Maggie or who every this UK person is started posting hate on all our 360's:0( She has no Native blood I can tell you that as no one I know would act in such a disrespectful way:0( Thank you for listening to me blow off steam:0) But I say "HO" to what my Sister Jet said! Many blessings to all.

True of Heart<>Tiger

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2008, 07:33:23 pm »
I have read for myself her comments towards you Jet and a few others recently on 360...and shook my head in disgust with her bragging about blogging (on a closed down blog I might add) about it a giggly little school girl shouting 'look at me!'.

Unfortuntely most of these twinkies on 360 seem to start many vicious wars with natives and have no morals, respect or's as if they feel that by demeaning native people, it elevates their status somehow...but it does merely draws attention to them...which is something they so crave, be it good or bad....I even watched this woman hound a religious man yesterday on her page...trying to make a real show of him...claiming to be part of this order and that order...a witch....a wiccan....a Christian....a Native's all on her comment bar....sad really.

These people develop so many personas....but you will see with this woman...she cannot stick to one...and flits from one to the other depending on the attention it gives her.....even more so...she claims to know me from my 'dark days on 360' wish I had some dark days and a terribly interesting past...unfortunately Im just a regular ndn woman who is sick and tired of twinkies and fakes...nothing special or mysterious about that....not to mention the fact that this is my first 360 page and has only been opened recently to promote the NAU site, a site which was developed after many native people were forced to leave Tribal America due to the abuse from non natives...but, as long as this woman can turn anything to her advantage to gain attention...she will do...and more fool those who gather around her as she turns on anyone and everyone given time...particularly if they are native and put her words, action and lies to question.

She feels she has the 'right' to take on a Native American name....claim to be Mohawk....and believes that not one person has the right to question dare they!....although only a few months ago she was from another nation according to some of her friends, she has many names and many pages on 360, RNS and other places...she posts blogs teaching native ways preaching to native people....apparently holds a sweatlodge in Scotland...has a Wiccan/Native broom stick adorned with heavily dyed seagull feathers hanging in her home...of which according to three of her friends on 360 she posted a picture and blogged about it and her Native American Teachings and Spirituality courses she was taking in Scotland (insert rolling of eyes here) also training to be a 'Shaman' ??!! although her blog is only viewable to her friends only....she also spouts on about how the AIM (American Indian Movement) are all fakes and frauds...and trouble makers because apparently some AIM supporters gave her a hard time about her 'twinkieness'....wannabe queen right there.

Give her five minutes with a real native....on a reservation...she'd be crying home to momma pretty darn fast...she has no clue of the suffering or teachings of our people. Although she is mighty brave hounding native people from behind her pc eh...go figure.

She claims Indian Blood.....although this apparently came from her other persona of Crowfeather...her pretend long lost cousin from the US....who in actual fact was one in the same....she can pretend to be native for thirty years....she can read all there is to know about native people...even move to the rez if she has the courage and strength.....but she will always be a white pretend ndn from Motherwell, UK.
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Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2008, 07:49:27 pm »
Being a total brain bucket I forgot to add her 360 here they are...

Tso:ka'we Osto:seri....which is usually Amberwolf   

Amberwolf II


And another Crowfeather

Although both Crowfeathers seem to be pretty much inactive these days, plus she has various other pages.
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Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2008, 09:53:03 pm »
These emails to the NAU Office are from Rawdog, the man who persisted to back up Wyte Dove in the above postings...can anyone offer any advice on how to deal with this man?....He is becomming nothing short of a pest. Thanks. I have yet to respond.
Incidently this mans 360 page is:

Date:   Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:48:11 -0800 (PST)      
From:   "Rob Meyer" <>        

I have studied your page at length, which is to say I searched until I found understanding of your message. My racial ancestry is white but I have great respect for the red people who inhabited this continent before Europeans raped it with their authoritarian “godliness???. It might be that I have reincarnational ties to the people you seek to empower but this is not verifiable in a substantial fashion so I will not claim it as a credit to my intention. I will tell you that my first true teacher was an Ojibwa fishing guide in Canada when I was a youth and to this day I think of him as my grandfather. Since he taught me to see the world truly I have been an alien in my own society with a deep hatred of my race and even my own family. In my early thirties I discovered Lone Wolf (Guipago - Kiowa) in a history book and asked him to be my guide. Since that time I have been led to the understanding/delusion that I was Lone Wolf and I have incarnated as a white man in order to understand their ways. Like I said, unverifiable and of no value.

It is good that you promote a true view of history and strive for unity among a people who have been dishonored, murdered, and deprived of their land and way of life but this is the history of humanity and the indigenous peoples of America are no less guilty of abusing their neighbors, they simply did not have the power to do it on such a large scale. Slavery, abduction, and even human sacrifice are on the blood of all people and it is through recognizing the weakness of our humanity that we will find peace and prosperity, not through placing blame and degradation upon others. In particular I am offended by the denigration of “new age twinkies??? and the attack upon those who seek to follow wisdom and truth regardless of their racial heritage. You will accomplish nothing but continued conflict by insult, even if it satisfies a sense of vengeance. Vengeance is a concept fostered by the Christian God who inspired the rape of this continent and it is as unworthy of you as it is as of any true human being.

I also find fault with the continued concept of “warriors’. The battle of the true spiritual warrior is with the self and while it is true that many have perpetrated wrongs in the past it is the heritage of us all and it is only through overcoming these errors in ourselves that a right way of life will be created. There is no enemy here except the unconsciousness of individual human beings and it is only through tolerance and self-control that we will bring awakening. Insult and rejection only foster an equivalent reaction. Seek to work within the established context, as the Lakota establish the first modern Indian nation, by accepting what is established and finding common ground that will please the hearts of all who have a reverence for life. Freedom is very far away and it will only be achieved by sharing a common understanding, not through cherishing a grudge and prejudice against people who have no more to do with the past than you do.
For what it is worth, my very highest regards,

Two Eagles - Wolf Clan - Earthship Central

Date:   Sat, 1 Mar 2008 08:09:47 -0800 (PST)      
From:   "Rob Meyer" <>        
Subject:   strength      

To quote a well known Hispanic who promoted "a Yaqui way of knowledge", "A man of knowledge is a warrior." It is good to have an adversary, one who tests the unity of your being against the belief systems of another. Ultimately the true test of being IS being and each individual confronts this reality alone, regardless and even in spite of the guides and teachers that shape the way. One way I have heard of is called "the Native American Way." Curiously, the unity of "Native Americans" is a fragmented culture of many tribal beliefs that arose on a particular piece of Earth called "America" by exploring Europeans. Lately we see the evidence of this European culture upon the disparate "belief system" of these orginal inhabitants of this continent in the beginnings of an institutionalized "Native American" religion. There was never any unified belief system for the people of this continent, they simply found their way to truth as did all humans everywhere until a few people gained enough power to impose the concept of a belief system upon those who had no power or true consciousness to retain their innocent and self-directed connection to life. These who claim a special knowledge, whether they are true criminals charging a fee for this supposed higher truth or others posing as the repositories of truth without apparent monetary or coercive intentions, perpetrate an ancient lie such as the one Jesus challenged when he laid bare the obvious manipulations of the scribes and Pharisees in ancient Judaic culture. Now it is a sect of people who claim a true foundation in a culture that never existed and thus has no obvious church to reveal their totalitarian aims, thus giving an apparent validity to their claims that they represent an original truth.
Truth resides in each individual just as it exists in objective reality and each individual comes to an understanding of it through confronting reality, which includes many teachers from the worms in a garden to the images on television these days. Every citizen of Planet Earth must find a true unity of knowledge from all these many sources and it is as much an aspect of this learning to confront pretenders who imitate truth as it is to follow the guidance of one who has truly arrived in mature knowledge. No outward label can reveal this truth. No institution will ever have a claim to this truth. A man might be a Chinese Christian with black skin who has a Phd in "Native American" traditions with Sundance scars but this is no more indicator of truth in his teachings than what a person can learn from a toothless gutter drunk with full blood lineage to Black Elk or Geronimo. Consciousness arrives from within and it is gained through reflection upon what is without, as revealed by the multitudes of teachers/adversaries that every individual confronts. This is not to disparage your work to preserve tradition, it is simply a caution from one who respects your intentions, that you might be losing the essence of what you seek to preserve by trying to give it validity and power within the context of the dominant culture. Consider every human being as your student as well as your teacher.
Best regards,

Two Eagles - Wolf Clan - Earthship Central, aka Rawdog @ 360
Robert Leslie Meyer

Date:   Sun, 2 Mar 2008 12:50:57 -0800 (PST)      
From:   "Rob Meyer" <> 
Subject:   further thoughts      

I continue to think about the impact your website has had upon me and my letters to you. I hope that I have not been hasty in my thinking and given offense but it is my practice to share my thoughts, often badly, before thinking thoroughly about what is on my mind, thus requiring myself to consider the viewpoint of those I address before my thinking becomes rigid or resistant to modification. I am very appreciative of your efforts with NAU and your site has been profoundly moving to me. I personally have no need to preserve my heritage since what is of value in it (and much that is not) has already become ingrained in my society and indeed has an ever growing global influence. However, I do wish to see the Native American heritage gain influence, since it is deeply meaningful to me and forms one of the most substantial contributors to my personal spirituality and philosophical outlook. This in fact is what I wish to address.

My approach to you began with an unfortunate conflict that arose with the creator(s) of the NAU page in Yahoo! 360. My own spirituality is not at issue. I renounced my racial and cultural heritage at an early age and chose to view all people as my ancestors and guides. I spent most of my life drifting, globally, and have created my own spiritual truth from the influence of many teachers from diverse cultures. This is entirely my own and needs no recognition or support from anyone. What led me to challenge the author of the NAU 360 page was what I saw as disparaging remarks to and about one of my friends there who is perhaps less secure in her spiritual integrity. I regret that I was overly emotional in my conversation and found the person I addressed to be reasonable (though perhaps overly defensive) so I began to study the main NAU website. This led to a greater understanding of your mission and I cannot overemphasize my respect for your aims.

It is important to recognize that what is called Native American is a culture that is coming into being and whose origins began with the impact of European settlers upon this continent. This is not to say that there was not an established culture at this time but it was a culture that had no continental integrity and existed as diverse fragments of an original race that presumably migrated from Asia. Thus it had much in common among tribes but had developed in fragmented isolation in response to the natural world in which each tribe arose. Creating unity and common cause among these tribes is a very worthy goal but it is challenged by the potential that the unique character of each tribe will be lost in creation of an institutional oversight. It is already true that to most people the term Native American is largely identified with the traditions and beliefs of a few North American plains tribes as they existed during the few hundred years from the landing of Columbus to the effective annihilation of the native culture as United States dominance asserted itself.

What is occurring now is a rebirth or renaissance of what was preserved in small pockets by tribal peoples who strove to retain their identity and the work of historians who saw value in preserving a record of the original inhabitants of this continent. The evolution of the United States and growing success of its charter to treat all men as equals has at last given an opportunity for this knowledge to gain popularity and influence but the effort to make this influence effective and lasting is a two edged sword. On the one hand it is popularity and recognition that give your cause power but on the other it is this very fact of getting attention that creates the danger that the message will be diluted or corrupted. In fact, it is the nature of human society and evolution that the arising Native American culture will be a product of both the old and the new, with the greatest influence going to those who serve both a true preservation of tradition and a willingness to compromise with the people who comprise this growing popular movement, many if not most of whom will have no racial or cultural affiliation to the original peoples of this continent.

European culture is a globally dominant fact of our world. Most Native Americans are deeply involved in this culture to the point that a true racial and cultural heritage has ceased to exist. What must be done is to create a new model for all people who are drawn to Native American influence, not to serve an isolationist stance that rejects those who do not follow the way you promote but rather choose to adapt your traditions to their own unique lives. It is a matter for choice in what approach you will take and what I understand as your aim is to create a pan-continental identity. This is an awesomely large undertaking and simply creating unity among the many tribes is perhaps all you can devote yourself to. Yet it is my wish to suggest that you may find greater power in welcoming those who do not adhere to your more strict intentions, as a means to teach them more truly and thus extend your influence through the diluted versions of your culture that are bound to arise. My own aims are a truly global awakening that incorporates the influences of all cultures in a way that each individual can choose to suit their own lifestyle and I take knowledge of what seems true to my being wherever I find it, regardless of the original authenticity of its source.
Best regards,

There are no leaders in Unity


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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2008, 10:30:00 pm »
When I read ..

Since that time I have been led to the understanding/delusion that I was Lone Wolf and I have incarnated as a white man in order to understand their ways. Like I said, unverifiable and of no value.

I would of hit the block button after reading that.
However, I do wish to see the Native American heritage gain influence, since it is deeply meaningful to me and forms one of the most substantial contributors to my personal spirituality and philosophical outlook.

 Hit the spam button!


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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2008, 11:41:12 pm »
I think I would hit the BS button

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2008, 11:56:14 pm »
ROTFLMAO@ Fredrica gonna have to remember that one!

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2008, 01:00:26 am »
Where is the BS button when we so need one??  lol  Dang mine would be wore out!!
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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2008, 03:13:49 am »
Where is the BS button when we so need one??  lol  Dang mine would be wore out!!

Try not to wear it out everyone as they are expensive to get.

Offline 53dove

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2008, 06:01:56 am »
Hittin the BS button!! I think it stuck coz its overloaded by bull slingin crystal rubbin fakes.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2008, 07:25:17 am »
Very nice button...every home should have
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Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2008, 09:43:25 am »
Tsisqua quoted a Rob Meyer:

I will tell you that my first true teacher was an Ojibwa fishing guide in Canada when I was a youth and to this day I think of him as my grandfather. Since he taught me to see the world truly I have been an alien in my own society with a deep hatred of my race and even my own family. In my early thirties I discovered Lone Wolf (Guipago - Kiowa) in a history book and asked him to be my guide. Since that time I have been led to the understanding/delusion that I was Lone Wolf and I have incarnated as a white man in order to understand their ways.

That's a moving, and pitiful, testament to the power of the Twinkie Creed. Repeat after me:

White People Are All Bad And Not Spirchul. Indian People Are All Good And Spirchul. I Am Spirchul, Therefore I Must Be An Indian. Now Everything Makes Sense. This Is Why I Have Always Been So Unhappy. This Means I Can Look Down On Others Who Do Not Recognise My Inner Nobility, And Accuse Them Of Racism Even Though I Hate My Own Family's Skin Colour.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2008, 12:11:39 pm »
Very well said and thank you....even though I spat all over myself trying to say it outloud :)
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Offline 53dove

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2008, 01:34:39 pm »
Hating any race does not change anything except ones ability to reason out the truth.Certainly does not make you something you can never be. Referring to the fake and bake ethics code LOL!!
« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 08:38:48 pm by 53dove »