Author Topic: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows  (Read 134438 times)

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #60 on: October 02, 2008, 09:04:48 am »

Younger sites means myspace and facebook.

Social workers don't commend much respect where I come from.

Anyone can engage in shameless self promotion.

You wouldn't know about most of these sites because they're private. You have to post your real, current picture and be invited by other brown skinned people to view them.

I like native myspace and facebook better because the skinz filter out all the posers, like you.

It's a yung red thang, you woudn't understand!

I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #61 on: October 02, 2008, 09:42:48 am »

Your so-called preface doesn't justify or explain anything.
You can’t explain one lie with another big one.

AmyLee didn't expose anything about Sun Bear, she and her mom were working with him until his death.

She actually charged much more than the $350.00 shield birthing fee in her pamphlets. She claimed you needed to make a new shield for each moon cycle.

I hope she's ready to make some big refunds.

Why did you promote AmyLee as a Medicine woman in the first place without thoroughly checking out her claims? Didn't you give the so-called elders you interviewed advanced copies to review and make corrections on? You’re not much of a scholar are you?

The 1991 edition of your 'work' is still available in libraries around the world. Isn't it YOUR responsibility to correct all these misunderstandings?  Why aren't you sending them copies of your preface?

If you're so concerned with accuracy, then why aren't you making sure that all the people who check out the 1991 edition in libariries aren't mislead by all your errors? 

I'm holding your book in my hand and there's no corrections here. Don't you even care about all the young people who might check out this book and mistake AmyLee for an elder?  I've got a red pen handy, should I just write wrong, wrong wrong all over the pages?

By the way, why did AmyLee basically quote chapter 11 from the 1991 edition all over again in her own voice when interviewed in APRIL OF THIS YEAR - 2008???? Should I believe you, or my lying ears?

How is it that in 2008 AmyLee allowed herself to be referred to as  a "Medicine woman" and made no attempt at all to correct her interviewer?  Does she have old-timerz?

If her great-great-grandmother was such a big deal to the "Iroquois" then why won't she give her name? I'm sure all my new Mohawk and Seneca friends would love to know what it is.

Wouldn't an honest person, with nothing to hide, would be forthcoming with this information?

Did AmyLee have a senior moment? All the Mohawk people I've been chatting with online have told me that an authentic medicine woman wouldn’t go on the radio hawking colon cleansing herbal junk or an Indian Bird Flu cure.n They say that's just snake oil.
Maybe you should include that in your next great work -- I mean unless 2012 comes early and the earth is destroyed except for all the good white folks who make better NDNS than the brown ones do!

How do you explain the fact that up until May of 2008, AmyLee's own websites declared her to be an elder and a medicine woman?
How do you explain that in 2008, her advertisements for PAID speaking engagements did too?  Until she was listed in the frauds section of this web site, she had no problem seeing these claims in all different forms of media. How on earth do you explain that?

If you're really interested in clearing up misunderstandings, then maybe you can explain to us what the hell a "lineage" is anyway and how is it possible for AmyLee to be the last in it?  Why don't the Mohawk know about this vanishing lneage?

Why has she refused to tell anyone what her clan/band/specific nation is?


Where does the great medcin womon get her blood?  Who claims her?

For a young person, I can be very patient.


I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #62 on: October 03, 2008, 01:06:39 am »
Author's post did have one effect. It made me wonder if the earliers posts by Amylee Scwartz's agent were actually from him also.  Author's empty bluster about legal threats doesn't do anything except make him look desperate to hide something, esp when he doesn't know the most basic law and keeps getting other facts wrong.

Just like with the agent, if he were serious about legal htreats, he'd use a lawyer communicating privately. He would not splash it across a message board where it would only make people laugh.

Some other ridiculous claims from Author/McFadden.

"For more than 27 years, AmyLee has actively carried four state and federal permits that officially license her in Wildlife Rescue, Rehabilitation, Scientifics and Education. She has earned her designation as a “Modern Day Medicine Woman in service of Wildlife.???


I couldn't help but think "Dr Amylee Quinn, Medicine Woman!"

Oh my, that's funny. So Author/McFadden seriously thinks the feds are licensing Native medicine women now?

Or that animal rescue people are anywhere near the same as medicine people? Only the most deluded Nuager would equate the two.

The next statement is only comicial because of its arrogance and outright racism.

"I recognize in AmyLee the qualities of a spiritual elder. Over the course of my life I have been privileged to know, literally, hundreds of spiritual elders, many with deep, authentic roots in native ways....

In my view being a spiritual elder has little to do with age. Rather, it has to do with having the character to resist lower-self temptations such as envy, jealousy, anger, hatred, resentment, and calumny, and instead embodying love, respect, wisdom, generosity of spirit and the grace to act in life with dignity and integrity.

I recognize now, as I did then, the qualities of a spiritual elder in AmyLee."

Oh yes, Author has sent himself up as the arbiter of who is a Native elder. Can't have actual NDN people doing that now, can we? Only the Great White Savior.

Many of the people that McFadden promoted in his books as elders were obvious and outright frauds, but that didn't matter to him. Neither did his promotion of the phony Rainbow Prophecy, originally written by a white Baptist missionary out to convert NDNs.

Even by using the fluffy twinkie standards McFadden sets up, Amylee Schwartz is clearly no "elder."

She envies and is jealous of actual NDNs, that's why she has posed as one.

She is acting out of anger, hatred, and resentment by trying to silence any criticism of her using sock puppet IDs and sending followers of hers and people who make their money off her fraudulent claims (both her agent and McFadden) to do the same.

And she has no love or respect for Native peoples, or she would not lie and deceive about who she is. She has no wisdom, nor understanding of Native traditions.

No, Author/McFadden. You do not dictate who is an elder. Natives do, and there is no evidence any NDNs even know Amylee Schwartz as a relative, much less an elder.

Like Rose, I would look forward to seeing Amylee Schwartz exposed in court.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #63 on: October 05, 2008, 02:23:54 am »
Just noticed this on the thread on Luz Clara, a fraud claiming to be a Mapuche medicine woman. Both of the frauds in turn trained another exploiter, Marria or Janiqueo.


old Google cache gone stale, working links below
Marrria's Bio:
Marrria began her work in the Chilean Mapuche tradition in 1995 with Luzclara and Quinturay Raipan. It was at this time she received her Kultrun and spiritual name, Janiqueo. Marrria continues to learn from Quinturay, and travel with her. They have been to Argentina, and to the Mapuche land in the South of Chile, Nuevo Imperial, where Marrria met and received high ceremony - namely a Guillatun - from Quinturay’s spiritual teacher, Machi Clarita.
When Quinturay challenged Marrria to pursue her own scared Path, Marrria began to unearth a spiritual body of work through dream time, meditation, and ritual. This work took many years to develop, and is now the working foundation for the New York Women’s Circle, a group which Marrria facilitates...
Marrria is also a Mesa carrier.  She studied with Alberto Villoldo, Juan Nunez del Prado, and Oscar Miro Quesada. Marrria spent two intensive months in Peru, where she was initiated into the Quero tradition...
Birdwoman's Bio:
Birdwoman began her spiritual path in 1969 after reading Don Juan, A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. She followed her spiritual path through nature based Native American studies, until in 1986, when she met Amylee, of Tippecanoe, Ohio, last granddaughter in a lineage of Iroquois Medicine Women. Birdwoman is an original Shield Sister, a rainbow coalition of women from around the world, who ceremony around the moon cycles and come together roughly once a year in Ceremony under Amylee’s teachings. Birdwoman is also a member of the Council of Shield Sisters.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #64 on: October 11, 2008, 03:54:01 pm »
Well, look at that. The page Al referred to in 2007 in this thread has had all reference to Amylee removed!

Here's how the paragraph Al quoted reads today:

Birdwoman began her spiritual path in 1969 after reading Don Juan, A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. She followed her spiritual path through nature based Indigenous studies.
In 1996 Birdwoman met Marrria, Katsi Boani at a Bear Tribe Medicine Wheel . Katsi Boani became Birdy's best friend and inspiration, as she encouraged Birdy to connect more deeply with her divine feminine. Up until that time, Birdy was spending much of her energy holding up a “tough-guy??? attitude, as she moved around the patriarchal community in which she worked.

http://www.maskappeals. com/about.html

And get this:

...Birdwoman, is a producer on First Voices Indigenous Radio


JB Wingo

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2008, 02:05:42 am »
JB here - I posted the offer to serve as middleman by collecting evidence readers and others would submit, with the promise of relaying it all to Attorney Domingo Rivera, cyber-defamation lawyer. I offered a two week window of opportunity. That window is now closed. I admit I do not at all understand the attacks on me, nor do those posts mocking my sincere offer even make sense. I wanted to try conflict resolution a different way – and a few of you shoot at the messenger!  Well, you missed!


Thank you to all who sent me an overwhelming and interesting array of evidence and opinion, and not all just about AmyLee! I further thank other posters here, including Steven McFadden, “Author,??? who presented me with historical evidence reinforcing claims made here in support of AmyLee.


While I would like nothing more than to outline every item for you, ALL of which, by the way, was either supportive of AmyLee or were criticisms of this forum or some of its “posters,??? I am restricting this post to that evidence which will appeal to the majority of readers and may possibly end this thread once and for all.


   1. To clarify erroneous posters’ leaps to conclusion: As I stated before, I am an Agent, but AmyLee is NOT my client. She has no agent, needs no agent. No money changed hands when she did me a favor by agreeing to appear on the radio program for FREE.


   2. I understand a certified copy of AmyLee’s Birth Certificate was sent directly to Attorney Rivera – The name Swartz, nor any other spelling variation such as Schwartz, does NOT appear anywhere on AmyLee’s Birth Certificate.


   3. AmyLee’s race is listed on that Certified Legal document as American Indian.


   4. TALON, Inc. which owns Her Native Roots Herbals (reminding readers that AmyLee is neither a Board Member nor a Shareholder, nor even a paid employee of either but was instead the Product-line Founder) employs the common and prudent business practice of hiring a cyber-reputation service to routinely sweep the internet to find misinformation about their businesses, including their products, their spokespeople, consultants, etc. It was that service which located and systematically approached sites wherein there was misinformation; regardless if it was an error which could mislead the public about their products, a blog in which a well meaning customer may have over-spoken the merits of their products or overstated credits of someone affiliated with the corporation, or an outright character defamation event.


So it was TALON’s hired cyber-reputation service which located and corrected the misstatements about HerNativeRoots and/or AmyLee.  They were kept quite busy this past spring when a lone cyber-stalker (by virtue of the one recorded IP user; information about whom is legally revealed by subpoena) proceeded to highjack any posting place where AmyLee had been spoken about in a factual and flattering manner. The libeler made serious and numerous very personal attacks which were curiously absent of any fact, reminiscent in wording and content of some familiar posts found on this thread. The cyber-reputation service, on behalf of TALON, also attempted to approach forums which were flagrantly libeling. Most of those forums understood the legal implications and made the due corrections. When a site is deemed “unapproachable??? a Special Report is made to the client, in this case, to TALON, Inc.


Further noted, according to the Standard Monthly Reports, not one word ever actually written BY AmyLee was deleted by this service. Rather it was the falsehoods written ABOUT her or falsehoods about Her Native Roots Herbals that were and are of concern to TALON,Inc. It was the untrue words of others which were corrected or removed either by the original writer or by the agreeing wise host. AmyLee’s own few statements remain online, unchanged. This dispels the falsehood that AmyLee herself was somehow running around the internet, tying to hide something by “erasing her cyber footprint.??? It was instead, a call to correct those misplaced footprints which were stepping on corporate toes. Many, but not yet all, of the quotes from sites which over-state AmyLee’s merits or that party’s relationship to her (such as calling her their ‘Teacher’ or referring to her as an “Elder??? ) have indeed been removed. It is curious that this forum in its paranoia considers “corrections of falsehoods, replacing them with fact??? to somehow be “suspicious!??? Cached errors which have been found corrected on current sites typically prove the opposite! “When discovering cached information that conflicts with current data, the general population, as well as the Courts, deduce that a wrong has been righted by the new current data, not the other way around!???


As the seriousness of the offenses increases or accrues, the cyber-reputation service makes other legal recommendations.


Given this thread’s repeated and unapologetic libel against AmyLee, ranging from attacks on her race, gender, age, physicality, locale, hair style, family of deceased relatives, vocation, affiliations, and against nearly anything in which she has ever been accurately or falsely even remotely associated, I can assure you that the Administrators of this forum WILL be contacted by cyber-defamation Attorney Domingo Rivera, who now officially represents TALON, et al. (Still don’t believe me? CALL HIM!)



   5. Side note: a published copy of AmyLee’s itinerary during the time she made an appearance at the Bear Tribe Gatherings proves quite revealing. During that time she addressed not only those two Gatherings, two women’s music festivals, and a pagan-fest, but also the DAR ladies luncheon, 3 Girl Scout Troops, the YMCA camp, 5 Indian youth nature programs on two reservations, a monastery, 3 churches of various denominations including 1 Methodist Mother-Daughter Banquet – complete with “Mother,??? 2 retirement centers, 7 classrooms and 1 home school, an Indian Youth Treatment facility and she also shared a weekend of Native Offerings on the Six Nations Reserve, along with other respected teachers including her lifelong friend, aka Chapter One in Profiles In Wisdom, Tom Porter, Mohawk Elder. (If you had done your homework, you would have found they appear together elsewhere.)


Thus, given the array of speaking engagements, your attempt to pigeon-hole her as “New Age??? makes little sense. By tally alone, she would more accurately be dubbed a good “Scout!???  A real “Trooper!???

Funny how no one ever accuses her of trying to pass as a (DAR) Daughter of the American Revolution….of course, in one ironic respect, Iroquois women are just that!


The term “Modern Day Medicine Woman??? is open to as many legitimate and multiple interpretations as the term “Educated Indian.??? No one declared that any government was issuing permits to be called a Traditional Medicine Woman, and by the same “token??? no one here is concluding that a college degree makes one “educated???…nor “Indian.??? A more careful reading of the precise words posted about that term will prove educational for those able to actually read them without their usual rush to knee-jerk rhetoric. Previously referenced might further enlighten the undereducated. Your own devised definitions about anything here are hardly the final nor most legitimate prevailing definitions. (Let’s not pretend Indians actually ALL agree on any one thing either.)


While I kept my word by collecting evidence and reporting back to you what I did with it, I have no idea what Attorney Rivera’s time frame is. I do know he is collecting Legal Affidavits and other Statements. You DO have my word that contrary to Educated Indian’s earlier mocking dismissal of my sincere efforts, Attorney Rivera does now represent TALON, Inc. et al.


Southwest-Skeptic is still having such a hard time with very basic facts: there simply are so few facts in ANY of her postings that I shall make only one more attempt.


Southwest-Skeptic – you end one of your most recent lying tirades thusly:


“In closing, I will quote Tom Porter, from your book, who is a legitimate spiritual elder who is quite skilled in analyzing AmyLee and her ilk…???


 I am heartened you at least understand that Tom Porter is a respected authority on AmyLee – as they, and their respective families, (while AmyLee’s was yet living) have been lifelong friends! AmyLee continues to help raise funds for the Traditional Mohawk Community – Kanatsiohareke – which you libelously and wrongly named as a community which denounces her. (Just check out  Home Page, as I understand many Readers here already have!) I am certain Tom Porter will be very interested in learning of your defamatory comments against his dear Friend of nearly 40 years, AmyLee. I personally will be sure he is duly informed of this thread and your specific commentary – and cartoon which calls AmyLee “the biggest douche in the unverse??? (spelling error was yours).

SW – your displaced hatred is so out of control that I know I am wasting my effort to try again to educate you.  AmyLee had NO paid Speaking Engagements this year, nor any previous season during the past many years. (I am thinking she may have had ONE this century! Her television spot on the Maury Povich Show was TEN YEARS AGO – and contrary to Educated Indian’s ridiculous claim, she was not “laughed off the show??? - she was given the longest ovation in the show’s history when she put Maury in his place!)  Her actions standing up to the Bear Tribe have been recounted to you by I believe two witnesses here, and yet you (who were not there) and a few ignorant echoes are the ONLY ones “denying her.??? That you would call her a ‘douche’ in your cartoon is beyond juvenile, disturbed and offensive. That you would then defensively state here that the cartoon was not about AmyLee but about YOU since it was your characterized image insulting AmyLee is another indicator of your seriously tilted perceptions. That others here contribute to your delinquency is equally distressing. That you seem to think your own dark hair/dark skin physical description (I believe you elsewhere refer to yourself as being “half Mexican???) somehow sets the standards for all Indians is again racist. Serendipitously, I was given a book just yesterday, about the 6 Nations Reserve in Canada (was thinking of hooking them up with a documentary grant). This is from an ethnographic study entitled “Households and Families of the Longhouse Iroquois:???


“It is difficult if not impossible, to find a single member of the reserve who is genetically of pure Indian stock. This miscegenation manifests itself in an increased variability and modification in the phenotypical characteristics usually thought of as being associated with American Indians. The copper-colored skin has given away in many cases to light, almost Caucasian, skin hues.  Straight black head hair and sparse body hair have given way, and it is common to see wavy head hair, mustaches, and moderately heavy facial hair. Brown hair is common, and indeed, carroty and blonde hair are seen….the most common eye colouring is for the iris to be brown encircled with a blue fringe. Grey and blue eyes are also frequent.???


That study was made in 1956, the era AmyLee was born to. It is unlikely the trend has reversed itself over the past 52 years. Regardless, I do not share your assessment of her looks in the least. AmyLee has dark brown hair with russet overtones. Her eyes are grey, her skin I would assess as medium and I’ve never seen a freckle. However, your description DOES remind me of one of AmyLee’s Medicine Woman Teachers – a woman she credits both online and on the radio program – a Hawk Clan enrolled Seneca Elder – with red hair, light eyes, pale skin decorated with freckles the color of pennies and the size of dimes.


Many of the posters here could be “poster children??? for the Robert Kennedy quote someone submitted to me along with their evidence:


“What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists, is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.???


AmyLee has never been your opponent – but she has certainly been the unwarranted target of your ignorant intolerance.  This thread reflects not at all on AmyLee but on YOU  – the posters - and the readers who recognize racism and bigotry, sexism and misogyny but remain silent in their evil midst.  All shame here is yours.


You have targeted AmyLee then created contrived ways in which to view her as morally, ethically, legally offensive to Native Peoples  – and having failed to successfully twist the truth, you yourselves may well be found guilty of  violating morality, ethics, and the law.


To those who attempted to post facts and further contacted me with documentation and concern, I again thank you. Your efforts will not be wasted.


JB Wingo

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #66 on: October 14, 2008, 08:11:55 am »
JB....what tribe is she??

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #67 on: October 14, 2008, 05:50:15 pm »
Great, another visit from one of Amylee's spin-doctors. Claims to be trying to correct misinformation but brings his/her own:

TALON, Inc. which owns Her Native Roots Herbals (reminding readers that AmyLee is neither a Board Member nor a Shareholder, nor even a paid employee of either but was instead the Product-line Founder) employs the common and prudent business practice of hiring a cyber-reputation service to routinely sweep the internet to find misinformation about their businesses, including their products, their spokespeople, consultants, etc. It was that service which located and systematically approached sites wherein there was misinformation...

How did this 'misinformation' get onto itself?   'About us' page from 2006

HNR's Founder AmyLee:
AmyLee is the last in her Lineage of Medicine Women. For over 22 years she has been a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator, an Orator and writer on Native American Indian Healing Ways.

It doesn't say 'product-line founder' there. It says 'Founder'.

Quote from: JB Wingo
...regardless if it was an error which could mislead the public about their products, a blog in which a well meaning customer may have over-spoken the merits of their products or overstated credits of someone affiliated with the corporation...

Or Amylee herself, on another archived page from 2006:

At the same time you were dreaming about the Bird Flu and the Native American Indian Remedy for it, I was working away on my websites, one a public service site to help prepare people for the pandemic. will continue to carry the best sources of info on this global threat.
As a Native American Indian Medicine Woman, frustrated by the careless and costly and nearly worthless glut of herbal products on the market, I founded as an interactive health and well-being research site as well as the place to get my own herbal line of ethically wildcrafted and certified organic herbal formulae - including ANTI-PLAGUE FLORMULA, which INCLUDES THE INGREDIENTS FROM YOUR DREAM.
Pardon me if I am not so terribly surprised that you have been 'dreaming me,' as I am Iroquois...

How did that happen?

Quote from: JB Wingo
Many, but not yet all, of the quotes from sites which over-state AmyLee’s merits or that party’s relationship to her (such as calling her their ‘Teacher’ or referring to her as an “Elder??? ) have indeed been removed.

How come so many people made all these 'mistakes'? So many that someone had to be hired to get them removed? Incidentally what is the name of this online reputation service?

Quote from: JB Wingo
It is curious that this forum in its paranoia considers “corrections of falsehoods, replacing them with fact??? to somehow be “suspicious!???

They are not replaced with fact. They are simply removed - or replaced with something that, while not actionable, still implies what she used to just say outright: that she is a "Native American Indian Medicine Woman".

...I can assure you that the Administrators of this forum WILL be contacted by cyber-defamation Attorney Domingo Rivera, who now officially represents TALON, et al. (Still don’t believe me? CALL HIM!)

We'll wait for him to get in touch.

Quote from: JB Wingo
...your attempt to pigeon-hole her as “New Age??? makes little sense.

It makes perfect sense when you read McFadden's book.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 06:05:25 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #68 on: October 16, 2008, 03:14:58 pm »
I Rose Garcia, of Tucson Arizona say that the person using the name Amylee is a fraud.

The term "Medicine woman" means only one thing to Native people.

I say Amylee deliberately misrepresented herself as a "Medicine woman" in order to defraud white feminists.

I say that Amylee knows full well that she is Caucasian and she has engaged in deliberate fraud and misrepresentation.

I say that Amylee knows that she is NO "Medicine woman" and that she cannot prove that she has one drop of Native blood.

I say that Amylee is not even enrolled in any federally recognized Indian Nation.

I say that Hawk Hollow is a fraudlent nonprofit organization that should have its tax exempt status revoked.

I say the IRS needs to look at Amylees tax returns for the last 30 years!

If Amylee is sooooooooooooo native, then why doesn't she settle this matter in the proper place -- TRIBAL COURT!

I am willing to take on Amylee in ANY TRIBAL COURT in North America.

You say the date and you say the time. I'll be there with my proof!

I will happily defend myself, but in TRIBAL COURT where REAL INDIANS do things, not in the whiteman's court!!!!

So come on you big fraud. State your tribe. State your nation and do things the NDN way!

I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline MikePutfus

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #69 on: October 20, 2008, 04:41:24 am »
I had to smile when I read the threat. I may be an old N 'dee from the White Mountains, but I have recieved a lot of them over the years. I like the young ladies idea of settling it in a Tribal Court. Something I have never thought of.  I think this would be outstanding if she can prove she is enrolled in any Tribe. If she is not, and selling any product to include herself claiming it's American Indian or Native American. Then she is breaking the law here in the United States. I believe there are some good fines and jail time for that.

Offline MikePutfus

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #70 on: October 20, 2008, 05:21:11 am »
I come back and there are twinkies (dating myself) all over the place. Even McFadden posting. This group is doing great drawing them out of the woodwork like the roaches they are. To long have they been making money off of selling false make believe information telling the public it comes from our culture. Wish there was more in the main stream going out about these people to see. Would it be OK if I asked if Apache Moccasin Newspaper ran a link to this site or if you have a site running that names all these fakes? I think a few thousand folks on the reservation would love it. Hell I don't know why and the rest don't post these people.

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #71 on: October 23, 2008, 11:18:46 am »

Thanx for the support!  I used to read your posts over on alt.native when I was in high school whenever I got to use the computers -- you're one of my intellectual elders.

Lots of ppl have tried to post lists of frauds, but their sites keep getting shut down - especially in the post 9-11 criticizing any business in unpatriotic -  climate.

The most comprehensive one I know of is the Nuage Tricksters Offenders list out of Canada. They combined the old AIM list with the old Iktome list and the DPTP list.  It needs lots of updating. 

Here's the link:

There's a lot of the people on this list in the frauds section of this forum.

Coincidentally, all the frauds from "Profiles in Wisdom" -
Amylee, O Shinnah, Medicine Story, Sunbear, Gramma Twyla etc have been on this list since 2003.

I've spoken with a lot of natives who think it would be great if everyone running a fraud site had a central clearing house to post info in a user friendly way. In Tucson, there's a large group of Native UofA students who have been working on collaboration with Native groups across the U.S. and Canada. They're trying to put up a "rate the new age guru" style web site and/or blog that would be searchable and organized both alphabetically and geographically and include analysis for the clueless on why the individuals listed are not authentic representatives of native spiritual practices.  Anybody could post commentary or analysis.

I'm sure they'd love any input on how to go about it.

You can email them your ideas at

They also have a MySpace and a YouTube channel.

I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!


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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #72 on: October 23, 2008, 08:30:16 pm »
FA is none other than John Martin AKA Tallsoldier77 and more than two dozen other sockpuppet IDs. The IP of FA matches that of others used by Martin.

Martin a violent fanatic supporter of white supremacist David Yeagley and associate of Nuage promoter John Lekay.

It seems that Mr. Martin has added Amylee to the list of Nuage frauds and imposters he defends.]

"If she is not (enrolled), and selling any product to include herself claiming it's American Indian or Native American. Then she is breaking the law here in the United States. I believe there are some good fines and jail time for that.... " Mike Putfus

FACT:  Ms. AmyLee is NOT making and selling any Products herself.  Hence, she is not violating the The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990. Any products she speaks of, she is doing so on behalf of a corporation. Regardless, AmyLee has never stated that any product offered by the corporation was "American Indian Made." The Indian Arts and Crafts Act pertains only to those arts and crafts which could be construed as being American Indian in origin, and must thus be clearly marked if they are not made by American Indians.

FACT: Bottled Herbs are not considered a traditional American Indian Made Art or Craft. (Philosophy aside, that is the fact of law.) Her Native Roots Herbals have been offered TO Native Americans for free or at cost. Her Native Roots are NOT being promoted as an "Indian Product, produced by Indians, nor belonging to a specific Tribe nor Indian Arts and Crafts organization."

FACT: TALON, Inc., the corporation which owns the herbal product line called Her Native Roots  does not claim to be selling "American Indian Made" Products. Their website clearly defines "Her" as referring to the Mother Earth; "Native" as referring to the indigenous plants of North, Central and South America; and "Roots" being the herbs themselves. TALON, Inc. is not violating the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990. 

FACT: The Traditional Mohawk Community of Kanatsiohareke consigned Her Native Roots Herbals to custom create products for them - at no profit to the corporation; (perhaps that is how the incorrect conclusion was drawn that the products were "Indian made?" They are not.).

FACT: AmyLee co-created that product formula for the Mohawk Community. She developed the "recipe" but does not produce the products alone, therefore the products are not being marketed as "Indian Made." The Indian Arts and Crafts Act only pertains to those Arts and Crafts objects which are falsely promoted as being "Indian made." Her Native Roots Herbals has never claimed to be "Indian made" ; instead they are "made for Indians!" (They are also offered to the general public, with the profits used to further support Native and Environmental projects.)

FACT: Contrary to Ms. Garcia's wishes,  as posted in Reply #43  the Indian Arts and Crafts Act does not include anything but Arts and Crafts objects - and does not include "services" as much as Ms. Garcia would like it to.  Regardless, neither Ms. AmyLee nor TALON, Inc. are selling anything nor selling any services in violation of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act.

FACT: No where did I read a post that TALON's attorney was "threatening to sue" anyone.  The post only assures the Moderators and Readers that the attorney will be in contact. It is reasonable to deduct that to mean that the cyber-defamation attorney will follow due process and contact you with a request to correct or delete the fraudulant thread. One can reasonably presume that after due process is served, if not satisfied, the time to propose litigation may ensue, if there have been laws violated by this forum and/or its posters. (Even IF litigation is on his mind, he would FIRST follow the established protocol of contacting you with a request to remove the fraudulant and defaming thread, and if refused, you already know he has other options he would likely execute prior to suggesting protracted litigation to his clients.)

FACT: FYI - Character Defamation, Identity Theft, Fraud, Libel, Slander, Threat, Conspiracy, Copyright Infringement are all actionable grounds for litigation. But again, I did not read any post here stating that litigation on any of those grounds was the next logical step. Indeed, to pursue litigation before contacting you with a removal request would weaken the merits of any suit. I read the post to mean that you can expect to hear from TALON'S attorney with a removal request.

FACT: To repeat, as it appears necessary, neither Ms. AmyLee nor TALON, Inc. which owns Her Native Roots Herbals, have violated the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. Both United States and Tribal Courts would thus rule in favor of Ms. AmyLee and TALON, Inc. in this matter of selling objects in violation of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act.

FACT: To continue to wrongfully and unwarrantably accuse either Ms. AmyLee or TALON, Inc.  of violating the Indian Arts and Crafts Act without basis in fact, is fraudulant and willfully misleading.

Those are the FACTS, for anyone interested. (I'm certain someone is.)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 03:49:04 pm by Pat »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #73 on: October 24, 2008, 03:22:32 am »
In other words, you're saying she didn't break the law because-
A) she doesn't claim to be Native on the company site
B) the site doesn't really claim to be selling anything Native either
C) there are loopholes in IACA the company is able to weasel around.

None of those are exactly the high moral ground you're claiming.

And the claim of a lawyer still leaves me underwhelmed. Again, there's not even any proof the company has one.

Nice of you to backpedal though.

FACT- Scwartz still has no proof she is who she claims to be, and lots of evidence against it.

I was sent geneaology of Amylee Schwartz's family lines. They've been traced all the way back to Europe, every last one of them.

Name: Evelyn Mae (Johnson) Swartz biological daughter of Berth Mae (Hunt) Johnson and Charles Elmo Johnson
Birth Date: 19 March 1924 (Historical Events)
Death Date: 24 March 1999 (Historical Events)
Issuing State: Ohio
Residence at Death: Ravenna,Portage,Ohio 44266
Death Benefit Place: Kent,Portage,Ohio 44240
SSN: [removed]
Name: David Lee Swartz (Ferris) adopted
Birth Date: 04 February 1926 (Historical Events)
Death Date: October 1979 (Historical Events)
Issuing State: Ohio
Residence at Death: Ravenna,Portage,Ohio 44266
Death Benefit Place: Kent,Portage,Ohio 44240
SSN: [removed]*,z*&qt=i&zassn=274&zgssn=26&zsssn=4963&highlight=Swartz%2cDavid%2cohio
David Swartz was found in our data volume Ohio, 1780-1970 County & Family Histories

Name: Bertha Mae (Hunt) Johnson
Birth Date: 04 April 1893 (Historical Events)
Death Date: October 1973 (Historical Events)
Issuing State: Ohio
Residence at Death: Kent,Portage,Ohio 44240
SSN: [removed]
Name: Charles  Elmo Johnson
Birth Date: 05 October 1905 (Historical Events)
Death Date: January 1981 (Historical Events)
Issuing State: Ohio
Residence at Death: Ravenna,Portage,Ohio 44266
SSN: [removed]
Bertha Mae Johnson
Born 4/4/1893
East Fallowfield Township
Crawford Pennsylvania
Name: Bertha Johnson
Birth Date: 04 April 1893
Death Date: October 1973
Issuing State: Ohio
Residence at Death: Kent,Portage,Ohio 44240
SSN: [removed]
Name:   Bertha Mae Hunt
Birth:    4 Apr 1893 in East Fallowfield Twp, Crawford Co, Pennsylvania, USA
Death:    16 Oct 1973 in Kent, Portage, Ohio, USA
Name: Elliot Johnson
Birth Date: 28 September 1896
Death Date: March 1966
Issuing State: Ohio
Residence at Death: Columbus,Franklin,Ohio 43215
SSN: [removed]
Name: Homer Johnson
Birth Date: 20 April 1903
Death Date: August 1987 I
ssuing State: Ohio
Residence at Death: Columbus,Franklin,Ohio 43203
SSN: [removed]
Name: Charles Johnson
Birth Date: 05 October 1905
Death Date: January 1981
Issuing State: Ohio
Residence at Death: Ravenna,Portage,Ohio 44266
SSN: [removed]
Margaret Jackson

Great Grand Father
 Jerimiah Jackson
b. October 23, 1816, d. September 12, 1895
Jerimiah Jackson (son of Abraham Jackson and Elizabeth Gelvin) was born October 23, 1816 in East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA, and died September 12, 1895 in East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA. He married Martha Elliott on Abt. 1845 in Crawford County, Pennsylvania, daughter of Thomas Elliott.

More About Jerimiah Jackson:
Date born 2: October 23, 1816
Burial: September 1895, Jackson Cemetary, East Fallowfield Twp, Crawford County, PA.

More About Jerimiah Jackson and Martha Elliott:
Marriage: Abt. 1845, Crawford County, Pennsylvania.

Children of Jerimiah Jackson and Martha Elliott are:
i.   Abraham M. Jackson, b. Abt. 1844, d. February 26, 1873, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.
ii.   Elizabeth Jackson, b. Abt. 1845.
iii.   +Margaret Jackson, b. February 1847, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA, d., Cortland, OH.
iv.   William Jackson, b. Abt. 1849, d. January 18, 1869, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.
v.   Martha J Jackson, b. Abt. 1851, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA, d. February 07, 1880, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.
vi.   Sarah S. Jackson, b. Abt. 1853.
vii.   John C. Jackson, b. Abt. 1859.
viii.   Henry L. Jackson, b. Abt. 1864.


2nd Great Grandmother
Martha Elliott (b. November 15, 1824, d. November 15, 1899)
Martha Elliott (daughter of Thomas Elliott) was born November 15, 1824 in PA, and died November 15, 1899 in East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA. She married Jerimiah Jackson on Abt. 1845 in Crawford County, Pennsylvania, son of Abraham Jackson and Elizabeth Gelvin.

More About Martha Elliott:
Burial: November 1899, Jackson Cemetary, East Fallowfield Twp, Crawford County, PA.

More About Martha Elliott and Jerimiah Jackson:
Marriage: Abt. 1845, Crawford County, Pennsylvania.

Children of Martha Elliott and Jerimiah Jackson are:
i.   Abraham M. Jackson, b. Abt. 1844, d. February 26, 1873, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.
ii.   Elizabeth Jackson, b. Abt. 1845.
iii.   +Margaret Jackson, b. February 1847, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA, d., Cortland, OH.
iv.   William Jackson, b. Abt. 1849, d. January 18, 1869, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.
v.   Martha J Jackson, b. Abt. 1851, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA, d. February 07, 1880, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.
vi.   Sarah S. Jackson, b. Abt. 1853.
vii.   John C. Jackson, b. Abt. 1859.
viii.   Henry L. Jackson, b. Abt. 1864.


2nd Great Grandmother
Elizabeth Thomas
Elizabeth Thomas. She married Samuel Pancoast Hunt, son of Joshua Hunt and Rachel Ross.

Children of Elizabeth Thomas and Samuel Pancoast Hunt are:
i.   Thomas Hunt, b. June 22, 1834.
ii.   John E. Hunt, b. June 22, 1836.
iii.   Elizabeth Hunt, b. Abt. 1840.
iv.   Martha B. Hunt, b. Abt. 1843.
v.   Rachel Hunt, b. Abt. 1845.
vi.   +Samuel P. Hunt, b. August 07, 1848, Morrow (town), Warren County, Ohio.

2nd Great Grandfather
Samuel Pancoast Hunt (b. June 04, 1802)
Samuel Pancoast Hunt (son of Joshua Hunt and Rachel Ross) was born June 04, 1802 in Connellsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth Thomas.

More About Samuel Pancoast Hunt:
Occupation: 1850, Physician, Morrow, Ohio.

Children of Samuel Pancoast Hunt and Elizabeth Thomas are:
i.   Thomas Hunt, b. June 22, 1834.
ii.   John E. Hunt, b. June 22, 1836.
iii.   Elizabeth Hunt, b. Abt. 1840.
iv.   Martha B. Hunt, b. Abt. 1843.
v.   Rachel Hunt, b. Abt. 1845.
vi.   +Samuel P. Hunt, b. August 07, 1848, Morrow (town), Warren County, Ohio.


3rd Great Grandmother
Rachel Ross
Born: 6/4/1802
Rachel Ross. She married Joshua Hunt, son of Robert Hunt and Abigail Pancoast.

Children of Rachel Ross and Joshua Hunt are:
i.   +Samuel Pancoast Hunt, b. June 04, 1802, Connellsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania.
ii.   Source:
3rd Great Grandfather
Joshua Hunt b. abt. 1766
Joshua Hunt (son of Robert Hunt and Abigail Pancoast) was born Abt. 1766 in Belmont County, Evesham Township, Burlington, New Jersey, died in Barnesville OH. He married Rachel Ross.

Children of Joshua Hunt and Rachel Ross are:
i.   +Samuel Pancoast Hunt, b. June 04, 1802, Connellsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania.

3rd Great Grandfather
Thomas Elliot
Thomas Elliottwas born in Stb Crawford County, Pa.

Children of Thomas Elliott are:
i.   +Martha Elliott, b. November 15, 1824, PA, d. November 15, 1899, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.

3rd Great Grandmother
Elizabeth Gelvin (b. 1794, d. 1876)
Elizabeth Gelvin (daughter of Jerimiah Gelvin and Unknown) was born 1794 in Maryland, and died 1876 in East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA. She married Abraham Jackson on Abt. 1816 in East Fallowfield Twp, Crawford County, PA.

 Notes for Elizabeth Gelvin:
Living with son Abel in 1860 census.

More About Elizabeth Gelvin:
Burial: Jackson Cemetary, East Fallowfield Twp, Crawford County, PA.

More About Elizabeth Gelvin and Abraham Jackson:
Marriage: Abt. 1816, East Fallowfield Twp, Crawford County, PA.

Children of Elizabeth Gelvin and Abraham Jackson are:
i.   +Jerimiah Jackson, b. October 23, 1816, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA, d. September 12, 1895, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.
ii.   +John P. Jackson, b. Abt. 1818, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.
iii.   +William W. Jackson, b. 1819, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.
iv.   Mary Jackson, b. 1825.
v.   +Abel Jackson, b. 1829, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA, d. Aft. 1880, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.
vi.   Elizabeth Jackson, b. 1833.

4th Great Grandfather
Jerimiah Gelvin
Jerimiah Gelvin
B 1794 – 1876
BORN IN IRELAND Jerimiah Gelvinwas born in Ireland. He married Unknown in Maryland.

  Notes for Jerimiah Gelvin:
Sometime between 1817 and 1819, Jerimiah Gelvin's wife and infant son were frozen to death in a winter storm when Mrs. Gelvin lost her way when attempting to go from one cabin to another during the storm. In 1817, a young daughter was lost in the woods after visiting her uncle, James Gelvin, where she was given some peaches that she wanted to take home to her mother who was ill. She moved off the known path to avoid another cabin where she thought some of the children would accost her and demand the peaches. Abraham Jackson, who married her sister Elizabeth, found her remains a year or two later beside a log. Identification was made by the clothes she was wearing.

More About Jerimiah Gelvin:
Burial: East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.

More About Jerimiah Gelvin and Unknown:
Marriage: Maryland.

Children of Jerimiah Gelvin and Unknown are:
i.   +Elizabeth Gelvin, b. 1794, Maryland, d. 1876, East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, PA.


4th Great Grandfather
Robert Hunt
Robert Hunt (b. June 01, 1745, d. November 02, 1805)
Robert Hunt (son of Robert Hunt and Abigail Wood) was born June 01, 1745 in New Jersey, and died November 02, 1805 in Ohio. He married Abigail Pancoast on December 19, 1765 in Makefield, Bucks, PA, daughter of Samuel Pancoast and Abigail Copeland.

More About Robert Hunt and Abigail Pancoast:
Marriage: December 19, 1765, Makefield, Bucks, PA.

Children of Robert Hunt and Abigail Pancoast are:
i.   +Joshua Hunt, b. Abt. 1766, Belmont County, Evesham Township, Burlington, New Jersey, d., Barnesville OH.
ii.   William Hunt, b. Abt. 1767, Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey, d., Salem, Ohio.
iii.   Samuel Hunt, b. Abt. 1770, Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey, d. Abt. 1830, Ohio.
iv.   Joseph Hunt, b. Abt. 1775.
v.   Abigail Hunt, b. Abt. 1781, Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey, d., Wooster, Wayne, Ohio.
vi.   John Hunt, b. Abt. 1782, Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey, d. 1813.
vii.   Mary Hunt, b. July 25, 1768, d. September 07, 1818, Salem, Ohio.

4th Great Grandmother
Abigail Pancoast
b. 1766 New Jersey
Abigail Pancoast (b. February 20, 1742/43, d. Abt. 1827)
Abigail Pancoast (daughter of Samuel Pancoast and Abigail Copeland) was born February 20, 1742/43 in Solebury Township, Bucks County, PA, and died Abt. 1827 in Millersbury or Massilion, OH. She married Robert Hunt on December 19, 1765 in Makefield, Bucks, PA, son of Robert Hunt and Abigail Wood.

More About Abigail Pancoast and Robert Hunt:
Marriage: December 19, 1765, Makefield, Bucks, PA.

Children of Abigail Pancoast and Robert Hunt are:
i.   +Joshua Hunt, b. Abt. 1766, Belmont County, Evesham Township, Burlington, New Jersey, d., Barnesville OH.
ii.   William Hunt, b. Abt. 1767, Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey, d., Salem, Ohio.
iii.   Samuel Hunt, b. Abt. 1770, Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey, d. Abt. 1830, Ohio.
iv.   Joseph Hunt, b. Abt. 1775.
v.   Abigail Hunt, b. Abt. 1781, Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey, d., Wooster, Wayne, Ohio.
vi.   John Hunt, b. Abt. 1782, Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey, d. 1813.
vii.   Mary Hunt, b. July 25, 1768, d. September 07, 1818, Salem, Ohio.

5th Great Grandfather
Samuel Pancoast Hunt
B 1708
Samuel Pancoast Hunt (b. June 04, 1802)
Samuel Pancoast Hunt (son of Joshua Hunt and Rachel Ross) was born June 04, 1802 in Connellsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth Thomas.

More About Samuel Pancoast Hunt:
Occupation: 1850, Physician, Morrow, Ohio.

Children of Samuel Pancoast Hunt and Elizabeth Thomas are:
i.   Thomas Hunt, b. June 22, 1834.
ii.   John E. Hunt, b. June 22, 1836.
iii.   Elizabeth Hunt, b. Abt. 1840.
iv.   Martha B. Hunt, b. Abt. 1843.
v.   Rachel Hunt, b. Abt. 1845.
vi.   +Samuel P. Hunt, b. August 07, 1848, Morrow (town), Warren County, Ohio.

5th Great Grandmother
Abigail Copeland
B 1710 Pennsylvania
Abigail Copeland (b. Abt. 1710)
Abigail Copeland was born Abt. 1710 in Chester, PA. She married Samuel Pancoast on March 28, 1734 in Chesterfield, Mm, Burlington, New Jersey.

More About Abigail Copeland and Samuel Pancoast:
Marriage: March 28, 1734, Chesterfield, Mm, Burlington, New Jersey.

Children of Abigail Copeland and Samuel Pancoast are:
i.   Asa Pancoast, b. May 26, 1735, d. September 18, 1836, Mansfield Township, Burlington, New Jersey.
ii.   Joshua Pancoast, b. April 02, 1737, d. October 27, 1769, Philadelphia, PA.
iii.   Hannah Pancoast, b. April 02, 1739.
iv.   Agnes Pancoast, b. August 26, 1741.
v.   +Abigail Pancoast, b. February 20, 1742/43, Solebury Township, Bucks County, PA, d. Abt. 1827, Millersbury or Massilion, OH.
vi.   Samuel Pancoast, b. October 20, 1745.
vii.   Sarah Pancoast, b. February 20, 1747/48, d. February 23, 1749/50, Solebury Township, Bucks County, PA.


5th Great Grandmother
Abigail Wood
B 1715
Abigail Wood (b. Abt. 1715, d. February 22, 1746/47)
Abigail Wood (daughter of Benjamin Wood and Elizabeth Mary Kay) was born Abt. 1715 in New Jersey, and died February 22, 1746/47 in Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey. She married Robert Hunt on December 19, 1733 in Gloucester, New Jersey.

More About Abigail Wood and Robert Hunt:
Marriage: December 19, 1733, Gloucester, New Jersey.

Children of Abigail Wood and Robert Hunt are:
i.   +Robert Hunt, b. June 01, 1745, New Jersey, d. November 02, 1805, Ohio.
ii.   Abigail Hunt, b. February 26, 1736/37.
iii.   John Hunt, b. June 05, 1740.


5th Great Grandmother
Abigail Wood
•  Birth: ABT. 1715 in New Jersey
•  Death: 22 FEB 1746/47 in Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey

5th Great Grandfather
Robert Hunt
Robert Hunt (b. February 21, 1708/09, d. February 29, 1764)
Robert Hunt was born February 21, 1708/09 in New Jersey, and died February 29, 1764 in Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey. He married Abigail Wood on December 19, 1733 in Gloucester, New Jersey, daughter of Benjamin Wood and Elizabeth Mary Kay.

More About Robert Hunt and Abigail Wood:
Marriage: December 19, 1733, Gloucester, New Jersey.

Children of Robert Hunt and Abigail Wood are:
i.   +Robert Hunt, b. June 01, 1745, New Jersey, d. November 02, 1805, Ohio.
ii.   Abigail Hunt, b. February 26, 1736/37.
iii.   John Hunt, b. June 05, 1740.
iv.   •  Birth: 21 FEB 1708/09 in New Jersey
•  Death: 29 FEB 1764 in Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey




5th Great Grandmother
Abigail Copeland
Spouce: William Pancoast Hunt
Birth: ABT 1710 in , Chester, Pennsylvania

5th Great Grandfather
Samuel Pancoast
Birth: Abt 1708

6th Great Grandfather
William Copeland spouse Agnes ? b 1680 in PA
B 1675 Yorkshire PA
•  William COPELAND
•  Sex: M
•  ALIA: William /Cowpland/
•  Birth: ABT 1675 in Yorkshire, England
•  Death: in , Chester, Pennsylvania,
•  Reference Number: 40283

Agnes married to William Copeland

6th Great Grandmother
Agnes Copeland
Spouce: William Copeland born 1675 Pennsylvania
Born 1680 Lancaster PA

6th Great Grandfather
William Copeland
Born 1675 Death: in , Chester, Pennsylvania

6th Great Grandmother ENGLAND
Hannah Scattergood
B 1670 London England
•  Given Name: HANNAH
•  Sex: F
•  Birth: 1670 in Parish of Stepney, London, England
•  Death: Wft Est 1701-1770 in Burlington, 8, NJ

7th Great Grandmother ENGLAND
Elizabeth Jarvis
B 1645 London England
•  Elizabeth JARVIS
•  Given Name: Elizabeth
•  Surname: Jarvis
•  Sex: F
•  Birth: Abt 1645 in Stepney Parish, London

7th Great Grandfather ENGLAND
Thomas Scattergood
B 1639
London England
•  Thomas
•  Surname: Scattergood
•  Sex: M
•  Birth: Abt 1639 in Parish of Stepney, London, England
•  Death: 3 Nov 1697 in Mansfield Twp, Burlington, New Jersey
•  Note:


English Great grandparents: SOURCE:

6th Great Grandfather ENGLAND
William Pancoast Sr.
B 1665 Northhamptonshire England

7th Great Grandfather
B 1706
Benjamin Wood
Benjamin Wood (b. Bef. 1706, d. Abt. 1738)
Benjamin Wood was born Bef. 1706 in Northamptonshire, England, and died Abt. 1738. He married Elizabeth Mary Kay.

Children of Benjamin Wood and Elizabeth Mary Kay are:
i.   +Abigail Wood, b. Abt. 1715, New Jersey, d. February 22, 1746/47, Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey.


6th Great Grandmother
Elizabeth Mary Kay
B 1710
Elizabeth Mary Kay (b. Bef. 1710, d. Aft. 1738)
Elizabeth Mary Kay was born Bef. 1710 in New Jersey, and died Aft. 1738. She married Benjamin Wood.

Children of Elizabeth Mary Kay and Benjamin Wood are:
i.   +Abigail Wood, b. Abt. 1715, New Jersey, d. February 22, 1746/47, Evesham Twp, Burlington, New Jersey.

7th great grandfather
Jerimiah Gelvin
•  Jeremiah GELVIN
•  Sex: M
•  Birth: 2 MAY 1788 in Franklin Co.,Pa.
•  Death: 1862 in Clermont Co.,Oh.
•  Note: Served in war of 1812, with his Brother James of Ripley co., Ind. Was a carpenter.
•  Change Date: 28 DEC 2003 at 09:59:37

Father: James GELVIN b: Abt 1750
Mother: Nancy ?

Marriage 1 Elizabeth MCGINNESS b: 1793 in Straunton,Augusta Co.,Virgina
1.    Emily GELVIN b: 26 MAY 1811 in West Town,Chester,Pennsylvania
2.    William GELVIN b: 4 AUG 1813
3.    Martha GELVIN b: 15 OCT 1815
4.    Margaret GELVIN b: 17 JAN 1817
5.    Elizabeth GELVIN b: 17 MAR 1820
6.    John GELVIN b: 4 MAY 1822
•  Jeremiah GELVIN

8th Great Grandfather James Gelvin
B 1750
•  Abt 1750
•  Death: 1830/1840
•  Note: Was a farmer, served in the Revolutionary War, as a Private Second Class, under Capt. Joseph Culbertson's Third Company, Fourth Battalion, Cumberland Co. Militia. Later moved to Clermont Co., Oh.
•  Change Date: 28 DEC 2003 at 09:56:17

Father: Jeremiah GELVIN b: Abt 1724
Mother: Hannah ?

Marriage 1 Nancy ?

9th Great Grandmother

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #74 on: October 24, 2008, 11:59:29 am »
"If she is not (enrolled), and selling any product to include herself claiming it's American Indian or Native American. Then she is breaking the law here in the United States. I believe there are some good fines and jail time for that.... " Mike Putfus

FACT:  Ms. AmyLee is NOT making and selling any Products herself.  Hence, she is not violating the The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990. Any products she speaks of, she is doing so on behalf of a corporation. Regardless, AmyLee has never stated that any product offered by the corporation was "American Indian Made." The Indian Arts and Crafts Act pertains only to those arts and crafts which could be construed as being American Indian in origin, and must thus be clearly marked if they are not made by American Indians.

FACT: Bottled Herbs are not considered a traditional American Indian Made Art or Craft. (Philosophy aside, that is the fact of law.) Her Native Roots Herbals have been offered TO Native Americans for free or at cost. Her Native Roots are NOT being promoted as an "Indian Product, produced by Indians, nor belonging to a specific Tribe nor Indian Arts and Crafts organization."

FACT: TALON, Inc., the corporation which owns the herbal product line called Her Native Roots  does not claim to be selling "American Indian Made" Products. Their website clearly defines "Her" as referring to the Mother Earth; "Native" as referring to the indigenous plants of North, Central and South America; and "Roots" being the herbs themselves. TALON, Inc. is not violating the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990. 

FACT: The Traditional Mohawk Community of Kanatsiohareke consigned Her Native Roots Herbals to custom create products for them - at no profit to the corporation; (perhaps that is how the incorrect conclusion was drawn that the products were "Indian made?" They are not.).

FACT: AmyLee co-created that product formula for the Mohawk Community. She developed the "recipe" but does not produce the products alone, therefore the products are not being marketed as "Indian Made." The Indian Arts and Crafts Act only pertains to those Arts and Crafts objects which are falsely promoted as being "Indian made." Her Native Roots Herbals has never claimed to be "Indian made" ; instead they are "made for Indians!" (They are also offered to the general public, with the profits used to further support Native and Environmental projects.)

FACT: Contrary to Ms. Garcia's wishes,  as posted in Reply #43  the Indian Arts and Crafts Act does not include anything but Arts and Crafts objects - and does not include "services" as much as Ms. Garcia would like it to.  Regardless, neither Ms. AmyLee nor TALON, Inc. are selling anything nor selling any services in violation of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act.

FACT: No where did I read a post that TALON's attorney was "threatening to sue" anyone.  The post only assures the Moderators and Readers that the attorney will be in contact. It is reasonable to deduct that to mean that the cyber-defamation attorney will follow due process and contact you with a request to correct or delete the fraudulant thread. One can reasonably presume that after due process is served, if not satisfied, the time to propose litigation may ensue, if there have been laws violated by this forum and/or its posters. (Even IF litigation is on his mind, he would FIRST follow the established protocol of contacting you with a request to remove the fraudulant and defaming thread, and if refused, you already know he has other options he would likely execute prior to suggesting protracted litigation to his clients.)

FACT: FYI - Character Defamation, Identity Theft, Fraud, Libel, Slander, Threat, Conspiracy, Copyright Infringement are all actionable grounds for litigation. But again, I did not read any post here stating that litigation on any of those grounds was the next logical step. Indeed, to pursue litigation before contacting you with a removal request would weaken the merits of any suit. I read the post to mean that you can expect to hear from TALON'S attorney with a removal request.

FACT: To repeat, as it appears necessary, neither Ms. AmyLee nor TALON, Inc. which owns Her Native Roots Herbals, have violated the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. Both United States and Tribal Courts would thus rule in favor of Ms. AmyLee and TALON, Inc. in this matter of selling objects in violation of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act.

FACT: To continue to wrongfully and unwarrantably accuse either Ms. AmyLee or TALON, Inc.  of violating the Indian Arts and Crafts Act without basis in fact, is fraudulant and willfully misleading.

Those are the FACTS, for anyone interested. (I'm certain someone is.)

This is an excellent defense of someone who is not Native American, but is mistaken for a Native.

Was that your point here??  The tone of this argument here is "So what if she's not Native...she's not breaking any laws"

The only fact I keep coming back to is WHAT TRIBE IS SHE ENROLLED IN??????

People that claim to have known her for 30 years can't seem to answer that question.  Doesn't look good for Amylee...and that fact alone would get her name taken off this would shut everyone up here, but none of her supporters can produce this information...

So yes....we are interested in facts.  WHAT TRIBE IS SHE ENROLLED IN????

« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 03:45:19 pm by Pat »