Author Topic: Just when you thought politics couldn't get any stranger - lesbians "sage" the W  (Read 50208 times)

Offline Dreamfish

  • Posts: 18
Just a question from far, afar....

Considering the overwhelming threat of some considerable numbers of white supremacists and totally insane fruit-cakes baulking at the prospect of the first Black American President taking up residence in the White House, do you think a posse of white, woo-woo lesbians and smudge-waving screwballs will actually get anywhere within coo-ee of .... well pretty much anything in Washington this year?

(coo-ee is an Australian measurement of distance based on the ability to hear mothers shrieking from their clothes lines "Coo-ee...get home, it's time for dinner"!)

BUT! if this is happening...
"...dons blackface and have a watermelon eating contest on the White House lawn to welcome Obama? Maybe complete with some blackface dancing and "Mammy"-singing? and girlfriend Urvashi performs a fake puja by waving around Lysol and McDonald's hamburgers while an entourage of white women make up "spontaneous chants and dances" that seem Hindu to them? Or maybe while the white women do Buddhist chants? (Because, you know, it's all "Asian." Hell, maybe they could toss in some Shinto things, too. And wear kimonos.)"

... then I'm coming with my camera. That's the best possible production outline for an anti-racism campaign I could ever have imagined possible.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2009, 07:31:23 am by Dreamfish »

Offline kiyoshi

  • Posts: 9
I just left a lesbian off-the-grid community that (among other things) was pretty heavy into cultural stealing.  (Not ALL of the lesbian community is like this.  Some women in it really do either have a clue, or are trying to get one.)  Anyway, what I can say: the community I just left was pretty much like a cult.  Lots of hierarchy (that wasn't supposed to exist) and a lot of scapegoating and abuse.  Very abusive sweat lodge once met there.  The leader of that lodge is now pretty heavily involved in a "women's sun dance" that now intends to hold annual dances at a "women's land" known as Westwind in Ribera NM. She is a woman of color--claims to be Yaqui--was not tribally raised or trained to run sweats. 

I'm not Native: I'm Euro/Asian bi-racial.  Now confronting my own racism and cultural stealing.  After reading the posts, am beginning to get a clue that maybe my amends can be something along the lines of getting active around various issues that affect many Native communities.  Will be doing research and making decisions.  Am definitely open to input and suggestions.

Thanks,  --kiyoshi   

Offline Defend the Sacred

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The Do No Harm site has archived some of the videos and screen caps from this debacle:

After investigating it further, a group of us who looked into this are pretty certain the "snowyowlwoman" and other vicious, racist comments that were posted on YouTube did not all come from the man we thought was doing it. He was probably involved, but it's pretty clear that most of the hate (under a number of sockpuppet accounts) was spewed by a vicious white woman who has a very similar agenda - that of trying to silence the voices of NDNs who oppose cultural misappropriation, while supporting the sellouts she can find who want to sell ceremony to whites.

Offline NDN_Outlaw

  • Posts: 104
Imagine if some Roman Catholic lesbian group holy watered the White House.

Roman Catholic Lesbians??   I think they'd have to call the priests to come and undo the work of the devil in that scenario..  LOL
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Roman Catholic Lesbians??   I think they'd have to call the priests to come and undo the work of the devil in that scenario..  LOL

I'm not sure what you mean here.

« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:19:11 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »

Roman Catholic Lesbians??   I think they'd have to call the priests to come and undo the work of the devil in that scenario..  LOL

I'm not sure what you mean here.

Oh, the religious folk I know consider 'homosexuality' to be the work of the devil.. so if Roman Catholic Lesbians were throwing 'holy water' around the White House, some of them right wing whatnots would want it de-demonized..  It was sort of a joke though.. sorry if I lost anyone on it..  :D
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:19:31 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Well, it could be read that you were saying lesbians were "of the devil". So thank you for clarifying  that you were making fun of people who say things like that.

For the record, in more detail: The problem with Kate Clinton's "Sage the Whitehouse" debacle was not that the non-NDNs who wanted to "sage" were lesbians, it's that they were non-NDNs misappropriating and mocking NDN ceremonies. There were lesbians on both sides of the issue. There were people who were raised Catholic on both sides of the issue. Many Catholic nuns and priests are lesbians and gay men (though, obviously, usually closeted). And, no offense meant to the Catholics here, but the Catholic clergy are not doing so well in the ethics department themselves when it comes to NDN issues, either in the past or the present.

So, I understand your joke, but what you wrote initially could very easily be misinterpreted. I especially wanted to clarify this because, while it was lesbians who were organizing this offensive display, some of those who were working the hardest to stop it are also lesbians or queer women.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:19:51 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »

No problem.. I don't mind clarifying, and can see your point.  :D 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet